Querying with multiple predicates on sub-objects in a collection with MongoDB (official c# driver) - mongodb-.net-driver

I've the following data structure:
I'm trying to run the following query:
where a.B._id == 'some-id' and a.B.C.UserId=='some-user-id'.
That means I need to find a B document that has a C document within with the relevant UserId, something like:
Query.And(Query.EQ("B._id", id), Query.EQ("B.C.UserId", userId));
This is not good, of course, as it may find B with that id and another different B that has C with that UserId. Not good.
How can I write it with the official driver?

If the problem is only that your two predicates on B are evaluated on different B instances ("it may find B with that ID and another different B that has C with that UserId"), then the solution is to use an operator that says "find me an item in the collection that satisfies both these predicates together".
Seems like the $elemMatch operator does exactly that.
From the docs:
Use $elemMatch to check if an element in an array matches the specified match expression. [...]
Note that a single array element must
match all the criteria specified; [...]
You only need to use this when more than 1 field must be matched in the array element.
Try this:
Query.ElemMatch("B", Query.And(
Query.EQ("_id", id),
Query.EQ("C.UserId", userId)
Here's a good explanation of $elemMatch and dot notation, which matches this scenario exactly.


Phrase matching with Sitecore ContentSearch API

I am using Sitecore 7.2 with a custom Lucene index and Linq. I need to give additional (maximum) weight to exact matches.
A user searches for "somewhere over the rainbow"
Results should include items which contain the word "rainbow", but items containing the exact and entire term "somewhere over the rainbow" should be given maximum weight. They will displayed to users as the top results. i.e. An item containing the entire phrase should weigh more heavily than an item which contains the word "rainbow" 100 times.
I may need to handle ranking logic outside of the ContentSearch API by collecting "phrase matches" separately from "wildcard matches", and that's fine.
Here's my existing code, truncated for brevity. The code works, but exact phrase matches are not treated as I described.
using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitesearch-index").CreateSearchContext())
var pred = PredicateBuilder.False<SearchResultItem>();
pred = pred
.Or(i => i.Name.Contains(term)).Boost(1)
.Or(i => i["Field 1"].Contains(term)).Boost(3)
.Or(i => i["Field 2"].Contains(term)).Boost(1);
IQueryable<SearchResultItem> query = context.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(pred);
var hits = query.GetResults().Hits;
How can I perform exact phrase matching and is it possible with the Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq API?
Answering my own question. The problem was with the parenthesis syntax. It should be
.Or(i => i.Name.Contains(term).Boost(1))
rather than
.Or(i => i.Name.Contains(term)).Boost(1)
The boosts were not being observed.
I think if you do the following it will solve this:
Split your search string on space
Create a predicate for each split with an equal boost value,
Create an additional predicate with the complete search string and
with higher boost value
combine all these predicates in one "OR" predicate.
Also I recommend you to check the following:
Sitecore Solr Search Score Value

