Jersey JSONConfiguration FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING - how to skip unwanted entries during deserialization - jersey

I'm defining pojos for facebook objects, which can be consumed by clients who dont have the capacity to parse JSON. Some of the FB object's data structure is loosely defined, like work
"location":{"id":"xxxxxxxxx","name":"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"}
"with":[{"id":"xxxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Dogbert Smith"}]}
My question is how to skip these objects while deserializing. I'm using
ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
config.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
Is there a way I can customize what to deserialize?
Thanks for any pointers.

I found the solution. Added #JsonIgnoreProperties to the pojo for which I need to ignore some properties. Works great.


jackson - root element read Tree vs pojo

Hi I want to parse a json that i retrieve by hitting an legacy system, and build a response json. We are using Spring Boot having a jackson dependency. The problem i have is almost 75% of fields from legacy can be mapped directly or on basis of simple rules (0: false, 1:true). But, there are some complex rules as well like based on certain conditions and data present in some fields, we can map them to a nested object etc. To cater to this requirement which approach should we consider -
POJO approach to fetch the data from legacy target. Use bean util. copyproperties to populate the response bean (75% of properties), and then apply the business transformations on this POJO to tranform based on business logic. (Would we need two pojos here a. to copy from beanutil.copyproperties and then b. create final response dto ??)
Do not use pojo directly parse the JSON apply the transformations and then create a new POJO or response DTO. (But, this may not be generic solution and would need to be done on case by case basis).
Main considerations are approach should be fast, and generic to be applied like a framework. Thanks aakash
The considerations should be like below:
- Are the POJOs reusable?
- Is the JSON multilevel and very large?
If the answer is yes for both, then better to choose POJOs for cleaner implementation. Otherwise JsonObject parsing.
Hope this will help.

Spring boot deserialization for two models

I want to deserialize json into two models which are not related, after some research about custom deserialization in JACKSON I cannot see how I can do it?
I know I can solve the issue by creating a wrapper model for the two models but isnt there a way to deserialize on the fly without JACKSON?
I can use ObjectMapper twice for the same json input. you may need some annotation like
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
on the producer side can help too.
if you give us your two models ?

Programmatic way to build a hal+json from a list with certain object in spring-rest / Jackson

For testing purposes im searching for a elegant and less error prune way to build a hal+json data structure based on a Java list of certain objects.
Currently im using a quite huge ugly String for mapping/defining a expected hal+json data structure. I could place this of course also into a file but still imho its a bit error prune. As soon as a object/property would change i also would need to change my hard coded hal+json string/file...
Does anybody knows a helper class or something what could help to build the hal+json based on Java objects?
Spring HATEOAS helps you with generation of hal+json response .
you have to take care of following configuration
on any spring configuration class add #EnableHypermediaSupport(type = { HypermediaType.HAL })
2.make sure that you have Jackson library on classpath
3.Java object extends ResourceSupport or you wrap java object around Resource.
more details on Resource
4.This should generate hal+json response.
5.Add specific links to resource like self , to other resources .
Please click here for more details on Links

How to add a custom ContentHander for JAXB2 support in Spring 3 (MVC)?

