How can I reference MVC item/model in HTMLAttributes? -

I'm trying to list two radio buttons in each row of a table, but I haven't been able to assign unique IDs to each radio button. I'd like to assign the IDs based on the #item.myID as follows:
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.RadioButton("Yes", #item.myID, #item.IsCool, new { id = "#item.myID", autopostback = "true" })
#Html.RadioButton("No", #item.myID, !#item.IsCool, new { id = "#item.myID", autopostback = "true" })
However, the IDs keep rendering literally as "#item.myID". In other words, it's not treating the # sign as a special character. I've also tried using parenthesis, like this: "#(item.myID)".

You need to remove the quotes from around the id assignment, like so;
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.RadioButton("Yes", item.myID, item.IsCool, new { id = item.myID, autopostback = "true" })
#Html.RadioButton("No", item.myID, !item.IsCool, new { id = item.myID, autopostback = "true" })
Also, note that you don't need the additional "#" symbol when you are already in the context of another Razor code block - the Razor View Engine is pretty clever :)


Knockout.js code seems to be working intermittently

We use Knockout.js and MVC in a Webapp and are having an issue, where the order merchandise total observed is 0 by Knockout.js, as displayed in the GUI.
The code seems to be working intermittently, because sometimes we do show the merchandise total in other orders. All orders use the same code and a merchandise total non zero value is always seen in the
OrderDetailClientViewModel object within the controller before being passed to the view. The view is coded in Knockout.js and plain javascript.
The "Totals" property shown below is an object (Models.OrderTotalViewModel), which contains the "MerchandiseTotal" field, which is sometimes showing a 0. I'm showing the relevant parts of the two view files below. I don't see the merchandiseTotal value being modified erroneously in the code. Only helpful segments are shown below.
Any suggestions to fix this intermittent behavior would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you,
#model Models.OrderEditPageViewModel
var rawViewModel = #(Html.ToJson(Model.OrderDetailClientViewModel()));
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(rawViewModel,
'HeaderData': {
create: function(options) { = new Date(; = new Date(;
var headerData = ko.mapping.fromJS(;
headerData.errors = new HeaderDataError();
return headerData;
'Totals': {
create: function(options) {
var totals = ko.mapping.fromJS(;
totals.errors = new TotalsError();
totals.isPromoCodeApplied = ko.observable(false);
if ($.trim(totals.PromoCode()) !== "")
return totals;
-- This segment in Edit.cshtml shows where the OrderTotalViewModel.cshtml is called for Totals.
<td colspan="3">
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Totals)
#model Models.OrderTotalViewModel
#{ Layout = null; }
<td colspan="3" style="text-align:right">
<table class="PaddedTable" style="width:925px">
<td style="width:125px;text-align:right">Merchandise Total:</td>
<td style="text-align:right" class="NormalTextBold">
#(Html.Knockout().SpanFor(m => m.MerchandiseTotal)
.HtmlAttributes(new { #class = "NormalTextBold" })

Access Html.ActionLink property in Controller file

I need to access practiceid property in my controller file please help how I can access this
Tax & Employee Comp/Exec Benefits
Business Finance & Restructuring
My csHtml code is as follows:
#foreach (var facetData in Model.SearchResultItems.Facets.Select((x) => new { Item = x.Key, Index = x.Value }))
#Html.ActionLink(#facetData.Index, "Search","Search", new { practiceid = #facetData.Item })
and controller code is as follows:
public ActionResult Search(string practiceid)
But I'm not getting anything in my practiceid parameter.
See this question.
What you want to do is to add parameters to the tag, not to the link. Which means you should leave fourth argument null and use fifth instead. ie.
#Html.ActionLink(#facetData.Index, "Search","Search", null, new { practiceid = facetData.Item })
And the documentation for this helper method with focus on fifth parameter.
Add the extra null
#foreach (var facetData in Model.SearchResultItems.Facets.Select((x) => new { Item = x.Key, Index = x.Value }))
#Html.ActionLink(#facetData.Index, "Search","Search", new { practiceid = facetData.Item }, null)

if else statement in Razor is not functioning

I am using an if else in Razor view to check for null value like this:
#foreach (var item in Model)
<tr id="#(item.ShopListID)">
<td class="shoptablename">#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)
<td class="shoptableamount">
#if (item.Amount == null)
String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount);
However, no matter my model amount is null or having a value, the html rendered do not contain any value in the amount.
I wonder why this is happening. Any idea?
Decided to did it in controller:
// Function to return shop list food item amount
public string GetItemAmount(int fid)
string output = "";
// Select the item based on shoplistfoodid
var shopListFood = dbEntities.SHOPLISTFOODs.Single(s => s.ShopListFoodID == fid);
if (shopListFood.Amount == null)
output = "--";
output = String.Format("{0:0.##}", shopListFood.Amount);
return output;
and call at View like:
<td class="shoptableamount">
#Html.Action("GetItemAmount", "Shop", new { fid = item.ShopListFoodID })
You have to use the #()
#if (item.Amount == null)
#String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount)
As noted in the comments and other answers, the Html.Display is not for displaying strings, but for displaying data from the ViewData Dictionary or from a Model. Read
I think you want to display "-----" if amount is null.
#foreach (var item in Model)
<tr id="#(item.ShopListID)">
<td class="shoptablename">#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)
<td class="shoptableamount">
#if (item.Amount == null)
String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount);
That's because you are using the Display() method incorrectly. The overload you are using is Display(HtmlHelper, String). If you are looking for "--" to be the text, you should use something like:
There are actually two other ways to display text from a code block in razor besides the suggested #(""), using a <text> tag and it's shorthand #:
The code above will display -- three times.

