I don't understand A* Pathfinding - algorithm

From what I understand:
Add the current node to the closed list.
Find adjacent nodes to the current node, and if they are not unwalkable nodes and not on the closed list, add that node to the open list with the parent being the current node and calculate the F, G and H values. If the node already exists on the open list, check if going to that node through the current node will result in a lower G value - if yes, make the parent node of that node the current node.
Find the node on the open list with the highest F value, and make the current node that node.
Repeat until you end up in your destination, then go through the parents of the destination node, and you will come back to your start node. That will be the best path.
So, this makes sense to my brain, but when I actually try it out on a diagram, I think I'm not understanding it correctly.
(From the picture below) Go down from the starting green tile, the one with a F value of 60. That is on the open list, and has a lower F value than bottom-right 74 one. Why is the 74 one picked instead of the 60?

In my opinion, you should take a look at Amit's A* Pages. They really are great to explain how the algorithm works and how to make it work.
As for your case, the diagram shows the G score from the first node on the open list. When you look at the website, the whole diagram is built first for the first node evaluation, and the author shows that the first best node is the one to the right. Then, moving forward uses the G score based on the score of the current node plus the moving cost of the next one, which is not shown on the diagram.
It is said on the website though:
And the last square, to the immediate left of the current square, is checked to see if the G score is any lower if you go through the current square to get there. No dice.
It's G score would actually be 24 (14 (current cost) + 10 (horizontal movement cost)), just like the square below it, if I remember correctly.

The reason that you do not move to the square with an F-value of 60 is because it is in the 'closed list'. Where as the squares with an F-value of 88 and 74 are in the 'open list' and can be examined for the next move.


How to understand the 4 steps of Monte Carlo Tree Search

From many blogs and this one https://web.archive.org/web/20160308070346/http://mcts.ai/about/index.html
We know that the process of MCTS algorithm has 4 steps.
Selection: Starting at root node R, recursively select optimal child nodes until a leaf node L is reached.
What does leaf node L mean here? I thought it should be a node representing the terminal state of the game, or another word which ends the game.
If L is not a terminal node (one end state of the game), how do we decide that the selection step stops on node L?
Expansion: If L is a not a terminal node (i.e. it does not end the game) then create one or more child nodes and select one C.
From this description I realise that obviously my previous thought incorrect.
Then if L is not a terminal node, it implies that L should have children, why not continue finding a child from L at the "Selection" step?
Do we have the children list of L at this step?
From the description of this step itself, when do we create one child node, and when do we need to create more than one child nodes? Based on what rule/policy do we select node C?
Simulation: Run a simulated playout from C until a result is achieved.
Because of the confusion of the 1st question, I totally cannot understand why we need to simulate the game. I thought from the selection step, we can reach the terminal node and the game should be ended on node L in this path. We even do not need to do "Expansion" because node L is the terminal node.
Backpropagation: Update the current move sequence with the simulation result.
Fine. Last question, from where did you get the answer to these questions?
Thank you
BTW, I also post the same question https://ai.stackexchange.com/questions/16606/how-to-understand-the-4-steps-of-monte-carlo-tree-search
What does leaf node L mean here?
For the sake of explanation I'm assuming that all the children of a selected node are added during the expansion phase of the algorithm.
When the algorithm starts, the tree is formed only by the root node (a leaf node).
The Expansion phase adds all the states reachable from the root to the tree. Now you have a bigger tree where the leaves are the last added nodes (the root node isn't a leaf anymore).
At any given iteration of the algorithm, the tree (the gray area of the picture) grows. Some of its leaves could be terminal states (according to the rules of the game/problem) but it's not granted.
If you expand too much, you could run out of memory. So the typical implementation of the expansion phase only adds a single node to the existing tree.
In this scenario you could change the word leaf with not fully expanded:
Starting at root node R, recursively select optimal child nodes until a not fully expanded node L is reached
Based on what rule/policy do we select node C?
It's domain-dependent. Usually you randomly choose a move/state.
Image from Multi-Objective Monte Carlo Tree Search for Real-Time Games (Diego Perez, Sanaz Mostaghim, Spyridon Samothrakis, Simon M. Lucas).

A star pathfinding. Why do you need to re-evaluate an adjacent node that's already in the open list if it has a lower g cost to the current node?

