Saving multiple images to isolated storage - windows-phone-7

I was trying to save multiple images into isolated storage by using creating a imageFolder in isolated storage and storing all my images inside.But it have an error so please anyone could help me solve the error or got other method way help me thanks.IF possible I would appreciate if you guys can show me your code that works. Actually my code would like to be under a button event handler.Thanks And the error is :Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream.
My Code :
private void SaveToLocalStorage(string imageFolder, string imageFileName)
imageFileName = name.Text;
var isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (isf.DirectoryExists(imageFolder))
string filePath = Path.Combine(imageFolder, imageFileName);
using (var stream = isf.CreateFile(filePath))
var bmp= new WriteableBitmap(inkCanvas, inkCanvas.RenderTransform);
bmp.SaveJpeg(stream, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);

First off, you probably want to be creating the directory if it DOESN'T exist, not if it does:
if (!isf.DirectoryExists(imageFolder))


Client-Side error when uploading image on server ASP.NET Core

I am struggling with uploading an image from thew client-side to a folder on the server-side in .Net Core.I used Postman to check if the method on the server-side is working and it does without any problem,but when I try to upload an image from the client-side,I get an error on the server-side of type NullReferenceException:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.This is the Post method on the server-side:
public async Task Post(IFormFile file)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_environment.WebRootPath))
_environment.WebRootPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot");
var uploads = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "uploads");
//var fileName = file.FileName.Split('\\').LastOrDefault().Split('/').LastOrDefault();
if (!Directory.Exists(uploads)) Directory.CreateDirectory(uploads);
if (file.Length > 0)
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(uploads, file.FileName), FileMode.Create))
await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
Apparently the method is thrown where I check if the length of the file is bigger than 0.On the client-side I get error "500 internal server error" and I tried to check using the debugger where exactly the error is thrown but i can't find anything that could resemble an error of some sort.This is the API method for the client-side:
public async Task UploadPictureAsync(MediaFile image)
User user = new User();
string pictureUrl = "";
HttpContent fileStreamContent = new StreamContent(image.GetStream());
// user.Picture=GetImageStreamAsBytes(image.GetStream());
fileStreamContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {FileName=Guid.NewGuid() + ".Png",Name="image"};
fileStreamContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
HttpClientHandler clientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
clientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return true; };
using (var client = new HttpClient(clientHandler))
using (var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent())
var response = await client.PostAsync(pictureUrl, formData);
var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
The image is declared in the Model as byte array:
public byte[] Picture { get; set; }
Does someone understand why my POST method has this behavior since the server-side works perfectly but fails when I try to upload an image from the client-side?What I find weird though is that when i read the error and I look at the Content-Type it is "text/plain" instead of "form-data" and I have tried to set it at the MutipartFormDataContent like this:
formData.Headers.ContentType.MediaType = "multipart/form-data";
I also tried to set the MediaTypeHeaderValue on the client like this:
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"));
I still get the wrong content type.
I have also tried a different approach with Stream instead of MediaFile but without any luck as it did not even hit the break point in debugger mode for the response.Any help would be appreciated! :)
I have managed to find the answer finalllyyyyy!!!The problem was on the client-side as I suspected and guess what,it was all about the correct name.It turns out that since on the server side I have IFormFile file I had to change the client side to take the parameter name "file" instead of image as well so that it could work.Thank you #Jason for the suggestions as I didn't understand the error from the first place and did some debugging on the server-side to help me figure it out.

XAML Image source has issues displaying a deep nested path

This is quite vexing.
I am working on an app for image management. Part of the value is the ability to store images in sub-folders based on image properties, eg. creation date.
If I store the image source in a shallow folder (app\images\img.jpg), everything works fine.
If I store the image in KnownFolders.Pictures\source\year\month\day\img.jpg, Image does not render. (Yes, that specific path won't work, I am trying to give you a sense of how the path is constructed)...
The file is actually there. The path is correct (I can open it in a browser, e.g.). The app has access to the file.
But it does not render the bitmap.
I tried to render the bitmap manually using
new BitmapImage(new Uri("KnownFolders.Pictures\source\year\month\day\img.jpg"),UriKind.Absolute))
That does not render anything. (Again, assume the path is valid and has a file at its bottom).
What Am I Missing?
The head scratcher: for GIF anims, I am using Thomas Levesque's useful component: That one, unfortunately, does only render gifs... and it does so even when the path is the one given above. So the Standard IMAGE control does not render correctly, but Thomas's control does... infuriating.
An UWP app can't load a BitmapImage from an absolute URL to a file in a folder structure below the Pictures Library Folder.
So this won't work:
var relativePath = #"source\year\month\day\img.jpg";
var imageFile = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(relativePath);
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageFile.Path));
However, you could do this:
var relativePath= #"source\year\month\day\img.jpg";
var imageFile = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(relativePath);
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
using (var stream = await imageFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
await bitmapImage.SetSourceAsync(stream);
So, after way too much time spent on this...
First, link to DataContextChanged of the IMAGE element. In there, parse the DataContext out. If you are using the IMAGE outside of an ItemsControl etc, this is not required...
private async void ImageView_DataContextChanged(FrameworkElement sender, DataContextChangedEventArgs args)
if (sender is Image)
Image img = (Image)sender;
if (img.DataContext is ImageView)
MyViewDataContext dc = (MyViewDataContext)img.DataContext;
img.Source = await dc.bitmap();
And here the implementation of MyViewDataContext.bitmap() which has a property called source that yields, you guessed it, absolute paths:
public async Task<BitmapImage> MyViewDataContext.bitmap()
if (_bitmap == null)
StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(source);
bool r = Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.FutureAccessList.CheckAccess(file);
if (r)
using (IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read))
// create a new bitmap, coz the old one must be done for...
_bitmap = new BitmapImage();
// And get that bitmap sucked in from stream.
await _bitmap.SetSourceAsync(fileStream);
catch (Exception e)
_bitmap = null;
return _bitmap;
BitmapImage _bitmap;
I cache the resulting bitmap until I dispose of this MyViewDataContext.
I am now most concerned about memory. This one worries me:
How to dispose BitmapImage cache?
So, as a tech debt, I am going to address the potential mem leaks later, once this whole thing is on the test bench and I can take a look at its runtime behavior...
To access the folders and libraries represented by the properties of this class, specify the corresponding capabilities in your app manifest. For example, to access KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary, specify the Pictures Library capability in the app manifest.
Hope this will help

