MVC3 - what is the best practice to validate the old data and new data when submitting a form - model-view-controller

I am using mvc3 for my web app.
When an user edit an existing form, make a few changes and save it.
what is the best practice to check which field in the form has been modified.

Since we're not talking data access - upon postback, compare it to your object in your database. This is somewhat of an open question because it depends what data access you are using and what models you are using. Entity framework Entities can track their modified state so you may be able to use
and check the status of each field. That 'may' work, otherwise you are comparing each field. However why do you need to know specifically which field changed? Save the entire object back to the database (or simply merge with the values from the page using the same TryUpdateModel above)


Check if Associated View is blank in Dynamic CRM Online

In CRM Online on a customer form is there anyway that you can check if the Associated View for Assets is blank? And if its blank change a field value based on it.
Using JavaScript, 2 ways:
The associated grid is showing records related to your primary record. You can perform the same query the grid is doing using REST which will tell you if there are any records. You can then count the records, and change the field value as required. This approach is better if there are records in the database but which aren't shown in the view for some reason, e.g. view filters.
Access the Grid objects data using getRows(). As above you can then count the records, and change the field value as required. The downside of this is I believe those methods only give you access to the records shown on the form (and not any hidden by filters but still in the database) - but I don't think that that will be a problem here.
Worth bearing in mind that this approach only works client side, e.g. someone has to be actually looking at the form.
If you need to cover the a non-client side approach, e.g. workflows creating records, then you should probably look at plugin development so the changes can be performed server side.
As a side if you just want a simple count shown on form you then you should probably look at Calculated Fields and in particular Rollup fields. You might also be able to run further client side JavaScript from the count.

Ideas about designing a database based web app

I'm creating a web app for my client as a part of my schools final project.
It's a web app where users fill forms (surveys) and after forms are submitted,
values are saved in the database.
There are three types of users: admins, moderators and viewers. Admin's can see the
overview of filled forms, moderators will fill these forms and they also can make edits
to them and get the overview of the forms they've filled. We haven't discussed about the rights of viewers
at this point.
I'm using CodeIgniter as a framework of my project since it comes pretty handy when it comes to database
manipulation and forms. What would be the best way to implement this kind of situation? There are apprx.
4-5 forms (surveys) each moderator will fill. After they've filled them, they only can make edits to that particular form.
So one user can fill each form only once.
I've designed that each of the forms needs one table. So if there is a form (survey) about IT equipment, I will create
a table for IT equipment. User's id number will be saved in to the last column in the table, usually called "user_ID" where I can
make queries based on users and check if user is already filled the particular form.
What about controllers and models? I've thought I could only make one model for inserting and editing the form.
However, is it pretty much the only way to create a controller or method foreach form since there are different types
of form fields to validate based on the form user is actually filling. I've already created a controller for inserting and updating
the IT equipment form and both of these methods are pretty big when it comes to the amount of code, over 200 lines per method.
So that would be a total amount of 2000 lines of code just for inserting and editing all the forms.
What'd you do and how you'd implement this if dealing with similiar kind of project?
Thanks in advance for all the ideas and point of views!
You should take a look into this:
It's a really good addon for codeigniter, that allows you to data oriented development.

How does one validate a partial record when using EF/Data Annotations?

I am updating a record over multiple forms/pages like a wizard. I need to save after each form to the database. However this is only a partial record. The EF POCO model has all data annotations for all the properties(Fields), so I suspect when I save this partial record I will get an error.
So I am unsure of the simplest solution to this.
Some options I have thought of:
a) Create a View Model for each form. Data Annotations on View model instead of EF Domain Model.
b) Save specific properties, rather than SaveAll, in controller for view thereby not triggering validation for non relevant properties.
c) Some other solution...??
Many thanks in Advance,
Option 1. Validation probably (especially in your case) belongs on the view model anyway. If it is technically valid (DB constraint wise) to have a partially populated record, then this is further evidence that the validation belongs on the view.
Additionally, by abstracting the validation to your view, you're allowing other consuming applications to have their own validation logic.
Additional thoughts:
I will say, though, just as a side note that it's a little awkward saving your data partially like you're doing, and unless you have a really good reason (which I originally assumed you did), you may consider holding onto that data elsewhere (session) and persisting it together at the end of the wizard.
This will allow better, more appropriate DB constraints for better data integrity. For example, if a whole record shouldn't allow a null name, then allowing nulls for the sake of breaking your commits up for the wizard may cause more long term headaches.

