How to kill all processes matching a name? - shell

Say I want to kill every process containing the word amarok. I can print out the commands I want to execute. But how do I actually make the shell execute them. ie.
ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}'
kill -9 3052
kill -9 3071
kill -9 3076
kill -9 3077
kill -9 3079
kill -9 3080
kill -9 3082
kill -9 3083
kill -9 3084
kill -9 3085
kill -9 3086
kill -9 3087
kill -9 3088
kill -9 3089
kill -9 4031

From man 1 pkill
-f The pattern is normally only matched against the process name.
When -f is set, the full command line is used.
Which means, for example, if we see these lines in ps aux:
apache 24268 0.0 2.6 388152 27116 ? S Jun13 0:10 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 24272 0.0 2.6 387944 27104 ? S Jun13 0:09 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 24319 0.0 2.6 387884 27316 ? S Jun15 0:04 /usr/sbin/httpd
We can kill them all using the pkill -f option:
pkill -f httpd

ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
xargs(1): xargs -- construct argument list(s) and execute utility. Helpful when you want to pipe in arguments to something like kill or ls or so on.

use pgrep
kill -9 $(pgrep amarok)

The safe way to do this is:
pkill -f amarok

I think this command killall is exactly what you need.
The command is described as "kill processes by name".It's easy to use.For example
killall chrome
This command will kill all process of Chrome.Here is a link about killall command
Hope this command could help you.

pkill -x matches the process name exactly.
pkill -x amarok
pkill -f is similar but allows a regular expression pattern.
Note that pkill with no other parameters (e.g. -x, -f) will allow partial matches on process names. So "pkill amarok" would kill amarok, amarokBanana, bananaamarok, etc.
I wish -x was the default behavior!

try kill -s 9 `ps -ef |grep "Nov 11" |grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` To kill processes of November 11
kill -s 9 `ps -ef |grep amarok|grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
To kill processes that contain the word amarok

If you want to execute the output of a command, you can put it inside $(...), however for your specific task take a look at the killall and pkill commands.

You can also evaluate your output as a sub-process, by surrounding everything with back ticks or with putting it inside $():
`ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}'`
$(ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}')

Maybe adding the commands to executable file, setting +x permission and then executing?
ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}' > pk;chmod +x pk;./pk;rm pk

If you're using cygwin or some minimal shell that lacks killall you can just use this script: - Kill by process name.
ps -W | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill --
$ killall <process name>


How to use xargs to pass arguments as sudo to given program in terminal shell

I want kill a series process like follow:(rg is a grep alternative)
ps -aux | rg "some_procs" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
but It raise an error message show I don't have permission. I also can't add sudo neither after xargs or behind xargs.(seems it will cause xargs assign argus to sudo rather kill).
How do I use sudo in this pipe link to kill those processes?
ps -aux | rg "mytmp" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9
this command worked.
In addition to
the answer,
if you are using GNU/Linux box, you could have use
pkill so
sudo pkill some_procs
Also note that, otherwise, your can pass many PIDs to kill OK. You don't need all ps default fields, but only PID and name to filter. Last, you can skip the rg part because you can do it in awk directly.
sudo kill -9 $(ps -o pid,args | awk '$2 ~ /some_procs/ {$1}')

Killing a running sh script using pid

I have made an Auto Clicker and was wondering how i would kill it using
kill [pid]
My auto Clicker works like this:
while true [1]; do
xdotool click --repeat 10000 --delay 150 1
code I have used to try and terminate running proccess:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | xargs kill -9
I found this code on another post, however i have had no luck with it.
pkill -f AutoClicker or kill $(pgrep -f AutoClicker)
If you run your code:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | xargs kill -9
you should get an error message from kill.
kill expects a list of process ids not usernames, times, and random strings.
You need to filter out everything except the pids with something like:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
Instead of searching for the process ID, use your own "PID file". I'll demonstrate with sleep in place of xdotool.
echo $$ > /tmp/
while true [1]; do
echo "clicking"
sleep 5
# rm -f /tmp/
I can run this script in another terminal window or the background. The important thing is that /tmp/ contains the process ID of this running script. You can stop it with:
kill $(</tmp/
This interrupts the while-loop. Need to figure out how to remove the PID file...

