Does anyone know a standard way to batch http requests?
Meaning - sending multiple http atomic requests in one round trip?
We need such mechanism in our REST API implementation for performance reasons. This kind of mechanism can reduce dramatically the number of round trips that the client needs to perform to consume the API.
Thanks in advance,
Define a new resource that contains the data the client wants. See
There's an official HTTP way to do that which is called HTTP Pipelining. But you may have more problems with the browser side than with the server-side. So you may be able to use it if you have a hig-level of control on the client side only.
XHR does not always allow pipeling, and AFAIK you have no control of the HTTP tunneling with Javascript. So a basic ajax-jQuery implementation cannot exists. But you may find some advanced things with Comet and the Bayeux protocol, emulating bi-directionnal long-term tcp-connections, where you will certainly reduce the tcp round trips.
I'm not a comet specialist, but you may find useful informations on this Comet & HTTP Pipeling article, to my understanding most of this is highly experimental, but at least you could have a nice fallback with 'classical' comet when HTTP Pipelining is not available. This would maybe need a retag or a new question.
That's a problem with REST. They are at entity level. The REST idea is to have each URL uniquely identify a resource.
Of course you can introduce aggregated resource. For ex,,Faults,Incidents
This returns the XML for CustomerA but also returns the Orders, faults, Incidents of the customer as embedded collection.
If you're looking at REST based services or an API of some kind. There is some beginnings of a standard here
And an implementation by Google here
If using dedicated 'aggregate' resources as fumanchu said above does not work for you, you can also try if you can move representations of less volatile resources to caches to reduce load on your system. For example: HTML pages on the 'human' Web often include loads and loads of images and the many sub request are of no concern there.
The build 17063 of windows 10 (and the following versions) are coming with CURL command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\": \"myname\", \"email\": \"\"}' https://example/contact
call winhttpjs.bat "" -method POST -header hdrs.txt -reportfile reportfile2.txt
call winhttpjs.bat "" -method GET -header hdrs.txt -reportfile reportfile3.txt -saveTo c:\
call winhttpjs.bat "" -method POST -header hdrs.txt -reportfile reportfile2.txt -saveTo responsefile2 -ua "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36" -body-file some.json
It does not support multi-part requests at the moment ,i'm planning to add such a thing but I don't know when i'll have the time.
You create batch requests by calling new_batch_http_request() on your service object, which returns a BatchHttpRequest object, and then calling add() for each request you want to execute. You may pass in a callback with each request that is called with the response to that request. The callback function arguments are a unique request identifier for each API call, a response object which contains the API call response, and an exception object which may be set to an exception raised by the API call. After you've added the requests, you call execute() to make the requests. The execute() function blocks until all callbacks have been called.
You can try this too
I read documents online. They say that
A GET-Ajax request is used for getting data from the server.
A POST-Ajax request is used for change data on the server.
But why is it?
A Get-Ajax request can change the data on the server TOO, right?
Why should only the POST-Ajax request change the data?
Is it because of a security reason or something? Please explain to me
GET and POST are different methods for web requests that provide different features/describe different intentions for programmers and APIs. You are correct that, technically speaking, if you want to do some other CRUD operation on the server when using a GET request, you can. Most would probably argue that this is not a good idea, in part for security/performance features that either method provides. Example: GET requests can be cached, POST cannot.
More on that here:
I am using Postman to fetch data from my server and when I use a REST call it is a GET request but when I use a GraphQL API call, it needs to be a POST request. Why is it so?
The GraphQL spec is itself transport-agnostic, however the convention adopted by the community has been to utilize POST requests. As pointed out in the comments, some libraries support GET requests. However, when doing so, the query has to be sent as a URL query parameter since GET requests can't have bodies. This can be problematic with bigger queries since you can easily hit a 414 URI Too Long status on certain servers.
The best practice is to always utilize POST requests with a application/json Content-Type.
The DalekJS documentation for the open() action says "You can forge GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD requests".
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I need to send POST, PUT & DELETE requests to the server for some tests.
per definition the Webdriver Spec & the underlying JSON-Wire protocol do not support manipulation the HEADERS of a request.
That seems like a limitation, but makes sense if you think about what the protocol is designed for. It is designed to "simulate" a "real" user. What a real user normally doesn't do, is changing the HEADERS of its request.
There are other tools if you want to test a REST interface, Dalek isn't (becauseof the underlying protocol) not designed to test such things.
I'm trying to write a client that reads HTTP chunked data. The chunks contain additional information that I need to use.
I've already figured out that I can't use the HTTPWebResponse, since it hides the optional tags.
So, the way I understand it, I need to use a TCPClient, send the HTTP request through it, and then parse the response.
My question at this point is how do I create and send the HTTP request, especially as HTTPWebRequest is not serializable.
Any help, including an indication of a better way to do this, would be appreciated.
If you#re going to use TCPClient, then you're going to have to do the request by hand. Fortunately, HTTP is a reasonably easy to do. Just write the headers you need to send delimited by /n/r.
You'll probably want/need to read up on the HTTP spec.
I want to use mootools and SqueezBox class to handle a request to a RESTful service. I don't want to use any server-side script. I am using AJAX. I send a request to the following url using GET method.
but I receive a 404 error. Is it because cross-site scripting? here is my code:
new Event(e).stop();
In Firebug console, sometimes 'aborted' is shown and sometimes '404'.what is wrong with that?
XMLHttpRequest is subject to the Same Origin Policy; if the document your JavaScript is running within is not from the same origin as the service you're trying to call, the call will be disallowed for security reasons.
There is now a proposed standard for cross-origin resource sharing to address this. It may be that the service you're trying to use supports it; if so, using a browser that implements CORS (recent versions of Firefox and Chrome do, as do some others) may work. IE8 supports it but requires that you do extra work.
You cannot use XMLHttpRequest (that is, ordinary "ajax") to call a service on a server that is not in your domain.
You can, however, use the JSONP trick, which takes advantage of the fact that the browser will load Javascript from other domains. However, the service has to know that you're going to do that, and it has to understand the protocol. That particular service seems perfectly willing to give me a JSON response, but it doesn't pay attention when I give it a "callback" parameter. (I've tried both "callback" and "jsonp" and the JSON blob that comes back is the same, without a function call wrapper.)