Users with duplicate logins in ASP.Net's Sql MembershipProvider -

We have an ASP.NET (well, WCF) application that uses the SqlMembershipProvider to authenticate its users. They log in using their username and password.
However, I'd like to group these users by customer, so that every customer can have its own "admin" or "Demo" user. Consequently, they'd log in using their customer id, username, and password.
I have not found a decent way to this with the MembershipProvider yet. Have I missed something?

You are trying to go beyond the functionality offered by the standard membership provider. It doesn't have those capabilities. The membership and role system is extremely simple.
One option would be to use Active Directory (possible Active Directory Application Mode to keep things separate and avoid licensing). In AD you have much more possibilities to group users into different containers and delegate control over users in a specific container to an "admin" user.


Integrate laravel app with MS Active Directory but restrict users who can access

I have a custom application for internal use only where currently users are created by a super admin. Some of the users are from within the business and some external e.g. suppliers/customers.
I'm looking for a way to integrate MS Active Directory as a login option but want to be able to restrict which users from the business can actually use this method.
I have search through all the MS docs and have all the documentation on the different oauth approaches but not sure which one would be suitable for my needs.
I am thinking that perhaps i need to give the admin a way to browse the AD and select the users that can login which then creates inactive user accounts in the mysql database with some sort of MS user ID. Then provide a 'Sign in with MS' button that does the usual auth redirection process to MS and back to the site. At that point I can check an ID and if that matches an allowed user account and if so, sync the rest of the data e.g. name, email, phone etc..
Links I've already found:
Your first order of business is enabling a user to sign in to the Laravel-based app. For this, I strongly recommend not trying to re-invent the wheel (at least not completely), and make use of an existing Laravel package. Laravel Socialite is probably the best place to start, since it has a long list of existing community-provided Socialite providers, including three which work with Azure AD already: Microsoft, Microsoft-Graph and Microsoft-Azure. (Note: Though I haven't tested any of these myself, the first two seem to be the most promising, as they use the newer v2 endpoint.)
When it comes to authorization (controlling access), you have two options:
Control at Azure AD
Once you've got the app integrated with Azure AD, you can configure the app in Azure AD to require user assignment, and then control access to the app by assigning (or not) users to the app. Users who are not assigned won't even make it past the sign-in page.
You can use Azure AD's existing experiences for managing user and role assignment for the app, or you could go all-out and build this experience directly into the Laravel-based app itself, making use of the Azure AD Graph API to create the [app role assignments]( and user picker experience.
Hint: In either case, remember that you can make the app "superuser" an "owner" of the app in Azure AD (Azure AD > Enterprise apps > (app) > Owners), which will allow them to assign users without needing to give them any additional privileges in Azure AD.
Control at the app
In this approach, you allow all users to sign in to the app with Azure AD, but then you use your app's own authorization logic to decide who makes it any further, and what roles they get in the app.
In reality, you will most likely find the best approach is to use a combination of the two, with some of the authorization enforced by Azure AD and the next level enforced by the app itself.
If you would do it in this way, it will be necessary that the super-admin has always this permissions in the AAD. From my point of view it is less practical.
I would perfer such app-assigments with help of Service Principal. You assign a role (look for app roles) to the user and then your business logic must decide which permissions the user has. If you would use the app roles feature, then you can restrict access to the role with it's help. All the user can login, but only users with a specific role would be able to see a content of the app.
I hope this hints can help to find a right direction, but there is no silver bullet solution... :/

