Multi-line NSTextFields - cocoa

I want to know how to do something like Adium does, where when you type more text than the field can handle it expands into a new line. Like this:
Either how can I do this, or where in the Adium source code can I find this?

The view in Adium is AIMessageEntryTextView, plus its superclasses AISendingTextView and AITextViewWithPlaceholder, and the actual resizing (as opposed to figuring out the right size as a hypothetical ideal) is done by AIMessageViewController in response to AIViewDesiredSizeDidChangeNotification.
Do note that Adium is licensed under GPLv2, so unless you intend to use the same license when releasing your own project, you can't lift any of Adium's code for this purpose.

I am not exactly sure what Adium itself does there.
But I am pretty sure that you could just use NSTextView.
You can find it at the Apple Developer website.
Furthermore this Tech note for using NSTextField, if anyone wants to do the extra work. ;-)


How to read content of WM_PAINT message?

My goal is to screen-scrape a portion of a program which constantly updates with new text. I have tried OCR with Tesseract but I believe it would be much more efficient to somehow intercept the text if possible. I have attempted using the GetWindowText() function, but it only returns the window title. Using Window Detective I have determined that whenever the window updates in the way I wish to capture, a WM_PAINT message is reliably sent to the window.
I have looked a bit into Windows API Hooks, but it seems that most of these techniques involving DLL injection are intended at sending new messages, not accessing the content of already sent messages.
How should I approach this problem?
When you say 'screen-scrape', is that what you really mean? Reading your post, it sounds like you actually want to get at the text in the child window or control in question - as text, and not just as a bitmap. To do that, you will need to:
Determine which child window or control actually contains the text you want to get at. It sounds like you may have already done that but if not, the tool of choice is generally Spy++. (Please note: the version of Spy that you use must match the 'bitness' of your application.)
Then, firstly, try to figure out whether the text in that window can be retrieved somehow. If it's a standard Windows control (specifically EDIT or RICHEDIT) then there are documented ways to do that, see MSDN.
If that doesn't pan out, you might have some success hooking calls to ExtTextOut(), although that's not a pleasant proposition and I think you might struggle to achieve it. That said, I believe the accepted way (in some sense of the word 'accepted') is here.
With reference to point 3, even if you achieve it, how would you know whether any particular call to ExtTextOut() was drawing to the window you're interested in? Answer, most likely, HWND WindowFromDC().
I hope that helps a little. Please don't come back at me with a bunch of detailed questions about how this might apply to your particular use-case. I'm not really interested in that, these are just intended as a few signposts.

Domino on mac client - weird doc behavior

I support an old (late 90s) Domino DB that has a growing number of Mac users. In some docs, layout regions become grayed out once you click anywhere in the doc even though it's still editable, i.e. if the cursor was in a text field and you type something blindly and save it, it will be there when you reopen the doc. It doesn't happen in all docs and I have found no pattern.
Any Domino designers seen any behavior like this? I don't this there is anything too weird in the code; onBlur or onChange used in some cases - that sort of thing. Nothing too complicated really. Thanks!
Layout regions are a nightmare to maintain: there can be objects with differing hide-when formulas stacked on top of each other that might be causing this. I suggest making a copy you can work in without worry: inspect each object fully (keeping notes) then delete. Keep drilling down until you hopefully hit an object that matches your grey-out. If you don't find one, then it could be a bug as posted by Richard Schwartz. As Richard and D.Bugger suggest, perhaps it's time to rebuild the functionality without using a layout region: layout regions never worked with a web browser.

Is NSTextView's insertText: *really* not suitable for programmatic modification of text?

