Must call EndRead() in ALL cases? - asyncsocket

Related to asynchronous IO using a (bidirectional) NetworkStream, MSDN says that "EndRead must be called once for every call to BeginRead."
Is this true even for cases where the EndRead() will throw an exception, such as in the case that the NetworkStream has been closed after the BeginRead() has been issued?
I don't want the overhead of the throwing of the exception, but neither do I want to leak OS precious resources reserved by BeginRead().
I also know that the stream could be closed between a test of the stream's state and the conditional EndRead(), but if EndRead() can be omitted when we know the stream is closed, that will save on the exception handling in the majority case.
Am I doing it wrong?

GCHandles pinning your buffers and some other unmanaged resources are released by the completion port callback. The unmanaged OVERLAPPED structure will hang around until the IAsyncResult gets finalized. This may be tolerable if the network load in your application is not large, but may become a problem if your application handles many connections per second, because finalization happens only after a full GC collection and on a separate thread.
NB: these are implementation details, obtained with Reflector. Caveat emptor.


How does COM avoid deadlocks when 2 objects call into each other?

Let's say there are two apartment-threaded COM objects, located in different apartments. Or maybe they're in different processes altogether. If one object calls a method on another, which in turn calls a method back on the first object, how does COM prevent the whole thing from deadlocking?
What you describe is called reentrancy.
The truth is that COM doesn’t do anything explicit to prevent reentrancy issues. It’s up to the implementer of each object to take precautions where needed, as applicable.
Funny enough, reentrancy in COM is far less common in real life than you would think. Object graphs in COM tend to be mostly trees, which do not exhibit reentrancy. When you have cycles it’s almost always because of objects exposing event-type functionality of some sort, typically Connection Points.
Event callbacks are very limited in scope and they trigger under the explicit control of each object’s code, so the programmer is able to easily time them so they occur at safe places (for example at/near the end of a method’s body after all the real work is done). This prevents serious reentrancy issues from developing.
But nothing stops you from coding something dangerous. For example, if an object triggers an event while its internal object state is inconsistent, all bets are off.
You mention deadlocks. Deadlocks require a locking mechanism of some sort (for example a Critical Section) and should be extremely rare to impossible in COM apartments for the reasons listed above. Any object that triggers an event while holding a lock is asking for serious trouble, and a deadlock is not the biggest of its worries: by virtue of being an STA object the reentrant call will run on the same thread, and it will be able to acquire the locks again and proceed right through, which means it’s very likely that the object will corrupt its internal state, cause a crash, or worse. Note that locks in an STA thread only make sense if the resources controlled by the lock are accessible to threads outside the object’s STA.
And finally, nothing in COM stops you from causing an infinite recursion loop and subsequent stack overflow either. For example, take two COM objects Obj1 and Obj2, with Obj2 implementing an event. We can have Obj1 call a pObj2->SomeMethod(…) which causes Obj2 to fire the event; then have obj1 listen (“sink”) to that event, and have that event handler call SomeMethod() again.
Profound thanks to Remy Lebeau for pointing to in his comment something I had forgotten to discuss, via a link to CodeGuru article Understanding COM Apartments, Part I. And in the process I also learned something new myself I should have known about.
There is one aspect of reentrancy and locking to consider and that is what happens during inter-apartment calls (either STA<->STA, STA<->MTA, or even STA<->OutofProc). During an inter-apartment call the STA (caller's) thread needs to stall and wait for an answer to the call request; the response cannot (by definition) execute on the same thread. But it can't just fully block (e.g. WaitForSingleObject) waiting for the response because the thread needs to be able to respond and process not only potential callbacks to the original object, but also to callbacks to any other object inside of the same apartment. If it were to fully block, the COM infrastructure itself would be introducing the potential for a deadlock and you wouldn't even need a dependency cycle between objects. So the COM marshalling infrastructure uses a more complex form of Wait that can unblock for a few other situations (Hans Passat points to CoWaitForMultipleHandles which looks right to me but I don't know the infrastructure to that level). If an applicable callback occurs, the marshalling infrastructure will unblock and allow that call to enter the apartment and proceed.
This is a form of locking induced by the COM infrastructure itself, rather than one coded explicitly as part of the object's implementation, which is why I hadn't thought of bringing it up. So COM does in fact "do something to prevent deadlocks", but to prevent deadlock potentials induced by its own infrastructure.
The part that I hadn't consciously realized was that this mechanism is very selective. It only lets through COM calls that form part of the same causality chain, that is, a callback, a direct consequence of the call that the thread was waiting on. Other COM calls into the apartment have to queue up and wait for that call chain to conclude, and for the STA thread to return to the thread's message loop.1
1 It makes complete sense that it needs to be that way, but I don't think I ever realized it.