ASP.NET MVC3 / User registration, membership, roles and privilege

In my application I need to register users. The users can be any of three: admin, client and general. They have different attributes (Admin may have only name, client may have company address and so on). The default MVC membership scheme is okay but how can it be extended to register more information during registration time? Or should I use custom membership?
I need to have a record of clients and general users with clientID or generalID.
The default MVC membership scheme is okay but how can it be extended
to register more information during registration time? Or should I use
custom membership?
I think too many people, yourself included, are expecting to get too much from the default ASP.NET Membership Provider. It was never designed to handle application-specific things, like what company your customer works for, your admin's name, and so on. It's main purpose is storing passwords for authentication.
Sure, the password needs to be linked to a username, so that there can be a 2-key authentication pair. Sometimes you also need the user's email address, when it is different from their username, in order to contact the user regarding their password. But don't store anything else about your users in the membership store. Store it in your application database.
In order to join data between your application and the membership provider, use the membership provider's UserName or ProviderKey as a column in one of your database tables. You end up with 2 entities which are not explicitly related. You can even have your SqlMembershipProvider implemented in a separate database from your application database. Even if they are in the same database, avoid having a foreign key between any of the provider tables and your application tables. This muddies the waters between what you own, and what you "outsource" to the membership provider.
You end up with 2 physically isolated representations of your user. One is the MembershipProvider, which contains a password for your user. The other is your application, which contains other business-specific details. The two are only logically associated within your application. After you authenticate a user with the membership API, their UserName and/pr ProviderKey become available to your application. You can then use that piece of data to query your app database and get the additional details. This is where you might put something like the clientID or generalID you mentioned.
If you look at the System.Web.Security.Member* API, this should make things clearer. It does one thing really well -- associating your users with passwords and other information related to password resetting (like the email address, question and answer, etc). So outsource just the password provider, and rely on your application to do the important stuff.
You could customise the default profile provider or create your own... Follow this reference
You can add new properties to the profile for anything in the web.config too
I highly suggest creating your own membership roles. It's dead simple and nothing can beat the flexibility of having your own implementation.
Here's a video I made a while back showing you step by step how to achieve this:
The gist of it is, you create your own AuthorizeAttribute and create your own roles; protecting each controller or even individual Action methods along the way.
The one drawback of this approach is that you can determine what Role a user has in your system, but not what a Role can do in your system. Does that make sense?
There are other choices if you need to edit what a role can do at runtime.