There is one thing about a star path finding algorithm that I do not understand. In the pseudocode; if the current node's (the node being analysed) g cost is less than the adjacent nodes g cost then recalculate the adjacent nodes g,h a f cost and reassign the parent node.
Why do you do this?
Why do you need to reevaluate the adjacent nodes costs and parent if it's gCost is greater than the current nodes gCost? I'm what instance would you need to do this?
Edit; I am watcing this video
At at 8.19 he says: When you come across blocks (nodes) that have already been analysed, the question is should we change the properties of the block?
First a tip. You can actually add the time you want as a bookmark to get a video that starts right where you want. In this case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0qCR18gXdU#t=08m19s is the bookmarked time link.
Now the quick answer to your question. We fill in a node the first time we find a path to it. But the first path we found to it might not be the cheapest one. We want the cheapest one, and if we find a cheaper one second, we want it.
Here is a visual metaphor. Imagine a running path with a fence next to it. The spot we want is on the other side of the fence. Actually draw this out, it will help.
The first path that our algorithm finds to it is run down the path, jump over the fence. The second path that we find is run part way down the path, go through the gate, then get to that spot. We don't want to throw away the idea of using the gate just because we already figured out that we could get there by jumping the fence!
Now in your picture put costs of moving from one spot to another that are reasonable for moving along a running path, an open field, through a gate, and jumping a fence. Run the algorithm by hand and you'll see that you figure out first that you can jump the fence, and then later that you really wanted to use the gate.
This guy is totally wrong because he says change the parent node however your succesors are based on your parent node and if you change parent Node then you you can't have a valid path because the path is simply by moving from parent to child.
Instead of changing parent, Pathmax function. It says that if a parent Node A have a child node whose cost (heuristic(A) <= heuristic(A) + accumulated(cost)) then set the cost of child equal to the cost of parent.
PathMax to ensure monotonicty:
Monotonicity: Every parent Node has cost greater or equal then the cost of it's child node.
A* has a property: It says that if your cost is monotonically increasing then the first (sub)path that A* finds is always the part of the final path. More precisely: Under monotonicity each node is reach first through the best path.
Do you see why?
Suppose you have a graph :(A,B) (B,C) (A,E) ,(E,D) here every tuple means they are connected. Suppose cost is monotonically increasing and your algortihm chooses (A,B),(B,C) and at this point you know your algorithm have chosen best path till now and everyother path which can reach this node,must have cost higher but if the cost is not monotonically increasing then it can be the case that (A,E) is cost greater than your current cost and from (E,D) it's zero. so you have better path there.
This algorithm relies on it's heuristic function , if it's underustimated then it gets corrected by accumulated cost but if it's over-estimated then it can explore extra node and i leave it for you why this happends.
Why do you need to re-evaluate an adjacent node that's already in the open list if it has a lower g cost to the current node?
Don't do this because it's just extra work.
Corollary: if you later come the same node from a node p with same cost then simply remove that node from queue. Do not extend it.

How to remove invalid edges in graded directed acyclig graph?

The following graph sample is a portion of a directed acyclic graph which is to be layered and cleaned up so that only edges connecting consecutive layers are kept.
So what I need is to eliminate edges that form "shortcuts", that is, that jump between non-consecutive layers.
The following considerations apply:
The bluish ring layering is valid because, starting at 83140 and ending at 29518, both branches have the same amount (3) of intermediary nodes, and there is no path that is longer between start and end node;
The green ring, starting at 94347 and ending at 107263, has an invalid edge (already red-crossed), because the left branch encompasses only one intermediary node, while the right branch encompasses three intermediary nodes; Besides, since the first edge of that branch is already valid - we know it pertains to the valid blue ring - it is possible to know which is the right edge to cross-out - otherwise it would be impossible to know which layer should be assigned to node 94030 and so it should be eliminated;
If we consider the pink ring after considering the green one, we know that the lower red-crossed edge is to be removed.
BUT if we consider only the yellow ring, both branches seem to be right (they contain the same number of inner nodes), but actually they only seem right because they contain symmetric errors (shortcuts jumping the same amount of nodes on both branches). If we take this ring locally, at least one of the branches would end up in wrong layers, so it is necessary to use more global data to avoid this error.
My questions are:
What typical concepts and operations are involved in the formulation and possible solution of this problem?
Is there an algorithm for that?
First, topologically sort the graph.
Now from the beginning of sorted array, start breadth first search and try to find the proper "depth" (i.e distance from root) of every node. Since a node can have multiple parents, for a node x, depth[x] is maximum of depth of all it's parents, plus one. We initialize depth for all nodes as -1.
Now in bfs traversal, when we encounter a node p, we try to update the depth of all it's childs c, where depth[c] = max(depth[c],depth[p]+1). Now there are two ways we can detect a child with shortcut.
if depth[p]+1 < depth[c], it means c has a parent with higher depth than p. So edge p to c must be a shortcut.
if depth[p]+1 > depth[c] and depth[c]!=-1, it means c have a parent with lower depth than p. So p is a better parent, and that other parent of c must have a shortcut with p.
In both cases, we mark c as problematic.
Now our goal is for every 'problematic' node x, we check all it's parent, whose depth should be depth[x]-1. If any of them have depth that is lower than that, that one have a shortcut edge with x that needs to be removed.
Since the graph can have multiple roots, we should have a variable to mark visited nodes, and repeat the above thing for any that's left unvisited.
This will sort the yellow ring problem, because before we visit any node, all it's predecessors has already been visited and properly ranked. This is ensured by the topological sort.
(Note : we can do this by just one pass. Instead of marking problematic nodes, we can maintain a parent variable for all nodes, and delete edge with the old parent whenever case 2 occurs. case 1 should be obvious)

