Buildnumber not getting propagated down to childern from parent - maven

I am using the buildnumber-maven-plugin in my parent pom to create a build number. This works fine. However, I need to have the ${buildNumber} property in my child. I have added antrun ECHO for that property in my child and it is not there. How can I propagated that property down to children?

I found the issue. This may be a bug in the build number plug in. The property I use for the build number (the default name or one I set) does not get propagated down to the child project unless I add in
After adding this line in my pom for the build number plugin, all worked fine. Seems like if you don't have this line in the pom for that plugin it whips out the build number property upon completion of the Parent. Not sure. But all is working now.

Try to remove


How can I generate a maven property that's a UUID?

I have a file in my build that I want to put a UUID in every time a build is ran. I use maven's to do this for other properties like project.version. What's the simplest way to have maven insert a universal unique identifier (UUID) similar to java.util.UUID does? (I'd rather not write a plugin if I can avoid it)
Edit: Actually, the buildNumber is not random per build but rather the git commit hash of the build. Coincidentally, I also needed this so it's helpful, but does not answer the question.
It appears the 'buildNumber' property does what I need. I'm going forward with that.
Maven property:
[echoproperties] buildNumber=fb08b44b310c489f5b170842d3aac3c5eb5a6f7b
In my file:
"uid": "fb08b44b310c489f5b170842d3aac3c5eb5a6f7b",
I used this plugin that prints all available properties (careful as some might differ - like env.* - between environments:
<property environment="env" />
<echoproperties />

Maven maven-dependency-plugin copy-dependencies ignores outputDirectory

I'm try to use the maven-dependency-plugin's copy-dependencies goal.
I checked its official example with the snippet below.
My problem is: the dependencies are always copied to
target\dependency folder, even if I specify an <outputDirectory> node.
Here is the part of my pom.xml:
Question: What I'm doing wrong? Is it possible to declare the output directory outside of the project? For example: c:\temp ?
You configured an execution of the maven-dependency-plugin with a configuration only defined within its scope, hence it will only be picked up by the plugin during a mvn package invocation, that is, while performing the package phase and the plugin (executions) having a binding to it.
If you invoke the plugin from command line as following:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
It will indeed only use default values, since your configuration will be ignored.
In fact, the default value for the outputDirectory option is indeed:
Default: ${}/dependency
In maven, a plugin configuration can be defined as general configuration (outside of an execution section, applied to all executions and to command line invocations) or per execution (within an execution section, like in your case).
In your case, you probably want the configuration to be valid in both cases, so simply change your plugin section to the following:
Note: we moved up the configuration, from execution scope to plugin (global) scope.
Also note, in the configuration above we kept the execution, which means maven will always execute this plugin goal at each an every mvn package invocation. If you don't want this behavior and only expect to use the command line execution, then you can remove the executions section at all.
Since Maven 3.3.1 it's also possible (see the note at the very end of Using the executions Tag section):
Since Maven 3.3.1 this is not the case anymore as you can specify on the command line the execution id for direct plugin goal invocation.
to execute copy-dependencies execution directly not modifying your pom at all:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies#copy-dependencies
Note that of the two copy-dependencies separated by #, the former refers to the plugin goal and the latter refers to the execution id. And general direct invocation of an execution is:
mvn <plugin-prefix>:<goal>#<execution>
See also accepted answer to almost the same question

Setting properties in maven with gmaven

I am trying to overwrite the following property in maven using gmaven:
But I get this error:;
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-plugin:1.5:execute (setproperty) on project my-project: startup failed, script139276
2592853.groovy: 1: expecting ''', found '<EOF>' # line 1, column 84.
[ERROR] 1 error
What is wrong with the above groovy snippet?
Value of a property which is set using gmavenplus-plugin displays correctly when accessed using the plugin. It will display correctly even if it is accessed using different instances of the same plugin.
Problem arises when value of a property which is already initialized outside the plugin is altered by the plugin and it is accessed outside the plugin. Now the value of the property is not the value as updated by plugin. The updated value is now scoped within the plugin. As a workaround to solve this issue if a property has to be updated by the plugin and is required to be accessed outside the scope of plugin: do not declare or initialize it, in case it needs to be then declare and initialize the property through the plugin.
I agree with #khmarbaise that this is a little weird to do, but if you must...I'm not sure offhand why it isn't working. That plugin isn't really maintained anymore. <shamelessPlug>I think this should work:
For more info on this mojo, check out
</shamelessPlug>. However, be aware that I believe this will be scoped within the plugin.

Maven issue with buildnumber:hgchangeset properties not propagating to children

I have a multi-module project which uses the buildnumber:hgchangeset plugin to generate changeSet and changeSetDate properties, which then get blatted out into the manifest for each module, like so:
pom.xml (parent):
After a bit of experimentation, I discovered that having buildnumber:hgchangeset execute for each module contributed a significant amount of time to the overall build time, presumably because it's forking hg.exe every time it needs to get the changeset ID of the local repo.
I then thought it would be a good idea to set the inherited property to false on the buildnumber plugin, in order to only have it run once for the parent. Unfortunantly, doing this causes the changeSet and changeSetDate properties to not be "visible" to the child modules.
My question is: is it possible to set things up in such a way that buildnumber:hgchangeset runs only once, but the properties that it sets become visible to children modules?
I suppose alternatively I could write things out to a property file, and have each module read it back in, but this does not seem like idiomatic Maven to me.
Thanks in advance,

Configuring Javadoc aggregation in Maven

I'm trying to create an aggregate Javadoc site for all the modules in my project, but I can't seem to configure the plugin in a way that is satisfactory. Mainly, I can't seem to get it to aggregate the javadocs all the while detecting links and excluding certain packages. Essentially, it appears the configuration of the plugin is ignored entirely.
I have a root pom.xml that refers to a bunch of submodules and contains the following configuration:
But when I run mvn javadoc:aggregate with this setup, I end up with a javadoc site that has no links to any of the referenced libraries and still includes all the testing classes.
I don't even see the plugin attempting to download the package-list for each declared link source.
On the other hand, generating the javadoc for each individual module works well and as expected.
What am I getting wrong?
Plugin configurations can be placed on two levels; inside the execution tag or outside of it ("global").
When the configuration is inside the execution tag it belongs to that particular execution. In your case you will have to run mvn site for it to execute since it is bound to that phase.
When the mvn javadoc:aggregate command is used it looks for the "global" configuration. In your pom there is no such configuration and thus it uses the default configuration.
Change your plugin configuration to this instead:
You can place a configuration inside the execution part to override and specialize the configuration for that execution.
BTW The <groupId> is wrong in your pom. It should be
and not
