Possible problem with ComponentOne controls in vb6 - vb6

I am using the following custom controls in legacy vb6 applications. These applications have been know to crash on exit - if run from inside the development environment the applications will crash the development environment - has any one seen where these controls might have caused that problem, and what I might do to correct it? thanks
ComponentOne Sizer/Tab Controls 8.0
ComponentOne Spell 8.0 control
ComponentOne VSFlexgrid 8.0 (OLEDB)

Have you tried using the latest builds? I recently had a problem getting a .NET winform designer to show with a VsFlexGrid8 .ocx on it. The problem was something to do with ATL and Windows 7 security, IIRC. Switching to a later (stable) build solved my problem.

Somethings that happens when you have addins. Enter in your vb6 Turn off addins closed again open vb6 execute your application if is successfull enable addins.


VB6 apps to Windows Store or AppX?

I have a legacy app not yet ported to .NET created using VB6. I have a high demand from a community with locked down Surface 3 tablets and the only means to install to the tablet is via Windows Store or AppX.
Does anyone know the options available for VB6 desktop applications in this situation?
Thank you
There is no upgrade path for vb6 apps to run in the store that I know of. I think your only option would be to do a rewrite of the app.

Silverlight 5.0 debugging issue on Windows 10

I've recently upgraded my OS to Windows 10. I have a very basic Silverlight 5 application which gives me Unable to start Debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime Not Installed. Please Installed a matching version error in VS 2010 whenever I am trying to run the project.
I have :
Target Silverlight version is set to Silverlight 5 in web project.
I have installed Silverlight SDK, Silverlight5_Tools with SP1 installed & Silverlight Runtime which is 64-bit.
After doing all these steps and going through many online posts, still I'm unable to resolve this issue.
My Doubts are :
Do the Windows 10 upgrade has anything to do with this situation?
Windows 10 comes with a new browser Edge, is this because of this browser? Like Silverlight compability.
Again I am not sure but these are my doubt. Any suggestions?
Do you have a 64 bit OS ?
If so - uninstall Silverlight (developer!) and make sure you install the silverlight.exe (developer!) not the 64 bit version.
That worked for me.
Go to the properties of the Web folder start project. Click Web on the left tab. Unclick Silverlight in the debuggers.
Not a total solution but at least it allows you to debug other portions.
I had this issue and Uninstalling and Reinstalling didn't work.
Error in debug mode (F5 Debug solution configuration) was "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
In Debug configuration I would get the above error but finally I put the solution into release mode and it worked - then back to debug mode and everything worked without error.
Seems like a really odd fix but sure enough closing and re-opening the solution everything works now - Same install procedure as OP.
Another thing that's interesting is, the Debug only works in Chrome. If I target IE or edge I still get "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
I uninstalled Silverlight and then installed Silverlight_Developer.exe. I also switched default browser in Visual Studio to Internet Explorer (I have Edge otherwise which won't work...).
Nice to see some more people also using Silverlight these days, hehehe.
This is a really old thread, but I just ran into this issue with a project. I was getting the message that the Developer runtime was not installed, but in fact it was, and another similar project ran just fine on the same machine with the same version of VS 2015.
The fix was to ensure that the startup project is the WEB project, not the Silverlight project. Somehow, the default startup project got switched to the SL project. After I switched back, then it worked just fine.

When will VB6 application support end?

Microsoft no longer supports VB6 development and support from Microsoft has already stopped. But VB6 applications still run on Windows 8.1. See also this article titled "Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1".
When would a VB6 application stop running on Windows? Is there any official statement from Microsoft or any clue about the same?
In this link, the Visual Studio team has mentioned that, "It will be supported at least through 2024". But it's not clear whether they said it's supported in Windows 8 till 2024 or in future release of windows OS too.
The "2024" means as part of Windows 8. The link says the VB6 runtime is part of Windows and therefore will be supported in the same way as the rest of Windows. For example Windows 8 will be supported until 2024 because that's the support lifecycle for Windows 8.
EDIT: Microsoft have now said the VB6 runtime is officially part of Windows 10 too.
EDIT: the VB6 IDE (not runtime) is no longer officially supported on any version of Windows, but there are ways to get it to work on Windows 7 and 8.
Uservoice: The VB6 runtime it is still a component of the Windows operating
system and is a component shipped in Windows 8.1. It will be supported
at least through 2024
It seems clear they mean VB6 will be supported through 2024, not just VB6 on Windows 8 (whose mainstream support ends 6 years earlier anyway).
The VB6 programming language installs and runs on Windows 7, 8.x and 10.
There is a utility to install it here: VB6 IDE install utility
It is in Microsoft's interests for VB6 applications to run in Windows 10 and so they probably will. The same is probably true of most old application frameworks: Microsoft works hard to maintain compatibility. The IDE runs on Windows 7 (not sure about 8 or 10).
However, just because Microsoft says VB6 will run it doesn't mean your particular application will work, particularly if you use third party components. You should at least be thinking about migrating to another development environment.
From what I heard, VB6 applications still work on Windows 10 technical preview. I've seen no official statement yet, but it would seem that VB6 will stay supported for at least a few years.
Microsoft have just stated for VB6 programming on Windows 10:-
"Windows is committed to compatibility. The Windows compatibility team
has been looking at user telemetry and reacting to feedback from
Windows Insiders to ensure that existing apps work well with Windows
10. Windows 10 is designed to run Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 software programs. And yes, everyone’s favorite VB6 Runtime will
continue to work, too. In the near future, the compat team will go
more in-depth on this topic on Blogging Windows."
Everyone's favorite VB6 programming on Windows 10
So VB6 programming will work on Windows 10, as does VBA programming.
They also state that 'Project Centennial' Universal Windows Platform Bridge will work with VB6 code.
Instructions for installing the VB6 IDE are available here...
In my personal experience if you build a dll in VB6 and add it as a component to COM Plus in Server 2016 it just won't add. You will get an error such as the following, even for a 'Hello World' component.
A registry value was changed while installing the following component
into a COM+ Application. If you are experiencing activation problems
with this component then please check the registry value for the
following key.
Component: C:\temp\Project1.dll
Registry Key:
Process Name: RunDll32.exe Comsvcs.dll file version: not loaded
There is a project to provide a new language "RADBasic" which is intended to be compatible with the VB6 programming language.
New language compatible with VB6 programming
Looks like Microsoft just extended VB6 runtime support out to Windows 11 and Server 2022. No such luck for the IDE though.
Read more from Microsoft here:

VS2010 web setup project needs IIS6 (metabase) compatibility on IIS7. Consequences or other issues for the application?

When trying to install a web setup project (MSI) created in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server the setup will fail, with some generic error.
According to http://devio.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/pitfalls-installing-web-setup-msi-on-iis-7/ this is because of a compatibility problem between the setup project en IIS7.
To resolve this I've to enable/install IIS6 metabase compatibility in my windows configuration. This workaround did fix the problem, but raises 2 questions:
Does this have any (negative) impact on functionality of IIS 7?
How can I notify a user running the installation of this problem so he or she can take proper action and install the metabase compatibility component? Is it possible to pop-up the windows component configuration dialog from this install, to make life easier for the user?
I don't think this will have any impact on the application itself, as long as it's implemented the way to talk to IIS7 via its native API. Otherwise, if it doesn't support IIS7 you'd have to enable IIS6 compatibility anyway.
The standard approach to search for anything on a target machine is searching registry and file system. I don't know how it is possible in VS setup project, but e.g. WiX has special elements for this (RegistrySearch, DirectorySearch, FileSearch). Basically, this post to WiX Tips and Tricks thread shows how to check for IIS6 compatibility in WiX and block the installation if it's not enables/installed. It's rather straight-forward even if you don't know WiX, but know the concepts of Windows Installer, and it can help you translate the code into the similar thing in VS setup project.
We seem to be having one negative impact on our servers.
Everytime we roll out a .NET 4.0 application with a msi made in Visual Studio, We get a recycle of ALL our application pools, even the ones not affected by the install.
Apparently the root cause of this is the IIS 6 compatibility. ( This was reported to us by a developer of microsoft in response to our support question about this.
At the moment we have no solution. It's impossible to convert all our installers to Wix.

Does anybody have experience with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7?

Has anyone already tried this, anything particulair that I need to be aware of?
Yep, been running it for a while and I haven't hit any problems yet. Can't say I've use it all day every day, but I've built WPF, WinForms, Web and Console apps with it for testing various things and haven't had any hitches.
I have it on my Dell X1, which is effectively my "NetBook", and it's really pretty rapid. The only glitch I have had at all is some problems with graphics acceleration, but that's down to the Intel driver I'm using being an old XP driver, and it was easily worked around.
I've been running it inside a VM in Parallels Desktop 4 on a MacBook Pro. Absolutely no problems to speak of.
(There's no sound in Windows 7 as virtualized through Parallels, which is a known issue — but not very pertinent to the operation of Visual Studio.)
I've been unable to install the 2008 Team Developer edition - keep getting a permission error. I was, however, able to insall the 2008 Team Database edition. I normally install both editions, so am kind of bummed about not getting the Developer edition to install. Screenshot of the error is here if you're curious.
No Problem with team edition, but only using it for web projects.
I've been using it at work since RC1 and have not run into any issues. Have developed a WinForms app, a WebForms site and now working on a MVC project.
I have had zero problems running Visual Studio 2008 Pro on 32 bit and 64 bit editions of Windows 7 for full-time C++ development.
If the application you are developing doesn't behave correctly under UAC you may will need to run the IDE as admin otherwise it won't run correctly under debug (this is the applications problem, not Windows 7 or Visual Studios).
Others seem to have problems with access rights/permissions, this should also be fixable by running the IDE as admin (via right click) or more permanently via the compatibility tab in the shortcut properties.
I don't know why this happens, is probably related to their particular user account settings.
