I am using AOP framework SNAP to intercept my methods.
Every time i am in debug and stepping through code it enters the interceptor.
How can I surpass (ignore) this interceptor so when I do F11 (step into) my method, I go straight to my method not first the interceptor.
Is there a visual studio setting to allow bypassing some methods when debugging?
Have you tried decorating your interceptor class or method with the DebuggerStepThroughAttribute?
In the Jersey documentation, Example 16.2 shows an example of injecting a SecurityContext into a Jersey resource singleton.
Surely the docs are correct, and the example given is indeed thread safe.
I suspect that the injection of the SecurityContext happens exactly once, and when getUserPrincipal() is called, perhaps it picks up user data from some structure that is attached to the thread itself (maybe a ThreadLocal object?). That's the only way I can see that the correct user info be served to the end user when there are a ton of threads competing.
Can anyone confirm this behavior, or otherwise explain the thread safety of the Jersey example?
Dynamic Proxies are used with a ThrealLocal backing. This is kinda explained in the JAX-RS spec, in regards to some request scoped injectable objects (See this post for spec quote)
I suspect that the injection of the SecurityContext happens exactly once
Yes this is true, but what's injected is actually a proxy. You can print out the class name and you will see that it is actually a Proxy. The first link in this post explains how it works. When you call methods on the proxy, it delegate the calls to the thread local security context.
See also:
Dynamic Proxies and Dependency Injection.
I have some perplexity about the SecurityContext propagation in Spring Integration.
Here is the point of the documentation:
My perplexity are the following:
(1) To be sure that our interaction with the application is secure,
according to its security system rules, we should supply some security
context with an authentication (principal) object. The Spring
Security project provides a flexible, canonical mechanism to
authenticate our application clients over HTTP, WebSocket or SOAP
protocols (as can be done for any other integration protocol with a
simple Spring Security extension) and it provides a SecurityContext
for further authorization checks on the application objects, such as
message channels. By default, the SecurityContext is tied with the
current Thread's execution state using the
(ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy). It is accessed by an AOP
interceptor on secured methods to check if that principal of the
invocation has sufficent permissions to call that method, for example.
This works well with the current thread, but often, processing logic
can be performed on another thread or even on several threads, or on
to some external system(s).
This means that the SecurityContext (normally) is accessible only for the current Thread. Right?
So, how to make it accessible for another thread of another application (integrated with Spring Integration) ?
(2) Standard thread-bound behavior is easy to configure if our application is built on the Spring Integration components and its
message channels. In this case, the secured objects may be any
service activator or transformer, secured with a
MethodSecurityInterceptor in their
(see Section 8.8, “Adding Behavior to Endpoints”) or even
MessageChannel (see Section D.2, “Securing channels” above). When
using DirectChannel communication, the SecurityContext is available
automatically, because the downstream flow runs on the current thread.
But in case of the QueueChannel, ExecutorChannel and
PublishSubscribeChannel with an Executor, messages are transferred
from one thread to another (or several) by the nature of those
channels. In order to support such scenarios, we can either transfer
an Authentication object within the message headers and extract and
authenticate it on the other side before secured object access.
Or, we can propagate the SecurityContext to the thread receiving the
transferred message.
This means that we have to extract the Principal manually? If yes, how?
Or it's enough to use the propagation aspect, from 4.2 version?
(3) Starting with version 4.2 SecurityContext propagation has been
introduced. It is implemented as a
SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor, which can simply be
added to any MessageChannel or configured as a
#GlobalChannelInterceptor. The logic of this interceptor is based on
the SecurityContext extraction from the current thread from the
preSend() method, and its populating to another thread from the
postReceive() (beforeHandle()) method. Actually, this interceptor
is an extension of the more generic
ThreadStatePropagationChannelInterceptor, which wraps the
message-to-send together with the state-to-propagate in an internal
Message extension - MessageWithThreadState, - on one side and
extracts the original message back and state-to-propagate on another.
The ThreadStatePropagationChannelInterceptor can be extended for any
context propagation use-case and
SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor is a good sample on the
"Starting with version 4.2 SecurityContext propagation has been introduced." => Ok, very well.
But: "It is implemented as a SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor, which can simply be added to any MessageChannel or configured as a #GlobalChannelInterceptor."
What does it mean? I have to implement an interceptor that extends "SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor" ?
What I have to "add" in my <int:channel> configuration?
And if I use <int:channel-interceptor> (the same of #GlobalChannelInterceptor), it's different from using <int:interceptors> ?
Other perplexity:
"The logic of this interceptor is based on the SecurityContext extraction from the current thread from the preSend() method, and its populating to another thread from the postReceive()
(beforeHandle()) method."
But why there are a "obtainPropagatingContext" method and a "populatePropagatedContext" method in the SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor class?
Where is made the propagation? In the preSend() / postReceive() methods, or in those two methods?
Furthermore, I tried to propagate the SecurityContext to an external application, without success...
Any explanations about this argument would be appreciated.
You have a lot of questions here, but let me try to answer to them.
What does it mean? I have to implement an interceptor that extends "SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor" ?
No, there is such an interceptor in the Framework out-of-the-box. What you have to do to understand how to add interceptor to MessageChannel: http://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/messaging-channels-section.html#channel-configuration-interceptors.