Azure ACS - Best Practice Implementation

We are building an ASP.NET MCV 3 application from scratch running on Windows Azure. About Authentication and Authorization layer we are thinking to use the Access Control Service. I went through some articles about ACS where I got the basic idea but I still have some doubts on it.
My understanding is that using the ACS we outsource the Authentication process to one or more Identity Providers (IP), basically we trust another system (i.e. Microsoft Live ID) to authenticate our users.
The basic process is very straightforward: at authentication stage we redirect (ACS does it) the user to one of our “trusted” IPs, that will redirect the user (with a valid token) to the ACS and eventually to our application.
Here comes a number of questions:
Since we don’t want that all the users with a Live ID account can access to our application, I presume there should be another process to validate that user and checking if he is registered in our application. The question is where? In the ACS or in our application?
I have an idea about this but I don’t know if it’s the right way to do it:
At registration stage, the system (our web app.) asks the user which IP (i.e. Live ID, Google, Facebook, and our app.) he wants to use to authenticate himself in the application. Then the user goes through the authentication process on the IP system and when he comes back, we store his username (IP username) in our DB.
So, next time, at authentication stage we can check if that user is registered in our system.
If the above theory is correct, that means in our app. we need to build our membership provider to store usernames coming from IPs and users that chose our app. as IP.
Am I correct? What is the best practice to design the above process?
Now let’s talk about Authorization and “Roles”. How does it work with ACS? Does ACS manage multiple roles per user?
Again my understanding is that with ACS you can create a number of “Rule groups” related to the IP and not to a single user. If this is correct, how do we manage users in role in our application? Let’s say, for example, that we have multiple roles and our users can be associated to those roles, can we use ASC to manage it?
So the final questions are: Does ACS itself cover the whole Authentication and Authorization process? Do we still need to use the .net Membership Provider? What's the best practice in order to cover our requirements?
For the part of the question about the registration stage, the best thing to use to identify users is the NameIdentifier claim type
This should be unique for each identity provider and also fixed. If you use the email address claim, it could change for the same user. Technically it could be possible for two identity providers to use the same NameIdentifier (none of the out-of-the-box ones with ACS do) so you could combine the NameIdentifier claim with the IdentityProvider claim type
to guarantee uniqueness.
For the part about role, I would say using ACS to issue role claims from generic identity like Google would be quite hard to manage using the claim transformation rules in ACS on per user basis. You would have to add a rule for each registered user - probably not feasible. I think the ACS rule groups are more suited to transformation of role claims (e.g. issued by a federated ADFS). Your idea to do it in your application is a better one IMHO. In code, the place to do this using WIF is in a custom ClaimsAuthenticationManager. You override its Authenticate method and based on the NameIdentifier claim from the incoming principle, you look up in your membership datastore and create a new IClaimsPrinciple based on the roles that are in your membership DB (i.e. you add a role claim for each role the user is in).
You then make your authorization decision in a custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager. There are some good samples and info on this around on the web. You can start at
The user validation process is done with claims.
After you set up an IP with ACS, when users authenticate, ACS will get claims about the authenticated user from the IP. You need to configure rules in ACS to say which claims you want forwarded on to your application. You can also tranlate claims into different types, to normalize the incoming claim set to what your application expects
If you want to implement your role based access with ACS, you can. In this case a role just another claim ACS will issue, and you'll implement your application to give user privileges based on the role claim it receives from ACS.
You can configure ACS rules that map certain IP input claims to role output claims. ACS also has a management service that can change these rules so you can implement a user registration process.
Individual claim rules in ACS relate to identity providers that issue the claim, but rule groups don't. Rule groups associate to RPs (your applications). A rule group is simply a group of claims transformation rules that tell ACS: "for this application, apply this rule group policy when you issue the token".
The ACS docs have lots to say about ACS claim rules configuration, both through the web portal and through the management service::
Expanded response:
Let's say you're using ACS to authenticate to an ASP.NET app that's using WIF. You would configure ACS to issue a Role claim of "Manager" for the google user with email "".
Now in your ASP.NET app, WIF will see this role claim and it will allow you to control access using either HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Manager"), or the web.config equivalent.
You can manage these ACS rules manually using the web UI, or you can implement a registration process that adds such rules to ACS programatically using the ACS management service. There are some ACS management service samples available at
Also, the identity developer training kit has some examples on WIF role based access:

Is there anything I can use to mock an AD API for getting a list of users?

I don't need AD for anything more than getting a list of user names. My application uses it's own, custom auth, but it does checks based on the domain username of the logged on user, so the user names in my Users table should match those used by the logged on users.
E.g. For domain user johnblack to access features in my app, the app admin must create a user in my app called johnblack, but when creating this user, the username is a free text field. This allows the app admin to mistakenly create a user called jonblack. I want to make the user name field a dropdown, populated with users from the domain, when the admin adds a new user.
However, the epic saga involved in getting AD running on a VM on my Win 7 Home laptop is just too much overhead for now. Are their any mocks I could use, where my C# code needn't change to switch over to real AD?
Have a look at Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) - formerly also know as AD/AM (AD Application Mode).
It's a lightweight version of AD, which smells like AD, behaves like AD, but it's a NT service that you can start (and stop) at will, and it doesn't completely take over your machine/server - you can easily disable/uninstall it.

Asp.Net MVC 3 MembershipProvider and ClientCertificate

I was thinking about writing my own MembershipProvider for my web app. People won't normally register but will be supplied with login info. Will membership then not be the right thing?
I still will have some roles and such as well and I might wan't to be able for people to Authenticate using ClientCertificate instead of normal login. I still wan't them to be membership verified (there is a identifiable field in Certificate and Database I could use) and use roles and such.
Is MembershipProvider perhaps only used with original login Authentication and not authorization?
There doesn't seem to happen anything special when a user is validated so hwo does the authorization atrtibute know who is autorized?
The existing membership works just fine if you want to supply login info. There is no requirement that user registration be initiated by the user. Just take the standard code and let the site administrator run it.
Yes, membership is just for authentication. The out of the box feature for authorization is the roles feature.
