Why does Default behave like this? - wolfram-mathematica

One may set a Default value for the arguments of a function:
Default[f] = 5;
And then use:
f[a_, b_.] := {a, b}
f[1, 2]
{1, 2}
{1, 5}
This creates the following Values:
{HoldPattern[Default[f]] :> 5}
{HoldPattern[f[a_, b_.]] :> {a, b}}
From this one might think that the value 5 is not fixed in the definition of f, but addresses the DefaultValues assignment. However, if we change the DefaultValues, either directly or using:
Default[f] = 9;
{HoldPattern[Default[f]] :> 9}
and use f again:
{1, 5}
we see that the new value is not used.
Therefore, my questions are:
Why does the default value used by f[a_, b_.] := {a, b} not change with DefaultValues?
Where is the real default value (5) stored, since it does not appear in either DownValues or DefaultValues?

Not an answer, but:
Using the behaviour that the original default is kept until the function is redefined suggests a quick work-around:
Define a global variable for the Default before any other definitions are made.
In[1]:= Default[f]:=$f
In[2]:= f[a_.]:=a
In[3]:= f[]
Out[3]= $f
In[4]:= $f=5; f[]
Out[5]= 5
In[6]:= $f=6; f[]
Out[7]= 6
In[8]:= $f=.; f[]
Out[9]= $f
This also works for Optional
In[1]:= g[a_:$g] := a
In[2]:= g[]
Out[2]= $g
In[3]:= $g=1; g[]
Out[4]= 1

From the documentation,
The necessary values for Default[f] must always be defined before _. is used as an argument of f.
Redefining f after setting Default[f] = 9; uses the new default value. So my guess is it is defined internally the first time, f is defined, and doesn't change even if DefaultValue#f stores the new value.

I have found that this behavior in the case of local rules is due to specifics of internals of RuleDelayed.
In[1]:= Default[f] = 5;
f[a_, b_.] :> Unevaluated#{a, b}] /. (Default[f] = 9; replaceAll) ->
Default[f] = 5;
f[a_, b_.] :> Unevaluated#{a, b}] /. (Default[f] = 9;
replaceAll) -> ReplaceAll]
Out[2]= {1, 5}
Out[4]= Unevaluated[{1, 9}]
One can see that Blocking RuleDelayed makes local rules to behave as one could expect.


Simple power counting

How can one add the number of powers of x in expressions like the following?
The counting is such that all these examples must return 6.
I was thinking of using Count with some pattern, but I didn't manage to construct a pattern for this.
Here's my quick hack - some of the behaviour (see the final example) might not be quite what you want:
SetAttributes[countPowers, Listable]
countPowers[expr_, symb_] := Module[{a},
Cases[{expr} /. symb -> symb^a // PowerExpand, symb^n_ :> n,
Infinity] /. a -> 1 // Total]
In[3]:= countPowers[{x^2 f[x] g[x^3], x^2 g[x^4], x^2 g[x^2 f[x^2]]}, x]
Out[3]= {6, 6, 6}
In[4]:= countPowers[{x^(2 I) g[x^3], g[x, x^4],
x^2 g[E^(2 Pi I x) , f[x]^x]}, x]
Out[4]= {3 + 2 I, 5, 5}
Since you want to count x as an implicit power of 1, you could use this:
powerCount[x_Symbol][expr_] :=
Tr # Reap[PowerExpand[expr] /. {x^n_ :> Sow[n], x :> Sow[1]}][[2,1]]
powerCount[x] /#
{6, 6, 6}
Alternatively, this could be written without Sow and Reap if that makes it easier to read:
powerCount[x_Symbol][expr_] :=
Module[{t = 0}, PowerExpand[expr] /. {x^n_ :> (t += n), x :> t++}; t]
Either form can be made more terse using vanishing patterns, at the possible expense of clarity:
powerCount[x_Symbol][expr_] :=
Tr # Reap[PowerExpand[expr] /. x^n_ | x :> Sow[1 n]][[2, 1]]

