Which data structures can be used to implement a pool of integers? - data-structures

These integers can be IP addresses (DHCP) or session IDs or tunnel IDs (in L2TP for example).
Each integer can be free or used. We need it to be efficient for finding free ones.
There's also a min and max defined.

Ok as you have a maximum and minimum I have following Idea:
You maintain this maximum or minimum dynamically and have a list of free integers.
At first you start with an empty list and the full range.
When someone leases an integer the range decreases in size by one if the list is empty if not we take from the list.
If he releases his integer there are 2 possibilities:
It fits to the edge of your max/min-range so you increase the ranges size
It lies far away from the range so you put it into the list
This should give you the possibility to maintain also high and low free integer count with low cost.
Of course you could also try to save several ranges to cluster the integers together but that would need more complicated operations.

I would keep a free list and a used list. Allocating a number would mean moving it from free list to the used list, and deallocation the reverse.
There would be a cost to maintaining the lists, but finding a free number would be fast

Do you expect to have more free or more used integers?
And do you want to save IPs, SessIds and TunIds at the same time or each excluding the others?
For me the most balanced would be a tree but as you know about a maximal size an array could be sufficient if there are no frequent changes.
When you dont care for some order then dynamic lists would be best.


Algorithmic help needed (N bags and items distributed randomly)

I have encountered an algorithmic problem but am not able to figure out anything better than brute force or reduce it to a better know problem. Any hints?
There are N bags of variable sizes and N types of items. Each type of items belongs to one bag. There are lots of items of each type and each item may be of a different size. Initially, these items are distributed across all the bags randomly. We have to place the items in their respective bags. However, we can only operate with a pair of bags at one time by exchanging items (as much as possible) and proceeding to the next pair. The aim is to reduce the total number of pairs. Edit: The aim is to find a sequence of transfers that minimizes the total number of bag pairs involved
The bags are not arbitrarily large (You can assume the bag and item sizes to be integers between 0 to 1000 if it helps). You'll frequently encounter scenarios where the all the items between 2 bags cannot be swapped due to the limited capacity of one of the bags. This is where the algorithm needs to make an optimisation. Perhaps, if another pair of bags were swapped first, the current swap can be done in one go. To illustrate this, let's consider Bags A, B and C and their items 1, 2, 3 respectively. The number in the brackets is the size.
A(10) : 3(8)
B(10): 1(2), 1(3)
C(10): 1(4)
The swap orders can be AB, AC, AB or AC, AB. The latter is optimal as the number of swaps is lesser.
Since I cannot come to an idea for an algorithm that will always find an optimal answer, and approximation of the fitness of the solution (amount of swaps) is also fine, I suggest a stochastic local search algorithm with pruning.
Given a random starting configuration, this algorithm considers all possible swaps, and makes a weighed decision based on chance: the better a swap is, the more likely it is chosen.
The value of a swap would be the sum of the value of the transaction of an item, which is zero if the item does not end up in it's belonging bag, and is positive if it does end up there. The value increases as the item's size increases (the idea behind this is that a larger block is hard to move many times in comparison to smaller blocks). This fitness function can be replaced by any other fitness function, it's efficiency is unknown until empirically shown.
Since any configuration can be the consequence of many preceding swaps, we keep track of which configurations we have seen before, along with a fitness (based on how many items are in their correct bag - this fitness is not related to the value of a swap) and the list of preceded swaps. If the fitness function for a configuration is the sum of the items that are in their correct bags, then the amount of items in the problem is the highest fitness (and therefor marks a configuration to be a solution).
A swap is not possible if:
Either of the affected bags is holding more than it's capacity after the potential swap.
The new swap brings you back to the last configuration you were in before the last swap you did (i.e. reversed swap).
When we identify potential swaps, we look into our list of previously seen configurations (use a hash function for O(1) lookup). Then we either set its preceded swaps to our preceded swaps (if our list is shorter than it's), or we set our preceded swaps to its list (if it's list is shorter than ours). We can do this because it does not matter which swaps we did, as long as the amount of swaps is as small as possible.
If there are no more possible swaps left in a configuration, it means you're stuck. Local search tells you 'reset' which you can do in may ways, for instance:
Reset to a previously seen state (maybe the best one you've seen so far?)
Reset to a new valid random solution
Since the algorithm only allows you to do valid swaps, all constraints will be met for each configuration.
The algorithm does not guarantee to 'stop' out of the box, you can implement a maximum number of iterations (swaps)
The algorithm does not guarantee to find a correct solution, as it does it's best to find a better configuration each iteration. However, since a perfect solution (set of swaps) should look closely to an almost perfect solution, a human might be able to finish what the local search algorithm was not after it results in a invalid configuration (where not every item is in its correct bag).
The used fitness functions and strategies are very likely not the most efficient out there. You could look around to find better ones. A more efficient fitness function / strategy should result in a good solution faster (less iterations).