F# enum to string conversion

I have a following F# enum
I would like to use DataType as a parameter to a function, so that the values of the parameter is restricted to string AUCTION and TRANSACTION,
is that possible to convert the items in this enum to string, or is there a better way to contraint the value of a parameter to a set of string?
First of all, as several people have mentioned in the comments, the type you have defined is not an Enumeration, it's a Discriminated Union.
Enumerations are effectively just a label given to an integer and, in F#, are declared using this syntax:
type DataType =
|Auction = 1
|Transaction = 2
Using this syntax, you've got a relationship between the value and the associated integer, you can use the integer to get the value of an Enumeration, e.g.
let transaction = enum<DataType>(2) // Transaction
Note that there is nothing stopping you from saying enum<DataType>(3537), even though we haven't defined that case.
For more details on Enumerations, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233216.aspx
Discriminated Unions are much more flexible than Enumerations. Let's take a look at yours:
type DataType =
This version is now actually a Standard .NET class with two case identifiers: Auction and Transaction. You can think of Auction and Transaction as two type constructors for DataType.
Discriminated Unions are not restricted to just simple cases, you could store additional data, e.g.
type DataType =
/// An auction with a list of bids
|Auction of Bid list
/// A transaction with some price in GBP
|Transaction of decimal<GBP>
With Disciminated Unions, there is no implicit relationships with integers, if we want to construct a particular case, we have to use the appropriate case identifier.
e.g. let auction = Auction (bidlist)
For more details on Discriminated Unions, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233226.aspx
In both cases, converting to a specific string for each case can be achieved using pattern matching.
For the Discriminated Union:
let datatypeToString datatype =
match datatype with
|Auction -> "AUCTION"
|Transaction -> "TRANSACTION"
And for the Enumeration:
let datatypeToString datatype =
match datatype with
|DataType.Auction -> "AUCTION"
|DataType.Transaction -> "TRANSACTION"
Notice that when you use Enumerations, F# will give you a compiler warning telling you that pattern matches cases aren't complete. This is because Enumerations are just ints and there are many ints besides just 1 and 2, this means that the match cases aren't exhaustive.
I therefore recommend you stick to Discriminated Unions and keep your exhaustive pattern matching.
P.S. If you want to go in the other direction, from string to DataType, I recommend using a tryCreateDataType function which would look something like this:
let tryCreateDataType str =
match str with
|"AUCTION" -> Some Auction
|"TRANSACTION" -> Some Transaction
|_ -> None
This returns an Option, so it will allow you to safely match against the function being successful or it failing due to an invalid string.

mathematica: PadRight[] and \[PlusMinus]

Is there any way that
PadRight[a \[PlusMinus] b,2,""]
{a \[PlusMinus] b,""}
Instead of
a \[PlusMinus] b \[PlusMinus] ""
I believe that i need to somehow deactivate the operator properties of [PlusMinus].
Why do i need this?
I'm creating a program to display tables with physical quantities. To me, that means tables with entries like
(value of a) [PlusMinus] (uncertainty of a)
When i have several columns with different heights, i'm stuffing the shorter ones with "", so i can use Transpose the numeric part of the table.
If the column has more than one entrie, there's no problem:
PadRight[{a \[PlusMinus] b,c \[PlusMinus] d},4,""]
gives what i want:
{a \[PlusMinus] b,c \[PlusMinus] d,"",""}
It is when the column has only one entrie that my problem appears.
This is the code that constructs the body stuffed with "":
body = PadRight[body, {Length[a], Max[Map[Length, body]]
tested[a__] :=
If[Length[DeleteDuplicates[Map[Dimensions, {a}]]] != 1, False,
, a function that discovers if is arguments have the same dimension
Where the quantities are the one's that i want on my table.
First you need to be aware of that any expression in Mathematica is in the form of Head[Body]
where body may be empty, a single expression or a sequence of expressions separated by commas
Length operate on expressions, not necessarily lists
returns 2 since the body of the expression contains to expressions (atoms in this case) that are a and b
Read the documentation on PadRight. The second argument define the final length of the expression
PadRight[{a,b},4,c] results with a list of length 4 with the last two elements equal to
PadRight[{a,b},2,c] results with the original list since it is already of length 2
PadRight[PlusMinus[a,b],2,anything] just returns the same PlusMinus[a,b] unchanged since it is already of length 2
so, youר first example is wrong. You are not able to get a result with head List using PadRight when you try to pad to an expression with head PlusMinus
There is no problem of executing
but the result looks funny (at best) and logically meaningless, but if this is what you wanted in the first place you get it, and following my explanations above you can figure out why

Explain the below Linq Query?

