Canonical 'simple project' makefile - makefile

Your small C/C++ project has reached a point where it's no longer practical to have all your code in one file. You want to split out a few components. So you make a src/ directory, and then... you have to write a real Makefile. Something more than hello: hello.o. Uh-oh... was it $# or $< or $^? Crap. You don't remember (I never do).
Do you have a 'one-size fits all' simple Makefile that can deal with straightforward source trees? If so, what's in it and why? I'm looking for the smallest, simplest Makefile that can compile a directory full of C files nicely without me having to edit the Makefile every time I add a file. Here's what I have so far:
CXX = clang++
EXENAME = main
SRCS = $(wildcard src/*.cc)
OBJS = $(patsubst,build%.o, $(SRCS))
all: $(EXENAME)
build/%.o: src/
#mkdir -p $(dir $#)
$(CXX) -c -o $# $^ $(CXXFLAGS)
$(CXX) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
rm -rf $(EXENAME) build/
This Makefile builds all the .cc files in the src/ directory into .o files in the build/ directory, then links them up into the parent directory.
What would you do differently?

I would reconsider you decision not to have an explicit list of sources-- I think it may cause you trouble in the long run. But if that's your decision, this makefile is pretty good.
In the %.o rule I would use $< instead of $^, so that later you can add dependencies like
build/foo.o: bar.h
And when you're ready, you can take a look at Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation.

I've never used CMake, so I really can't say anything about that. The best that I can offer is a program that we have at school called 'makemake', which automatically makes Makefiles - It's not a very advanced program, but it gets the job done. On the plus side, it's incredibly easy to use - simply do 'makemake > Makefile' in the directory and you have a Makefile which will build and link all the source files in that directory(C and C++). On the bright side, if you ever add more files, you just run makemake again and you have a new makefile. On the downside, there's no way to keep any custom targets that you've done from one generated makefile to the next.
As for 'one size fits all' makefiles, while you could definitely do that, it takes away from the purpose of the 'make' command in the first place - which is to keep track of the files last modified time, and thus only re-compile the files that have recently changed, or depend on header files that have just changed(although to generate the correct you can use 'makedepend' - ). You could use what you currently have plus makedepend in order to make a self-updating makefile.

Use automake tools. Its easy to make changes and less burden to the developer. Its as simple as specifying the SOURCES, LDLIBS, LDFLAGS as variables. At first it may seem like a bit weird. But it becomes your favorite as you do more on it.


