Checkbox doesn't render -

This is what I did on the view. I put #Html.CheckBox("checkBox", false, "Name") in a jQuery UI tab.
But on the rendered html, this checkbox control was evaluated as a html string
<input id="checkBox" name="checkBox" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="checkBox" type="hidden" value="false" /><label for="checkBox">Name</label>
rather than a control. Any idea?

The default for Html.CheckBox also creates a hidden input tag.
This will return the value you get when the checkbox is not checked. Due to the nature of html, if a checkbox is not checked, nothing will be posted. So this is the easiest workaround.


parsley validation message not shown with iCheck - data-parsley-multiple

I have added a checkbox list in a loop with iCheck. The html is as follows for checkboxes.
<input class="iCheck out-check" type="checkbox"
data-parsley-error-message="You need to check something."
data-parsley-required = "true"
id="outs" name="outs"
value="1" />
And I have a div with the id of "outerror". When I do the validation it fails when no checkbox was checked and works as expected but it does not show the message.

Coldfusion Server Side Radio Validation

I'm trying to validate that a radio button has been selected via server side in ColdFusion. The text input errors out if empty, however, the radio button group does not trigger an error if none are selected. I cannot seem to find any documentation on this.
<cfform name="mobile_device_request" id="form" action="">
Text Box:
<cfinput type="Text" name="subscriber" message="Please enter in a subscriber" required="yes" validateat="onserver">
<cfinput type="Radio" name="service_provider" value="AT&T" required="yes" validateat="onserver"><span class="label">AT&T</span>
<cfinput type="Radio" name="service_provider" value="Sprint" required="yes" validateat="onserver"><span class="label">Sprint</span>
<cfinput type="Radio" name="service_provider" value="Verizon" required="yes" validateat="onserver"><span class="label">Verizon</span>
To answer your question, while I have never used that feature, I would say it is a bug.
According to the documentation onServer validation works by automatically appending hidden form fields with a special naming convention. The CF server then inspects all requests for certain patterns in form field names, such as ones ending in _required or _cfformrequired, and if found performs validation on the related field.
If you view the source of your cfform, notice CF has added several hidden fields:
<input type='hidden' name='subscriber_CFFORMREQUIRED' value='Please enter in a subscriber'>
<input type='hidden' name='service_provider_CFFORMREQUIRED' value='Error in service_provider text.'>
<input type='hidden' name='service_provider_CFFORMREQUIRED' value='Error in service_provider text.'>
<input type='hidden' name='service_provider_CFFORMREQUIRED' value='Error in service_provider text.'>
Those should trigger CF's server side validation for both fields. However, as you discovered it only works with the text field, not the radio buttons. Though curiously, it works just fine if you manually add a hidden field ending in _required:
<input type="hidden" name="service_provider_required"
value='You forgot to select a service_provider'>
Again, I think the behavior you are seeing may be a bug. Frankly, one of many with cfform. Personally, I would recommend ditching cfform/cfinput. Use plain html inputs and write your own validation instead. Since it is a radio button, the field will only be defined if one of the buttons was checked. So you can either test for the existence of the field:
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(FORM, "service_provider")>
no service_provider selected. do something
... OR assign a default, and test for that value:
<!--- default to empty string --->
<cfparam name="FORM.service_provider" default="">
<cfif NOT len(FORM.service_provider)>
no service_provider selected. do something

Kendo Grid custom pop up editor & validation

I have this simple kendo-template script:
<!-- popup editor template -->
<script id="userEditor" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="popServerErrorSummaryPlaceholder" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="control-row">
<label class="span2" for="FirstName">Vorname</label>
<input Id="FirstName" class="span4" data-bind="value:FirstName" maxlength="50" name="FirstName" required="true" type="text" />
<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="FirstName"></span>
<div class="control-row">
<label class="span2" for="LastName">Nachname</label>
<input Id="LastName" class="span4" data-bind="value:LastName" maxlength="50" name="LastName" required="true" type="text" />
<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="LastName"></span>
Which is used while editing a single row within the Kend-UI grid.
I have got right now two issues:
a) The documentation states that I can control the position for validation messages via a "span" element that has a class "k-invalid-msg".
The behaviour right now is that this span Element gets replaced with a div element and it is positioned below the label element. I would like to get the message next to the input.
b) The validation is triggered immediately when the pop up is displayed.The validation should be trigger either when leaving the input or clicking the "update" button.
Someone out there who can help me here?
Things I am not quite sure how to handle:
c) Some validations are performed at the server. I get them back to the browser via the DataSource error event (custom JSON which is basically a list of field name and associated error messages). I would like to display the error messages within the validation span. I can create custom validation rules as documented here.
How do I get the validator that is associated with the pop up editor window? Or is there foreach input a validator created?
Anyone did this before?
Thanks for any help!
regarding to point a)
OnaBai pointed me to the right direction. Thanks for that.

Adding value to submitbutton with image

I have this problem :
I have a submit button defined as follows :
<input type="submit" name="actionName" value="search" />
<input type="submit" name="actionName" value="New" />
both submit buttons are included in an Ajax beginForm:
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("PFSearch", "Payer", ajaxOptions))
In the controller ... based on the actionName string provided .. i do different actions based on the value of button pressed within my Ajax befin form :
if (actionName="search")
//do something
And everything works like a charm .. until i want to add i want to add an image to the class of my submit button :
<input class="search" type="submit" name="actionName" value="search" />
<input class="search" type="submit" name="actionName" value="New" />
My search tab looks like this :
As you can clearly see my main impediment is that by adding value ... the text appears over my image.
How can i make those button act differently within my ajax begin form considering that giving value to the buttons doesn't work ? Any alternatives or workarounds are appreciated. Thanks !
Can you please give us a link to your project's demo? And try to use some margin, padding and background-position:center;

mark only one checkbox?

I have a problem with checkbox. I have a list of checkbox, and I want to mark only one check and unmark other.
I want do that this in the same view , is it posible?
How can I do that?
<div><input type="checkbox" id="<%= id %>" onchange='submit();'/> </div>
Sounds like you really need a radio button instead. Radio buttons are mutually exclusive if you give them the same name:
<input type="radio" name="something" ... />
<input type="radio" name="something" ... />
If you really want checkboxes you will have to write some JavaScript logic.
Use radio buttons, not checkboxes.
foreach (var foo in model.Foos) {
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo_#foo.Id" value="#foo.Id" />
<label for="foo_#foo.Id">#foo.Value</label> <br />
Something like that should create a list of radio buttons.
Also, why are you submitting when the selection is changed? You should be using jQuery to do any selection-based manipulation to the page on the client side.
You could use jQuery. on document.Ready you'll have to bind a change event on checkboxes to some function, then in your function you want to reset all other checkboxes. That's assuming you don't want to use radio buttons as suggested above.
