Problems in Apple Push Notifcation Service - apple-push-notifications

I am working on Apple Push Notification and I want to clarify few things.
1. Is Certificate signing request name and email should be on that person name which have Developer account on Apple Developer Portal, both account on same name and email??? because i am having Problem and i have different.
2. I made Provisioning Profile of app successfully but when i edited it, show status "Error", I again edited but same Prob, then I delete it and made again with same App Id then again it generated status Error, some one help me how to tackle this situation???

To answer your first question, no they don't need to match up. It is advised that they do however.
I'm going to hope your second part is answered by now, but I would try creating a new app ID. Perhaps there is something funky going on, I've never had this issue and I've created a hand full of app IDs and provisioning profiles.


Can't add a new member to team in iTunes connect

We have an iOS app that is fully managed in Xcode by the Agent setup in iTunes Connect.
Now, as our team grows, we tried to add a new member who would be responsible for uploading new versions. But we cant succeed in doing this.
In iTunes Connect, this new member is listed under 'Pending Invitations'. The email was sent out and user has accepted the invitation, but status didn't change.
When doing a re-send invitation, the second mail is well received, but clicking on the 'Accept' brings message 'Already a Member'. Status in Itunes Connect stoically stays with listing user under 'Pending Invitations'.
Xcode allows signing in with the new user, but doesnt see it as being a member of the team.
Although having checked the docs carefully, we must have missed something in this process.
If the member don't have a apple id account on his email he should create it before when he accept the invitation, if it's the case you should wait the itunes validation and it's ok.
check the apple documentation for more details.

NSSharingService instance return nil in cocoa

I downloaded the sample code on NSSharingService from The code is not working as i am not able to launch mail app from this. On debugging i found that [NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail] is always returning nil. Can someone please guide me if there is any system set up required to launch this successfully.
I had the same issue with Facebook service (NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook).
It is nil when "System Preferences -> Internet Accounts -> Facebook -> Share Menu" is turned off.
A sheet appeared first time and asked to add an account, I added one and just disabled that option and had to debug a code for about an hour.
As for your issue with Mail, it should be something similar, something with Mail accounts configuration. I tried myself to disable all Mail accounts, but it picked my Gmail one, so I was not able to reproduce it. Also I have no ability yet to test with a non-configured Mail.
Hope this will help you to go in the right direction.

Unable to invite internal users in apple TestFlight

I have no experience in publishing apps on the App Store. I have created an app from Xcode 6, archived it, validate it and submitted to iTunes Connect. While is pending for being reviewed I decided to try the new apple TestFlight functionality.
Following the tutorial video ( I have performed these steps:
I have added another apple ID that I own under the User & Role section giving him a Technical role
I have accepted the iTunes Connect email invitation for that user
I have selected my app, then my build and enabled it for TestFlight
I went under the Internal Testers section and invited the user
Still the status for the user is not being displayed as invited and I didn't received any email invitation to test the build.
As you can see I also tried to invite my own apple id account, the status changed to invited but I didn't received any email...
In addition refreshing the page brings me back to no invitation at all for the new user:
Am I doing something wrong? I fear I am missing a step during the build submission or maybe that since the app is reviewing for the app store I cannot invite beta testers...
I have also tried to toggle again the testflight build toggle (as suggested here: but nothing changed.
The problem with inviting an internal tester is that you cannot have an internal and external tester with the same apple ID.
Although deleted and recreated the user in user roles I still had the same problem. When I removed the duplicate email from External Testers and went back to Internal Testers, the invite was sent.
I managed to solve the issue. To make the invitations work again you must:
Under Internal Testers and Users and Roles: delete the users you are not able to invite
Under Users and Roles invite them again to join iTunes Connect
Enable them as testers
Go to your app build and invite them again as internal testers
Hope this might be useful.

No Suitable application record were found. When Validating Application

Okay I register my application to Itunes connect. I make sure that the correct application name and bundle is available.
Then I archieve my project and then I want to validate.
Then I got this message.
What is exactly wrong?
Is apple cannot figure out any application with the same bundle id and the same application name? Which one mismatch?
This is a common error. Just make sure that you set your app's state to waiting for upload
From Apple's documentation:
Troubleshooting: If Xcode doesn’t find an iTunes Connect application
record for your application, the “No suitable application records were
found” dialog appears. This dialog also appears when the application
record state is not at least Waiting for Upload.
When you register your app, it becomes 'Ready For Upload' first. You have to put it to 'Waiting For Upload' manually, by clicking the bottom-right button in iTunes Connect.
I'll add another answer because I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out why I could not get validation to work...
If you have multiple iTunes Connect accounts, make sure you are logging in with the correct account that you created the app in iTunesConnect with.
It sounds like a no-brainer but the Organizer remembers the credentials that you last validated with for deployment. The last app I shipped was several months ago under my contractor credentials. My new app is under my own credentials but I was trying to authenticate with the saved contractor credentials. ugh.

In-App Billing subscription issues

With the release of the new subscription option from In-App Billing API we started a proof of concept of the service and we found a few issues. Has anyone else tried it and would have some answers for us? Here's the issues we have been facing so far:
1 – While testing the unsubscribe functionality, the Google Play interface displays a white page with an “Item not found” message and a retry button. Is it due to the fact the app is not yet published? If yes, how can we test this flow without publishing it first?
2 – Inter device synchronization. When making a subscription on one device, other devices tied to the same account did not receive a OnPurchaseStateChange event. Is it again due to the fact the app is not published? Or are subscriptions tied to a particular device and not to an account?
3 – On our Google merchant page, when we cancel a purchase, the device does not receive a notification telling the subscription has been cancelled. Is this a bug? As a workaround we are manually checking the current time and comparing with the expiration date to force a restore transactions call. At this point, we are able to see the subscription is no longer valid. Do you think this is an acceptable solution?
4 – When a subscription is made, two transactions show up on the Google Merchant page: a FAILED transaction with a value of $0 and a valid one with the value we charged. Is this the expected behavior? What’s the purpose of the $0 FAILED transaction?
If anyone has faced similar issues we would like to know. Maybe these could be bugs on Google's end or maybe we did not understand 100% how it is supposed to work.
Thanks in advance.
1.I had the same issue and after I published (and later unpublished) my app I could see the app page in the market,so you can publish and than unpublish.
2.I didn't check it with subscriptions ,but for managed item i didn't get purchaseStateChange on two different devices as expected.
3.I do get subscription expired after canceling one,but only after a while.
I didn't understood how you can get the expiration date ?
you only can get it with access to play developer api.
the restore transactions will give you same purchaseStateChange as you got when purchase the item.
*in the developer guide it is recommanded to use restore transactions only in first app use.
4.I have same issue,and i heard at least about 10 people with same 0$ charge.
