Should I keep the size of stored fields in Solr to a minimum? - performance

I am looking to introduce Solr to power the search for a business listing website. The site has around 2 million records.
There is a search results page which will display some key data for each result. I believe the data needed for this summary information is around 1KB per result.
I could simply index the fields needed for the search within Solr - but this means a separate database call for each result to populate the summary information. If Solr could return all of this data I would expect it to yield greater performance than ~40 database round-trips.
The concern is that Solr's memory usage would be too large (how might I calculate this?) and that indexing might take too long with the extra data.

You would benefit greatly to store those fields in Solr compared to the 40 db roundtrips. Just make sure that you marked the field as "not indexed" (indexed = false) in your schema config and maybe also compressed (compressed = true) (however this will of course use some CPU when indexing and retrieving).
When marking a field as "not indexed" no analyzers will process the field when indexing making it stored much faster than a indexed field.

It's a trade off, and you will have to analyze this yourself.
Solr's performance greatly depends on caching, not only of queries, but also of the documents themselves. Those caches depend on memory, and the bigger your documents are, the less you can fit in a fixed amount of memory.
Document size also affects index size and replication times. For large indices with master slave configurations, this can impact the rate at which you can update the index.
Ideally you should measure cache hit rates at different cache sizes, with and without the fields. If you can spend the memory to get a high enough cache hit rate with the fields, then by all means go for it. If you cannot, you may have to fetch the document content from another system.
There is a third alternative you didn't mention, which is to store the documents outside of the DB, but not in Solr. They should be stored in a format which is as close as possible to what you deliver with search results. The code which creates/updates the indices could create/update these documents as well. This is a lot of work, but like everything it comes down to how much performance you need and what you are willing to do to get it.
EDIT: For measuring cache hit rates and throughput, I've found the best test source is your current query logs. Take a day or two worth of live queries and run them against different indexes and configurations to see how well they work.


Advice on efficient ElasticSearch document design

I'm working on a project that deals with listings (think: Craiglist, Ebay, Trulia, etc).
The basic unit of information is a "Listing", something like this:
"id": 1,
"title": "Awesome apartment!",
"price": 1000000,
// other stuff
Some fields can be searched upon (e.g price, location, etc), others are just for display purposes on the application (e.g title, description which contains lots of HTML etc).
My question is: should i store all the data in one document, or split it into two (one for searching e.g 'ListingSearchIndex', one for display, e.g 'ListingIndex').
I also have to do some pretty hefty aggregations across the documents too.
I guess the question is, would searching across smaller documents then doing another call to fetch the results by id be faster than just searching across the full document?
The main factors is obviously speed, but if i split the documents then maintenance would be a factor too.
Any suggestions on best practices?
Thanks :)
In my experience with Elasticsearch, shard configuration has been significant in cluster performance/ speed when querying, aggregating etc. Since, every shard by itself consumes cluster resources (memory/cpu) and has a cost towards cluster overhead it is ideal to get the shard count right so the cluster is not overloaded. Our cluster was over-sharded and it impacted loading search results, visualizations, heavy aggregations etc. Once we fixed our shard count it worked flawlessly!
Aim to keep the average shard size between a few GB and a few tens of GB. For use-cases with time-based data, it is common to see shards between 20GB and 40GB in size.
The number of shards you can hold on a node will be proportional to the amount of heap you have available, but there is no fixed limit enforced by Elasticsearch. A good rule-of-thumb is to ensure you keep the number of shards per node below 20 to 25 per GB heap it has configured. A node with a 30GB heap should therefore have a maximum of 600-750 shards, but the further below this limit you can keep it the better. This will generally help the cluster stay in good health.
Besides performance, I think there's other aspects to consider here.
ElasticSearch offers weaker guarantees in terms of correctness and robustness than other databases (on this topic see their blog post ElasticSearch as a NoSQL database). Its focus is on search, and search performance.
For those reasons, as they mention in the blog post above:
Elasticsearch is commonly used in addition to another database
One way to go about following that pattern:
Store your data in a primary database (e.g. a relational DB)
Index only what you need for your search and aggregations, and to link search results back to items in your primary DB
Get what you need from the primary DB before displaying - i.e. the data for display should mostly come from the primary DB.
The gist of this approach is to not treat ElasticSearch as a source of truth; and instead have another source of truth that you index data from.
Another advantage of doing things that way is that you can easily reindex from your primary DB when you change your index mapping for a new search use case (or on changing index-time processing like analyzers etc...).
I think you can't answer this question without knowing all your queries in advance. For example consider that you split to documents and later you decide that you need to filter based on a field stored in one index and sort by a field that is stored in another index. This will be a big problem!
So my advice to you, If you are not sure where you are heading, just put everything in one index. You can later reindex and remodel.