Win Phone 7 quiz app

Could any1 please suggest a method by which i can store all my questions , Multiple Choice answers and the correct answer. So that i can call them and then display in a text box and radio buttons . And as when the user answers a question correctly i should be able to move to the next question.
This was my approach. Used data serialization, created a class with Data memebers which will store question id , questions and answers. then created an object for it in while page is loading. But i am unable to display the questions. Please help me out.
Depending on the number of questions, you might find it easier and faster to use a local database.
I am a little confused at your approach. Serialization by itself doesnt actually persist data. Perhaps that is your problem. I have found that storing the XML to IsolatedStorage is one of the easier ways to persist data.
I created an IsolatedStorage class that looks like this for saving an XDocument object.
public static void SaveDataToIsolatedStorage(string filePath, FileMode fileMode, XDocument xDoc)
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream location = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(filePath, fileMode, storage))
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(location);
Here is my reader.
private static XDocument ReadDataFromIsolatedStorageXmlDoc()
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (!storage.FileExists(filePath))
return new XDocument();
using (var isoFileStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, storage))
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(isoFileStream))
return XDocument.Load(reader);

Saving multiple images into isolated storage with wp7

my codes are able to work for saving 1 image into the isolated storage in windows phone 7 but how to change it so that it able to save more than 1 images into the isolated storage.For now, whenever i wanted to save a new image the newest image will overlap the old image so anyone could help me to change my code or with sample that works.Thanks alot
My code :
private void saveButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (isf.FileExists("myImage.jpg"))
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream isfs = isf.CreateFile("myImage.jpg"))
var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(myImageElement, myImageElement.RenderTransform);
bmp.SaveJpeg(isfs, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
catch (Exception exc)
YOur files are being overwritten as you're giving each one the same name.
If you want multiple files they'll need to have unique names. Do this by removing the hardcoded name in your code and using appropriate/unique names for each file.

How do you save images to a Blackberry device via HttpConnection?

My script fetches xml via httpConnection and saves to persistent store. No problems there.
Then I loop through the saved data to compose a list of image url's to fetch via queue.
Each of these requests calls the httpConnection thread as so
public synchronized void run()
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)"");
String contentType = connection.getHeaderField("Content-type");
InputStream responseData = connection.openInputStream();
outputFinal(responseData, contentType);
public synchronized void outputFinal(InputStream result, String contentType) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException
// bunch of xml save code that works fine
else if(contentType.equals("image/png") || contentType.equals("image/jpeg") || contentType.equals("image/gif"))
// how to save images here?
What I can't find any good documentation on is how one would take the response data and save it to an image stored on the device.
Maybe I just overlooked something very obvious. Any help is very appreciated.
I tried following this advise and found the same thing I always find when looking up BB specific issues: nothing.
The problem is that every example or post assumes you know everything about the platform.
Here's a simple question: What line of code writes the read output stream to the blackberry device? What path? How do I retrieve it later?
I have this code, which I do not know if it does anything because I don't know where it is supposedly writing to or if that's even what it is doing at all:
** filename is determined on a loop based on the url called.
FileOutputStream fos = null;
fos = new FileOutputStream( File.FILESYSTEM_PATRIOT, filename );
byte [] buffer = new byte [262144];
int byteRead;
while ((byteRead = (buffer ))!=- 1)
fos.write (buffer, 0, byteRead);
catch(IOException ieo)
if(fos != null)
The idea is that I have some 600 images pulled from a server. I need to loop the xml and save each image to the device so that when an entity is called, I can pull the associated image - entity_id.png - from the internal storage.
The documentation from RIM does not specify this, nor does it make it easy to begin figuring it out.
This issue does not seem to be addressed on this forum, or others I have searched.
You'll need to use the Java FileOutputStream to do the writing. You'll also want to close the connection after reading the data from the InputStream (move outputFinal above your call to close). You can find all kinds of examples regarding FileOutputStream easily.
See here for more. Note that in order to use the FileOutputStream your application must be signed.
