Grabbing a screenshot programmatically in webos - webos

Is there any way to grab a screenshot of the currently active screen in webos programmatically?
The use-case is an app that takes a screen shot every few seconds for recording user activity.
EDIT: I'm interested in code that actually runs on the device.

There's a private service bus API to grab a screenshot that you can use from the shell via luna-send:
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.systemmanager/takeScreenShot '{"file":"sshot.png"}'
This won't work from a non-com.palm application, so it's possible to do this in homebrew, but not in a catalog app.


Nativescript camera take multiple pictures before returning to the app

I have a NS 4.1.3 application using TS where I use the nativescript-camera plugin to allow the user to take photos which are saved to the device's photos library.
Everything works great, however, after each photo the camera closes and the user is back at the app and if they want to take another picture they have to go through the same process.
Is there a way to open the camera, take multiple pictures and only when done return back to the app? I could not find anything on the plugin's github page.
Thank you.
you can't take multiple photos in one session using native camera api due to platform limitation. what you can do is capture camera session using AVCaptureSession for ios and CameraCaptureSession camera2 api for android and then show it to user. after that on some button click capture photo.
here is some plugins which might help you:
I ended up using navivescript-camera-plus
They have done a great job exposing the Camera and Library functionality via the plugin's api.

Is there a way to launch an app in background in windows phone 8.1....?

I am trying to launch an app(created myself, registered for a specific uri), from another app, using
Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri, options); an I was able to do it.
I want set the options such a way that my calling app remains on top. I read that it can be done on windows desktop by setting LauncherOptions.DesiredRemainingView
, which is not supported by Windows Phone. Is there any other way to achieve the same?
No, there is no way to do that on Windows Phone. There is only one active app at a time, and it is the one in the foreground.
There are background agents for things like VoIP and music, but that won't do what you want.

Location Tracking in Background

I am developing a windows phone app that uses users current location, I am making the app in 7 OS. My question is, Can I track the location in background, that is when the screen is locked?
I know this is a possibility in wp8 as it provides us with GeoLocator class, but can I achieve this in wp7? I am basically making a runtracker app hence I would like my app to track the location even when its in background, is it really feasible?
Your help is always appreciated!!
It is possible to keep the app running under lock screen, as it does, for example, Endomondo app.
Using Idle Detection, you can keep the app on, although screen is locked, and you can keep on tracking the location. Actually, it is not running in background, but in the foreground. Just the screen is locked. So, be careful not to drain user's battery.
You have to set the PhoneApplicationService.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode property to Disabled, for example in InitializePhoneApplication() method in App.xaml.cs:
PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled;
Note that there are special certification requirements for this type of apps. Refer to section 6.3 (Apps running under a locked screen) of the following page:
Additional requirements for specific app types for Windows Phone
I got the same problem in one on my apps..
I don't think it' s feasible for wp7..
Bt if you want to do it with wp8 you can refer following link.
And to know about background supported and unsupported API's
GeoCoordinateWatcher Class exists in WP7, but here is the documentation from MSDN -
This API, used for obtaining the geographic coordinates of the device,
is supported for use in background agents, but it uses a cached
location value instead of real-time data. The cached location value is
updated by the device every 15 minutes.
More Info :

about Task Manager on Windows Phone

I'm developing a windows phone app, suppose my app is running, user click start key, my app will bring to background, then next user long press back key, the task manager will be shown. My question is here: How can update the screenshots of my app when it was brought to background? I don't want expose anything of my app outside even in the task manager, could I do it? Thanks.
How can update the screenshots of my app when it was brought to background?
You cannot. And it's not a task manager, but a "fast app switch", allowing the user to easy swap between applications. The screenshot you see, will be the last screen of your application when it was in the foreground.
And your application will not be running in the background.
No - you cannot change the image shown in the app switching UI. This is built in OS functionality.

Disable screen capture wp7

I am developing a security related windows phone application. I need to disable/block screen capture for my application.
In Android, we used to set a flag FLAG_SECURE to the window of which we want to block the screen capture. Is there anything similar in wp7 also??
You can't do screen captures on Windows Phone unless you use homebrew apps, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
And even if there were screen capture apps on the marketplace, you would have no way to be safe. Even if you found a way to prevent screen captures, how would you prevent users from taking a picture of the phone with a camera, or sideloading the app on the emulator then making screen captures of the emulator?
There's currently no API available to developers that allows you to perform screen captures with a locked device.
The alternatives are as follows:
Unlock your device and sideload one of the homebrew based screen
capture apps.
Take a picture of the screen itself (Crude but it
would do the job).
Microsoft have stated that they do not intend to change this in the near future (CNET Article)
