How to draw OpenGL content while resizing win32 window - winapi

While resizing win32 window, with OpenGL context, it just shows black on the newly exposed area.
I do get WM_PAINT message while resizing, and I do try to render new content, but it seems as if SwapBuffers does nothing, while resizing.
How should window resizes be handled correctly, so that there is no "broken" content while resizing?

This usually happens if you have a background brush configured for your window's class (see the WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX structure). If there's a brush, the system will clear the window right after each redraw step, then send the WM_PAINT. In case of V-Synced SwapBuffers your picture may have been overdrawn by the next resizing step before the buffer swap happened, or just right after it, but before that part of the screen was sent to the display device.
Either way, the solution is to set the background brush of the window to NULL. Also tinkering with the WM_ERASEBKGND message handling may give results.
EDIT due to comment
If the content of the last frame stays visible, you probably just don't react to resizing with a redraw. The easiest solution to this is calling the drawing function from the WM_SIZING (or the WM_SIZE, just try both) message handler.


The correct method for drawing a bitmap image into a window

I have a function which takes a rectangular region of a bitmap image, rescales it to different dimensions, and draws it at some offset inside of a window within my dialog-box application:
void DrawImage(HANDLE hImageBitmap,
CDC* pDstDC,const CRect& dstRect,
CDC* pSrcDC,const CRect& srcRect)
I create and maintain the window using a CWnd m_cImageWindow member variable.
I perform the drawing from the dialog-box's OnPaint handler as follows:
CDC* pDC = m_cImageWindow.GetDC();
CRect srcRect = ...;
CRect dstRect = ...;
I have two problems:
I see flickering whenever I change the drawing parameters. The standard way to solve this, from what I have read here and there, is by using a temporary DC for double-buffering. But as far as I understand, this is exactly what I am already doing.
If some of the destination region falls outside the window, it is painted over other controls within the dialog box. I am able to partially solve this by calling MoveWindow or SetWindowPos for each one of these controls. But I can still see the image flickering behind them. I have tried calling SetWindowPos in various different ways, hoping in vain that it would dictate a strict Z-order of the controls.
Thank you.
The painting of the image into the child window should be done in the WM_PAINT handler for that child window, not for the dialog. Your child window may need remember information provided by the parent dialog so that it can paint independently. By painting the window from the dialog's WM_PAINT handler, you're possibly painting more often than necessary (and possibly aren't causing a validation to occur in the image window).
The dialog should probably have the WS_CLIPCHILDREN window style and your image window should probably have WS_CLIPSIBLINGS. This will prevent the dialog controls from drawing over each other, and it can reduce flicker by allowing for more minimal updates.
If the image will always completely cover the entire image window, then you want to make sure there's no background erasing happening for the image window, as that can cause a flash of the background color which looks like painting. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest is probably to provide a WM_ERASEBKGND handler that just returns TRUE.
I found OnEraseBkgnd to be the right place to minimize flickering of drawn bitmaps.

When (and how) to lay out the children of a Win32 window in response to a resize?

Windows sends several messages when a window is resized:
and possibly more.
If I would like to re-position the children when my window is resized, where and how should I do so?
I'm looking for the "best" method -- i.e. the method with the fewest gotcha's and the least flicker.
My current method is to perform all the repositioning inside WM_NCCALCSIZE, using DeferWindowPos.
However, I've also tried handling it inside WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED... but no matter where I handle it, it seems like there is always at least one "moment" when the window is painted in an in-between state, where the window's size has changed, but its contents have yet to be resized.
Another effect I would also like to avoid: moving a child after it has already moved. I don't want the user to see a control sliding down and then back up because of my change -- it should have as few transient effects as possible.
Am I doing this correctly? Is there a better place I can lay out the window's children?
You should re-position the window in the WM_SIZE message, because that is the last one that the window recieves before complete it's task...To re-position the window you can use MoveWindow

Location of a maximized window with custom chrome

I've created a window with a custom chrome by:
Handling WM_NCHITTEST and returning the appropriate values for the window caption and borders,
Handling WM_SETTEXT, WM_SETICON and WM_NCACTIVATE with DefWindowProc by temporarily removing WM_VISIBLE,
Handling WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED to apply a window region for rounded corners.
Moving/Resizing is handled fine by Windows. I added WS_THICKFRAME to the window styles to enable Aero Snap functionality. But now when the window is maximized it is positioned at (-5,-5) and my custom titlebar is cut off (this doesn't happen without WS_THICKFRAME).
What is the proper way to fix that? What influences that position? It seems to be unrelated to values returned for WM_NCHITTEST.
Late answer, but it seems like noone else has answered.
You can check when the window is maximized and account for the margin when the window is maximized. You may want to handle WM_NCCALCSIZE rather than WM_NCPAINT to make the entire window appear as client area, rather than painting the non-client area.
This describes one approach to implementing custom chrome (I was the author):
Hope that helps,

