Ruby: parse csv data to pdf - ruby

I am using prawn gem to generate pdf document
how one can parse data from csv to pdf
i have used the code some thing like this
Prawn::Document.generate("user.pdf", :page_layout => :landscape) do
exa_url = "D:/userReport.csv"
csv_data = open(exa_url).read.lines.to_a
headers = CSV.parse(csv_data[6]).first
body = CSV.parse(csv_data[7..-1].join)
table body, :headers => headers, :font_size =>10, :position=>:centere
it me gives an error,
Is there any other approach, or other advice to fix this

headers = CSV.parse(csv_data[6]).first doesn't mention pos, but your error message does. So you are looking at some error inside CSV.parse (I guess).
Most likely your csv_data Array doesn't contain what you think it does or is otherwise invalid.
In other words, it sounds like you're dealing solely with an issue of parsing CSV data. Try reducing your code to a simpler case and investigate your CSV data.
Good luck.

Sounds like you have an issue with opening your CSV file. I'd recommend doing some irb detective work and making sure csv_data = open(exa_url).read.lines.to_a is working. Sounds like you're trying to interact with csv_data and it's nil.


Ruby and Excel Data Extraction

I am learning Ruby and trying to manipulate Excel data.
my goal:
To be able to extract email addresses from an excel file and place them in a text file one per line and add a comma to the end.
my ideas:
i think my answer lies in the use of spreadsheet and
What I am looking for is direction. I would like to hear any tips or rather hints to accomplish my goal. thanks
Please do not post exact code only looking for direction would like to figure it out myself...
thanks, karen
So, regex seems to be able to find all matching strings and store them into an array. I´m having some trouble setting that up but should be able to figure it out....but for right now to get started I will extract only the column labeled "E Mail"..... the question I have now is:
`parse_csv = CSV.parse(read_csv, :headers => true)`
The default value for :skip_blanks is set to false.. I need to set it to true but nowhere can I find the correct syntax for doing so... I was assumming something like
`parse_csv = CSV.parse(read_csv, :headers => true :skip_blanks => true)`
But no.....
save your excel file as csv (comma separated value) and work with Ruby's libraries
besides spreadsheet (which can read and write), you can read Excel and other file types with with RemoteTable.
gem install remote_table
require 'remote_table'
t ='/path/to/file.xlsx', headers: :first_row)
when you write the CSV, as #aug2uag says, you can use ruby's standard library (no gem install required):
require 'csv'
puts [name, email].to_csv
Personally, I'd keep it as simple as possible and use a CSV.
Here is some pseudocode of how that would work:
read in your file line by line
extract your fields using regex, or cell count (depending on how consistent the email address location is), and insert into an arry
iterate through the array and write the values in the fashion you wish (to console, or file)
The code in the comment you had is a great start, however, puts will only write to console, not file. You will also need to figure out how you are going to know you are getting the email address.
Hope this helps.

Uploading and parsing text document in Rails

In my application, the user must upload a text document, the contents of which are then parsed by the receiving controller action. I've gotten the document to upload successfully, but I'm having trouble reading its contents.
There are several threads on this issue. I've tried more or less everything recommended on these threads, and I'm still unable to resolve the problem.
Here is my code:
file_data = params[:file]
contents = ""
if file_data.respond_to?(:read)
contents =
if file_data.respond_to?(:path), 'r').each_line do |line|
elts = line.split
So here are my problems:
file_data doesn't 'respond_to?' either :read or :path. According to some other threads on the topic, if the uploaded file is less than a certain size, it's interpreted as a string and will respond to :read. Otherwise, it should respond to :path. But in my code, it responds to neither.
If I try to take out the if statements and straight away attempt, 'r'), I get an error saying that the file wasn't found.
Can someone please help me find out what's wrong?
PS, I'm really sorry that this is a redundant question, but I found the other threads unhelpful.
Are you actually storing the file? Because if you are not, of course it can't be found.
First, find out what you're actually getting for file_data by adding debug output of file_data.inspect. It maybe something you don't expect, especially if form isn't set up correctly (i.e. :multipart => true).
Rails should enclose uploaded file in special object providing uniform interface, so that something as simple as this should work: do |line|
elts = line.split

