Single godaddy account suitable for hosting multiple dev projects? - hosting

I want a single hosting account where I can put up my development sites, and small sites I do for friends, some might be experiments, some might be public. None will get huge traffic. They'll all either be using PHP roll-my-own or Code Igniter with MySQL.
I'll want to be pointing multiple domain names at different directories under this account. I'll also probably make use of rewrites extensively.
I'm not in the US but US hosting is far more economical. Is godaddy a good choice given my requirements? I'm looking at the base account as it allows unlimited domain names.

What i hate about go daddy is their domain registerations are "expensive". With privacy it comes to essentially $18/domain, compared to someone like dreamhost (which has free privacy $10).
I personally use dreamhost to register my domains and rackspace to serve the content.
Their smallest instance is ~12/month.
I like the freedom rackspace gives me, it is a full linux box with whatever you want. Shared hosts often aren't flexible enough for quirky framework/requirements. In your case, any shared hosting will do as you are using php/CI.
I'm looking at the base account as it allows unlimited domain names.
Nowadays, just about everyone offers unlimited domain names and what not. Not really a killer feature.
In the end shared hosting is shared hosting. You are sharing a space with other users. If it is experimental then it won't matter.
Something you wish to consider is "money back policy". For instance I had at one point an account with MOcha host and they only offer money back inside 30 days, limited money inside 180 days. After that, they eat your money. Something to consider.


Must strange site visitor user agent be avoided? If yes how?

I am using shared hosting.
My site was showing "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".
So i went to see visitors to my (SSL) site.
I found that instead of regular names in the "User Agent" list,
cpanel visitors list is showing
user agent Expanse indexes the network perimeters of our customers. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:"
I want to know whether this is harmful and if yes,
How to avoid such unknown user agents?
Is there something i should do with ".htaccess" file?
Once again, i am using shared hosting (so, i have limited accessibility).
The ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED you saw when accessing your website had nothing to do with the visitor you saw in cpanel. You might have had a different issue with your server configuration/shared hosting provider.
That "visitor" was an internet crawler, most likely from Palo Alto Networks, who owns Expanse. Long story short, it shouldn't cause any harm. They say that their crawlers are used to index/categorize URLs around the internet and/or to spot malicious content.
I advise you to ignore it, since there's not much you can do - I assume they have some ranges of IPs for their crawlers so you wouldn't be able to blacklist all of them anyway.

Best practice to store App Key in Laravel

I have been doing a lot of research on this and I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Obviously these days security is a big issue, hacks are going on all over the place of major companies that invest millions into security and they're still getting hacked.
I work on Laravel a lot and use shared hosting with Hostgator or some similar company of high report. Laravel comes with a built in function for encrypting database info and decrypting to the user when requested.
However, I have a question on how secure this ACTUALLY is. If someone gets into my cPanel, my app key which is used for encryption is right there in front of them. Granted, my cPanel password is the one that's auto-generated by Hostgator and it's complete jibberish with semicolons and alphanumeric strings all over, so it's not easy to guess.
But I'm trying to learn a little bit more about security. If my app key in my env file is locked securely behind my cPanel login, is Laravels built in "encrypt()" method "enough" to call an app "secure"? Is there other measures within Laravel or my host provider that could make it more secure than just tight passwords? Is there some sort of practice of referencing the app key through an external source that's not located in the cPanel area? So even if my cPanel got hacked, my app key wouldn't be in those files and get exposed?
I'm not a security expert, but there are a few points I can share from my experience in working at highly-secured companies.
First, Laravel itself is fine. You can generally trust open source software since it's transparent and security bugs get discovered and addressed early. So you don't need to improve Laravel, just use it as is, preferably an LTS version.
Then, CPanel is a liability. You should minimize weak points on your system, i.e. those that are externally accessible. Get a VPS or a private server and access it via an SSH, don't use tools like CPanel and PhpMyAdmin on it. The less software you have that talks to the outer world, the less vulnerable you are to bugs in that software.
In my current company the production server can only be accessed via SSH from a single IP address, the address of the dev server. So I log in to dev server first, and then log in from there to the prod. It denies all connections from all other IPs.
If you are limited to using CPanel or something similar, consider protecting the login page with HTTP Basic Auth, some hosting providers allow that.
You also want to keep your system and software up to date. Not too new either as that may have bugs that haven't been caught yet. Our devops prefer to have it a couple of minor versions behind, so that the community has time to test it out and get hacked for you.
That's all I know as a web-dev, sure enough there are special tools and ddos protection services but that's beyond a dev's concern imo. If you just follow these steps, you should be safe. Hope that helped a bit, cheers :)