Is WriteFile/ReadFile on Same Handle Thread-Safe Opened Without FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED but using OVERLAPPED structure?

It's clear that if you open a file using FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED you need to provide the OVERLAPPED structure and you need to wait when returns ERROR_IO_PENDING and if you don't provide hEvent it waits on the filehandle. Waiting on the filehandle, in this case, is not reliable because any operation that completes signals the filehandle.
Now if opened without the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED you can still provide the OVERLAPPED structure. Say you provide it without an hEvent or didn't provide OVERLAPPED at all, what does it do internally? If it's waiting on the file handle, it seems it would be unreliable in multi-threading applications that use the same handle in multiple threads to do file IO.
If it is multi-thread unreliable and an hEvent would be needed for every IO, how much overhead is involved in CreateEvent ? If not, does it internally create an event and does it have the same overhead?
I need to offer in a support library ability to open a PhysicalDrive in Overlapped mode, yet still, support they Synchronous operations. A new set of functions for overlapped read/write would be created. For the existing function calls, I was going to wait on the handle, but I think that is a problem. So I could either create an event each time or create a one-time event that is shared and use a Mutex to serialize the requests, only that could kill any NCQ type performance gain, especially if not using write cache. Understanding what Windows does internally would help a lot.
Yes, it's safe.
Signalling an event or the file handle is for the benefit of user-mode code waiting for operations. The driver internally is using a completely different synchronization scheme -- the IRP (I/O request packet). Multiple operations will not accidentally complete the wrong request as you seem to worry about.
(As a matter of fact, there is no synchronous I/O model behind the scenes. All I/O is done using IRPs and continuation-passing-style. Synchronous operations in user mode are emulated by performing an async kernel I/O and marking the current thread non-runnable pending that operation. Note that it is pended on the operation, not the event object or file object.)

Go destructors?

I know there are no destructors in Go since technically there are no classes. As such, I use initClass to perform the same functions as a constructor. However, is there any way to create something to mimic a destructor in the event of a termination, for the use of, say, closing files? Right now I just call defer deinitClass, but this is rather hackish and I think a poor design. What would be the proper way?
In the Go ecosystem, there exists a ubiquitous idiom for dealing with objects which wrap precious (and/or external) resources: a special method designated for freeing that resource, called explicitly — typically via the defer mechanism.
This special method is typically named Close(), and the user of the object has to call it explicitly when they're done with the resource the object represents. The io standard package does even have a special interface, io.Closer, declaring that single method. Objects implementing I/O on various resources such as TCP sockets, UDP endpoints and files all satisfy io.Closer, and are expected to be explicitly Closed after use.
Calling such a cleanup method is typically done via the defer mechanism which guarantees the method will run no matter if some code which executes after resource acquisition will panic() or not.
You might also notice that not having implicit "destructors" quite balances not having implicit "constructors" in Go. This actually has nothing to do with not having "classes" in Go: the language designers just avoid magic as much as practically possible.
Note that Go's approach to this problem might appear to be somewhat low-tech but in fact it's the only workable solution for the runtime featuring garbage-collection. In a language with objects but without GC, say C++, destructing an object is a well-defined operation because an object is destroyed either when it goes out of scope or when delete is called on its memory block. In a runtime with GC, the object will be destroyed at some mostly indeterminate point in the future by the GC scan, and may not be destroyed at all. So if the object wraps some precious resource, that resource might get reclaimed way past the moment in time the last live reference to the enclosing object was lost, and it might even not get reclaimed at all—as has been well explained by #twotwotwo in their respective answer.
