Socket Exception : recv failed with oracle thin driver - oracle

I am facing an issue where my test suite randomly fails with an socket exception
oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement 1267 - Throwing SQLException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
The test suite fails with this exception when a given set of test cases are executed in a particular order. I got the above error log after enabling the oracle jdbc driver logs. The query which leads to this error is always a "DROP SEQUENCE query". There is nothing special about this query since it is fired 'n' number of times during the execution flow.
One of the blog link points out that the above error is because the server side sockets gets closed before the client expects. To troubleshoot more on this point I tried analyzing the Oracle TNSListener logs - listener.log file but was not able to gather much information since the log file only contained information about the socket CONNECT function call.
What could be the possible causes of the above error in addition to the one the blog link mentions?
How can I configure the Oracle TNSListener to provide more detailed information about the socket communication? For e.g. Trace information when the server socket close event is fired.
I would appreciated if anyone could point out to a possible cause of this error or provide more information which could help me to troubleshoot this issue further based on the above two points

You can set the trace level if you have access to the lsnrctl utility:
LSNRCTL> show trc_level
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to off
The command completed successfully
LSNRCTL> set trc_level admin
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to admin
The command completed successfully
LSNRCTL> show trc_level
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to admin
The command completed successfully
From the docs, trc_level is one of:
Specify one of the following trace levels:
off for no trace output
user for user trace information
admin for administration trace information
support for Oracle Support Services trace information


How can i solve this issue through Sql Developer with Oracle

Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12518, TNS: listener could not hand off client connection
Please follow below mentioned steps:
1.Processes parameter and verified by the v$resource_limit view.
2.If you are using a shared server, you may increase the number of dispatchers.
3.Check the alert log for any possible errors.
4.Check the swap, memory usage of the OS.
5.Check the Sid name of database
Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify that the listener and database instances are properly configured for direct handoff.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

I am getting the error as 'ORA-03135: connection lost contact' from my C# code while making connection to oracle DB. The same job works just fine from our test server. But it failed with ORA-03135: connection lost contact error from prod server.
The C# code use ODAC to connect to oracle DB.
Appreciate your inputs.
Thank you
This error is most likely caused by a firewall blocking the connection request. Check for any firewalls in your network or on the database server and make sure your access rules are configured correctly.
Also check this link for more troubleshooting tips:
ORA-03135: connection lost contact tips
What can I do to avoid the ORA-03135 error?
Answer: The oerr utility shows this for the ORA-03135 error:
ORA-03135: connection lost contact
1) Server unexpectedly terminated or was forced to terminate.
2) Server timed out the connection.
1) Check if the server session was terminated.
2) Check if the timeout parameters are set properly in
The ORA-03135 error is common when connecting remotely when a firewall
terminates the connection.
One solution for the ORA-03135 error is to increase the value of the
sqlnet.ora expire_time parameter in the sqlnet.ora file or to check
for a expire parameter in a SQL*Plus profile.
To diagnose the ORA-03135 error, start by checking to see if the OS
PID still exists, using the "ps -ef | grep" syntax.
Check to see if there is a Network Address Translation (NAT) between
the client and server
In Windows, check to see if a Windows firewall is checking for your
local connections.
Also, setting the parameters sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout and
inbound_connect_timeout_listenername to 0 can stop the ORA-03135