Understanding module argument modification in Mathematica

If I do the following in Mathematica
f[l_] := Module[{}, l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3]; l]
f[{{}, 3}]
I get an error:
Set::setps: "{{},3} in the part assignment is not a symbol. "
Even l={{}, 3};f[l] gets the same error. But I can do f[l_] := Module[{}, {Append[l[[1]], 3],l[[2]]}] or l = {{}, 3}; l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3]; l.
What is your explanation?
There are multiple problems here:
Attempting Part assignment on a non-Symbol, just as the error message states.
Attempting to manipulate a named replacement object as though it were a symbol.
The replacement that takes place in this construct:
f[x_] := head[x, 2, 3]
Is analogous to that of With:
With[{x = something}, head[x, 2, 3]]
That is, the substitution is made directly and before evaluation, such that the function Head never even sees an object x. Look what happens with this:
x = 5;
f[x_] := (x = x+2; x)
During evaluation of In[8]:= Set::setraw: Cannot assign to raw object 5. >>
Out[]= 5
This evaluates as: (5 = 5+2; 5) so not only is assignment to 5 impossible, but all instances of x that appear in the right hand side of := are replaced with the value of x when it is fed to f. Consider what happens if we try to bypass the assignment problem by using a function with side effects:
ClearAll[f, x, incrementX]
incrementX[] := (x += 2)
x = 3;
So our incrementX function is working. But now we try:
f[x_] := (incrementX[]; x)
incrementX did not fail:
Rather, the the value of x was 5 at the time of evaluation of f[x] and therefore that is returned.
What does work?
What options do we have for things related to what you are attempting? There are several.
1. Use a Hold attribute
We can set a Hold attribute such as HoldFirst or HoldAll on the function, so that we may pass the symbol name to RHS functions, rather than only its value.
SetAttributes[heldF, HoldAll]
x = {1, 2, 3};
heldF[x_] := (x[[1]] = 7; x)
<pre>{7, 2, 3}</pre>
<pre>{7, 2, 3}</pre>
We see that both the global value of x, and the x expression returned by heldF are changed. Note that heldF must be given a Symbol as an argument otherwise you are again attempting {1, 2, 3}[[1]] = 7.
2. Use a temporary Symbol
As Arnoud Buzing shows, we can also use a temporary Symbol in Module.
x = {1, 2, 3};
proxyF[x_] := Module[{proxy = x}, proxy[[1]] = 7; proxy]
proxyF[{1, 2, 3}]
{7, 2, 3}
{7, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
3. Use ReplacePart
We can also avoid symbols completely and just use ReplacePart:
x = {1, 2, 3};
directF[x_] := ReplacePart[x, 1 -> 7]
{7, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
This can be used for modifications rather than outright replacements as well:
f[l_] := ReplacePart[l, 1 :> l[[1]] ~Append~ 3]
f[{{}, 3}]
{{3}, 3}
f[{{}, 3}] // Trace
and you see that the value of l is inserted into the l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3] bit before evaluation. So mma is attempting to evaluate this: {{}, 3}[[1]] = {3}
This may do something like you want
f[l_] := Module[{},
Append[l[[1]], 3]~Join~Rest[l]
(the idea is to avoid assigning to parts of l, since l will be evaluated before the assignment is attempted)
If you do want to use Part in your Module, you may want to consider using a temporary variable:
f[l_List] := Module[{t = l}, t[[1]] = Pi; t]
In[] := f[{1, 2, 3}]
Out[] = {Pi, 2, 3}

How to make an analog of InString[]?

