WP7 AdMob No Requests - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to implement the AdMob SDK into my WP7 app. I followed the directions, but I don't get any ads, not even test ads. I traced the network traffic with fiddler and see that the AdMob JS is downloaded, but I never see any HTTP requests for any ads. Anyone see this, or know how to fix it?

looks like it's kbown problem, try 3G


Google API Picker getting 400 errors in console - when logging back to Google at logImpressions endpoint

We have the Google Picker working, but have noticed that the picker code seems to be trying to log events to Google, and is getting 400 errors when doing so.
Looks like Google library code trying to talk to Google infrastructure:
Just a problem with the Google infrastructure, or is there any way to stop this?
Found the problem - it was that third party cookies were disabled (in Incognito mode).

Xamarin Open Bidding Issues

I'm hoping somebody has wrestled with this issue and can help me out of the morass. My app is up and running in Google Play, Samsung, Amazon and the Apple App Store and properly serving ads in every one except Amazon. However, despite the presence of several ad sources in my mediation group only Admob seems to be serving ads and it almost looks as if the mediation group is being bypassed and only Admob is working. Any suggestions? Thanks!
[enter image description here][1]
Well, I did include several tags like "Open bidding" and "mediation" but my score was insufficient for this privilege. I also included some screenshots but they were disallowed. The problem is that I have a mediation group set up for open bidding that is serving ads but only from Admob and according to the instructions I've followed I should be seeing action from all the ad sources. Kudos to Stack Overflow for a response from a DNA based life form! That's a lot more than I'm able to get from Admob. 🤔

iOS Universal Links and Outlook SafeLinks Protection

I have universal links implemented, working fine. I send an email to a user, then iOS will open the app if it's installed, or it will go to my website if not. At which point, I use apache mod_rewrite to redirect to a page which gives information on installing the app.
However, some users have hotmail accounts with advance threat protection enabled. So the URL they receive in their inbox is wrapped with https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/? ... which when you follow it, eventually redirect to the correct url. Which opens the app fine on iOS 14, however on iOS 13 it takes me to the web site, regardless if the app is installed or not.
So on iOS 13 the safe links protection totally breaks the universal link configuration.
I'm trying to find way around this. My current thought is to use mod_rewrite to forward to a custom URL, but struggling with that, as mod_rewrite likes to add http:// in front of my redirects.
Has anyone else experienced this? I've seen one stack overflow post on the subject, but not with a solution that works for me.

Slow rendering of data in Google Chrome after intalling SSL certificate on server

I have a .NET C# program rendering on IIS web server. After adding SSL certificate to the server the program takes up to 5 minutes to respond to my request, only in Google Chrome. If I use the old HTTP URL everything is normal and the page is loaded after 33 sec. Does anyone have a suggestion on what causes this slow rendering of HTTPS web-page in Google Chrome?
According to your description, I suggest you could firstly clear all the chrome's cache and update the chrome to the newest version. About how to troubleshoot google chrome's performance issue, you could refer to this article.
If this doesn't solve your issue, I suggest you could try to use chrome F12 develop tool to check what has happened when you send the request to the server. More details about how to use it, you could refer to this article.

Native Mobile Application client side page to page response times

Is there a tool to measure native mobile app (can be iOS or Andriod) client side pape to page response times? I found MIHTool (mobile app) that can help us to get HTTP traffic trace like firebug does for Mobile browser based application but not for native mobile app. Would appreciate your suggestions
I am the creator of MIHTool,if you want to measure native mobile app,all you need to do is use fiddler to set up a proxy from you pc,then set your phone's wifi's proxy to you pc's local ip address.
PS: MIHTool helps more then 50K devs right now,I'd love to post it here so more and more devs can make their job ease and help me to make MIHTool better, but I got banned to post as ADs.