Rails 3 - Export to Excel with gridlines

What can I add to this method to force full gridlines in Excel export?
def export_invoices
headers['Content-Type'] = "application/"
headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="Invoices.xls"'
headers['Cache-Control'] = ''
#invoices = Invoice.all
render :layout => nil
Hmm, lots of things going on here that I don't think make sense. The line
#invoices = Invoice.all
results in SQL like SELECT "invoices".* FROM "invoices" -- the * means you want all columns from the table, and the .all means you want all the invoices, not just one. Unless the contents of the table is a single column binary type, I cannot see this working, since Excel's file format is vendor-specific binary (I think!).
Are you using some gem like paperclip or other to handle saving files? Unless you are manipulating the actual excel data from within Rails (perhaps with a gem that knows how to do this), either the file was saved with gridlines on, or not.
This page describes how you can format your Excel file using XML.
If I understand you question correctly, you are looking to style the output in excel. To do that you need to actually generate an office open XML document, not dump CSV with application headers.
Have a look at these two gems
They should give you what you want.

Using Ruby CSV to extract one column

I've been trying to work with getting a single column out of a csv file.
I've gone through the documentation,
but still don't really understand how to use it.
If I use CSV.table, the response is incredibly slow compared to I admit the dataset I'm loading is quite large, which is exactly the reason I only want to get a single column from it.
My request is simply currently looks like this
#dataTable = CSV.table('path_to_csv.csv')
and when I debug I get a response of
#<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:2104 >
The documentation says I should be able to use by_col(), but when I try to output
<%= debug #dataTable.by_col('col_name or index') %>
It gives me "undefined method 'col' error"
Can somebody explain to me how I'm supposed to use CSV? and if there is a way to get columns faster using 'read' instead of 'table'?
I'm using Ruby 1.92, which says that it is using fasterCSV, so I don't need to use the FasterCSV gem.
To pluck a column out of a csv I'd probably do something like the following:
col_data = []
CSV.foreach(FILENAME) {|row| col_data << row[COL_INDEX]}
That should be substantially faster than any operations on CSV.Table
You can get the values from single column of the csv files using the following snippet.
#dataTable = CSV.table('path_to_csv.csv')

save/edit array in and outside ruby

I am having an array like "author","post title","date","time","post category", etc etc
I scrape the details from a forum and I want to
save the data using ruby
update the data using ruby
update the data using text editor or I was thinking of one of OpenOffice programs? Calc would be the best.
I guess to have some kind of SQL database would be a solution but I need quick solution for that (somthing that I can do by myself :-)
any suggestions?
Thank you
YAML is your friend here.
require "yaml"
yaml= ["author","post title","date","time","post category"].to_yaml"filename", "w") do |f|
this will give you
- author
- post title
- date
- time
- post category
vice versa you get
require "yaml"
YAML.load("filename")) # => ["author","post title","date","time","post category"]
Yaml is easily human readable, so you can edit it with any text editor (not word proccessor like ooffice). You can not only searialize array's and strings. Yaml works out of the box for most ruby objects, even for objects of user defined classes. This is a good itrodution into the yaml syntax:
If you want to use a spreadsheet, csv is the way to go. You can use the stdlib csv api like:
require 'csv'
my2DArray = [[1,2],["foo","bar"]]'data.csv', 'w') do |outfile|
CSV::Writer.generate(outfile) do |csv|
my2DArray.each do |row|
csv << row
You can then open the resulting file in calc or in most statistics applications.
The same API can be used to re-import the result in ruby if you need.
You could serialize it to json and save it to a file. This would allow you to edit it using a simple text editor.
if you want to edit it in something like calc, you could consider generating a CSV (comma separated values) file and import it.
If I understand correctly, you have a two-dimensional array. You could output it in csv format like so:
array.each do |row|
puts row.join(",")
Then you import it with Calc to edit it or just use a text editor.
If your data might contain commas, you should have a look at the csv module instead:
