Unable to trigger mouse event in Capybara test - ruby

I am using Capybara 1.0.0, and I have a link in my page which gets visible when mouse hover over that block. So I want to trigger mouse over in test so that I can click that hidden link.
I googled it, but couldn't find the solution that suits me. Can you guys help me with this?

I've chosen to use Capybara webkit, and sadly I had to resort to executing javascript using jQuery:

This blog has the answer:
This doesn't work with the selenium driver though:

This commit added the hover method. It has the advantage of including css hover effects on elements.
find('#posts .post .comments .comment').hover

I had a lot of trouble getting this to work as well. There's a lot of conflicting information on the web. Here's how I did it:
Setting: rails 3.2.1, capybara 1.1.2, rspec 2.8.0, selenium-webdriver 2.20.0
page.execute_script "$('tr.user-#{user.id}').trigger('mouseover')"
This will cause the previously hidden links to appear (by virtue of jQuery's hover function), which are then accessible for have_link and click_link.
Note: you do not want to write page.evaluate_script as this won't work.
Edit: Well I just realized that #kelly-sutton's solution is the same as mine. So I can confirm this.

For visibility problems sometimes it helps to change window size for poltergeist. I've done it
in spec_helper.rb
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|
Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new(app, window_size: [1280, 600])

As well as using either find('#element').hover or page.execute_script "$('#element_2').trigger('mouseover');" one must also pass js: true to the describe block in order to turn on javascript (unless you've done that in your configuration). This tripped me up for a bit.


How to use DevTools Network with Selenium 4 in Ruby

I am using Selenium 4 with Ruby and I'm trying to capture the Network activity, but I can't figure out how to use the libraries and haven't found anything related to this for Ruby.
So what I did is:
I added the DevTool gem in the Gemfile: gem 'selenium-devtools', '~> 0.91.1'
I the code I'm trying this:
devtools = browser.devtools
network = Selenium::DevTools::V91::Network.new(devtools)
but it doesn't seem to work.
When debugging I see something strange: on creating the DevTools object there seems to be an exception at the socket method:
Unfortunately I can't figure out why this happens and didn't find anything about this. I tried to force into the .new method which fails somewhere but it doesn't take me anywhere.
Have you stumbled upon something similar or does anyone have some advice on how to properly use the DevTools in Ruby?
I haven't used Selenium 4 DevTools, but there is another way you can incorporate this.
To access DevTools, you need to first mention them in your YML file in Ruby. Something like this
- auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
default_directory: downloads/
panel-selectedTab: '"network"'
Similarly, if you want to open Console tab you can change from network to console tab.
Also if you want to record the content you can try this particular gem in Ruby which helps to screen record test cases in Ruby Screenrecord

protractor dragAndDrop not working on Mac

I am executing my protractor code on MAC OS system and using Chrome. Everything works but not drag and drop event.
The code is working fine if I put my actual mouse position on the target of drop. But if the actual mouse position is not at the target location, its not performing the action.
The code I am using is as:
I have also tried this :
Use html-dnd NPM module.
code snippet:
var dragAndDrop = require('html-dnd').code;
var draggable = driver.findElement(By.id('draggable'));
var droppable = driver.findElement(By.id('droppable'));
driver.executeScript(dragAndDrop, draggable, droppable);
for this :
try this :
Note that dragAndDrop is nothing but mouseMove + mouseDown + mouseMove + mouseUp
Chances are you're in a long line of people who have problems with the drag and drop functionality implemented with html5. This has been a problem area to work around using Selenium webdriver.
Please see that the issue might be due to an age old bug that was filed for ChromeDriver.
The bug has a lot of discussion that may be helpful in understanding the real issue and there are also a lot of solutions mentioned in the comments below - however there has not been a fool-proof or 100% working solution to this problem.
This bug has been mentioned in Protractor github issues a lot of times like here, here, here,and here and in Selenium GitHub in the archived issues here.
One of the solutions you can try is this helper method that was created here. However this is not a guaranteed solution, but I would suggest you to give it a try. The original issue mentioned for Protractor here also has many other solutions mentioned which you can try. You can also try this helper method.
Also, please see that the same question has been posted multiple times here, here, here, here.