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - Maintain model state

Am new to ASP.NET MVC 3.0. Request expert's view on the below mentioned scenario.
I have a customer details page, where only Name is editable. There are 10 other customer properties that are non editable and displayed using SPAN. When user submits the page, I need to update only the Name.
If am using EF, I will have to load customer again, overwrite name and then save. Otherwise I will have to maintain customer model somewhere.
Anyone tried caching model (or viewmodel) using session id? Is it a good practice?
You are almost thinking in right direction.
If am using EF, I will have to load customer again, overwrite name and then save. Otherwise I will have to maintain customer model somewhere.
In Update Method **Load Customer again and update name Only as required and then save
**For 2 reasons
The first and most important rule is 'don't trust user data'. and
Concurrency and to avoid saving old data. See this example
Instead of using Session, I will suggest to use Hidden Field for record LastUpdateDateTime and Customer ID which will be posted back in the model to retrieve record and verify LastUpdatedtime with database record
Tipically, you should use a view model different than the database model. Having said that,in your current case the situation is very simple, submit only the name to the controller and then set the Name property of the object you get from EF with the submitted name.
Caching the view model or the model isn't your concern. The database model caching is handled by EF, your problem is mainly a lack of clear application layering. IN fact I strongly suggest to learn a bit more about the MVC pattern, basic application architecture (2-3 layering) and when and how to use a OR\M (which EF is).
use hidden inputs for other properties in your form. In that way you can get all properties binded to your EF entity and you dont need to get entity again from db.
or you can serialize the entity(if you use POCO entities) and set to hidden input. When you post back you should deserialize the entity.
My choice is always first one. :)

MS CRM Save + Copy as new (Custom Entity)

I have a custom entity in Microsoft CRM (4.0). The user has to input records however usually they have a batch of 20+ records that are almost the same apart from 2 or 3 fields which need changing. I know I need to write some custom code to enable this functionally. However can anyone recommend any methods to do this.
Ideally there should be a button that will save and create a copy as a new entity.
My Current way of thinking is to pass all the details as part of the URL and use javascript to strip them out on the page load event. Any ideas welcome.
I found the answer here:
I've used it and it appears to work well.
Since there are numerous fields, but only certain fields values are different, then i am thinking to set the default value to all the fields, so that users just need to alter those values when needed.
In my approach, i will hook a javascript function on load of the form data entry screen and use XmlHttp approach/Ajax approach to hook to the custom web service to pull/retrieve the default values of each fields. Or you can set those values at the javascript function itself, but the drawback of this, it's difficult to customize later. So i will choose the approach to hook to the custom web service and retrieve those value from some application parameter entity.
Your idea of providing a "clone" button is also a great idea, which means that it will duplicate all the attributes of the previous record, into a new record, so that it will save time for data entry person to customize the different value
Since you would enter records in batch mode, how about customizing .ASPX screen to enter records. By customizing through .ASPX screen, you can use a tab , so that users can browse through tabs, to customize the value/attribute of each record.
There will be a "save" button as well as "clone" button to clone some common attribute or value.
I would create a custom web service that would accept the entity type and the ID of the record I'm cloning. Your "Save and Clone" button would call the service, and the service would handle the details of retrieving the current record and deciding which fields to set on the new record. The service creates the record, and sends the Guid of the record back to your button, which then opens up the newly created record.
This way, you avoid the messiness of setting/getting values in JavaScript and tying which fields to set/retrieve directly to your OnLoads, as well as avoiding the possibility of query string that's too long.
The service could easily be sufficiently generalized so that all you'd have to do is add your button to any entity, and it would work, assuming you'd set up your service to handle that particular entity.
One possible downside is that since the clone record button would actually create the record, the user would be forced to delete the cloned record if they decided they didn't want to clone the record after all.
