jPlayer not working in Firefox and IE - jquery-plugins

Hi Ive used jPlayer plugin and its working in chrome but not in IE and Firefox
can anyone help me to get this thing to work, here is the working demo ,
the music should be automatically playing,
I already ask support at the jplayer plugin forum about this, but nothing came out good.
I check already the plugin documentation but I cant still able to fix it.
any suggestion?
the Fix is, I correct the url swf file , case close, this topic is ok already.
Silly Me.


jQuery Plugin Galleriffic working locally in chrome - but not online

under Demo Gallery i've a small gallery running - using the jQuery Plugin Galleriffic.
I developed it in chrome locally. There everything works fine.
But when i upload it, in Chrome are no pictures shown. That's really strange, because safari, firefox, ... are showing it as wanted.
Can anyone give me a hint what's the problem here?
ok now i found the error..
it was only adblock...! after disabling it, it works fine!
adblock thought my pics are ads, because they were in the folder "ads". Stupid error on my part.

Uploadify 2.1.4 not working in IE8

I have a very annoying problem with uploadify (2.1.4). My application is working in FF, Chrome, IE9 & 10 but not in IE8. I can see my browse button and I'm able to select all the files I'd like but uploadify won't start uploading the files nor are they shown in the queue.
Now here comes the weird part: whenever I clear my browers history, cookies and temporary internet files, uploadify works fine once. So only once. The second time I try, I get the exact same problem as before.
My QueueId != "queue" so this is not the problem.
I've been trying to find a solution for hours now and I'm about to give up so I hope someone here can help me. I can post my code here if it's needed but I don't know if it would do you any good since everything is working fine except in IE8.
Edit: I'm using jquery-1.9.1

MediaElement.js error in IE8

I'm looking to use mediaelement.js to show some HTML5 audio players on a page. Everything seems to be working great in Chrome/FF, but not in IE8.
The flash fallback .swf file is in the same folder as my mediaelement-and-player.min.js, so that's not the issue. I've tried script tags in the (where they are now) and before the , but that doesn't help.
Any thoughts as to why IE isn't functioning here would be much appreciated!
This bug is now solved in the latest version of mediaelement-and-player.min.js. Make sure you have version 2.9.3 installed.
Full details discussed in this github issue:

Soundclound embed failed in firefox

I found a bug with the SoundCloud embed. Randomly, the sound does not start on Firefox (3.6 to 12)
Everything works fine on Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
You can see it here:
Any idea ?
Weird. I'm able to reproduce it on the site, but when embedding the same widget in another page it works fine. I'll forward it to our widget developers and see if they have an clue.

Getting embedded google docs viewer to work under IE 7,8

Wanted to throw this question out to see if there's been any solutions as the Google Doc viewer is amazing.
Creating an iframe with an embedded Google Docs viewer does not work in IE 7,8.
Does anyone have a work around?
I have the same problem, but didn't think it was acceptable to have to ask users to add the URL to their trusted sites in IE.
Luckily I came across the following post:
The embedded version of Google Docs Viewer (gview) will not load its images correctly if third party cookies are disabled. This problem is an issue for most IE users as by default it will be disabled. Below I provide a work around to this problem for at least until google adds a p3p. The original discussion of the issue can be found at google docs help forum.
I've tried this out and it works in IE8, IE7 and IE6.
I just tried an iframe targeting in IE7 and it is working.
But I have ChromeFrame installed in IE - maybe that's the reason it is working for me!
I tested displaying PDFs in Google Viewer with IE8 with following settings.
You may see the solution at