Solr indexing of a large data set

I have content that is about 50 TB large. The number of documents in this set is about 250 million. The daily increment to this is not very large nay my be about 10000 documents of varying sizes totaling under 50 MB.
The current indexing effort is taking way too long and is guesstimated to complete in 100+ days!!!
So ... is this really that large of a data set? To me, 50 TB of content (in this day and age) is not very large. Do you have content of this size? If you do, how did you improve time taken for one-time indexing? Also, how did you improve time taken by real-time indexing?
If you can answer .. great. If you can point me in the right direct direction ... appreciate that as well.
Thanks in advance.
There are number of factors to consider.
You can start with Client to index. Which client are you using. Is it Solrj, or any framework which listens to databases(like oracle or Hbase) or rest API.
This can make a difference, given that Solr is good at handling them, however the client framework and data preparation at client, also needs to be optimized. For example, if you use Hbase Indexer(which reads from Hbase tables and writes to Solr), you can expect few millions to be indexed in hour or so. Then, this should not take much time to complete 250 million.
After the client, you enter into Solr environment. How many fields are you indexing in you document. Also do you have stored fields or any other overheads for field types.
Config parameters like autoCommit based on number of records or RAm size, softCommit as mentioned in the comment above, Parallel Threads to index data, Hardware are some of the points to cosider.
You can find comprehensive check list here and can verify each. Happy Designing