Data Structure for fast searching

If I have to develop an application for a data grid station of an institute. The purpose of application is to receive the data from data GRID station once in a week between 10 A.M to 10:30 A.M and then store it into a data structure and data is consist of digits only but the numbers could be very long for one entry then which data structure will be the best for given scenario from array, list, linked list, doubly linked list, queue, priority queue, stack, binary search tree, AVL trees, threaded binary tree, heap, sorted sequential array and skip list
I want to store sorted digits. The sorted data can be in ascending or descending order and the main concern is "fast and efficient searching".
From your description I gather that you don't store any other data with the digits or numbers. So basically you want to know if a number is in the set or not.
Fastest way to know this, is to have an array of flags for each number. Let's say you deal with numbers from 1 to 1000. You want to know if number 200 is in the set. Look at position 200 wether the flag is true or false. You see, this is the fastest method, because you only look up one place.
As we are talking about boolean flags here, a bit is sufficient for storage. You would decide wether to store the booleans in bits, bytes, words or whatever, depending on the number of numbers, the available memory and the machine's architecture.
Having said this, you may have to deal with so many numbers that above approach is no more feasible. It would be fastest in theory, but with limited memory, swaps to hard disk, many, many reads from it, other algorithms may prove better. You would have the choice between:
storing the numbers contiguously and perform a binary search on them
storing the numbers in a binary tree
using a hash algorithm
Which of these proves most efficient, again depends on your data and the machine.
It depends what type of searching you want to do. If you just want to know if a number is within your dataset, then a hash will be extremely fast and independent of the size of your dataset. And there is no need to sort, or even any concept of order.
If I may quote Larry Wall, author of Perl:
Doing linear scans over an associative array is like trying to club
someone to death with a loaded Uzi.
(An associative array is synonymous with a hash.)