Firefox "Mouseover" issues in Selenium Ruby bindings on Windows

I've been struggling with mouse hover for a couple of days and found a couple of threads here on the topic, but none have helped. I've tried dozens of different approaches and have also modified my code to be more in sync with the examples here, especially Dave Haeffner's suggestions. The current code looks like:
Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout: 2).until do
#driver.find_element(link: "ADMIN").displayed?
#driver.action.move_to(#driver.find_element(link: "ADMIN")).perform
Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout: 2).until do
#driver.find_element(link: "ORGANIZATION").displayed?
driver.action.move_to(#driver.find_element(link: "ORGANIZATION")).perform
Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout: 2).until do
#driver.find_element(link: "TEAMS").displayed?
#driver.find_element(link: "TEAMS").click
On macs, this code works fine. On Windows however, it produces:
Failure/Error: #driver.action.move_to(#driver.find_element(link: "ADMIN")).perform
Cannot perform native interaction: Could not load native events component.
I'm sure the element access is fine, because if I change the first mouse hover to a click action, it works great.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use Firefox version 31.0.6 . Versions of Firefox after that don't have the native events support. If you need to use a later version of Firefox, then just make sure your test actions are all non-native, such as using a JavascriptExecutor to create a hover (instead of relying on native events in the firefox driver).

Selenium Firefox 19 CSS Menu Click Not Working

Using Selenium, with an earlier combo of the webdriver (2.28.0) and Firefox (pre-19), the following code worked.
With webdriver 2.31.0 and Firefox 19.0.2 the code does not work and I receive a NoSuchElementException for the second findElement.
I tried using xpath which doesn't work for Firefox but does work for Chrome and IE, which are part of the same test suite.
Any thoughts or another way to accomplish the same thing? I would prefer to use the same code for the mentioned browsers.
Not sure if it was a typo on your part, but it should be "find_element" instead of "findelement", at least it's so in 2.31 to my knowledge.
if that doesn't work, post your HTML code so we can possibly construct a working Xpath.

Extension Development: Frozen Firefox scrollbar and dis-functional hot-keys

I am writing a Firefox extension which creates a Java applet in the page.
function addApplet(aDocument,url,classfile,archive) {
if (navigator.javaEnabled()) {
var anApplet,body;
body = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
anApplet = aDocument.createElement('applet');
The JAR file loaded from the applet is 500KB in size. I noticed that sometimes the extension causes Firefox's vertical scrollbar to freeze and the hot-keys to stop working. The scroll-bar and hot-keys work fine if I prevent the extension to append the applet to the page.
Another weird behavior is -- on the frozen page if I click inside any text/search box or even address bar the scroller and the hotkeys begin to work again. The same thing happens if I switch tabs or minimize the browser window.
I am using Firefox 3.6.12 on WindowsXP.
Please help me if you have an idea regarding this or if I should provide more information.
(Hey guys this problem is still not solved....please help me out with this......)
See if something similar happens if you load the applet from an html page that includes the tag and its children as static content, rather than content added to the DOM.
I imagine it's a problem of Firefox and java, not your code.
Applets can be tricky. I would suggest creating a page of pure HTML that works, first.
As far as suggestions for change go, 1st thing to change is the width/height of the applet. An applet with 0 size can cause all sorts of problems. Instead, give it a WxH of 20 (then later hide it using CSS).
Ok this has worked:
This behavior is the default since JDK 1.3. However you might need to prevent the applet from getting focus on startup, for example, if your applet is invisible and does not require focus at all. In this case, you can set to false the special parameter initial_focus in the HTML tag, as follows:
<applet code="MyApplet" width=50 height=50>
*<param name=initial_focus value="false">*</applet>