Another interesting aspect to consider is that the Go's GC is fully concurrent (with the regular program execution). This means a GC thread which is about to collect a dead object might (and usually will) be not the thread(s) which executed that object's code when it was alive. In turn, this means that if the Go types could have destructors then the programmer would need to make sure whatever code the destructor executes is properly synchronized with the rest of the program—if the object's state affects some data structures external to it. This actually might force the programmer to add such synchronization even if the object does not need it for its normal operation (and most objects fall into such category). And think about what happens of those exernal data strucrures happened to be destroyed before the object's destructor was called (the GC collects dead objects in a non-deterministic way). In other words, it's much easier to control — and to reason about — object destruction when it is explicitly coded into the program's flow: both for specifying when the object has to be destroyed, and for guaranteeing proper ordering of its destruction with regard to destroying of the data structures external to it.
If you're familiar with .NET, it deals with resource cleanup in a way which resembles that of Go quite closely: your objects which wrap some precious resource have to implement the IDisposable interface, and a method, Dispose(), exported by that interface, must be called explicitly when you're done with such an object. C# provides some syntactic sugar for this use case via the using statement which makes the compiler arrange for calling Dispose() on the object when it goes out of the scope declared by the said statement. In Go, you'll typically defer calls to cleanup methods.
One more note of caution. Go wants you to treat errors very seriously (unlike most mainstream programming language with their "just throw an exception and don't give a fsck about what happens due to it elsewhere and what state the program will be in" attitude) and so you might consider checking error returns of at least some calls to cleanup methods.
A good example is instances of the os.File type representing files on a filesystem. The fun stuff is that calling Close() on an open file might fail due to legitimate reasons, and if you were writing to that file this might indicate that not all the data you wrote to that file had actually landed in it on the file system. For an explanation, please read the "Notes" section in the close(2) manual.
In other words, just doing something like
fd, err := os.Open("foo.txt")
defer fd.Close()
is okay for read-only files in the 99.9% of cases, but for files opening for writing, you might want to implement more involved error checking and some strategy for dealing with them (mere reporting, wait-then-retry, ask-then-maybe-retry or whatever).
runtime.SetFinalizer(ptr, finalizerFunc) sets a finalizer--not a destructor but another mechanism to maybe eventually free up resources. Read the documentation there for details, including downsides. They might not run until long after the object is actually unreachable, and they might not run at all if the program exits first. They also postpone freeing memory for another GC cycle.
If you're acquiring some limited resource that doesn't already have a finalizer, and the program would eventually be unable to continue if it kept leaking, you should consider setting a finalizer. It can mitigate leaks. Unreachable files and network connections are already cleaned up by finalizers in the stdlib, so it's only other sorts of resources where custom ones can be useful. The most obvious class is system resources you acquire through syscall or cgo, but I can imagine others.
Finalizers can help get a resource freed eventually even if the code using it omits a Close() or similar cleanup, but they're too unpredictable to be the main way to free resources. They don't run until GC does. Because the program could exit before next GC, you can't rely on them for things that must be done, like flushing buffered output to the filesystem. If GC does happen, it might not happen soon enough: if a finalizer is responsible for closing network connections, maybe a remote host hits its limit on open connections to you before GC, or your process hits its file-descriptor limit, or you run out of ephemeral ports, or something else. So it's much better to defer and do cleanup right when it's necessary than to use a finalizer and hope it's done soon enough.
You don't see many SetFinalizer calls in everyday Go programming, partly because the most important ones are in the standard library and mostly because of their limited range of applicability in general.
In short, finalizers can help by freeing forgotten resources in long-running programs, but because not much about their behavior is guaranteed, they aren't fit to be your main resource-management mechanism.
There are Finalizers in Go. I wrote a little blog post about it. They are even used for closing files in the standard library as you can see here.
However, I think using defer is more preferable because it's more readable and less magical.