Finding median of large set of numbers too big to fit into memory

I was asked this question in an interview recently.
There are N numbers, too many to fit into memory. They are split across k database tables (unsorted), each of which can fit into memory. Find the median of all the numbers.
Wasn't quite sure about the answer to this one.
There's a few potential solutions:
External merge sort - O(n log n)
You basically sort the numbers on the first pass, then find the median on the second.
Order statistics distributed selection algorithm - O(n)
Simplify the problem to the original problem of finding the kth number in an unsorted array.
Counting sort histogram O(n)
You have to assume some properties about the range of the numbers - can the range fit in the memory?
If anything is known about the distribution of the numbers other
algorithms can be produced.
For more details and implementation see:
This answer on quora explains the whole process clearly step by step http://qr.ae/dMkGc. Simply copying it down for non Quorans
Suppose you have a master node (or are able to use a consensus protocol to elect a master from among your servers). The master first queries the servers for the size of their sets of data, call this n, so that it knows to look for the k = n/2 largest element.
The master then selects a random server and queries it for a random element from the elements on that server. The master broadcasts this element to each server, and each server partitions its elements into those larger than or equal to the broadcasted element and those smaller than the broadcasted element.
Each server returns to the master the size of the larger-than partition, call this m. If the sum of these sizes is greater than k, the master indicates to each server to disregard the less-than set for the remainder of the algorithm. If it is less than k, then the master indicates to disregard the larger-than sets and updates k = k - m. If it is exactly k, the algorithm terminates and the value returned is the pivot selected at the beginning of the iteration.
If the algorithm does not terminate, recurse beginning with selecting a new random pivot from the remaining elements.
Let n be the total number of elements and s be the number of servers. Assume that the elements are roughly randomly and evenly distributed among servers (each server has O(n/s) elements). In iteration i, we expect to do about O(n/(s*2^i)) work on each server, as the size of each servers element sets will be approximately cut in half (remember, we assumed roughly random distribution of elements) and O(s) work on the master (for broadcasting/receiving messages and adding the sizes together). We expect O(log(n/s)) iterations. Adding these up over all iterations gives an expected runtime of O(n/s + slog(n/s)), and assuming s << sqrt(n) which is normally the case, this becomes simply (O(n/s)), which is the best you could possibly hope for.
Note also that this works not just for finding the median but also for finding the kth largest value for any value of k.
Have a look at the "Median of Medians" algorithm in this Wikipedia article.
Related question: Median-of-medians in Java.
Explanation: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/161/960130.html
Another way to look at this is to go back to the definition of "median." Authors vary in their language, but basically the median is the value which splits a probability distribution into two equal parts.
So instead of spending a lot of effort sorting enormous data sets, estimate the distribution and find the middle. As noted above for some distributions the median equals the mean, which is quick and easy to compute. Also, if an exact answer isn't necessary you can use the empirical relationship: mean - mode = 3 * (mean - median).
Here is what I would do:
Sample the data to get a general idea about the distribution.
Using the information about the distribution, choose a "bucket" (a range), large enough to get the median inside and small enough to fit into the memory.
With one pass (O(N)) count the numbers before the bucket (L1_size), after the bucket (L3_size) and put numbers within the range into the bucket (L2). You will see if the chosen bucket contains the median. If not - go to step 2.
Use quickselect or other method to find the k=(L1_size + L2_size/2) element in the bucket.
Requires O(N) + O(L2_size) steps.
I was also asked the same question and i couldn't tell an exact answer so after the interview i went through some books on interviews and here is what i found.
Example: Numbers are randomly generated and stored into an (expanding) array. How
wouldyoukeep track of the median?
Our data structure brainstorm might look like the following:
• Linked list? Probably not. Linked lists tend not to do very well with accessing and
sorting numbers.
• Array? Maybe, but you already have an array. Could you somehow keep the elements
sorted? That's probably expensive. Let's hold off on this and return to it if it's needed.
• Binary tree? This is possible, since binary trees do fairly well with ordering. In fact, if the binary search tree is perfectly balanced, the top might be the median. But, be careful—if there's an even number of elements, the median is actually the average
of the middle two elements. The middle two elements can't both be at the top. This is probably a workable algorithm, but let's come back to it.
• Heap? A heap is really good at basic ordering and keeping track of max and mins.
This is actually interesting—if you had two heaps, you could keep track of the bigger
half and the smaller half of the elements. The bigger half is kept in a min heap, such
that the smallest element in the bigger half is at the root.The smaller half is kept in a
max heap, such that the biggest element of the smaller half is at the root. Now, with
these data structures, you have the potential median elements at the roots. If the
heaps are no longer the same size, you can quickly "rebalance" the heaps by popping
an element off the one heap and pushing it onto the other.
Note that the more problems you do, the more developed your instinct on which data
structure to apply will be. You will also develop a more finely tuned instinct as to which of these approaches is the most useful.
If an approximate answer is sufficient, a method similar to #piccolbo works well. I'll assume all the points are integers, but if not you can multiply by ten or a hundred or whatever to normalize the data to integers. Make one pass over the data calculating an average (arithmetic mean. Call that number the provisional median. Then make a second pass over the data. If the data point is less than the provisional median, reduce the provisional median by one. If the data point is greater than the provisional median, increase the provisional median by one. If the data point is the same as the provisional median, leave the provisional median unchanged. After the end of the data, return the provisional median. What will happen is that the provisional median will initially change from time to time, but eventually it will stabilize over a very small range, which will be very close to the actual median.