max number of couchbase views per bucket

How many views per bucket is too much, assuming a large amount of data in the bucket (>100GB, >100M documents, >12 document types), and assuming each view applies only to one document type? Or asked another way, at what point should some document types be split into separate buckets to save on the overhead of processing all views on all document types?
I am having a hard time deciding how to split my data into couchbase buckets, and the performance implications of the views required on the data. My data consists of more than a dozen relational DBs, with at least half with hundreds of millions of rows in a number of tables.
The doc section "using document types" seems to imply having multiple document types in the same bucket is not ideal because views on specific document types are updated for all documents, even those that will never match the view. Indeed, it suggests separating data into buckets to avoid this overhead.
Yet there is a limit of 10 buckets per cluster for performance reasons. My only conclusion therefore is that each cluster can handle a maximum of 10 large collections of documents efficiently. Is this accurate?
Tug's advice was right on and allow me to add some perspective as well.
A bucket can be considered most closely related to (though not exactly) a "database instantiation" within the RDMS world. There will be multiple tables/schemas within that "database" and those can all be combined within a bucket.
Think about a bucket as a logical grouping of data that all shares some common configuration parameters (RAM quota, replica count, etc) and you should only need to split your data into multiple buckets when you need certain datasets to be controlled separately. Other reasons are related to very different workloads to different datasets or the desire to be able to track the workload to those datasets separately.
Some examples:
-I want to control the caching behavior for one set of data differently than another. For instance, many customers have a "session" bucket that they want always in RAM whereas they may have a larger, "user profile" bucket that doesn't need all the data cached in RAM. Technically these two data sets could reside in one bucket and allow Couchbase to be intelligent about which data to keep in RAM, but you don't have as much guarantee or control that the session data won't get pushed putting it in its own bucket allows you to enforce that. It also gives you the added benefit of being able to monitor that traffic separately.
-I want some data to be replicated more times than others. While we generally recommend only one replica in most clusters, there are times when our users choose certain datasets that they want replicated an extra time. This can be controlled via separate buckets.
-Along the same lines, I only want some data to be replicated to another cluster/datacenter. This is also controlled per-bucket and so that data could be split to a separate bucket.
-When you have fairly extreme differences in workload (especially around the amount of writes) to a given dataset, it does begin to make sense from a view/index perspective to separate the data into a separate bucket. I mention this because it's true, but I also want to be clear that it is not the common case. You should use this approach after you identify a problem, not before because you think you might.
Regarding this last point, yes every write to a bucket will be picked up by the indexing engine but by using document types within the JSON, you can abort the processing for a given document very quickly and it really shouldn't have a detrimental impact to have lots of data coming in that doesn't apply to certain views. If you don't mind, I'm particularly curious at which parts of the documentation imply otherwise since that certainly wasn't our intention.
So in general, we see most deployments with a low number of buckets (2-3) and only a few upwards of 5. Our limit of 10 comes from some known CPU and disk IO overhead of our internal tracking of statistics (the load or lack thereof on a bucket doesn't matter here). We certainly plan to reduce this overhead with future releases, but that still wouldn't change our recommendation of only having a few buckets. The advantages of being able to combine multiple "schemas" into a single logical grouping and apply view/indexes across that still exist regardless.
We are in the process right now of coming up with much more specific guidelines and sizing recommendations (I wrote those first two blogs as a stop-gap until we do).
As an initial approach, you want to try and keep the number of design documents around 4 because by default we process up to 4 in parallel. You can increase this number, but that should be matched by increased CPU and disk IO capacity. You'll then want to keep the number of views within each document relatively low, probably well below 10, since they are each processed in serial.
I recently worked with one user who had an fairly large amount of views (around 8 design documents and some dd's with nearly 20 views) and we were able to drastically bring this down by combining multiple views into one. Obviously it's very application dependent, but you should try to generate multiple different "queries" off of one index. Using reductions, key-prefixing (within the views), and collation, all combined with different range and grouping queries can make a single index that may appear crowded at first, but is actually very flexible.
The less design documents and views you have, the less disk space, IO and CPU resources you will need. There's never going to be a magic bullet or hard-and-fast guideline number unfortunately. In the end, YMMV and testing on your own dataset is better than any multi-page response I can write ;-)
Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly if you have specific questions about your specific use case that you don't want published.
As you can see from the Couchbase documentation, it is not really possible to provide a "universal" rules to give you an exact member.
But based on the best practice document that you have used and some discussion(here) you should be able to design your database/views properly.
Let's start with the last question:
YES the reason why Couchbase advice to have a small number of bucket is for performance - and more importantly resources consumption- reason. I am inviting you to read these blog posts that help to understand what's going on "inside" Couchbase:
Sizing 1:
Sizing 2:
So you will see that most of the "operations" are done by bucket.
So let's now look at the original question:
yes most the time your will organize the design document/and views by type of document.
It is NOT a problem to have all the document "types" in a single(few) buckets, this is in fact the way your work with Couchbase
The most important part to look is, the size of your doc (to see how "long" will be the parsing of the JSON) and how often the document will be created/updated, and also deleted, since the JS code of the view is ONLY executed when you create/change the document.
So what you should do:
1 single bucket
how many design documents? (how many types do you have?)
how any views in each document you will have?
In fact the most expensive part is not during the indexing or quering it is more when you have to rebalance the data and indices between nodes (add, remove , failure of nodes)
Finally, but it looks like you already know it, this chapter is quite good to understand how views works (how the index is created and used):
Do not hesitate to add more information if needed.

What are the performance considerations when adding a large number of documents to a large Solr core?

