win32k.sys mapping address in the session space - windows

My question:
when win32k.sys is loaded into the session space, does it get the same base address in every session?
I'm writing a kernel-mode device driver for Windows (32 bit). It loads as a standard WDM driver into the system space (global kernel-mode memory) during the system boot.
However in some situations I need to access functions exported by win32k.sys. To be exact, I'm writing a sort of a driver that needs sometimes to pretend as a display driver.
I may not statically import those functions (means, import them via executable import table). This is because win32k.sys is loaded during the later stage when sessions are created. Moreover, it's loaded into the session space.
Nevertheless I've found the workaround. During the session creation I import the needed functions dynamically. I use ZwQuerySystemInformation with SystemModuleInformation to find the base address of win32k.sys in the current session. Then using this base address I analyze it to find the export directory of win32k.sys and obtain the needed function pointers.
Currently for every session I keep a separate array of imported functions. However practically those functions are always the same in all the sessions. Means - win32k.sys is mapped into the same address belonging to the session space in every session.
Hence, my question is, is there a guarantee that win32k.sys will be mapped into the same address in all the sessions?
Apart from saving some memory this will make things easier for me. Currently in order to call such a function I need a session-specific context where the function pointers are stored.

My experience is that win32k.sys base address is the same in the context of all processes the driver is mapped. During its initialization, win32k.sys calls ntoskrnl.exe to create Object Type kernel objects for desktops, window stations and possibly other objects used by the driver. These kernel objects must be at the same addresses in context of all processes to keep the kernel data structures consistent (for example, there is an array of pointers to all Object Type objects inside ntoskrnl.exe module).
Moreover, win32k.sys contains a system call table (win32k!W32pServiceTable). Address of the table is, again, stored in a fixed location in ntoskrnl.exe (nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableshadow).
So, if the win32k.sys driver was mapped to different addresses in different session, ntoskrnl.exe must behave the same. And this is not true (such behavior would cause additional problems, for example, with SYSENTER/SYSCALL). But I did not see this fact written in any official documentation.

I am not very sure but I guess the answer is YES. Win32k.sys is just another (special) dll file, and every dll file on Windows has a base address in its PE header. For win32k.sys which is provided by the Windows(I think), the base address should never conflict with other system dll (.sys) files.
To be safe, you can make your program a little bit flexible. At the beginning, you assume the address is same. But you check the address before you actually call it. In that way, the system will not hang because of bad address, at least.


What is there before ImageBase address in Virtual Address?

I know from the Microsoft documentation that the image base is set to 0x140000000 for 64-bit images and it is the base address where the executable file is first loaded into the memory.
So my questions are as follows
What comes before 0x140000000 address and starting of virtual address first page (0x0000000)
What does it mean by executable first loaded? Is it the entry point of the program (which is of course not the main function) or something else
What comes before 0x140000000 address and starting of virtual address first page (0x0000000)
Whatever happens to allocate there, like DLLs, file mappings, heap memory, or this memory can be free. The first page is always inaccessible.
What does it mean by executable first loaded? Is it the entry point of the program (which is of course not the main function) or something else
Loaded means mapped into memory. After it is mapped into memory, its imports are resolved, statically linked DLLs are mapped into memory, their entry points are executed, and only then it comes to the executable entry point. Executable entry point is not really the first function to execute from the executable if it has TLS callbacks.
I don't know the technical reason why the 64-bit default is so high, perhaps just to make sure your app does not have 32-bit pointer truncation bugs with data/code in the module? And it is important to note that this default comes from the Microsoft compiler, Windows itself will accept a lower value. The default for 32-bit applications is 0x00400000 and there are actual hardware and technical reasons for that.
The first page starting at 0 is off limits in most operating systems to prevent issues with de-referencing a NULL pointer. The first couple of megabytes might have BIOS/firmware or other legacy things mapped there.
By first loaded, it means the loader will map the file into memory starting at that address. First the MZ part (DOS header and stub code) and the PE header. After this comes the various sections listed in the PE header.
Most applications are using ASLR these days so the base address will be random and not the preferred address listed in the PE. ntdll and kernel32 are mapped before the exe so if you choose their base address you will also be relocated.

Can someone explain the Windows ZwMapViewOfSection system call so that a noob (me) can understand?