Selecting hosting provider and service for site like KhanAcademy

I'm having difficulties with selecting a host for a website that I'm working on and would appreciate some sincere tips. There are a lot of articles on the topics, many of which are biased, which is why I'm quite confused.
I need help selecting a specific host and service. I have the following requirements and would like a few different suggestions. Ideally, I want one suggestion on a specific service with Cloudflare since that's my primary choice even though I find their offering confusing. I also would like one suggestion with a provider that accepts BTCs as payment.
Now to my requirements:
The website is quite similar to KhanAcademy and Udemy. We want to host about 75 GB of videos that users should be able to view directly on the site (stream) with our own mediaplayer.
We also have about 15 GB of audios that users should be play directly on the site and download.
We do NOT want to use YouTube, Soundcloud or similar services.
Finally, we have an additional 25 GB of files that we need to host, and that users should be able to download.
The media should load quickly but since the site is new, we have no idea of bandwidth requirement. However, we expect that they will be slow at first but grow steadily over time.
We want the hosting service to come with SSL.
And we want a three-year subscription with a fixed upfront fee rather than monthly payments
Although this isn't a must, but we would prefer if we could use the same hosting service for two separate websites with different domains.

Moving websites to Github - what about email?

I'm thinking of moving about 5 websites over to be hosted on Github pages from a dedicated host. They will all be converted to static websites. The domain names will still be managed there, what are some options for email hosting cheaply or at all?
I've always gone with Google's G Suite.
The basic plan gives 30GB of storage, and costs $5/User/Month
The business plan gives Unlimited storage, a few more features, and costs $10/User/Month
There's also an enterprise plan, but I don't think you'd need it.

Linode VPS Capabilities

I have no experience with VPS's. Over the past year or two I've been getting more and more into web development, as a hobby and for work. I'm currently managing one wordpress site, a codeigniter app, a node.js/mongodb app, and various other personal projects. They are currently all hosted seperately (misc LAMP hosting, heroku, etc.).
I'm looking for a solution that will enable me to do the following:
Host Static/PHP Sites/Apps (so a LAMP stack)
capable of other stacks (django/yesod/RoR/etc.)
Would a Linode VPS be capable of handling all of this? None of these sites get large amounts of traffic. The web apps are private, business management apps, used by 2-10 people at a time. The public sites are small business websites and my portfolio. I would like to be able to host future work on the same VPS as well (same types of small sites/apps).
I have no experience managing multiple domains on the same server. Is this easily done (or possible) with a single Linode VPS?
I'm looking at the Linode 512MB/1GB VPS's, $20/$40 respectively.
Of course.
Especially after the massive Linode NextGen upgrades, a Linode VPS can easily handle this kind of workload. Since it's a VPS and not merely shared hosting, you get root access and therefore full control over the system.
In addition, Linode includes features such as advanced disk image management that allows you to clone and resize disk images as required and quickly boot into different images, as well as an out-of-band shell that allows direct access to the server's console in the event you cannot access it via SSH. A Linode 1024 (1GB) plan is more than enough for this sort of workload.
There are lots of different VPS providers out there. Rackspace is very expensive but probably has the highest level of reliability (100% uptime SLA with 5% refund per 30 minutes downtime) and outstanding "Fanatical Support". For less critical needs, there are loads of smaller VPS providers that offer cheap rates, but often with only minimal resources and fewer features. Some provide super-fast SSD storage for disk-intensive applications. You should shop around and do your research so that you find a VPS provider that meets your requirements.
I suggest that you may look into a shared hoisting plan on a reputed hosting companies like hostgator since there isn't much traffic.I also suggest you also buy a cpanel for managing tools.Cpanel has a web interface with which you can control every tool using your mouse & keyboard.
On the other hand linode has a CLI interface and their support expects you to have some descent knowledge about managing VPS servers.