Websphere mq listener available but showing not found error

we have facing error, application unable to connect to queue manager,with reason
code mqrc 2538,
webspher MQ version v7.0.1.2.
operating system "Solaris".
I have started the listener manually through
runmqlsr -m qmname -t tcp -p port
after i have checked status of listener through command,
display lsstatus(listener name)
"listener is available but when I try to display the status of this listener it is showing MQ object not found."
we have checked error logs but there is no information for related client fails we have started listener manually, listener information only available in error logs.
Also we have checked "/var/mqm/error" we found the FDC files "probe ID: XY132002" we have contact with sysadmin they mount the disk space.
After mounting /var/mqm/ disc space still we are facing the same issue.
i have already given "start lstr(lstr name)" in script mode, but i its accepting the request, while I try to display the status of this listener it is showing MQ object not found."
i have checked qmgr error logs and fdc error logs"
can you please find the below errors written in /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR01.LOG
Explanation: 1. An attempt hasbeen made to run the brker(SFMSICREQMGR) but the brker has ended for reason '6119:xecF_E_UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_RC'.
error: AMQ6119:An internal WebSphere MQ error has occured(failed to get memory segment:shmget(0x00000000, 16384) [rc =1 errno=28] no space left on device.
++below error written in queue manger level error:++
AMQ5008: An essential websphere MQ process 10063 (amqfgpub) cannot be found is assumed to be terminated.
these are errors written in queue manager level error logs and system level error logs:
we have added below values
after adding this parameters we restarted the queue manager's,
we have four queue managers in server, three queue managers and listeners are in running state, fourth queue manager facing same error.
we have stopped one queue manager and we have run the fourth queue manager,the fourth queue manager is running and listener also in running state.
one queue manager is not allowing to start. we are facing same error for this queue manager.
All queue managers and listeners running fine.
we have created local queue,
queue name(error_local_queue).but while application tried get msg from this queue his getting error
Mqrc 2033.
Kindly help for this issue
thank you so much to all issue got resolved.
If you start a listener using the following command (as per your question):-
runmqlsr -m qmname -t tcp -p port
Then you have not specified a name for the listener anywhere (because this command does not have that capability).
It will however still show up in a DISPLAY LSSTATUS command with a system generated name. If you use the following command:-
that will show all running listeners, and you will see that there is one with a name something like SYSTEM.LISTENER.TCP.1 which is your runmqlsr one.
Alternatively, if you want to give your listener a specific name, then you must define a listener as follows (replacing nnnn with your port number):-
Then you are able to start it as follows:-
and show it's status as follows:-
N.B. I used the name TCP.LSTR but you may choose any name you wish.
The errors you mention at the end of your question are unrelated to listeners. Please open a separate question for those.
MQ v7.0 has been out of support since September 30th 2015.
The errors you found indicate the queue manager is short on shared memory, this could cause the entire queue manager to have issues including your listener. The current values along with IBM's recommendations can by found using the mqconfig script.
MQ v7.0 did not come with the mqconfig script. Download the script and verify which kernel settings are not correct, the download site is "How to configure UNIX and Linux systems for IBM MQ".
You can find more information on setting these in the IBM MQ v7 Knowledge Center page "Resource limit configuration".
The values in the Knowledge center are recommended values for a average server with a couple of queue managers and should be treated as a minimum value. If you can't run 4 queue managers then I would suggest going to higher values. I would start with setting max-sem-ids and max-shm-ids to 10240 and see if that solves it, if not then attempt to add 50% to the max-shm-memory value.

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Connection has been administratively disabled by console/admin command. Try later

When our application tries to connect Oracle database, this exception is thrown:
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Connection has been administratively disabled by console/admin command. Try later. java.lang.Exception: It was disabled at Tue Oct 20 23:55:14 CEST 2015
But, from Weblogic console the connection test returns OK.
Weblogic version:
Any explanation is welcome. Thanks
The reason the test works is because that is creating a connection and running a test query. That is not what your code is doing when it is using the data source in an ejb. The code is going through the connection pool and that is what has been marked as bad. There is no solution provided by Oracle that I have found except to: restart the server and that will re-enable the connection pool.
I suspect you have "Test connections on reserve" set because that is when this usually arises. What Weblogic does is: before it returns a connection from the pool it will run a test query, if the test query fails it waits and runs it one more time. If the query fails again it marks the connection as unhealthy. If all the connections in the pool become unhealthy it will mark the pool as disabled and gives you the error message you see: 'Connection has been administratively disabled by console/admin command. Try later.'
In regards to the 'Try Later' part of the error message, as far as I can tell Oracle is wrong about trying again later. I have never seen it recover later.
I'd like to share this article that help me out to understand better my problem:
The “java.sql.SQLException: Connection has been administratively destroyed.” is expected:
the DB was shutdown; even if it was restarted later, the JDBC connection are pointing to DB processes
that have been destroyed.
You need to restart your WebLogic Server to recreate new JDBC connections.
All the current transactions are lost, as the database was shutdown.
High availability of your RDBMS is required to minimize this issue.
Is there any other error before that one ?
Maybe in the log you can find that connection is been closed.
You can avoid this by selecting "Test on Connection Reserve" in the datasource.

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

we have a dot net application and it connecting to Oracle and fetching data and moving to SQL server. it was working very fine. just started giving error ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error . Tnsping also giving this error. but if i stop this application and tnsping then its success. again starting the application on the first 10 minutes its working perfectly and gain giving same error. every 5 seconds this application connecting to Oracle databse.
any idea what is this error; and how to resolve. there is lots of questions over here,but didnt find a soulution .
highly appreciate your comments against this query
It seems you have some sort of resource leak. Do you close connections properly ?
Also, as ar said in comment, why don't you just keep this connection open ? IIRC Establishing conn is costly operation in any DBMS.
Also, from documentation:
ORA-12560 -- TNS:protocol adapter error
Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.
Action: Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before reporting this error, look at the error stack and check for lower level transport errors. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. Turn off tracing when the operation is complete.
Problem could be caused by overflow of Windows event journal. Check Oracle's events here:
Start menu => Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Event Viewer
You should either clear journal manually or increase its' size
