Is it practical to call vbscript functions from Ruby using win32ole? - ruby

Is it practical to call a VBScript function, such as VBScript's Chr(charcode), from Ruby using win32ole?
Background: While working out how to add some nicely formatted headers to an excel worksheet, I followed my standard operating procedure: record an excel macro and copy and paste the code.
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageLayoutView
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
' Irrelevant options snipped
.CenterHeader = "&F" & Chr(10) & "&A"
' More irrelevant options snipped
End With
The following Ruby code
# workbook is an existing workbook object
worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add
worksheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&F \n &A"
works, but I had to look up the Chr(charcode) documentation to check it was the exact same thing. I tried doing
worksheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&F" + workbook.Chr(10) + "&A"
but got
WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method: `Chr'
HRESULT error code:0x80020006
Unknown name.
from (irb):6:in `method_missing'
from (irb):6
from c:/Ruby19/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
Is there any practical way to do the latter approach?

I wouldn't call a vbscript script for something that is easier done in Ruby but it is possible.
How you requested it:
require 'win32ole'
sc ="ScriptControl")
center_header = sc.eval('"&F" & Chr(10) & "&A"') #"&F\n&A"
and how you could do it in Ruby itself
"&F" + 10.chr + "&A" #"&F\n&A"
"&F\n&A" #"&F\n&A"
EDIT: For 64bit windows that wouldn't work any longer out of the box, you need to install a 64 bit dll that you can find at (The site is in japanese so translate the page in your browser)

how 'bout
worksheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&F" + 10.chr + "&A"


VB 2010 retrieve image

Good day sirs. I'm trying to retrieve a photo from my access database then load it in a PictureBox but I have this kind of problem which I can't resolve.
I have seen questions similar to mine but I can't understand the solutions given by others as I'm just a newbie. Will someone please help me correct my codes for retrieving image file from access database. Thanks
I'm using access database and Visual Basic 2010.
Here's the code:
Dim arrImage() As Byte
Dim myMS As New IO.MemoryStream
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT *
FROM tblEmp
WHERE EmployeeID= '"
& Me.txtID.Text
& "'", con)
Dim dt As New DataTable
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
If Not IsDBNull(dt.Rows(0).Item("Picture")) Then
arrImage = dt.Rows(0).Item("Picture")
For Each ar As Byte In arrImage
inFrm.PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(myMS)
End If
End If
I'm getting a "Parameter is not valid" error from the line
inFrm.PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(myMS)
try replacing the line of code with this
inFrm.PictureBox1.PictureData = myMS.Read

Word Document.SaveAs ignores encoding, when calling through OLE, from Ruby or VBS

I have a script, VBS or Ruby, that saves a Word document as 'Filtered HTML', but the encoding parameter is ignored. The HTML file is always encoded in Windows-1252. I'm using Word 2007 SP3 on Windows 7 SP1.
Ruby Example:
require 'win32ole'
word ='Word.Application')
word.visible = false
word_document ='C:\whatever.doc')
word_document.saveas({'FileName' => 'C:\whatever.html', 'FileFormat' => 10, 'Encoding' => 65001})
VBS Example:
Option Explicit
Dim MyWord
Dim MyDoc
Set MyWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
MyWord.Visible = False
Set MyDoc = MyWord.Documents.Open("C:\whatever.doc")
MyDoc.SaveAs "C:\whatever2.html", 10, , , , , , , , , , 65001
Set MyDoc = Nothing
Set MyWord = Nothing
msoEncoding values:
Any suggestions, how to make Word save the HTML file in UTF-8?
Hi Bo Frederiksen and kardeiz,
I also encountered the problem of "Word Document.SaveAs ignores encoding" today in my "Word 2003 (11.8411.8202) SP3" version.
Luckily I managed to make msoEncodingUTF8(namely, 65001) work in VBA code. However, I have to change the Word document's settings first. Steps are:
1) From Word's 'Tools' menu, choose 'Options'.
2) Then click 'General'.
3) Press the 'Web Options' button.
4) In the popping-up 'Web Options' dialogue, click 'Encoding'.
5) You can find a combobox, now you can change the encoding, for example, from 'GB2312' to 'Unicode (UTF-8)'.
6) Save the changes and try to rerun the VBA code.
I hope my answer can help you. Below is my code.
Public Sub convert2html()
With ActiveDocument.WebOptions
.Encoding = msoEncodingUTF8
End With
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & "file_name.html", FileFormat:=wdFormatFilteredHTML, Encoding:=msoEncodingUTF8
End Sub
Word can't do this as far as I know.
However, you could add the following lines to the end of your Ruby script
text_as_utf8 ='C:\whatever.html').encode('UTF-8')'C:\whatever.html','wb') {|f| f.print text_as_utf8}
If you have an older version of Ruby, you may need to use Iconv. If you have special characters in 'C:\whatever.html', you'll want to look into your invalid/undefined replacement options.
You'll also probably want to update the charset in the HTML meta tag:
text_as_utf8.gsub!('charset=windows-1252', 'charset=UTF-8')
before you write to the file.
My solution was to open the HTML file using the same character set, as Word used to save it.
I also added a whitelist filter (Sanitize), to clean up the HTML. Further cleaning is done using Nokogiri, which Sanitize also rely on.
require 'sanitize'
# ... add some code converting a Word file to HTML.
# Post export cleanup.
html_file =, "r:windows-1252:utf-8")
html = '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
html_document = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(html)!(html_document)
html_document.css('html').first['lang'] = 'en-US'
# ... add more cleaning up of Words HTML noise.
sanitized_html = html_document.to_html({:encoding => 'utf-8', :indent => 0})
# writing output to (new) file
sanitized_html_file_name = word_file_name.sub(/(.*)\..*$/, '\1.html'), 'w:UTF-8') do |f|
f.write sanitized_html
HTML Sanitizer:
HTML parser and modifier:
In Word 2010 there is a new method, SaveAs2:
I haven't tested SaveAs2, since I don't have Word 2010.