Or like this:
#GlobalChannelInterceptor(patterns = {
"publishSubscribeChannel" })
public ChannelInterceptor securityContextPropagationInterceptor() {
return new SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor();
See their JavaDocs for more information.
But why there are a "obtainPropagatingContext" method and a "populatePropagatedContext" method in the SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor class?
SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor extends ThreadStatePropagationChannelInterceptor<Authentication> , where obtainPropagatingContext and populatePropagatedContext are just generic method to extract some current State in the preSend() (on Thread) and provide that State for population/manipulation in the postReceive(), which may happen in the different Thread.
Yes, SecurityContext is thread-bound in Spring Security and the logic to be sure that we can perform a secured function is fully based on the ThreadLocal variable. That's why we have to transfer it that way. The "propagation" is a process not state.
Not sure what you mean about "external application", but there is only one mechanism to do that: send credentials together with the request to that application.
I am new to Spring and currently working on a spring application.
I am very confused regarding the spring interceptor and Interceptor in Spring security.
I have below doubts.
1. What is the use of Interceptor ? Is it used to modify the requested url or to validate the url ?
2. Is it possible that through interceptor i can modify my url /Test/MyTest to /Test/Intercept/MyTest ?
3. If Interceptor is only used to vaidate the url then only by url-pattern=/"somevalue" it will work or need to implement Interceptorhandler ?
Please help me out to understand these basic functionalities of interceptor.
I went through lot of sites but still not clear about all these concepts.
An interceptor is somewhat like a filter. A filter processes the request and response around a servlet and an interceptor processes the request and optionally the model around a spring controller. Common uses are pre-processing a request to ensure that a condition is realized (preHandle), or populating the model with attributes common to different controller methods (postHandle). afterCompletion is mainly used to perform cleanup at the end of request processing.
Actually interceptor can do three things
preHandle(…) – called just before the action
postHandle(…) – called immediately after the action
afterCompletion(…) – called just before sending response to view
Best example of prehandle is-checking whether the user is logged in or not.
Hope you have got some idea of interceptor
Spring MVC Interceptor is similar to Servlet Fiter Concept. Spring MVC provides ability to define set of classes called interceptor which will be called before and after a request being served. Interceptor will implement HandlerInterceptor which following thee methods need to be implemented:
preHandle() : Called before the handler execution
postHandle() : Called after the handler execution
afterCompletion() : Called after the complete request has finished
There is a good tutorial by MKYONG which I recommend you to have a look at it that I found it helpful in understanding the fundamental concept of interceptor. Hope that helps to get you started.
I am using Ninject in MVC3 application.
One of my resolvable dependencies makes use of HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data")
Back when I was initializing an IoC container in Global.asax (Application_Start), I was able to just define in my module configuration:
.WithConstructorArgument("basePath", HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"));
Since my module was being initialized from the same thread as the Application, HttContext.Current wasn't null.
Then I had to move my Dependency Injection initialization to an PreAppStart method, using the WebActivator. Since the HttContext is not yet available in this scenario, I had to remove the parameter initialization of my dep.
I had worked around the problem by resoling the HttpContext inside my class instance at runtime. But it turns out it was possible only as long as the instance was being called from the Request Thread. As soon as I have moved the resolved instance call to a separate thread (not to be halting the Controllers' ActionResult generation), I arrived at the same problem - no longer able to get HttpContext. How can I resolve it in my scenario?
P.S. Just figured out I still can just call a method on my dependency from Global.asax Application start and feed the HttpContext from there. Nevertheless, let me know which is the best way to do it.
There should be a way in Ninject to register the dependency in a lazy way using a delegate. This way it will only resolve it when you access the dependency.
Here is how I do it using StructureMap:
For<HttpContextBase>().Use(c => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
As far as accessing the HttpContext from a different thread, you can use the AsyncManager.Sync(d) method that takes a delegate and runs it in the ASP .NET worker process.
I was using the default AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my application. Authentication is performed via an AuthenticationService (since I'm also supporting other forms of membership like OpenID).
My AuthenticationService takes a MembershipProvider as a constructor parameter and I am injecting the dependency using StructureMap like so:
This will use the MembershipProvider configured in web.config. All this works great.
However, now I have rolled my own MembershipProvider that makes use of a repository class. Since the MembershipProvider isn't exactly IoC friendly, I added the following code to the MembershipProvider.Initialize method:
_membershipRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IMembershipRepository>();
However, this raises an exception, like StructureMap hasn't been initialized (cannot get instance of IMembershipRepository). However, if I remove the code and put breakpoints at my MembershipProvider's initialize method and my StructureMap bootstrapper, it does appear that StructureMap is configured before the MembershipProvider is initialized.
My only workaround so far is to add the above code to each method in the MembershipProvider that needs the repository. This works fine, but I am curious as to why I can't get my instance in the Initialize method. Is the MembershipProvider performing some internal initialization that runs before any of my own application code does?
Yes, the provider is initialized by the ASP.Net runtime when the AppDomain is spun up, far in advance of any execution of your code.
You will need to choose another point to do your composition, perhaps in Global.Application_???.