Is it possible to change the file sorting order in Textmate's project drawer, say, from by name to by kind?
While it isn't supported natively in TextMate, the ProjectPlus plugin lets you sort folders on top, and sort files by type.
I wanted to write a tool for synchronizing keyboard shortcuts between JetBrains IDEs but I cannot find the default ones. When I customize them in the IDE, a new folder keymaps is created under .tool\config which contains only the customized assignment.
However, I need to first compare the original schemes to find differences and to merge them eventually. But I cannot find them anywhere.
I looked for various *.xml files with the content like shift or ctrl or keyboard-shortcut, no results.
Do you know where they are hidden?
Check IDE_INSTALL_FOLDER/lib/resources.jar file (it's an ordinary ZIP archive).
All bundled keymaps will be located in keymaps folder inside that archive.
While trying to find specific .jar files using the Mac Finder, I cannot limit the search criteria (an option found by clicking the settings gear icon and then Show Search Criteria by Kind of .jar.
While trying setting Kind to Other and using .jar or *.jar, no results are returned for jar files that I know exist on my computer. I have tried the same for .tar as well.
Is there a way to limit a Finder search to specific jar files?
Almost, the literal kind of .jar files is Java JAR file
You can check the Spotlight attributes of a file yourself pretty simply.
Type mdls followed by a space character.
Drag the file into the Terminal window.
Press return.
After selecting a New Smart folder from the finders file menu. Using the criteria lines can contain multiple statements by clicking the plus button.
Additionally if you hold down the option key, the plus turns into an options statement in which you can select additional criteria such as "all the following are true or false"
You can create multiple condition criteria using this method. You might need to logically experiment with where you place the statements in such a way it returns what's expected. As the order in which you create them is the order the machine goes through the workflow.
My Project View in CLion lists not only C++ files and headers but also built libraries (.la) and object files (.o). I don't want to see them. What can I do to make them not appear in the list?
In the menu go to Files/Settings: in the dialog box chose the item File types. The last field in the dialog is Ignored files and folders. It contains semicolon-separated patterns that will be applied and, if the file matches one of these, ignored. Wildcards like * are allowed.
So just add ;*.la;*.o at the end.
You can also define a so-called "Scope" by clicking on the gear icon at the right of the project view's header bar -> "Edit scopes". This will present you with a nice ui to define your filter. Afterwards, click on the triangle next to "Project" in the project view header bar and select your newly created scope.
If you are using version control(git) you can also add the file extensions to the .gitignore file and Clion should hide those files as well. If you're not using version control then adding the file extensions to the Clion Ignored files and folders list.
I am using Xcode 4.4.
As you may all know, there is an easy option to localize resource files in Xcode. You can also internationalize your plist Files, which is my approach.
But since 4.4 it doesn't seem to work properly anymore.
All you have to do is the following:
In <project>-Info.plist file add key "Localization" which adds a subarray where you add your country codes as items
now you can localize you resource file (like Localizable.strings) i.e. like so: followed by a modal screen where you're able to choose the languages defined in plist file
Enter! The resource file now lives in <country identifier>.lproj folder.
In Xcode 4.4 you cannot choose your language, defined in plist file. Only English.
I tried everything. Don't want to localize manually.
Also in Xcode versions below 4.4 it was possible to add new languages with a '+'-button. It is not possible:
Look at this:
Any suggestions. Or do I do it just the wrong way?
Here is how you localize your recources in Xcode 4.4+ :
Click on your project (navigator)
On 'Info' tab under your project you'll see the 'Localizations' section
Click on + to add a language
Choose the files you want to localize in the sheet that will be displayed
Now Xcode will automatically create and put your files under the respective language folders.
Finally if you want to localize other sources (such as image files), click on your file, bring the file inspector pane and click 'Make Localized...' button under 'Localization' section. Xcode will fire up another sheet with the available languages, choose the language and you're ready. I hope that this makes sense.
The question is, too, how to localize multiple Info.plist files for multiple targets.
This is done very easily. Just add the languages you want your localization in to the projectile, as described above.
Then you click your several Info.plist Files, each for each target.
Open up the Utilities sidebar
Click "Make localized"
Then choose between the in the project-file setup languages and you're done.
In Xcode (latest version), is there a option to group/put-in-a-folder/orginize-in-any-other-way classes that are found in the app folder?
I am only asking because I am building an app and it already has more than a hundred classes and navigating them trough is really a pain. A nice way to categorize them would really hel to make the development easier.
Also, if there is a way to do so, will it work with nib files as well?
Structure can be created in the organization of your files as listed in an Xcode project by creating groups. You can select the items you wish to group together and select "New Group from Selection" in the contextual menu available by right clicking on the selection, or from the file menu select New->Group from Selection. A group shows up in Xcode as a folder. These groups have no functional influence on your code, they merely help humans organize projects. You can nest groups inside other groups by creating new groups inside existing groups or moving groups by clicking and dragging.
Xcode's project navigator does not necessarily reflect the organization of files as stored in the file system. Each file listed in an Xcode project is a link to the file on disk. Therefore this grouping will not move items in the file system. If you need to see in the Finder organization developed by grouping files in Xcode, you'll have to repeat the grouping in the Finder. Moving items around in the Finder may break links in the Xcode project, so files will have to be re-added to the Xcode project.