I happened to see this query in internet. Can anyone explain this query please.
suggest me a good LINQ tutorial for this newbie.
thank you all.
what is this x and y stands for?
x is a single result, of the type of the elements in the results sequence.
y is a single member, of the type of the elements in the x.Members sequence.
These are lambda expressions (x => x.whatever) that were introduced into the language with C# 3, where x is the input, and the right side (x.whatever) is the output (in this particular usage scenario).
An easier example
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var oddNumbers = list.Where(i => i % 2 != 0);
Here, i is a single int item that is an input into the expression. i % 2 != 0 is a boolean expression evaluating whether the input is even or odd. The entire expression (i => i % 2 != 0) is a predicate, a Func<int, bool>, where the input is an integer and the output is a boolean. Follow? As you iterate over the query oddNumbers, each element in the list sequence is evaluated against the predicate. Those that pass then become part of your output.
foreach (var item in oddNumbers)
// writes 1, 3
Its a lambda expression. Here is a great LINQ tutorial
Interesting query, but I don't like it.
I'll answer your second question first. x and y are parameters to the lambda methods that are defined in the calls to Where() and Any(). You could easy change the names to be more meaningful:
results.Where(result =>
result.Members.Any(member => members.Contains(member.Name.ToLower());
And to answer your first question, this query will return each item in results where the Members collection has at least one item that is also contained in the Members collection as a lower case string.
The logic there doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me with knowing what the Members collection is or what it holds.
x will be every instance of the results collection. The query uses lambda syntax, so x=>x.somemember means "invoke somemember on each x passed in. Where is an extension method for IEnumerables that expects a function that will take an argument and return a boolean. Lambda syntax creates delegates under the covers, but is far more expressive for carrying out certain types of operation (and saves a lot of typing).
Without knowing the type of objects held in the results collection (results will be something that implements IEnumerable), it is hard to know exactly what the code above will do. But an educated guess is that it will check all the members of all the x's in the above collection, and return you an IEnumerable of only those that have members with all lower-case names.

Recursively (?) compose LINQ predicates into a single predicate

(EDIT: I have asked the wrong question. The real problem I'm having is over at Compose LINQ-to-SQL predicates into a single predicate - but this one got some good answers so I've left it up!)
Given the following search text:
"keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ... keywordN"
I want to end up with the following SQL:
SELECT [columns] FROM Customer
(Customer.Forenames LIKE '%keyword1%' OR Customer.Surname LIKE '%keyword1%')
(Customer.Forenames LIKE '%keyword2%' OR Customer.Surname LIKE '%keyword2%')
(Customer.Forenames LIKE '%keyword3%' OR Customer.Surname LIKE '%keyword3%')
(Customer.Forenames LIKE '%keywordN%' OR Customer.Surname LIKE '%keywordN%')
Effectively, we're splitting the search text on spaces, trimming each token, constructing a multi-part OR clause based on each token, and then AND'ing the clauses together.
I'm doing this in Linq-to-SQL, and I have no idea how to dynamically compose a predicate based on an arbitrarily-long list of subpredicates. For a known number of clauses, it's easy to compose the predicates manually:
(Customer.Forenames.Contains("keyword1") || Customer.Surname.Contains("keyword1")
(Customer.Forenames.Contains("keyword2") || Customer.Surname.Contains("keyword2")
(Customer.Forenames.Contains("keyword3") || Customer.Surname.Contains("keyword3")
but I want to handle an arbitrary list of search terms. I got as far as
Func<Customer, bool> predicate = /* predicate */;
foreach(var token in tokens) {
predicate = (customer
=> predicate(customer)
(customer.Forenames.Contains(token) || customer.Surname.Contains(token));
That produces a StackOverflowException - presumably because the predicate() on the RHS of the assignment isn't actually evaluated until runtime, at which point it ends up calling itself... or something.
In short, I need a technique that, given two predicates, will return a single predicate composing the two source predicates with a supplied operator, but restricted to the operators explicitly supported by Linq-to-SQL. Any ideas?
I would suggest another technique
you can do:
var query = dataContext.Customers;
and then, inside a cycle do
foreach(string keyword in keywordlist)
query = query.Where(Customer.Forenames.Contains(keyword) || Customer.Surname.Contains(keyword));
If you want a more succinct and declarative way of writing this, you could also use Aggregate extension method instead of foreach loop and mutable variable:
var query = keywordlist.Aggregate(dataContext.Customers, (q, keyword) =>
q.Where(Customer.Forenames.Contains(keyword) ||
This takes dataContext.Customers as the initial state and then updates this state (query) for every keyword in the list using the given aggregation function (which just calls Where as Gnomo suggests.