According to MSDN ReadFile() Win32 function may incorrectly report read operation completion. When?

The MSDN states in its description of ReadFile() function:
If hFile is opened with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, the lpOverlapped parameter must point to a valid and unique OVERLAPPED structure, otherwise the function can incorrectly report that the read operation is complete.
I have some applications that are violating the above recommendation and I would like to know the severity of the problem. I mean the program uses named pipe that has been created with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, but it reads from it using the following call:
ReadFile(handle, &buf, n, &n_read, NULL);
That means it passes NULL as the lpOverlapped parameter. That call should not work correctly in some circumstances according to documentation. I have spent a lot of time trying to reproduce the problem, but I was unable to! I always got all data in right place at right time. I was testing only Named Pipes though.
Would anybody know when can I expect that ReadFile() will incorrectly return and report successful completion even the data are not yet in the buffer? What would have to happen in order to reproduce the problem? Does it happen with files, pipes, sockets, consoles, or other devices? Do I have to use particular version of OS? Or particular version of reading (like register the handle to I/O completion port)? Or particular synchronization of reading and writing processes/threads?
Or when would that fail? It works for me :/
Please help!
With regards, Martin
Internally the system only supports asynchronous I/O. For synchronous I/O the system creates a temporary OVERLAPPED structure with hEvent = NULL;, issues an asynchronous I/O request passing in this temporary, and then waits for completion using GetOverlappedResult( bWait = TRUE ).
Recall that the hEvent of the temporary OVERLAPPED structure is NULL and pay attention to the Remarks section of GetOverlappedResult:
If the hEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure is NULL, the system uses the state of the hFile handle to signal when the operation has been completed.
A file HANDLE is a waitable object that becomes unsignaled when an I/O operation begins, and signaled when an I/O operation ends.
Now consider a scenario where an asynchronous file HANDLE has a pending I/O request at the time you issue a synchronous I/O request. The system creates an OVERLAPPED structure and waits on the hFile HANDLE for completion. In the meantime the asynchronous I/O completes, thereby signaling the HANDLE causing the synchronous I/O to return prematurely without having actually completed.
Worse though is that by the time the asynchronous I/O that was initiated in response to the synchronous I/O request completes it will update the temporary OVERLAPPED structure that no longer exists. The result is memory corruption.
The full story can be found at The Old New Thing.
Seems like you are in a situation where you are deliberately calling an API in contravention of the documented best practices. In such situations all bets are off. It may work, it may not. If may work on this OS, but not on the next iteration of the OS, or the next service pack of the same OS. What happens when you port to Win64? Will it still work then?
Does calling GetLastError() (or looking at #ERR,hr in the debugger) give any value that is useful in addition to the error code?
I recommend that you call it with a valid OVERLAPPED structure, get it working and remove all doubt (and possibility of random failure). Why have possibly buggy code (and very hard to reproduce bugs) in your software when you can fix the problem easily by using a valid OVERLAPPED structure?
Why ask the question rather than fix the code to call the API as it was intended?
I suspect it always appears to work because, even though this is an asynchronous I/O, it completes very quickly. Depending on how you're testing for success, it's possible the function is incorrectly reporting that the operation completed, but it actually completes before you test the results.
The real test would be to do a read on the pipe before there's data to be read.
But really, you should just fix the code. If your architecture cannot handle asynchronous I/O, then remove the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED from the creation of the named pipe.
When they say
If hFile is opened with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, the lpOverlapped parameter must point to a valid and unique OVERLAPPED structure, otherwise the function can incorrectly report that the read operation is complete.
they mean that there's nothing in the code preventing it working, but there's also a path through their code that can produce erroneous results. Just because you can't reproduce the problem with your particular hardware does not mean there is no problem.
If you really want to reproduce this problem, leave the code as is and go on with your life. Right about the time you've forgotten all about this problem, strange behavior will surface that will not have any obvious relations to calling ReadFile. You'll spend days pulling your hair out, and the problem will appear to come and go randomly. Eventually you'll find it and kick yourself for not following the instructions. Been there, done that, no fun!
The other way to recreate the problem is to schedule an important demo for your customer. It's sure to fail then!
If you don't want to splatter your code with OVERLAPPED structures and all of the related return value checks, Waits, Events, etc, you can write a wrapper function that takes a handle from which to read, and a timeout. Simply replace your calls to ReadFile with this handy-dandy wrapper.

What are event handles?

I had a leaking handle problem ("Not enough quota available to process this command.") in some inherited C# winforms code, so I went and used Sysinternals' Handle tool to track it down. Turns out it was Event Handles that were leaking, so I tried googled it (took a couple tries to find a query that didn't return "Did you mean: event handler?"). According to Junfeng Zhang, event handles are generated by the use of Monitor, and there may be some weird rules as far as event handle disposal and the synchonization primitives.
I'm not entirely sure that the source of my leaking handles are entirely due to simply long-lived objects calling lots of synchronization stuff, as this code is also dealing with HID interfaces and lots of win32 marshaling and interop, and was not doing any synchronization that I was aware of. Either way, I'm just going to run this in windbg and start tracing down where the handles are originating from, and also spend a lot of time learning this section of the code, but I had a very hard time finding information about what event handles are in the first place.
The msdn page for the event kernel object just links to the generic synchronization overview... so what are event handles, and how are they different from mutexes/semaphores/whatever?
The NT kernel uses event objects to allow signals to transferred to entities that wait on the signal. A mutex and a semaphore are also waitable kernel objects (Kernel Dispatcher Objects), but with different semantics. The only time I ever came across them was when waiting for IO to complete in drivers.
So my theory on your problem is possibly a faulty driver, or are you relying on specialised hardware?
Edit: More info (from Windows Internals 5th Edition - Chapter 3 System Mechanics)
Some Kernel Dispatcher Objects (e.g. mutex, semaphore) have the of concept ownership. So when signalled the released one waiting thread will be released will grab these resources. And others will have to continue to wait. Events are not owned hence are available to be reset by any thread.
Also there are three types of events:
Notification : On signalled all waiting threads are released
Synchronisation : On signalled one waiting thread is released but the event is reset
Keyed : On signalled one waiting thread in the same process as the signaller is released.
Another interesting thing that I've learned is that critical sections (the lock primitive in c#) are actually not kernel objects, rather they are implemented out of a keyed event, or mutex or semaphore as required.
If you're talking about kernel Event Objects, then an event handle will be a handle (Int) that the system keeps on this object so other objects can reference it. IE Keep a 'handle' on it.
Hope this helps!