Data Structure for Storing Ranges

I am wondering if anyone knows of a data structure which would efficiently handle the following situation:
The data structure should store several, possibly overlapping, variable length ranges on some continuous timescale.
For example, you might add the ranges a:[0,3], b:[4,7], c:[0,9].
Insertion time does not need to be particularly efficient.
Retrievals would take a range as a parameter, and return all the ranges in the set that overlap with the range, for example:
Get(1,2) would return a and c. Get(6,7) would return b and c. Get(2,6) would return all three.
Retrievals need to be as efficient as possible.
One data structure you could use is a one-dimensional R-tree. These are designed to deal with ranges and to provide efficient retrieval. You will also learn about Allen's Operators; there are a dozen other relationships between time intervals than just 'overlaps'.
There are other questions on SO that impinge on this area, including:
Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap
Data structure for non-overlapping ranges within a single dimension
You could go for a binary tree, that stores the ranges in a hierarchy. Starting from the root node, that represents an all-encompassing range divided it its middle, you test if your range you are trying to insert belong to the left subrange, right subrange, or both, and recursively carry on in the matching subnodes until you reach a certain depth, at which you save the actual range.
For lookup, you test your input range against the left and right subranges of the top node, and dive in the ones which overlap, repeating until you have reached actual ranges that you save.
This way, retrieval has a logarithmic complexity. You'd still need to manage duplicates in your retrieval, as some ranges are going to belong to several nodes.

Efficiently estimating the number of unique elements in a large list

This problem is a little similar to that solved by reservoir sampling, but not the same. I think its also a rather interesting problem.
I have a large dataset (typically hundreds of millions of elements), and I want to estimate the number of unique elements in this dataset. There may be anywhere from a few, to millions of unique elements in a typical dataset.
Of course the obvious solution is to maintain a running hashset of the elements you encounter, and count them at the end, this would yield an exact result, but would require me to carry a potentially large amount of state with me as I scan through the dataset (ie. all unique elements encountered so far).
Unfortunately in my situation this would require more RAM than is available to me (nothing that the dataset may be far larger than available RAM).
I'm wondering if there would be a statistical approach to this that would allow me to do a single pass through the dataset and come up with an estimated unique element count at the end, while maintaining a relatively small amount of state while I scan the dataset.
The input to the algorithm would be the dataset (an Iterator in Java parlance), and it would return an estimated unique object count (probably a floating point number). It is assumed that these objects can be hashed (ie. you can put them in a HashSet if you want to). Typically they will be strings, or numbers.
You could use a Bloom Filter for a reasonable lower bound. You just do a pass over the data, counting and inserting items which were definitely not already in the set.
This problem is well-addressed in the literature; a good review of various approaches is http://www.edbt.org/Proceedings/2008-Nantes/papers/p618-Metwally.pdf. The simplest approach (and most compact for very high accuracy requirements) is called Linear Counting. You hash elements to positions in a bitvector just like you would a Bloom filter (except only one hash function is required), but at the end you estimate the number of distinct elements by the formula D = -total_bits * ln(unset_bits/total_bits). Details are in the paper.
If you have a hash function that you trust, then you could maintain a hashset just like you would for the exact solution, but throw out any item whose hash value is outside of some small range. E.g., use a 32-bit hash, but only keep items where the first two bits of the hash are 0. Then multiply by the appropriate factor at the end to approximate the total number of unique elements.
Nobody has mentioned approximate algorithm designed specifically for this problem, Hyperloglog.