Flashing in OnPaint

I have a children of CWind class, where I'm subscribing on OnPaint event:
If in OnPaint handler I draw something simple in window, like border, all is good. But if I'll add Sleep(50);(by doing this I simulate some hard drawing operations) my window will be flashing. I cant understand why this happens... May be problem is that OnPaint function is called often, about 2-3 times in a sec.
Update: I am using double biffering: first I draw window content in PaintDeviceContent and then copy this DC to window's DC.
Update2: Here is code:
void CDirectionsListBox::OnPaint()
CRect rectClient;
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
DCMem.CreateCompatibleDC( &dc );
// Draw window here, workign with DCMem
dc.BitBlt(0, 0, rectClient.Width(), rectClient.Height(), &DCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
By default, the background is painted by clearing the client area using the background brush. You want to turn that off. Handle WM_ERASEBKGND and do nothing, since you're going to blit over the top of any existing image anyway.
Also see How to avoid flicker while handling WM_ERASEBKGND in Windows dialog
The reason your window is flashing is because it's trying to display things that have not finished drawing yet.
When drawing using MFC you'll need to manually double buffer the window you're drawing to if the drawing operation is non-trivial. In essence, what you want to do is to create a drawing context in-memory and draw to that instead. When the drawing is complete you copy what is found in your in memory context to the window context.

Correct way to do transparent buttons in WINAPI

How do you make the button with overrided WM_PAINT transparent. So that you could see the form through it in all places except where something is drawn. At the same time avoiding the flicker.
I saw examples with SetBkMode(HDC, TRANSPARENT), using NULL_BRUSH, examples with CompatibleDC and BitBlts, but I'm not quite sure which is the correct way to go, and also, how it behaves when WM_CLIPCHILDREN is set on the parent window. Most of the experiments I did had some weird behavior as well. Can't find a good documentation on WM_ERASEBKGND/WM_CTLCOLOR/WM_PAINT/WS_EX_COMPOSITED/WS_CLIPCHILDREN/etc internal relations on MSDN at all.
Does anyone know where I could read about this topic with all the gotchas associated?
mmm, I've never found anything close to a authoritative document on this topic.
This just serves as my rather random memory dump trying to get controls to "play nice", when animated, on a window that was either skinned (normal non client area with a bitmap background), layered (to get a window with custom non client edges with drop shadow effects) or with extended Aero Glass (via the DwmExtendFrameIntoClient) effects.
SetBKMode(... TRANSPARENT) just ensures that text rendering does not fill in the background of the text with the current bk color.
WS_EX_COMPOSITED causes windows to paint the parent and all child windows to a back buffer when the parent is invalidated, and then paint the back buffer. This is flicker free, but NT 6.0 introduced the desktop window manager which does not honor WS_EX_COMPOSITED.
WS_CLIPCHILDREN prevents the child windows and the parent window painting the same area twice. But is contra indicated if you need to use group boxes, or tab controls.
WS_CLIPSIBLINGs could be useful if child windows overlap and cause flicker. again this style is useless if you need to use group boxes or tab controls.
The other problem with WS_CLIPCHILDREN is you can't paint a background in the parent widnows window proc and rely on a NULL brush to reveal the skin. You can return a brush from WM_CTLCOLORxxx messages to coerce some of the standard controls to paint their background with your skin bitmap.
WS_EX_LAYERED is another style that makes windows buffer the painting of your parent window. But the layered windows painter does not paint child windows at all, so you need to manually paint the child windows by sending WM_PRINTCLIENT messages. Not all controls support this message.
WPF gets around the lack of back buffered painting and alpha support by not creating actual child windows at all for its buttons.
Final take on the situation:
With a little work you can get a skin behind most standard controls easily. WS_CLIPCHILDREN and no background painting on the parent will mimimize flicker. Handle WM_CTLCOLORxxx to fill the background on the controls.
If you are using Group Boxes or TabControls to frame other controls you absolutely must get the Z-order correct if using WS_CLIPSIBLINGS.
By sending controls WM_PRINTCLIENT messages, and some subclassing, you can get standard controls to paint onto a DIBSection, which you can then manually (or use DWM worker functions) repair the alpha channel of, and then paint onto a layered window, or a window with extended aero glass. This is even flicker free, but controls that don't support WM_PRINTCLIENT, or frequently update themselves outside of WM_PAINT, will not display correctly.
