How to display a checkbox in Ext.grid.GridPanel? - ajax

I need to display a checkbox for column "Active" and when I change the selection to be to able to make an ajax request, to update the database.
Some sample code will help me a lot.

Please check this link: Extjs Grid plugins.
You can check sources for second grid.
Also you need listen 'selectionchange' event for selection model of the grid - so you'll have selected rows and then you can submit a request to server or whatever you need.
If you need specific column (not the first one) - you can check this link: Checkbox in the grid
And I think this is same here too: how to add checkbox column to Extjs Grid

This is example from one of my projects:
Ext.define('' ,{
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias : 'widget.newslist',
store: 'News',
remoteSort: false,
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
text: 'Online',
id: 'online-button',
enableToggle: true,
icon: '/images/light-bulb.png',
pressed: true,
handler: onItemToggle
}, { text: 'Preview',
id: 'preview-button',
enableToggle: true,
pressed: true
initComponent: function() {
this.selModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
singleSelect: false,
sortable: false,
checkOnly: true
this.columns = [
{ text: '', width: 28, renderer: function(val) { return "<img src='/images/star-empty.png' height='16' width='16'></img>"}},
{ text: 'Date', width: 60, dataIndex: 'newstime', renderer: renderDate},
{ text: 'Agency', width: 60, dataIndex: 'agency', renderer: function(val) { return val;}},
{ text: 'Category', width: 60, dataIndex: 'category', renderer: function(val) { return val;}},
{ text: 'Title', flex: 1, dataIndex: 'title',
renderer: function(val) { return Ext.String.format('<b>{0}</b>', val); }
this.title = "News from " + Ext.Date.dateFormat(new Date(), "j M Y");
The important part is that in the initComponent you create the selection model:
this.selModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
singleSelect: false,
sortable: false,
checkOnly: true


Free JqGrid - width of search filters

I am using the free JqGrid, and the problem I have is that the search filter fields do not lengthen to fit the width of the column, as you can see for the title below. How do I achieve this?
The grid is created by the following code;
$(function () {
var populateGrid = function (data) {
var grid = $("#grid");
data: data,
colNames: ["Contract No", "Title", ""],
colModel: [
{ name: "FullContractNo", label: "FullContractNo", width: 80, align: "center" },
{ name: "ContractTitle", label: "ContractTitle", width: 500, searchoptions: { sopt: ["cn"] } },
{ name: "Link", label: "Link", width: 60, search: false, align: "center" }
cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true },
rowNum: 20,
pager: "#pager",
shrinkToFit: true,
rownumbers: true,
sortname: "FullContractNo",
viewrecords: true
grid.jqGrid("filterToolbar", {
beforeSearch: function () {
return false; // allow filtering
var getGrid = function () {
var url = GetHiddenField("sir-get-selected-contract-list");
var callback = populateGrid;
dataService.getList(url, callback);
The most easy way to set the width of the searching field is the usage of attr property of searchoptions:
name: "ContractTitle",
label: "ContractTitle",
width: 500,
searchoptions: {
sopt: ["cn"],
attr: { style: "width:100px;" }
In the way one can set any attribute on the searching field, inclusive style attribute.

Extjs mvc add record to grid panel

first I thought it is a simple problem however I could not solve it anyway.
I have a extjs gridpanel, its store and model. From controller, I can insert new records to store, when I use firebug and debug, I can list all the new records in the store ( however in the gridview I cannot make it visible.
Could you please tell me where and what I am missing? Why the records are not listed in the grid?
This is my model
Ext.define('BOM.model.PaketModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{ name: 'seriNo', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'tutar', type: 'string' },
This is store
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'BOM.model.PaketModel',
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data',
writer: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data',
This is the method I add new rows
addNew: function () {
this.getPaketWindow().getStore().insert(0, new BOM.model.PaketModel());
this.getPaketWindow().returnRowEdit().startEdit(0, 0);
Ext.define('BOM.view.PaketCreate', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.paketcreate',
bodyPadding: 5,
layout: 'fit',
initComponent: function () {
this.columns = [
{ text: 'Seri No', flex: 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'seriNo', field: {xtype: 'textfield'} },
{ text: 'Tutar', flex: 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'tutar', field: {xtype: 'textfield'} }
this.dockedItems = [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
text: 'Ekle',
iconCls: 'icon-add',
id: 'deleteCheck',
text: 'Sil',
iconCls: 'icon-delete',
disabled: true,
}]; = '';
rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
clicksToMoveEditor: 1,
autoCancel: false
this.plugins = rowEditing,
returnRowEdit: function () {
console.log("row editing...");
return rowEditing;
var rowEditing;
Try: = Ext.create('');
instead of: = '';
It works when I add ".getView()" like
this.getPaketWindow().getView().getStore().insert(0, new BOM.model.PaketModel())
However, I still do not understand. Both reaches the same store when I add records manually I can see them in the but it is visible only if I include .getView() part