How many changes does a maze require until the destination becomes reachable?

I came across this interview question. The first part is as follows:
You are given matrix containing letters 'U', 'D', 'L', 'R' and 'X'. 'U' allow you to move up, 'L' allows to move left, etc. 'X' is the
destination. Check if it is possible to reach the destination from the
top left corner.
This part is easily done with DFS. I struggle with the second part though:
How many edits (e.g. change 'U' -> 'L') you need to make in order to
reach X
I assume that it can be done with a modified BFS counting the number of times we went against specified direction. Could someone give a hint?
In essence, you want to compute what might be called the "edit distance" from the top left corner to each element of the matrix (and in particular, to the element marked X), by which I mean the number of edits you'd have to make in the matrix in order to be able to reach a given element from the top left corner.
To do this, you can start by finding all the elements where the "edit distance" is zero, meaning, the top-left corner and all elements that are already reachable from it. (You mention that you can use depth-first search for this, but it's not even really a "search", since each element tells you exactly which element comes after it. So there's just a single path from the top left corner, that either ends at X, ends by "walking off" an edge, or gets into a cycle.)
You can then use breadth-first search, starting from the set of elements you just found. For any given d, the elements with edit distance = d + 1 are all the elements that:
don't have edit distance ≤ d;
and either:
are neighbors of an element with edit distance = d
or are reachable from such a neighbor
You can stop as soon as you've computed the edit distance of the square marked X.
This approach visits each element at most once, so if the matrix has N elements, this approach is in O(N) time and space.
The matrix represents a directed graph: the nodes are locations in the matrix, and the (directed) edges are represented by the letter in the node.
Then, there's a path from the top-left corner to X if there's a path in the graph from the top-left corner to X. You can determine this by using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. (You can also use DFS, but we'll need Dijkstra in the second part anyway).
To determine the smallest number of edits to make a path possible, one can turn the matrix into a weighted, directed graph. Between any two adjacent nodes a and b, add a weighted edge between a and b with weight 0 if a already contains the direction of b, and weight 1 otherwise. The edge of weight 0 represents following the direction already in the matrix, and the edge of weight 1 represents editing the node.
Then, use Dijkstra's algorithm find the lowest-weight path from the top-left corner to X in this graph. The weight of this shortest path is the number of edits needed.
There is only one path, so iterate it from the beginning and mark every square you visit as "reachable from start". The go to the end and do the same thing, running backwards. Because you are running backwards,, there are potentially many paths (an UP and a DOWN could both lead into the same square). Anyway, mark those square as "end reachable from". If the first set contains a square adjacent to the second set, you need one edit. Otherwise you have to mark the separating squares, and do a distance transform, followed by a feature transform (see my binary image library). The "narrowest neck" has to be edited to drive a path from set one to set two).