I'm investigating a set of Windows API system calls made by a piece of malware running in a sandbox so that I can understand its malicious intent. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to understand the ZwMapViewOfSection function described in documentation:
Now, I do understand that this function is related to the mapping of physical memory to virtual memory in a page table. Apart from that, I find the documentation arcane and not friendly to beginners. I am also confused why they are calling blocks of physical memory "sections" rather than "frames" (if that is what they are indeed referring to -- its not clear to me). Can anyone provide a more intuitive explanation about this system call and what it does in general? Is this a common system call for programs or is it limited to malware? Thank You.
It is extremely common for normal programs to make this call (not directly of course), every program is going to invoke it multiple times during initialization at the very least (ZwMapViewOfSection is used when performing the memory backing used to implement the executable sections of code itself). Not so common during normal program code but not uncommon either. Particularly common if the program performs dynamic DLL loads but legitimate programs can also do memory-mapped IO for their own reasons.
It operates on memory section objects (I've never really understood that name either) which are one part of the link between disc files and memory-mapped regions, the section is created via ZwCreateSection or opened with ZwOpenSection and then the other part comes into play with ZwMapViewOfSection.
What part of this, exactly, is confusing you? Knowing that would make it far easier to provide an informative response.
As far as I understand it, you have to open the file and acquire a file handle which you then map with CreateFileMapping, which will call NtCreateSection, which calls MmCreateSection. If the file is mapped for the first time a new segment object and control area are created first then depending on whether the section is created for a data, image or page-file backed MiCreateDataFileMap, MiCreateImageFileMap or MiCreatePagingFileMap is called.
MiCreateDataFileMap sets up the subsection object and section object. In the normal case only one subsection is created, but under some special conditions multiple subsections are used, e.g. if the file is very large. For data files, the subsection object field SubsectionBase is left blank. Instead the SegmentPteTemplate field of the segment object is setup properly which can be used to create the PPTEs when necessary. This defers the creation of PPTEs until a view is mapped for the first time which avoids wasting memory when very large data files are mapped. Note a PPTE is a PTE that is serving as a prototype PTE, but an _MMPTE_PROTOTYPE is a PTE that is pointing to a prototype.
MiCreateImageFileMap creates the section object and loads the PE header of the specified file and verifies it then one subsection is created for the PE header and one for each PE section. If a very small image file is mapped then only one subsection is created for the complete file. Besides the subsections also the related PPTEs for each of them are created and their page protection flags are set according to the protection settings of the related PE section. These PPTEs will be used as a template for building the real PTEs when a view is mapped and accessed.
After a section is created it can be mapped into the address space by creating a view from it. The flProtect passed to CreateFileMapping specifies the protection of the section object. All mapped views of the object must be compatible with this protection. You specify dwMaximumSizeLow and dwMaximumSizeHigh to be 0 in order for dwMaximumSizeHigh to be set to the length of the file automatically.
You then pass the returned section object handle to MapViewOfFile, which will calls NtMapViewOfSection on it, which calls MmMapViewOfSegment, which calls MmCreateMemoryArea, which is where the view is mapped into the VAD of the process with the protection dwDesiredAccess supplied to MapViewOfFile, which serves as the protection type for all PTEs that the VAD entry covers. dwNumberOfBytesToMap = 0 and dwFileOffsetLow = 0 in MapViewOfFile maps the whole file.
When a view is mapped, I believe that all of the PTEs are made to point to the prototype PTEs and are given the protection of the PPTE. For an image file, the PPTEs have already been initialised to subsection PTEs. For a data file, the PPTEs for the view need to be initialised to subsection PTEs. The VAD entry for the view is now created. The VAD entry protection isn't always reflective of the protection of the PTEs it covers, because it can cover multiple subsections and multiple blocks within those subsections.
The first time an address in the mapping is actually accessed, the subsection prototype PTE is filled in on demand with the allocated physical page filled with the I/O write for that range and the process PTE is filled in with that same address. For an image, the PPTE was already filled in when the subsections were created along with protection information derived from the section header characteristics in the image, and it just fills in the PTE with that address and the protection information in it.
When the PTE is trimmed from the process working set, the working set manager accesses the PFN to locate the PPTE address, decreases the share count, and it inserts the PPTE address into the PTE.
I'm not sure when a VAD PTE (which have a prototype bit and prototype address of 0xFFFFFFFF0000 and is not valid) occurs. I would have thought the PPTEs are always there at their virtual address and can be pointed to as soon as the VAD entry is created.

How OS catches illegal memory references at paging scheme?