Set Triggerfield value from controller

I try to binding data from window grid that show by trigger field click.
this is my form with triggerfield :
Ext.define('', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
floating: true,
hidden: false,
width: 450,
//height: 400,
resizeable: false,
title: 'Detail Group',
modal: true,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
....other config...
items: [
xtype: 'form',
itemId: 'groupDetailForm',
border: false,
layout: {
type: 'auto'
bodyPadding: 10,
preventHeader: true,
title: 'My Form',
items: [
....other items...
xtype: 'triggerfield',
padding: '0 0 5 0',
width: 350,
fieldLabel: 'Nama Kontak',
name: 'namaJamaah',
itemId: 'namaLead',
triggerCls: ' x-form-search-trigger',
onTriggerClick: function(){
....other items...
next, my window with grid to list data :
Ext.define('', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
height: 400,
width: 750,
title: 'Daftar Jamaah',
modal: true,
hidden: false,
floating: true,
resizeable: false,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items : [
xtype: 'gridpanel',
autoScroll: true,
title: 'Daftar Anggota',
itemId: 'gridAnggota',
preventHeader: true,
forceFit: true,
flex: 1,
store: 'Jamaah',
allowDeselect : true,
viewConfig: {
autoScroll: true
dockedItems: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'top',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Pilih',
action: 'selectJamaahGrp',
itemId: 'selectJamaahGrp'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Baru',
columns: [
....Grid columns...
and this is my controller :
Ext.define('ResApp.controller.GroupDetails', {
extend: '',
stores: [
'Group', 'Jamaah'
models: [
'Group', 'Jamaah'
init: function(){
'button[action=selectJamaahGrp]': {
click: this.selectJamaahGrp
... other functions ...
selectJamaahGrp: function(button, e, options) {
var grid = button.up('grid');
if (grid) {
var windowDetail = Ext.widget('groupdetail');
var form = windowDetail.down('form');
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
var rs = sm.getSelection();
if (!rs.length) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Info', 'Pilih salah satu');
var data = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
//how to setValue to triggerfield from here
batalSelClick: function(button, e, options) {
... other functions ...})
my problem is, i can't figure how to setValue the triggerfield from my controller. Or there's another way to do it?
Just define a ref in your controller (refs: [ { ref: 'trigger', selector: 'triggerfield' } ]) and then perform this.getTrigger().setValue().

How to maintain checkbox selection while reloading the JQuery Grid?

