Is there a comprehensive MIME header format reference online somewhere? - mime

I've looked at probably 100 sites, and haven't found anything. Some are just lists of mime type values, others references to the RFCs, or more or less direct quotes from them. The RFCs are impenetrable, and each only reveals one small part of the elephant.
Is there somewhere that gives us a comprehensive picture of the entire elephant (the MIME header), with all the parts attached in their appropriate locations?

I am going to list websites that have helped me on this topic enormously and hope they can help you two. I saved these to my bookmarks over time:
All of these helped me in one way or another and I saved all of them because I will probably need them in the future, hope they help you as much as they did me.
That is the ONLY link you should need!
EDIT: Answer in the Comments all the text is there, but not very useful because there is other stuff too. So then, go to the index: and ctrl+f for MIME. This brings up 113 hits. Go through the title until you see what you are looking for, then reference the number and get the full text


Feature Extraction from Images to use with LIBSVM

I'm really stuck right now. I want to apply LIBSVM for Image Classification. I captured lots of Training-Images (BITMAP-Format), from which I want to extract features.
The Training-Images contain people who are lying on the floor. The classifier should decide if there is a person lying on the floor or not in the given Image.
I read lots of papers, documentary, guides and tutorials, but in none of them is documented how to get a LIBSVM-Package. The only thing that is described is how to convert a LIBSVM-Package from a CSV-File like this one: CSV-File. On the LIBSVM-Website several Example-Data can be downloaded. The Example-Data is either prepared as CSV-Files or as ready-to-use Training- and Testdata.
If you look at the Values which are in the CSV-File, the first column are the labels (lying person or not) and the other Values are the extracted features, but I still can't reconstruct how those values are achieved.
I don't know if it's that simple that nobody has to mention it, but I just can't get trough it, so if anybody knows how to perform the feature extraction from Images, please help me.
Thank you in advance,
You need to do feature extraction first. There are many methods that are available. These include LBP,Gabor and many more.. These methods will help you get the features to input into libsvm..Hope this helps...

Backpropogation Through Time with Snarli

This question stemmed from the following post with a recommendation to use Snarli for Backpropogation Through Time. I tried it out for regular Backpropogation and it works great. However, I'm not sure about backprop through time. With the limited documentation I can't quite tell how to do it. I used BpptUpdate, but I need to set some momentum term for a layer. I'm a little confused by this (which layer to set and how).
Anyway, just looking for a quick response and I understand it is probably a very limited audience who has used Snarli. My next step is to email the author if I don't hear anything and I figured I could post the answer.
So, maybe this goes without saying, but after emailing the author I came to find that examples are found in the CVS repository (not in the .jar file) or in the snarli-apps compressed files at
An example for BPTT is found in the Caudill file, the Elman loop is found in elman, etc.

Parsing HTML in AppleScript

What's a good way to parse HTML in AppleScript?
I haven't dabbled in AppleScript in quite some time, and even when I did it was very minimal and uninvolved, so I don't really think naturally in the language quite yet. But I need to do some string manipulation and parse some HTML (basically some simple screen scraping).
Naturally, I'd like to avoid common pitfalls of HTML parsing. However, this is a temporary script and doesn't need to be particularly robust or supportable. I really just need to scrape specific substrings (from a known starting substring to the next known character) into a file.
I've done plenty of string manipulation in C# and similar languages, but AppleScript is an interesting change of pace to say the least. Can somebody point me to some good resources (Google searches on this subject seem to have a high noise-to-signal ratio), or help me out with some sample code snippets?
The ultimate goal of what I'm doing is to take a pre-determined list of pages, open each one in Safari (I'm doing everything through tell application "Safari"), parse out links which fit a certain pattern, and store all of those links in a file. Then go through that file, open each of those links, parse out more links which fit another pattern, and store all of those links in a file.
(The site is actually owned by someone we're working with, so don't worry about me violating any terms of service or anything like that. But for reasons outside the scope of this question, I'm doing some page scraping in AppleScript.)
I can't say enough good things about Matt Neuburg's AppleScript: the Definitive Guide. Without a doubt the most complete documentation of AppleScript ever done. Matt's also one of my favorite tech writers.
I would also check out this article. It contains a tutorial on how to do this; the example provided there parses HTML data from only one source, but I think it's worth looking at.

What does the sharp and exclamation mark (#!) stand for in a url? Don't even know how to look for an answer

I have seen these "!/" formated urls, and driven merely by curiosity I chose to ask you people... what is that used for? A kinda "exclamated-hashtag" if you know what I mean.
I see it on sites such as "" or "", both of them delivering asynchronous dynamic content in a similar way.
I uploaded a tiny shot just so you actually see what I see, here and there.
It appears to be a standard for allowing dynamically created content to be crawled.
You can see a good explanation of this under the SEO heading for the following answer:

Generating table of contents

I posted this one a couple of months ago on the Mathematica newsgroup, but got no usable response. I thought I'd give SO a try.
The question was: I don't seem to be able to find the method to generate the table of contents of a
Mathematica document I'm working on. Anyone knows this feauture's
David Annetts pointed me in the direction of the AuthorTools, an old v5.1
utility package that's still hidden in Mathematica. However, it
doesn't work on my document (v7). Any clue?
The TOC should contain correct section numbers (if present in the stylesheet) and list page numbers (this requires taking page size settings into account).
Perhaps looking at the code of Yuri Kandrashkin's package, Sidebar, will be useful?