Finding Center of The Tree

I have a question which is part of my program.
For a tree T=(V,E) we need to find the node v in the tree that minimize the length of the longest path from v to any other node.
so how we find the center of the tree? Is there can be only one center or more?
If anyone can give me good algorithm for this so i can get the idea on how i can fit into my program.
There are two approaches to do this (both runs in the same time):
using BFS (which I will describe here)
using FIFO queue.
Select any vertex v1 on your tree. Run BFS from this vertex. The last vertex (v2) you will proceed will be the furthest vertex from v1. Now run another BFS, this time from vertex v2 and get the last vertex v3.
The path from v2 to v3 is the diameter of the tree and your center lies somewhere on it. More precisely it lies in the middle of it. If the path has 2n + 1 points, there will be only 1 center (in the position n + 1). If the path has 2n points, there will be two centers at the positions n and n + 1.
You only use 2 BFS calls which runs in 2 * O(V) time.
Consider a tree with two nodes? Which is the center? Either one will suffice, ergo a tree can have more than one center.
Now, think about what it means to be the center. If all of the branches are the same height, the center is the root (all paths go through the root). If the branches are of different heights then the center must be either the root or in the branch with the greatest height otherwise the maximum path is greater than the height of the tallest branch and the root would be a better choice. Now, how far down the tallest branch do we need to look? Half the difference in height between the tallest branch (from the root) and the next tallest branch (if the difference is at most 1 the root will suffice). Why, because as we go down the tallest branch by one level we are lengthening the path to the deepest node of the next tallest branch by one and reducing the distance to the deepest node in the current branch by one. Eventually, they will be equal when you've traversed half the difference in the depth. Now as we go down the tallest branch, we simply need to choose at each level the tallest sub-branch. If more than one has the same height, we simply choose one arbitrarily.
Essentially, what you are doing is finding the longest path in the graph, which is the distance between the tallest branch of the tree and the next tallest branch, then finding the middle node on that branch. Because there may be multiple paths of the same length as the longest path and the length of the longest path may be even, you have multiple possible centers.
Rather than do this homework problem for you, I'm going to ask you through the thought process that gets the answer...
1) What would you do with the graph a-b-c (three vertices, two edges, and definitely acyclic)? Imagine for a moment that you have to put some labels on some of the vertices, you know you're going to get the minimum of the longest path on the "center" vertex. (b, with eventual label "1") But doing that in one step requires psychic powers. So ask yourself what b is 1 step away from. If the longest path to b is 1, and we've just stepped one step backwards along that path, what's the length of our path so far? (longest path = 1, -1 for the back one step. Aha: 0). So that must be the label for the leaves.
2) What does this suggest as a first cut for an algorithm? Mark the leaves "0", mark their upstreams "1", mark their upstreams "2" and so on. Marching in from the leaves and counting the distance as we go...
3) Umm... We have a problem with the graph a-b-c-d. (From now on, a labelled vertex will be replaced with its label.) Labeling the leaves "0" gives 0-b-c-0... We can't get two centers... Heck, what do we do in the simpler condition 0-b-1? We want to label b with both "1" and "2"... Handle those in reverse order...
In 0-b-1, if we extend the path from b's left by one, we get a path of length 1. If we extend the path from b's right, we get 2. We want to track "the length of the longest path from v to any other node", so we want to keep track of the longest path to b. That means we mark b with a "2".
0-b-1 -> 0-2-1
In 0-b-c-0, the computer doesn't actually simultaneously update b and c. It updates one of them, giving either 0-1-c-0 or 0-b-1-0, and the next update gives 0-1-2-0 or 0-2-1-0. Both b and c are "center"s of this graph since each of them meets the demand "the node v in the tree that minimize the length of the longest path from v to any other node." (That length is 2.)
This leads to another observation: The result of the computation is not to label a graph, it's to find the last vertex we label and/or the vertex that ends up with the largest label. (It's possible that we won't find a good way to order labels, so we'll end up needing to find the max at the end. Or maybe we will. Who knows.)
4) So now we have something like: Make two copies of the graph -- the labelled copy and the burn-down copy. The first one will store the labels and it's the one that will have the final answer in it. The burn-down copy will get smaller and smaller as we delete unlabeled vertices from it (to find new labelable vertices). (There are other ways to organize this so that only one copy of the graph is used. When you get to the end of understanding this answer, you should find a way to reduce this waste.) Outline:
label = 0
while the burndown graph is nonempty
collect all the leaves in the burndown-graph into the set X
for each leaf in the set X
if the leaf does not have a label
set the leaf's label (to the current value of label)
delete the leaf from the burn-down graph (these leafs are two copies of the same leaf in the input graph)
label = label+1
find the vertex with the largest label and return it
5) If you actually watch this run, you'll notice several opportunities for short-cutting. Including replacing the search on the last line of the outline with a much quicker method for recognizing the answer.
And now for general strategy tips for algorithm problems:
* Do a few small examples by hand. If you don't understand how to do the small cases, there's no way you can jump straight in and tell the computer how to do the large cases.
* If any of the above steps seemed unmotivated or totally opaque, you will need to study much, much harder to do well in Computer Science. It may be the Computer Science is not for you...
