maven-failsafe-plugin: how to pass option to JUnit? - maven

I use maven-failsafe-plugin to run my integration tests. When it fails, I see full stack trace. For each failed test case it may has about ~50 lines, most of which are related to Junit. I found that Junit has filtertrace option which allows to strip part of stack trace, but I cannot figure out how to pass this option to Junit?
Also I tried trimStackTrace option of maven-failsafe-plugin but it doesn't changed output of failed tests.
Is it possible to pass filtertrace option from plugin to Junit? (without using maven-antrun-plugin or similar plugins.)

The first thing is which version of the failsafe-plugin and JUnit do you use? How did you try to configure the trimStackTrace Option, because the trimStackTrace option is true by default.
Have you tried to configure the systemPropertiesFile to pass the filtertrace to JUnit.

maven-failsafe-plugin (and maven-surefire-plugin) contains bug when trimStackTrace has no effect on JUnit 4.x It fixed in version 2.13, so in my case i should update plugin to newer version.


Maven skip specific test [duplicate]

In my maven project I have a number of modules. Is it possible to turn off running unit test for some modules via command line options?
My project takes about 15 mins to run through all unit tests. I would like to speed up the overall build by running just the unit tests in the module I am working on. I do not want to go in and edit each individual pom.xml to achieve this.
I have tried a solution outlined here: Can I run a specific testng test group via maven? However the result is a lot of test failures in modules that I want to skip. I suppose 'group' is not the same concept of module?
To toggle unit tests on and off for an entire project use Maven Surefire Plugin's capability of skipping tests. There is a drawback with using skipTests from the command line. In a multi-module build scenario, this would disable all tests across all modules.
If you need more fine grain control of running a subset of tests for a module, look into using the Maven Surefire Plugin's test inclusion and exclusion capabilities.
To allow for command-line overrides, make use of POM properties when configuring the Surefire Plugin. Take for example the following POM segment:
With a POM like the above you can execute tests in a variety of ways.
Run all tests (the above configuration includes all **/* test source files)
mvn test
Skip all tests across all modules
mvn -DskipTests=true test
Skip all tests for a particular module
mvn -DsomeModule.skip.tests=true test
Only run certain tests for a particular module (this example includes all **/* test source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.includes="**/*" test
Exclude certain tests for a particular module (this example excludes all **/* source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.excludes="**/*" test
Found a way to exclude on command line:
# Exclude one test class, by using the explanation mark (!)
mvn test -Dtest=!LegacyTest
# Exclude one test method
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo
# Exclude two test methods
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo+testBar
# Exclude a package with a wildcard (*)
mvn test -Dtest=!*
This is from:
…and if you like to pass the parameter to maven release plugin in Hudson/Jenkins you have to use
to get it work.
If you want to use Maven profiles:
you might want to make it work doing something like this:
Skipping tests in some modules in Maven
I don't know if there is a supported command line option that does the same.
You also might try using environment properties directly, something as per this doc page:
i.e. something like:
then using mvn -DmoduleA.skipTests=false test to test that one module.

Maven + AspectJ/SpringAOP + Lombok + Surefire = test broken in a specific scenario