If I have a Solr core with a half-dozen small fields that's loaded with 100 million documents, will adding a batch of 1 million documents run in a reasonable amount of time? How about 10 million? By reasonable, I'm thinking hours, rather than days. I've been told that this will take a long time to run. Is this really an issue? What are known strategies to improve performance? The fields are typically small, that is, 5-50 characters.
two suggestions on top of already mentioned in other answers for improving the performance (first tried, second to be tried):
1) decrease logging while updating: on INFO level SOLR appends one entry per document. See here on how we did it: Some people reported "x3 speed increase".
2) set the amount of segments in solrconfig.xml to something very large for indexing, like 10000. Once the batch indexing is complete, change the parameter value back to something reasonably low, like 10.
This is a very "tricky" question whose answer differs from schema to schema.
Your solr installation has a half-dozen fields. But, how many are actually indexed? If only one field is indexed, then adding 1 million documents will be faster than adding 1 million docs when 6 fields are indexed.
I think the type of fields that are indexed also matters. A field that is of the type "text_general" is broken down into tokens while indexing whereas a field that is of the type "string" is not. "String" type is not analyzed and is stored as one complete token.
I have got some very long fields which are indexed and adding 2 million docs take a few minutes (although my installation does not contain 100 million documents). So, I do not think that it will take days to add 10 million records to your installation.
I am not sure about this but maybe the configuration of your cpu which is running the solr instance also matters. So, you might need to see if you cpu and memory can handle this much load.
It's upto you to decide if a long running data post is an issue or not. If your application is user intensive, then I suggest that you follow some kind of master-slave configuration so that the user is not impacted by the high cpu usage when you post the data. Some strategies which I know about improving performance is "sharding".
or if it is possible to demarcate the records by some field and put those different documents onto different servers.
100 million records is a fairly large index for Solr. But adding 10 million records on a good machine should be hours not days. You may find the following email thread interesting as it includes both in-depth questions and some final advice on tuning for 10M records index process.
Also, you did not say if you 'store' the fields as well as index them. If you do, you may also look forward to Solr 4.1 field compression.
An important parameter which impacts the indexing performance(in terms of Time) is the way in which you have defined your data-config.xml file.
If your fields come from multiple tables in a Database, you can configure it in 2 ways:
Entities within entities
A single entity with a join query
The second method is comparatively faster than the first one by a large degree because the number of queries fired against the database is decreased.

What is a reasonable setting for Hibernate Search MassIndexer?

In my application I use Hibernate Search to manage a Lucene index of some of my mapped model classes (10 classes, partly associated to each other -- using indexEmbedded quite some time in the index definitions). There are approx. 1,500,000 documents to index
For rebuilding the whole index, I use a mass indexer as proposed in the documentation
My database connection pool has a size of 50
I observe that the indexing procedure starts promising fast until it reached about 25% of all documents. After that the performance declines drastically (the next 5% take twice as long as the first 25%) and I am wondering why this happens?
Do I have a wrong ratio of object-loading threads and indexing threads?
Or is it simply due to the growing size of the index? Does this justify this decline of performance?
How to improve the performance? How to achieve a constant progress in time?
Because I make use of projections rather than letting Hibernate Search fetch search results from DB, many of my indexed fields are stored in Index (Store.YES). Does this affect the performance significantly?
-- Edit:
My Hibernate search configuration:
properties.setProperty("", "filesystem");
properties.setProperty("", searchIndexPath);
properties.setProperty("", "manual");
properties.setProperty("hibernate.default_batch_fetch_size", "200");
Have you profiled your application. It is hard to give general recommendations in this case.
Also what configuration settings do you use? There are several properties which can influence the indexing behavior. See for more details. What's about memory consumption during indexing. Have you monitored this as well.
Because I make use of projections rather than letting Hibernate Search fetch search results > from DB, many of my indexed fields are stored in Index (Store.YES). Does this affect the
performance significantly?
I would expect that it mainly influences the index size not so much the indexing performance.