I've written an NSTextView subclass that does frequent programmatic modification of the text within itself (kinda like an IDE's code formatting - auto-insertion of close braces, for example).
My initial implementation of this used NSTextView's insertText:. This actually appeared to work completely fine. But then while reading the NSTextView documentation (which I do for fun sometimes), I noticed in the Discussion section for insertText:
This method is the entry point for inserting text typed by the user and is generally not suitable for other purposes. Programmatic modification of the text is best done by operating on the text storage directly.
Oh, my bad, I thought. So I dutifully went around changing all my insertText calls to calls to the underlying NSTextStorage (replaceCharactersInRange:withString:, mostly). That appeared to work OK, until I noticed that it completely screws up Undo (of course, because Undo is handled by NSTextView, not NSTextStorage).
So before I haul off and put a buncha undo code in my text storage, I wonder if maybe I've been Punk'd, and really insertText: isn't so bad?
Right, so my question is this: is NSTextView's insertText: call really "not suitable" for programmatic modification of the text of an NSTextView, and if so, why?
insertText: is a method of NSResponder -- in general these would be thought of as methods that respond to user events. To a certain degree they imply a "user action." When the docs tell you to edit the NSTextStorage directly if you want to change things programmatically, the word "programmatically" is being used to distinguish user intent from application operation. If you want your changes to be undoable as if they were user actions, then insertText: seems like it would be OK to use. That said, most of the time, if the modification was not initiated by a user action, then the user won't consider it to be an undoable action, and making it a unit of undoable action would lead to confusion.
For example, say I pasted a word, "foo", into your text view, and your application then colored that word red (for whatever reason). If I then select undo, I expect my action to be the thing that's undone, not the coloring. The coloring isn't part of my user intent. If I then have to hit Cmd-Z again to actually undo my action, I'm left thinking, "WTF?"
NSUndoManager has support for grouping events via beginUndoGrouping and endUndoGrouping. This can allow the unit of user intent (the paste operation) to be grouped with the application coloring into a single "unit" of undo. In the simplest case, what you might want to try here is to set groupsByEvent on the NSUndoManager to YES and then find a way to trigger your application's action to occur in the same pass of the runLoop as the user action. This will cause NSUndoManager to group them automatically.
Beyond that, say if your programmatic modifications need to come in asynchronously or something, you'll need to manage these groupings somehow yourself, but that's likely going to be non-trivial to implement.
I don't know if you saw my similar question from a couple years ago, but I can tell you that #ipmcc is correct and that trying to manually manage the undo stack while making programmatic changes to the NSTextStorage is extremely non-trivial. I spent weeks on it and failed.
But your question and #ipmcc's answer make me think that what I was trying to do (and it sounds like pretty much the exact same thing that you are trying to do) may actually be more in the realm of responding to user intent than what the docs mean by programmatic change. So maybe your original solution of using insertText: is the right way to do it. It's been so long since I abandoned my project that I can't remember for sure if I ever tried that or not, but I don't think I did because I was trying to build my editor using just delegate methods, without subclassing NSTextView.
In my case, as an example, if the user selects some text and hits either the open or closed bracket key, instead of the default behavior of replacing the selected text with the bracket, what I want to do is wrap the selected text in brackets. And if the user then hits cmd-Z, I want the brackets to disappear.
Since I posted this question, I've moved forward with my original implementation, and it appears to be working great. So I think the answer to this question is:
insertText: is completely suitable for the programmatic modification
of text, for this particular use case.
I believe that the note is referring to pure programmatic modification of text, for example, setting all the text of a textview. I could definitely see that insertText: would not be appropriate for that. For my intended purpose, however - adding to or editing characters in direct response to user actions - insertText: is entirely appropriate.
In order to make my text modifications atomic with the user interactions that triggered them (as #ipmcc mentions in his answer), I do my own undo handling in an insertText: override. I wrote about this in #pjv's similar question. There's also a sample project on github, and I'll probably write it up on my blog at some point.

Is it possible to customize a CPToolbar in Cappuccino

I may need to change toolbar background, heading font and position.
Is it possible to do that with the standard CPToolbar? I was looking through the ThemeDescriptors.j, and there is nothing about a Toolbar.
It seams not so difficult to create my own. Should I go that way?
The toolbar isn't themeable as is (although, feel free to implement that for us. :) )
That said, you could do something like this depending on what exactly you want to do…

Colored iCal style checkboxes using Cocoa

Is there a way to get colored checkboxes like in iCal without using custom drawing?
I have looked through the documentation but can only find how to change the background and text color.
You can achieve something at least similar to the colored checkboxes in iCal by enabling Core Animation for the checkbox and adding a "Hue Adjust" (in "Color Adjustment") content filter. If the color is static, this can be done entirely within Interface Builder, no code needed.
Be careful, though, as sometimes enabling Core Animation for various views causes strange bugs (for example, WebViews don't play nice with Core Animation views).
If you want to do it programmatically, take a look at the documentation for CIFilter (that's a link), which you use with the NSView instance method setContentFilters: (also a link).
It's a bit dated (runs back on 10.3), but Matt Gemmell published a some code for doing colored checkboxes a few years back.
Look for "iTableView."
I looked at the code when it was first available, but not since. There might be a better way to do it at this point.
I'm afraid not. I'm not sure if the AHIG forbids this sort of thing or not, (it probably does), but the reason iCal gets away with it is because, 'Hey! Why not?'. Also, it's an Apple application, so yeah.
It can still be done, of course, but not without custom drawing. Personally, I'd advise against it, and rather see if what you are trying to achieve could be achieved some other way. If not, you could possibly use some of the data files from iCal to build your checkbox. (Unsure of how kosher that would be, but 'Hey! Why not?'.)