I have discovered that InString[] does not work in MathLink mode when sending input with EnterExpressionPacket header. So I need to define my own function that returns previous input line. One way I have developed here does not work in some cases:
In[1]:= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
With[{line = $Line - 1}, HoldForm[In[line]]] /. (DownValues[In])
Out[1]= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
Out[2]= 2 + 2
This is because RuleDelayed has no HoldAllComplete attribute. Adding this attribute makes this OK:
In[1]:= Unprotect[RuleDelayed];
SetAttributes[RuleDelayed, HoldAllComplete];
Unevaluated[2 + 2]
With[{line = $Line - 1}, HoldForm[In[line]]] /. DownValues[In]
Out[4]= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
Out[5]= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
But modifying built-in functions generally is not a good idea. Is there a better way to do this?
It seems that I have solved the problem. Here is the function:
getLastInput := Module[{num, f},
f = Function[{u, v},
{u /. {In -> num, HoldPattern -> First}, HoldForm[v]}, HoldAllComplete];
Block[{RuleDelayed = f}, DownValues[In]],
{$Line - 1, x_} -> x, {1}, 1]]
And I just have got the answer to the question on InString in MathLink mode from Todd Gayley (Wolfram Research):
InString is only assigned when using
EnterTextPacket, not
EnterExpressionPacket. There is no
string form of the input when sending
EnterExpressionPacket (whose content
is, by definition, already an
I just have found that my code does not work with input expressions with head Evaluate. The solution is to replace HoldForm by HoldComplete in my code:
getLastInput := Module[{num, f},
f = Function[{u, v},
{u /. {In -> num, HoldPattern -> First}, HoldComplete[v]}, HoldAllComplete];
Block[{RuleDelayed = f}, DownValues[In]],
{$Line - 1, x_} -> x, {1}, 1]]
This works well. Another approach would be to unprotect HoldForm and set up attribute HoldAllComplete on it. I'm wondering why HoldForm does not have this attribute by default?
In the comments for the main question Leonid Shifrin suggested much better solution:
getLastInput :=
See comments for details.
The last code can be made even better for by replacing HoldComplete by double HoldForm:
getLastInput :=
The idea is taken from presentation by Robby Villegas of Wolfram Research at the 1999 Developer Conference. See subsection "HoldCompleteForm: a non-printing variant of HoldComplete (just as HoldForm is to Hold)" in "Working With Unevaluated Expressions" notebook posted here.
I would use $Pre and $Line for this; unlike $PreRead, it's applied to input expressions, not input strings or box forms. All you need is to assign it a function that has the HoldAllComplete attribute, like this one which I've adapted from the example in the documentation:
SetAttributes[saveinputs, HoldAllComplete];
saveinputs[new_] :=
With[{line = $Line},
inputs[line] = HoldComplete[new]; new]
$Pre = saveinputs;
I tested this with MathLink, and the behavior seems to be what you desired (I've elided some of the transcript to highlight the key point):
In[14]:= LinkWrite[link,
SetAttributes[saveinputs, HoldAllComplete];
saveinputs[new_] :=
With[{line = $Line},
inputs[line] = HoldComplete[new]; new];
$Pre = saveinputs;]]]
In[15]:= LinkRead[link]
Out[15]= InputNamePacket["In[2]:= "]
In[20]:= LinkWrite[link,
Unevaluated[EnterExpressionPacket[Evaluate[1 + 1]]]]
In[21]:= LinkRead[link]
Out[21]= OutputNamePacket["Out[2]= "]
In[21]:= LinkRead[link]
Out[21]= ReturnExpressionPacket[2]
In[24]:= LinkWrite[link, Unevaluated[EnterExpressionPacket[DownValues[inputs]]]]
In[26]:= LinkRead[link]
Out[26]= ReturnExpressionPacket[
{HoldPattern[inputs[2]] :> HoldComplete[Evaluate[1 + 1]],
HoldPattern[inputs[3]] :> HoldComplete[DownValues[inputs]]}]
I just have found simpler but dangerous way:
In[3]:= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
Trace[In[$Line - 1]] // Last
Trace[In[$Line - 1]] // Last
Out[3]= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
Out[4]= Unevaluated[2 + 2]
During evaluation of In[3]:= $RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 256 exceeded. >>
During evaluation of In[3]:= $RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 256 exceeded. >>
During evaluation of In[3]:= $IterationLimit::itlim: Iteration limit of 4096 exceeded. >>
Out[5]= Hold[In[$Line-1]]
Does anybody know a way to make it safe?