I have a JQuery grid which I am reloading everytime when some event occurs on the server (i.e. update in the data set) and display the latest set of data in the grid. This grid has also got checkboxes in it's first column. What's happening is let's say user is selecting some checkboxes and in the meantime if the grid gets reloaded due to update in the data on the server, my grid gets reloaded with the latest set of data but all my previous checkbox selection gets lost. How can I mark these selected checkboxes again after grid reload?
Please suggest.
function PushData() {
// creates a proxy to the Alarm hub
var alarm = $.connection.alarmHub;
alarm.notification = function () {
// Start the connection and request current state
$.connection.hub.start(function () {
function BindGrid() {
jqDataUrl = "Alarm/LoadjqData";
var selectedRowIds;
url: jqDataUrl,
cache: false,
datatype: "json",
mtype: "POST",
multiselect: true ,
postData: {
sp: function () { return getPriority(); },
colNames: ["Id", "PointRef", "Value", "State", "Ack State", "Priority", "AlarmDate", "", ""],
colModel: [
//{ name: 'alarmId_Checkbox', index: 'chekbox', width: 100, formatter: "checkbox", formatoptions: { disabled: false }, editable: true, edittype: "checkbox" },
{ name: "AlarmId", index: "AlarmId", width: 70, align: "left" },
{ name: "PointRef", index: "PointRef", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "Value", index: "Value", width: 120, align: "left" },
{ name: "AlarmStateName", index: "AlarmStateName", width: 150, align: "left" },
{ name: "AcknowledgementStateName", index: "AcknowledgementStateName", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "Priority", index: "Priority", width: 130, align: "left" },
{ name: "AlarmDate", index: "AlarmDate", width: 250, align: "left" },
{ name: "TrendLink", index: "Trends", width: 100, align: "left" },
{ name: "MimicsLink", index: "Mimics", width: 100, align: "left" }
// Grid total width and height
width: 710,
height: 500,
hidegrid: false,
// Paging
toppager: false,
pager: $("#jqTablePager"),
rowNum: 20,
rowList: [5, 10, 20],
viewrecords: true, // "total number of records" is displayed
// Default sorting
sortname: "Priority",
sortorder: "asc",
// Grid caption
caption: "Telemetry Alarms",
onCellSelect: function (rowid, icol, cellcontent, e) {
var cm = jQuery("#jqTable").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
var colName = cm[icol];
if (colName['index'] == 'AlarmId') {
if ($("#AlarmDialog").dialog("isOpen")) {
else if (colName['index'] == 'Trends') {
else if (colName['index'] == 'Mimics') {
else {
$("#jqTable").setCell(rowid, "alarmId_Checkbox", true); //Selects checkbox while clicking any other column in the grid
recreateFilter: true,
emptyrecords: 'No Alarms to display',
loadComplete: function () {
var rowIDs = jQuery("#jqTable").getDataIDs();
for (var i = 0; i < rowIDs.length; i++) {
rowData = jQuery("#jqTable").getRowData(rowIDs[i]);
//change the style of hyperlink coloumns
$("#jqTable").jqGrid('setCell', rowIDs[i], "AlarmId", "", { 'text-decoration': 'underline', 'cursor': 'pointer' });
$("#jqTable").jqGrid('setCell', rowIDs[i], "TrendLink", "", { 'text-decoration': 'underline', 'cursor': 'pointer' });
$("#jqTable").jqGrid('setCell', rowIDs[i], "MimicsLink", "", { 'text-decoration': 'underline', 'cursor': 'pointer' });
if ($.trim(rowData.AcknowledgementStateName) == 'Active') {
$("#jqTable").jqGrid('setCell', rowIDs[i], "AcknowledgementStateName", "", { 'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'white' });
else if ($.trim(rowData.AcknowledgementStateName) == 'Acknowledged') {
$("#jqTable").jqGrid('setCell', rowIDs[i], "AcknowledgementStateName", "", { 'background-color': 'Navy', 'color': 'white' });
//$("#jqTable").jqGrid('hideCol', "AlarmId") //code for hiding a particular column
gridComplete: function () {
$('#jqTable input').bind('mouseover', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
if ($("#AlarmDialog").dialog("isOpen")) {
{ refresh: true, add: false, edit: false, del: false },
{}, // settings for edit
{}, // settings for add
{}, // settings for delete
{sopt: ["cn"]} // Search options. Some options can be set on column level
.trigger('reloadGrid', [{page:1, current:true}]);
If I understand you correct you need just use additional parameter i
$("#list").trigger("reloadGrid", [{current:true}]);
$("#list").trigger("reloadGrid", [{page: 1, current: true}]);
(See the answer). It do almost the same what Justin suggested.
Depend from what you want exactly mean under reloading of the grid it can be that waht you need is to save the grid state inclusive the list of selected items in localStorage and reload the state after loading the grid. This answer describes in details the implementation. The corresponding demo from the answer could be simplified using new jqGrid events which are introduced in version 4.3.2.
You could save the selections before reloading the grid, for example in the beforeRequest event:
selectedRowIDs = jQuery('#myGrid').getGridParam('selarrrow');
Then after the grid has been reloaded, you can loop over selectedRowIDs and reselect each one using setSelection. For example:
for (i = 0, count = selectedRowIDs.length; i < count; i++) {
jQuery('#myGrid').jqGrid('setSelection', selectedRowIDs[i], false);
You might run this code in the loadComplete event.
recreateFilter: true
and you should be done

Unable to sort data in ExtJS DataGrid when grouped

I'm using ExtJS 3.3.0 with a datagrid that consumes a JSON data store (
When I'm not grouping by a column, I can sort just fine, however when grouping by a column, the sort algorithm seems to fall apart.
I have another data grid that does server side sorting (and grouping and paging) and this works just fine. Comparing the the code between the two has left me stumped for the difference that's making one work and the other not work.
Many thanks in advance.
CW.App.FileGrid = {
store : null,
initComponent: function(){ = new{
// Sort by whatever field was just grouped by. This makes the data
// make more sense to the user.
reader: new{
fields: [
name: 'modified',
type: 'date',
'description', 'folder', 'filename',
'filesize', 'ext', 'dateGroup']
//'modified', 'DESC');
Ext.apply(this, {
columns: [
return rec.get('iconCls');
header: "Filename",
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'filename'
header: "iBMU",
dataIndex: 'folder'
header: "Date",
width: 65,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'modified',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d h:i'),
header: "Type",
width: 70,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'description'
header: "Size",
width: 50,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'filesize',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.fileSize
icon: '/img/fam/drive_disk.png',
tooltip: 'Download file',
handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex){
var rec = store.getAt(rowIndex);
location.href = Ext.urlAppend('/ibmus/download/', Ext.urlEncode({
folder: rec.get('folder'),
filename: rec.get('filename')
view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({
emptyText: 'No files found. Please wait up to 24 hours after activating your account for files to appear.',
groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[]} {[ > 1 ? "Files" : "File"]})'
width: '100%',
height: 250,
collapsible: false,
animCollapse: false