Kill command won't work correctly in bash script

I was running an ubuntu console, when I type the following command, all the processes would be perfectly killed.
kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep 'job1/' | grep -v grep| awk '{print $2}')
But when I was trying to use crontab to call a script routinely, things went wrong.
pid=$(ps -ef | grep 'job1/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
echo $pid
kill -9 $pid
# the following commands were never executed
sleep 5
The result was just like this:
15432 15438
It seems to just killed the job, but won't execute the following commands. Any idea?
If you are going to make a script that kills things by PID then you need to be very careful that you kill the right things.
You already have grep -v grep to avoid killing the grep itself, but it seems that you have not put in anything to protect against the script killing itself. Since you know your own PID you could grep -v that, but what if you are 123 and one of the things you want to kill is 1234? Probably safer to go by script name.

No command executed after performing kill command in shell script

Here is my shell script:
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
I am passing the name of the process as command line argument.
The echo command is not getting executed, although the target processes are actually receiving the SIGINT signal and exited.
Any suggestions?
I changed the code to:
PIDS=$(ps -e |grep $1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $$)
echo $PIDS
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
echo "The current process is $$"
Now I am noticing a strange thing:
The script is working but not as expected. Executing following command in command line outside the script
ps -e|grep process-name|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $$
gives pid of the process-name but when I execute the same command inside shell script, assign it to variable PIDS and then echo PIDS then it shows one more pid in addition to the pid of process-name. Therefore when the kill command executes it gives an error that the process with second pid doesn't exist. It does echo the remaining sentences in the terminal. Any clue ?
There really are only a couple of possibilities. Assuming you're just running this from the command line, you should see the message ... unless, of course, what you're doing puts the PID of your shell process in PIDS, in which case the kill would kill the (sub) shell running your command before you hit the echo.
Suggestion: echo $PIDS before you call kill and see what's there. In fact, I'd be tempted to comment out the kill and try the command, just to see what happens.
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
echo $PIDS
# kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
Of course, you can always run the script with bash -x to see everything.
Your script works. The only reason I can see for the echo not being executed is that some value of $1 and the script file name combine so that your script PID is also gathered, thereby making the script suicide.
The PIDS line spawns a process running ps, grep, another grep -- so you won't find in PIDS the processes running grep, but what about the parent process itself?
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^$$\$" )
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
or run the pipes one after the other with suitable safety greps.
Edit: it is evident that the "$1" selection is selecting too much. So I'd rewrite the script like this:
# Gather the output of "ps -e". This will also gather the PIDs of this
# process and of ps process and its subshell.
PSS=$( ps -e )
# Extract PIDs, excluding this one PID and excluding a process called "ps".
# Don't need to expunge 'grep' since no grep was running when getting PSS.
PIDS=$( echo "$PSS" | grep -v "\<ps\>" | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^$$\$" )
if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "No process found matching $1"
echo "Done sending signal."
ps -e is identical to ps -A and selects all processes ( cf. ), i. e. ps -e displays "information about other users' processes, including those without controlling terminals" (Mac OS X man page of ps). This means you will also kill the PID ($$) of your shell process, as already pointed out by Charlie Martin, because you will also grep a line of output of the ps -e command that looks like so:
67988 ttys000 0:00.00 /bin/bash ./killpids sleep
Just log the output of ps -e to a file to see that your script commits suicide:
./killpids sleep 2>err.log
# cat killpids
echo $$
for n in {1..10}; do
sleep 5000 &
sleep 1
unset PIDS
PIDS="$(ps -e | tee /dev/stderr | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')"
#PIDS="$(ps -www -U $USER -o pid,uid,comm | tee /dev/stderr | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')"
wc -l <<<"$PIDS"
#kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo kill -s TERM $PIDS
kill -s TERM $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"

Kill empty process id

In my Makefile, I have the following to kill all my running nginx processes:
sudo kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep [n]ginx | awk '{print $2}')
The problem is that it gives me an error when there are no nginx processes running. Is there a way I can run the kill command only if nginx is running?
Actually I think the issue is the $2 not getting executed. I tried $$2 but still does not work. Anyone have any other ideas to escape $2?
Found a way that made it work for me:
ps -ef | grep [n]ginx | awk '{print $$2}' | xargs sudo kill -9
You need to escape every single $ in your recipe that does not introduce a make variable. So, you need to escape both $$(ps ... and print $$2. You seem to be implying that this isn't your problem: however there's no way this will even come close to working without that.
You can also look into killall. Something like killall -I nginx || true might do it.
Give this a shot:
for PID in $(ps -ef | grep [n]ginx | awk '{ print $2 }'); do
sudo kill -9 $PID