Scenario: I have a web application that uses Spring 3 MVC. Using the powerful new annotations in Spring 3 (#Controller, #ResponseBody etc), I have written some domain objects with #XML annotations for marhalling ajax calls to web clients. Everything works great. I declared my Controller class to have a return type #ResponseBody with root XML object - the payload gets marshalled correctly and sent to Client.
The problem is that some data in the content is breaking the XML compliance. I need to wrap this with CDATA when necessary. I saw a POST here How to generate CDATA block using JAXB? that recommends using a custom Content Handler. Ok, fantastic!
public class CDataContentHandler extends (SAXHandler|XMLSerializer|Other...) {
// see
private static final Pattern XML_CHARS = Pattern.compile("[<>&]");
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
boolean useCData = XML_CHARS.matcher(new String(c,start,length)).find();
if (useCData) super.startCDATA();
super.characters(ch, start, length);
if (useCData) super.endCDATA();
Using Spring MVC 3, how do I achieve this? Everything was "auto-magically" done for me with regards to the JAXB aspects of setup, Spring read the return type of the method, saw the annotations of the return type and picked up JAXB2 off the classpath to do the marshalling (Object to XML conversion). So where on earth is the "hook" that permits a user to register a custom Content Handler to the config?
Using EclipseLink JAXB implementation it is as easy as adding #XmlCDATA to the Object attribute concerned. Is there some smart way Spring can help out here / abstract this problem away into a minor configuration detail?
I know Spring isn't tied to any particular implementation but for the sake of this question, please can we assume I am using whatever the default implementation is. I tried the Docs here but it barely helped at all with this question from what I could understand.
Thanks all for any replies, be really appreciated.
Thanks for the suggested answer below Akshay. It was sufficient to put me on right tracks. Investigating further, I see there is a bit of history with this one between Spring version 3.05 and 3.2. In Spring 3.05 it used to be quite difficult to register a custom MessageConverter (this is really the goal here).
This conversation pretty much explains the thinking behind the development changes requested:
Here is a link to the typically required class override to build a cusom solution:
And the following Question on stack overflow is very similar to what I was asking for (except the #ResponseBody discussion relates to JSON and jackson) - the goal is basically the same.
Spring 3.2 and Jackson 2: add custom object mapper
So it looks like usage of , and overriding MarshallingHttpMessageConverter is needed, registering to AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter. There is a recommended solution in link above to also get clever with this stuff and wrap the whole thing behind a custom defined Annotation.
I haven't yet developed a working solution but since I asked the questions, wanted to at least post something that may help others with the same sort of question, to get started. With all due respect, although this has all improved in Spring 3.2, it's still bit of a dogs dinner to get a little customization working... I really was expecting a one liner config change etc.
Rather than twist and bend Spring, perhaps the easiest answer for my particular issue is just to change JAXB2 implementation and use something like Eclipse Link JAXB that can do this out of the box.
Basically you need to create a custom HttpMessageConverter. Instead of relying on the Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter that spring uses by default.
Unfortunately, customizing one converter means you are telling spring that you will take care of loading all the converters you need! Which is fairly involved and can get complicated, based on whether you use annotations, component scanning, Spring 3.1 or earlier, etc.. The issue of how to add a custom converter is addressed here: Custom HttpMessageConverter with #ResponseBody to do Json things
In your custom message converter you are free to use any custom JAXB2 content handlers.
Another, simpler approach to solve your original problem would be to use a custom XmlJavaTypeAdapter. Create a custom implementation of javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter to handle CDATA, in the marshal method wrap the return value with the cdata braces. Then in your mapped pojo, use the XmlAdapter annotation, pass it the class of your custom adapter and you should be done.
I have not myself implemented the adapter approach, so couldn't provide sample code. But it should work, and won't be a lot of work.
Hope this helps.

Spring MVC Rest: How to implement partial response in Json and XML?

I need to the ignore the serialization (JSon/Jackson and XML/XStream) of some attributes from my object response based on user input/or Spring security roles (like you don't have permission to see the content of this field, but all others are ok etc). How is the best approach to do this in Spring MVC Rest?
Other approach is show only the attributes that are relevant for the api user, like described here
If you are using Jackson, here are some possible options to modify the Json serialization:
Use the #JsonIgnore annotation - However, this is static filtering, and will not allow you to implement rule-based filtering as you appear to need
Use #JsonFilter - This will allow you to implement an interface in which you can provide your serialization filtering logic. You may find this to be too heavyweight of a solution.
The way I often solve this is to return a Map from my Controller methods instead of the underlying object. You can write processing code that puts the relevant fields from the object into the Map, therefore giving you complete control over what is serialized. You could include a method on the Object to do the conversion. The method could look something like this:
// RequestObj is whatever 'input' object that indicates what should be filtered
public Map<String,Object> convertToMapForRequest(RequestObj request){
// Build return map based on 'this' and request