Diciness with extracting things from a Hold'd expression

Suppose I have a list of param->value rules where the params are symbols that might have values assigned to them. For example:
{a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3};
x = Hold[{a->1, b->2, c->3}];
I need the list wrapped in Hold otherwise it would evaluate to {1->1, 2->2, 3->3}. (I'm open to any alternatives to Hold there if it makes the rest of this easier.)
Now suppose I want to convert x into this:
{"a"->1, "b"->2, "c"->3}
The following function will do that:
f[h_] := Block[{a,b,c}, ToString[#[[1]]]->#[[2]]& /# ReleaseHold#h]
My question: Can you write a version of f where the list of symbols {a,b,c} doesn't have to be provided explicitly?
Here is a way using Unevaluated:
In[1]:= {a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3};
In[2]:= x = Hold[{a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3}];
In[3]:= ReleaseHold[
x /. (symb_ -> e_) :> ToString[Unevaluated[symb]] -> e]
Out[3]= {"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3}
{a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3};
x = Hold[{a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3}];
f[x_] := Cases[x, HoldPattern[z_ -> y_] :>
StringTake[ToString[(Hold#z)], {6, -2}] -> y, 2];
f[x] // InputForm
{"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3}
Perhaps not very elegant, but seems to work.
This is a bit of an old question, but I think there's an answer that combines the virtues of both Andrew Moylan's answer and belisarius' answer. You really want to have lists of rules with HoldPattern on the left-hand side, instead of lists of rules that have Hold wrapped around the whole thing, so that you can actually use the rules without having to go through any sort of ReleaseHold process.
In[1]:= {a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3};
Unevaluated can also be helpful in constructing the sort of list you want:
In[2]:= x = Thread[HoldPattern /# Unevaluated[{a, b, c}] -> Range[3]]
Out[2]= {HoldPattern[a] -> 1, HoldPattern[b] -> 2, HoldPattern[c] -> 3}
Now you can do what you want with rule replacement. It's a bit involved, but it's something I find myself doing over and over and over again. You may notice that this list of rules has almost exactly the form of a list of OwnValues or DownValues, so being able to manipulate it is very helpful. The trick is using HoldPattern and Verbatim in concert:
In[3]:= f[rules_] :=
HoldPattern[Verbatim[HoldPattern][s_Symbol] -> rhs_] :>
With[{string = ToString[Unevaluated[s]]},
string -> rhs], {1}]
The level spec on Replace is just there to make sure nothing unexpected happens if rhs is itself a rule or list of rules.
In[4]:= f[x] // InputForm
Out[4]= {"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3}

custom function with non-standard evaluation (behaves like Table)

I'd like a function AnyTrue[expr,{i,{i1,i2,...}}] which checks if expr is True for any of i1,i2... It should be as if AnyTrue was Table followed by Or##%, with the difference that it only evaluates expr until first True is found.
Short-circuiting part is optional, what I'd really like to know is the proper way to emulate Table's non-standard evaluation sequence.
Update 11/14
Here's a solution due to Michael, you can use it to chain "for all" and "there exists" checks
SetAttributes[AllTrue, HoldAll];
SetAttributes[AnyTrue, HoldAll];
AllTrue[{var_Symbol, lis_List}, expr_] :=
TrueQ[ReleaseHold[Hold[expr] /. HoldPattern[var] -> #]] &] ==
AnyTrue[{var_Symbol, lis_List}, expr_] :=
Not[TrueQ[ReleaseHold[Hold[expr] /. HoldPattern[var] -> #]]] &] <
AllTrue[{a, {1, 3, 5}}, AnyTrue[{b, {2, 4, 5}}, EvenQ[a + b]]]
AnyTrue[{a, {1, 3, 5}}, AllTrue[{b, {2, 4, 5}}, EvenQ[a + b]]]
How about this?
SetAttributes[AnyTrue, HoldAll];
AnyTrue[expr_, {var_Symbol, lis_List}] :=
Not[TrueQ[ReleaseHold[Hold[expr] /. HoldPattern[var] -> #]]] &
] < Length[lis]
Includes short-circuiting via LengthWhile and keeps everything held where necessary so that things work as expected with var has a value outside the function:
In[161]:= x = 777;
In[162]:= AnyTrue[Print["x=", x]; x == 3, {x, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}]
During evaluation of In[162]:= x=1
During evaluation of In[162]:= x=2
During evaluation of In[162]:= x=3
Out[162]= True
The built-in Or is short-circuiting, too, for what it's worth. (but I realize building up the unevaluated terms with e.g. Table is a pain):
In[173]:= Or[Print[1];True, Print[2];False]
During evaluation of In[173]:= 1
Out[173]= True
This doesn't match your spec but I often use the following utility functions, which are similar to what you have in mind (they use pure functions instead of expressions with a specified variable) and also do short-circuiting:
some[f_, l_List] := True === (* Whether f applied to some *)
Scan[If[f[#], Return[True]]&, l]; (* element of list is True. *)
every[f_, l_List] := Null === (* Similarly, And ## f/#l *)
Scan[If[!f[#], Return[False]]&, l]; (* (but with lazy evaluation). *)
For example, Michael Pilat's example would become this:
In[1]:= some[(Print["x=", #]; # == 3)&, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}]
During evaluation of In[1]:= x=1
During evaluation of In[1]:= x=2
During evaluation of In[1]:= x=3
Out[1]= True