I am trying to understand how the OS catches all illegal memory access in a system which uses Paging. (32 bits, x86, Paging enabled).
To be more specific, let's suppose I have a tiny App which is just 1 Page in size. Considering that a MS OS take the upper half of the 'virtual memory address space' and that my tiny EXE occupies just 4k of lower half of VMAS, then:
1) How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
2) How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
Any advice or comment is wellcome.
Just to make things clear, the answer (compiled form all generous contributions) is:
In order to catch an illegal reference for unallocated memory, the VMAS for the App should be marked as User & Non-Present and the rest of the VMAS should be marked as Kernel & Non-Present.
(Of course, allocated memory is with User attribute. Take note that User & Non-Present is at 'process creation' before its first run!. After that it changes to User & Present).
That way the hardware monitor will catch any access outside of the App boundary!!!
And the Page Fault handler will assume an illegal access because no User code is allowed to access (read/write) a Kernel page.
[VMAS= Virtual Memory Address Space]
1) How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
A sequence of events has to take place. The processor takes as inputs (a) the logical page being accessed; (b) the type of access; and (c) the processor mode to determine whether an access is valid.
Is there a page table entry for the page? If not => access violation
Is the page table entry marked valid?
The processing here is system specific, depending upon whether the page tables can distinguish between an invalid page table entry and an valid entry that is not mapped to a page frame. In the former case => access violation. In the latter case, it triggers a page fault and the OS has to determine whether to trigger an access violation or load the page.
Does the page table permit the type of access for the current processor mode? If not => access violation.
If the hardware triggers an access violation exception, it switches to kernel mode and invokes the OS's access violation handler.
2) How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
Operating systems provide system services for mapping memory into the process address space. Generally, the program loader reads the instructions in the EXE file and calls page mapping system services to set up the initial state of the application.
When this occurs depends upon the operating system. In eunuchs-land, a process is a clone of its parent. The running of a program takes place in an exec___ system call. Some operating system have a background command processor that allows multiple applications to be run sequentially within a single process.
From there, it is up to the application to manage the pages mapped to its address space. That is done by calling system services. For example "malloc" calls will cause the application to use system services to map pages.
The initial state of the application is likely to have holes of invalid user addresses. In fact, the range of valid addresses is not likely to be contiguous within the logical address space.
Each page has, among others, the following attributes: Present and Read/Write.
Accessing a page that is not present, or writing a read-only page, generates a privileged event called a page fault. This event takes the form of the CPU executing a specific routine that the OS set up.
Hence the OS is informed of the event and the attempt that was made.
The structures used to implement paging are hierarchical: pages are grouped into directories, and directory into higher directories. There are usually four levels.
Like in a file system, only the directories needed to reach the specific page need to be created.
A definitive source of information is the Intel manuals, specifically the third volume.
This answer intentionally uses simplified words.
How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
A page fault is raised and the page fault handler gets executed. In the case of an invalid memory access it terminates the program. In the case of an access of swapped memory, it restores the memory contents from the disk into the main memory again and lets the program continue.
How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
On x86, there are two-level page structures: page directories and page tables. Assuming your program fits in a single page, the OS will initialise a page directory that contains only one valid entry pointing to a page table, and only one valid entry pointing to the page containing the needed memory.

Modifying Linux process page table for physical memory access without system call

I am developing a real-time application for Linux 3.5.7. The application needs to manage a PCI-E device.
In order to access the PCI-E card spaces, I have been using mmap in combination with /dev/mem. However (please correct me if I am wrong) each time I read or write the mapped memory, a system call is required for the /dev/mem pseudo-driver to handle the memory access.
To avoid the overhead of this system call, I think it should be possible to write a kernel module so that, within e.g. a ioctl call I can modify the process page table, in order to map the physical device pages to userspace pages and avoid the system call.
Can you give me some orientation on this?
Thanks and regards
However (please correct me if I am wrong) each time I read or write the mapped memory, a system call is required
You are wrong.
it should be possible to write a kernel module so that, within e.g. a ioctl call I can modify the process page table
This is precisely what mmap() does.

Mapping of Page allocated to user process in Kernel virtual address space

When a page is created for a process (which will be mapped into process address space), will that page be mapped into kernel address space ?
If not, then it won't have kernel virtual address. Then how the swapper will find the page and swap that out, if a need arises ?
If we're talking about the x86 or similar (in terms of page translation) architectures, at any given time there's one virtual address space and normally one part of it is reserved for the kernel and the other for user-mode processes.
On a context switch between two processes only the user-mode part of the virtual address space changes.
With such an organization, the kernel always has full access to the current user-mode process, because, again, there's only one current virtual address space at any moment for both the kernel and a user-mode process, it's not two, it's one. So, the kernel doesn't really have to have another, extra mapping for user-mode pages. But that's not the main point.
The main point is that the kernel keeps some sort of statistics for every page that if needed can be saved to the disk and reused elsewhere. The CPU marks each page's page table entry (PTE) as accessed when the page is first read from or written to and as dirty when it's first written to.
The kernel scans the PTEs periodically, reads the accessed and dirty markers to update said statistics and clears accessed and dirty so it can detect a change in them later (of course, if any). Based on this statistics it determines which pages are rarely used or long unused and can be repurposed.
If the "swapper" runs in the context of the current process and if it runs in the kernel, then in theory it has enough information from the kernel (the list of rarely used or long unused pages to save and unmap if dirty or just unmap if not dirty) and sufficient access to the pages of interest.
If the "swapper" itself runs as a user-mode process, things become more complicated because it doesn't have access to another process' pages by default and has to either create a mapping or ask the kernel do some extra work for it in the context of the process of interest.
So, finding rarely used and long unused pages and their addresses occurs in the kernel. The CPU helps by automatically marking PTEs as accessed and dirty. There may need to be an extra mapping to dirty pages if they get saved to the disk not in the context of the process that owns them.
