How to run a program with arguments with MONO? - shell

I have a program that receives input arguments:
$ myProgram.exe -arg1 -arg2 -arg3
in Windows that works just fine. I want to run that through MONO in linux. How do I do that?
$ mono myProgram.exe
runs the program, but how do I pass the arg1, arg2 and arg3 to myProgram.exe using MONO?
Thanks in advance!

According to the mono wiki, the syntax for invoking mono is:
mono [options] file [arguments...]
I think that options are options to mono, while arguments are arguments to the program you want to run. So just do this:
mono myProgram.exe arg1 arg2 arg3
You might also be able to execute it without explicitly calling mono. This works on some platforms and not on others:
./myProgram.exe arg1 arg2 arg3


How to execute an exe created with 7zip sfx with parameters

We are in process of creating an self extract exe with help of 7zs.sfx, following instructions provided here
Works well till this point, but we are unable to run the exe via command prompt that accepts command line arguments.
Example: Selfextract.exe arg1 arg2 arg3
There is an option to configure "ExecuteParameters" option in config.txt with hard coded parameters passed as arguments to an application configured with "ExecuteFile"
Title="Application v1.0.0.0"
How to pass an argument through command line rather than hard coding the argument in config.txt
Parameters could be passed to the self extract exe without any changes to config file.
Example: Selfextract.exe arg1 arg2 arg3
arg1, arg2 and arg3 parameters would be passed to the exe configured in config.txt by default.
Eventually considering the example, Install.exe is run with arg1, arg2 and arg3 parameters.

Create alias in shell script using a variable

I have a directory say "/dir". Inside this directory I have files with the name arg1_config.tcl, arg2_config.tcl, arg3_config.tcl. There might be more files going forward with the same extension. I am trying to dynamically generate aliases for arg1, arg2 and arg3 in this case and below is my code for the same.
foreach i (`ls <path>/dir/*.tcl`)
set app = `echo $i | sed -e 's/.*\///g' | sed 's/_config.tcl//g'`
echo "app is $app"
alias $app 'run -app $app' # run is an internal script that takes arg1/2/3 as a switch
echo "alias $app 'run -app $app'"
When I source this file it prints
app is arg1
alias arg1 'run -app arg1'
app is arg2
alias arg2 'run -app arg2'
app is arg3
alias arg3 'run -app arg3'
However when I run which arg3 it says aliased to run -app $app and app value somehow is always the last value after exiting the foreach loop i.e arg3 in this case. I am not able to create aliases like the print messages above, i.e:
alias arg1 'run -app arg1'
alias arg2 'run -app arg2'
alias arg3 'run -app arg3'
I know it's a bash faq, but the ParsingLs guidelines apply here too. Don't parse the output of ls. Just don't. You have globs in csh too.
foreach i (`ls <path>/dir/*.tcl`)
should simply be
foreach i ( <path>/dir/*.tcl )
That said, the problem you're asking about is as Glenn suggested in comments. Single and double quotes behave in csh much the same way as they do in sh/bash: single quotes block variable expansion. Your alias is not actually setting an alias, it's setting something which when run will try to expand the variable at the time you run it. Try using double quotes and see if that gets you the behaviour you expect.
As an alternate strategy to shell aliases, consider linking or symlinking the script to multiple names on your path, then switching on $0 instead. It'll require less hacking on shells, which will be especially noticeable when someone decides to try out a different shell and forgets that these "commands" are really just shell aliases. :)

emacs inf-ruby run ruby buffer with argument?

Im using inf-ruby mode in emacs, I really live it. But anyone know how to run a ruby script with arguments by inf-ruby? for instance, I need to pass argument arg0 and arg1 to test.rb
test.rb -arg0 -arg1
The short answer: instead of M-x run-ruby, call it with a prefix arg like so: C-u M-x run-ruby. This will allow you to edit the command line.
The long answer: don't. Instead re-structure your code so that you can test / call all the functionality without relying on parsing the command line arguments. Then do some simple tests from the command line whether your argument parsing works out okay.

How to pass arguments to a bash script running under MinGW on Windows

I have a bash script which takes two arguments .
On OS X I can invoke the script as follows:
./my-script arg1 arg2
and both arguments are passed to the script.
I have MinGW installed on Windows and when I invoke the script as follows:
my-script arg1 arg2
the arguments are not passed to the script.
However if I invoke it as follows:
bash my-script arg1 arg2
the arguments are passed to the script.
Is there is another way to pass the arguments without having to do this?
In OS X/Linux the terminal itself is bash and that can process shell script. But in the case of windows it does not use bash for terminal that is why you want install mingw to get bash itself. So if you want to execute scipt you want to execute bash and then input the script. So in command prompt you have to give bash my-script arg1 arg2. In windows explorer you can set *.sh extension to bash so by clicking on script it will execute bash. But you can't give arguments for scripts. In conclusion it is not possible to execute shell scripts without giving bash.
For windows my suggestion is to go with powershell scripts which is new or old batch scripts.

Can I pipe between commands, and run the programs from different directories?

I have a particular command, that reacts differently depending on the content of the current working directory.
I now wish to pipe this program back to itself, back have the call happen in different directories.
In "pseudo-bash", I want
command arg1 | cd /other dir | command arg2
I personally use bash, but if it helps to use a different shell, I'm open to suggestions. :)
I realize there is a very easy workaround with a temporary file or named pipe, but I want to know if there's a way to do this in one command.
command arg1 | ( cd /other_dir ; command arg2 )
(…) executes a command in a subshell. cd is a shell builtin command, not a 'real process'. ( cd X ; command ) will start a new sub-shell, cd into X, then run command. command is running as a process, but in a different directory.
Going forward it's better to have commands that can take a directory as an argument (and if not defined, default to the current working directory). Then you could have the simple solution of command arg1 | command --dir=/other_dir arg2
How about using a subshell, something like this:
command arg1 | (cd /other/dir; command arg2)
Pipes don't work that way. They are simply a way to pass data streams (not context) from one command to another. If you need a command in a pipeline to run in a different context from the others, you'll just have to change the directory in that subshell, as #JoachimPileborg pointed out.
The canonical way to solve this in *nix shells is to instead pass the relevant directory as a parameter to the script. Your command sequence would then be:
command arg1 .
command arg2 /other/dir