VBScript and loadXML: Invalid at the top level of the document. How to fix it?

This is my fort post on stackoverflow. I have searched many similiar Q&A's on this site but my conditions seem a bit different. here is my vbscript code:
------------ code snippet ---------------
xmlurl = "songs.xml"
set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False
if xmlDoc.parseError.errorcode<>0 then
'error handling code
msgbox("error! " & xmlDoc.parseError.reason)
end if
------------ end code snippet ---------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nowplaying-info mountName="CKOIFMAAC" timestamp="1339771946" type="track">
<property name="track_artist_name"><![CDATA[CKOI]]></property>
<property name="cue_title"><![CDATA[HITMIX]]></property>
<nowplaying-info mountName="CKOIFMAAC" timestamp="1339771364" type="track">
<property name="track_artist_name"><![CDATA[AMYLIE]]></property>
<property name="cue_title"><![CDATA[LES FILLES]]></property>
<nowplaying-info mountName="CKOIFMAAC" timestamp="1339771149" type="track">
<property name="track_artist_name"><![CDATA[MIA MARTINA]]></property>
<property name="cue_title"><![CDATA[TOI ET MOI]]></property>
I also tried removing the first line in case maybe UTF-8 was not compatible with windows (saw some posts about this), but I still got the same error. I also tried unix2dos and vice versa in case there were carriage return issues (hidden characters embedded in the xml). I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. It's such a simole XML file. I could parse it in a few minutes using perl regex but I need to run this script on windows so using vbscript. I use the same technique to parse XML from other sources without any issues. I cannot modify the XML unfortunately, it is from an external source.
I have this exact same error on both my Windows Vista home edition and Windows Server 2008. I am running the vbscript from the command line for testing so far (ie not in ASP).
Thanks in advance,
xmlDoc.loadXML() can load an XML string. It cannot retrieve a URL.
Use an XMLHTTPRequest object if you need to make an HTTP request.
Function LoadXml(xmlurl)
Dim xmlhttp
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET", xmlurl, false
' switch to manual error handling
On Error Resume Next
If err.number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo xmlhttp.parseError.Reason
End If
' switch back to automatic error handling
On Error Goto 0
Set LoadXml = xmlhttp.ResponseXml
End Function
Use like
Set doc = LoadXml("http://your.url/here")
Three addition remarks:
(1) As .parseError.reason tends to be cryptic, it pays to include its .srcTxt
property (and the parameter to .loadXml):
Dim xmlurl : xmlurl = "song.xml"
Dim xmlDoc : Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.loadXML xmlurl
If 0 <> xmlDoc.parseError.errorcode Then
WScript.Echo xmlDoc.parseError.reason, "Src:", xmlDoc.parseError.srcText
WScript.Echo "surprise, surprise"
End if
Invalid at the top level of the document.
Src: song.xml
Of course, writing a Function/Sub that takes all properties of .parseError
into account and using that always, would be even better.
(2) To load a file or URL, use .load:
Dim xmlDoc : Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Dim xmlurl
For Each xmlurl In Array("song.xml", "http://gent/~eh/song.xml", "zilch")
xmlDoc.async = False
if xmlDoc.load(xmlurl) Then
With xmlDoc.documentElement.firstChild
WScript.Echo xmlurl _
, .tagName _
, .firstChild.tagName _
, .firstChild.text
End With
WScript.Echo xmlurl, xmlDoc.parseError.reason, "Src:", xmlDoc.parseError.srcText
End if
song.xml nowplaying-info property CKOI-ÄÖÜ
http://gent/~eh/song.xml nowplaying-info property CKOI-ÄÖÜ
zilch The system cannot locate the object specified.
(3) Using the DOM avoids all encoding problems (that's why I put some
german umlauts into 'your' file - which even made it to the DOS-Box output)
and makes RegExps (even Perl's) a second best choice.

opening powerpoint presentations in ruby via win32ole

I've got this piece of code that works for Excel.
require 'win32ole'
excel ='Excel.Application')
excel.visible = true
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open('c:\file.xls');
But I have trouble getting the same thing done with for PowerPoint; This piece of code:
require 'win32ole'
ppt ='Powerpoint.Application')
ppt.visible = true
presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open('c:\file.pptx');
Generates this error:
filename.rb in `method_missing': (in OLE method `Open': ) (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
OLE error code:80004005 in <Unknown>
<No Description>
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
Exception occurred.
Microsoft Support site says that the only required parameter is the filename.
I've found an ugly workaround:
require 'win32ole'
require 'fileutils'
ppt ='PowerPoint.Application')
ppt.visible = true
system "start c:/presentation.ppt"
puts ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count()
ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Export("filename.jpg", ".jpg", 1024,768)
I put a 3 second wait and it fixes the problem
I got same error and adding ppt.visible = true was good enough for me.
Try using Add instead of Open or Connect
for example:
presentation = ppt.Presentations.Add('c:\file.pptx');

Why is WSH giving me the "expected ;" error?

Im trying to get my feet wet with some WSH. I thought it was going to be easy, but it's really a nightmare...
contents of registry.js >
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
strRegValue = 'HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/ProductID';
strPID = shell.RegRead(strRegValue);
WScript.Echo strPID;
This is a code snippet to read a registry value. Maybe you can see what'
s wrong with it because I sure cant!
how about trying this way:
var shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
// my version of windows does not have the regkey you initially specified
strRegValue = 'HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CommonFilesDir';
strPID = shell.RegRead(strRegValue);