I have an interesting problem in a project where all of the technologies mentioned in the title are used. I've been able to track it down up to the diagnosis (the test classpath prepared by Surefire), but I don't understand whether it can be fixed and how. It's not a showstopper, indeed it's a minor issue for me, but I'd like to solve it anyway.
First a rough description.
The problem is related to executing tests in a specific module of the project, and only in a specific way.
Everything works (tests pass) when I run from the master pom level:
cd ${projHome}
mvn install
Everything works (tests pass) when I run:
cd ${projHome}/modules/CoreImplementation/
mvn test
That means that I can build and test with no problems, the same for my Jenkins, and NetBeans can run tests from the IDE when I need them.
But that module fails testing when I run from the master pom level:
cd ${projHome}
mvn test
with this error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: it.tidalwave.northernwind.profiling.RequestProfilerAspect.aspectOf()Lit/tidalwave/northernwind/profiling/RequestProfilerAspect;
at it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.DefaultSiteViewController.processRequest( ~[classes/:na]
at it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.DefaultSiteViewControllerTest.must_call_some_RequestProcessors_when_one_breaks( ~[test-classes/:na]
Running mvn test as a second pass (after a mvn install -DskipTests) happens to be the way and Travis do their job. While I could change their configuration, I'd like to stay with the standard configuration and fix the problem if possible.
The diagnosis in short and my question.
Now, the question in short (details are further below). I was able to track down the problem to different ways in which Surefire prepares the classpath to execute the tests.
When I run mvn install the classpath is:
When I run mvn test (from the project home) the classpath is:
The different portions are the indented ones. In the former case, SureFire uses the classes directory (forget for a moment that in my case they are named unwoven-classes) only for the module under test, and the installed jar files for every dependency. In the latter case, it seems to be using classes for all dependencies in the reactor.
The reason for which this difference in the classpaths gives me troubles is explained below in the "Gory details" section. In short, that unwoven means that they contain bytecode not augmented by AspectJ, hence the methods that can't be found at runtime.
I'm running with SureFire 2.16, but I've also tried the latest 2.19 with no changes. Being able to force SureFire to always use jar files for dependencies would fix my problems. If you have the answer, you can stop reading my post here.
Gory details (just for curiosity).
The faulty module artifactId is it-tidalwave-northernwind-core-default and it depends on aspects available in it-tidalwave-northernwind-core-profiling - that's where the offending RequestProfilerAspect is. The aspect library dependency is both in the regular dependencies of the faulty module and in the configuration of the aspectj plugin:
<aspectLibraries combine.children="append">
AspectJ integration is by means of the following profile in a Super POM, which is activated in the build, whose relevant part is:
The aspectj plugin is configured in the profile to statically weave binaries in the unwoven-test-classes directories. The reason for this approach is that it's the only feasible solution AFAIK to have both Lombok and AspectJ work together.
Now, back to the two classpaths described above: the fact that SureFire is using unwoven-classes means that it's pointing to bytecode that has not been augmented with AspectJ methods, hence the error.
The project is a FLOSS one and can be found at
A changeset where the problem can be reproduced is f98e9a89ac70138c1b6bd0d4570a22d59ed71be6. JDK 1.8.0 is required to build the project (even though it doesn't use Java 8 code yet).
The SuperPOM can be found here:

Specify which Junit test to run

I am using Selenium Junit Maven and Jenkins, what is the best way to specify which tests to run?
I tried Categories but found it too complicated. Is there an easy way to specify which test methods/class to run?
Although I believe Categories is the way to go, you could alternatively include/exclude test classes in the surefire plugin configuration.
If you want to execute a single test method, you can specify the test property
mvn -Dtest=TestCircle#mytest test
You could set the test property in your pom.xml as well and set it differently in different profiles, but in the end, categories is superior to that and a good test suite design practice.

Why maven-surefire-plugin needs to be defined for the tests to be run

If I call mvn install for example, the test phase being located before in the hierarchy should be executed. However it seems not to be the case.
I actually need to specify it manually: mvn test install in order for my tests to be executed.
Respecifying the surefire plugin in the pom.xml:
The test phase is supposed to call the maven-surefire-plugin which is a core plugin.
This behavior doesn't seem consistent to me. Am I missing something ?
EDIT: I am using Maven 3.2.1
The Maven version I am using (3.2.1) embeds the version 2.12.4 of the maven-surefire-plugin.
My project was a study case and had no test classes in it.
The 2.4.2 version of maven-surefire-plugin must fetch by default the Test reports even if no test class is encountered. The 2.12.4 seems not to behave this way.
When I was specifying the maven-surefire-plugin, I was overriding the plugin definition to the version to 2.4.2.
My apologies for having taken your attention for such an edge case and also with a lack of details.

Different log4j settings when running with Maven than when running from Eclipse

I'd like my console to be as quiet as possible when I run my tests with mvn test, unless something goes wrong. Then again, when I'm writing tests in Eclipse (in other words, when I run single junit tests inside Eclipse), it's ok for them to be pretty verbose.
So I would need a way to have different log4j/logback settings when running all my tests with surefire than when I run them one by one in Eclipse. Is there a way to accomplish this?
You can configure surefire to use a different logger settings file. That will be ignored by Eclipse.