MVC3 Razor foreach problems

I've got a model that is returning a IEnumerable of football picks for a variable number of users. Due to this, I'm dynamically building an html table with a variable number of columns. Basically, my picks will come back like this. However, each game is going to be repeated for each User, so I'm only adding the first 3 columns of each table row once, and then adding only a single tag until the gameID changes. I know there are probably better ways to do this, but it's just a side project that I need to get done quickly. And, I just want to figure out why it's not working.
OK, so here is the insanity that doesn't work. I can get my table headers created successfully, but then the tbody isn't working, but it's erroring in an odd place.
I had to put all the #Html.Raw(...) stuff in there because it was having trouble finding the end tags for the foreach and if statements without them.
Anyway, here is my code. The line that is causing the exception is this:
#gameID = #pick.Game.GameID;
The exception is --> Compiler Error Message: CS1525: Invalid expression term '='
The intellisense shows #gameID as a variable and the #pick.Game.GameID seems to be correct as well.
<th>Game Date/Time</th>
#foreach(var name in #Model.UserNames) {
int lastGameID = 0;
int gameID = 0;
bool firstGame = true;
#foreach(var pick in #Model.Picks) {
#gameID = #pick.Game.GameID;
if(#gameID != #lastGameID) {
else {
I've removed the #Html.Raw, , etc... Also wrapped the gameID assignment in a #{}. It's now giving me an error on this line,
#{gameID = #pick.Game.GameID;}
Compilation Error: CS1501: No overload for method 'Write' takes 0 arguments
Here is the updated Code:
#foreach(var pick in #Model.Picks) {
#{gameID = #pick.Game.GameID;}
if(#gameID != #lastGameID) {
else {
You need to surround it with { } to make it a codeblock
#{gameID = pick.Game.GameID;}
Also, you don't need the # inside the foreach/if statements because they're code blocks.
e.g. you could just write:
foreach(var name in Model.UserNames) {
Just write
#foreach(var pick in Model.Picks) {
You don't need # inside code block. You can use #: instead of <text>, Html.Raw
You can see here Razor syntax reference
I determined that my Razor view code was simply too complex. The real problem was that I was trying to force a view to work with a Model that I had created for another view. I ended up creating a few more models specifically for this view. Code is much cleaner and best of all it works! Here is the code I ended up with.
<th>Game Date/Time</th>
#foreach(var name in #Model.UserNames) {
#foreach(var game in #Model.Games) {
#foreach(var pick in game.GamePicks){

Can't set SelectedItem in DropDownList in my MVC3 view

I know that I can set the SelectedItem in my controller, but I can't figure out how to set it in my view. I'm working on a sort of flashcard (study guide) application and I have imported about 400 test questions. Now I want to write a page for the instructor to be able to select a "Category" for each question. I'd like them to be able to update the category for all the questions on one page. My model has a question entity that contains a foreign key field to the category entity (the field is called QuestionCategory). So, my view is based on the Question entity, but I'm sending over the list of Categories (there are 14) in the ViewBag (so I don't have to send a full SelectList over with each of the 400 questions. As my view is iterating thru the items in my View, I just want to add a SelectList that contains the 14 categories in my ViewBag and then set the SelectedItem based on the value of item.QuestionCategory. I can't make it work.
Here's my controller action:
public ActionResult Index()
var context = new HBModel.HBEntities();
var query = from q in context.tblQuestions.Include("tblCategory") select q;
var questions = query.ToList();
ViewBag.Categories = new SelectList(context.tblCategories, "CategoryID", "CategoryName");
return View(questions);
Here's some of the things I've tried in the view (with associated error messages in the comments)
#model IEnumerable<HBModel.tblQuestion>
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
#Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")
#foreach (var item in Model) {
#*This one works, but cannot initialize the selected item to be current database value*#
#*compile error - CS0200: Property or indexer 'System.Web.Mvc.SelectList.SelectedValue' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only*#
#*#Html.DropDownListFor(m => item.QuestionCategory, (ViewBag.Categories as SelectList).SelectedValue = item.QuestionCategory)*#
#*error {"DataBinding: 'System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem' does not contain a property with the name 'CategoryId'."}*#
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => item.QuestionCategory, new SelectList(ViewBag.Categories, "CategoryId", "CategoryName"))
#*error - {"DataBinding: 'System.Char' does not contain a property with the name 'CategoryId'."}*#
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => item.QuestionCategory, new SelectList("Categories", "CategoryId", "CategoryName"))
<td style="width: 100px">
#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.QuestionID }) |
#Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id = item.QuestionID })
Of course, if I can get this to work, I'll need to try and add an action to go back to the controller and update all the records, but I'll just be happy to resolve my current issue.
I would really appreciate any help on this - Thanks!
You need to explicitly create the options in the select tag, using #Html.DropDownList, as follows (taken from a working app):
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.IdAccountFrom, ((IEnumerable<FlatAdmin.Domain.Entities.Account>)ViewBag.AllAccounts).Select(option => new SelectListItem {
Text = (option == null ? "None" : option.AccountName),
Value = option.AccountId.ToString(),
Selected = (Model != null) && (option.AccountId == Model.IdAccountFrom)
}), "Choose...")
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.IdAccountFrom)
You obviously need to change to the properties on your #Model.
This code was auto-generated by the MvcScaffolding NuGet package when I scaffolded a controller.
This package requires you to use Entity Framework Code First POCO classes for your entities. These are easy to generate from an existing database using the Entity Framework Power Tools CTP.
With MVC, you need to spend some time researching the tooling that is out there to help you generate the stuff that you need. Using these tools is a great way to get started and to see how to do things. You can then tweak the output to your heart's content.