Makefile and subdirectories

I'm struggling with the correct syntax of a makefile.
This is my folder structure:
│ Makefile
│ header.h
How must the makefile look to ensure correct results?
This is my current makefile:
SOURCES = src/function.c src/function.c src/function.c
CC = cc
RM = rm -f
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror
NAME = output.a
all: $(NAME)
ar rcs $(NAME) $(OBJECTS)
fclean: clean
$(RM) $(NAME)
re: fclean $(NAME)
my current output if i run make all:
cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -c src/function1.c src/function2.c
ar rcs output.a src/function1.o src/function2.o src/function1.o
ar: src/function1.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:15: output.a] Error 1
if i run make flcean the output looks the following:
rm -f src/function1.o src/function2.o
rm -f output.a
So it doesn´t remove anything because the .o files are stored in the root, not the /src subdirectory
I'm struggling with the correct syntax of a makefile.
Your makefile syntax is fine. In fact, your makefile is syntactically valid and reasonably well structured. It looks a lot better than many of the ones we see around here.
I guess what you're actually struggling with is that it doesn't work, even after you fix the weird disagreement between the source file list in the makefile itself and the actual source files on disk. But "doesn't work" is a pretty vague, though lamentably common, description. You would get better help, faster, by saying something along the lines of "the .o files are created in the top-level directory instead of in the src/ directory." (Which is exactly what I expect to happen, and as a result, the ar command will fail, and the clean target will not clean the .o files.)
You need to understand that make itself doesn't know much about building software. What it knows is how to match rules to patterns so as to execute associated recipes of shell commands. The particular kinds of patterns it matches and the built-in rules that come with it are oriented toward building software, but you can't expect it to go very far with anticipating what you mean. It, like any other computer program, will happily do what you say, instead, when that differs. In this case, it just runs the cc command with the arguments you specify, and cc will choose under those circumstances to put the .o files in the working directory.
From a stylistic and best-practices standpoint, it's best to write rules that build only their target file, unlike your rule for $(NAME) that attempts to build not just $(NAME) but also all the component object files. The object files would be better built according to their own rule or rules. Making the object files prerequisites of the rule for $(NAME) will ensure that they get built when needed. That will also allow for them to not be built when that is not needed. That variation on your rule would look like this:
ar rcs $# $^
Note also that in the recipe, I have substituted automatic variable $# for a repetition of the rule target name. That's good form, but not obligatory. I have also substituted automatic variable $^ for a repetition of the prerequisite list. That's less clear-cut, in part because $^ is specific to GNU make, but if you're ok with that dependency then it's a great way to avoid repeating yourself.
Now, about building the object files: you could write a pattern rule (GNU make only) or a suffix rule that builds an object file from a corresponding C source file, or you could even write a separate rule for each object file. But you don't actually need to do that. make comes with a built in rule that will serve your needs in that area just fine, so your best bet may be to not attempt to provide your own rule for that at all. That is: modifying the rule for $(NAME) as suggested above should be sufficient for successful building, supposing, again, that the contents of your SOURCES variable accurately reflect the source files you want to build.

Makefile's 'vpath' doesn't work when searching prerequisites with wildcards

My project includes .c and .s (asm) files. I compile both types with 'gcc' and put output .o files to separate directory './bin'. To do that I'm using single makefile rule like this
bin/%.o: %.[cs]
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
(As far as I understand, using square brackets wildcard in such context is a little bit unconventional, but it's working and it looks neat, so...)
The other day I decided to move some of my .c files to dedicated directory './common', so I added
vpath %.c common
at the beginning of the makefile. And now each time I try to 'make', it stops and throws an error on a file I had moved. For example, for 'common/foo.c' I get
"*** No rule to make target bin/foo.o, needed by..."
as if I haven't specified 'vpath'. But when I modify the rule to compile only .c files
bin/%.o: %.c
... ...
magically it starts to operate properly again and checks './common' for sources.
Looks like 'vpath' mechanism and wildcards can not work together, but I'm still new to 'make' and eager to learn what's the exact reason of such behavior. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance.
(Tested with make–3.81 and make–4.1.)
UPD: Having all the files and 'bin' directory reside on the same level like so
here's MWE
ROOTS = foo.o bar.o
OBJS = baz.o
SS = $(addprefix bin/,$(ROOTS) $(OBJS))
all: ff.out
ff.out: $(SS)
ld -o $# $^
bin/%.o: %.[cs]
gcc -o $# -c $<
Now if I move, say, 'foo.c' to separate directory and specify 'vpath', build stops with "No rule to make target bin/foo.o, needed by ff.out".
I suggest careful reading of How Not to Use VPATH as you seem to be at Step Three of that by having the OBJDIR in some places but not others.
To be explict, using a static pattern rule doesn't get you away from needing either at least one rule per source directory, or at least one make invocation per source directory. So, the simple answer is add a new rule for the new common/ directory that's the same as the other one:
bin/%.o: common/%.[cs]
gcc -o $# -c $<
There are lots of more comprehensive, but complex, answers, see the followon article for some of them.
For simple projects, there is no reason not to just track what directories you have in your main Makefile by adding extra rules. Also, there's a reasonable case for not having that bin/ dir and splitting .o and .out locations. Distributors and others expect to be able to control where files are created running from a seperate directory anyway.
I've thrown up a git repo with branches based on your cut down example that may clarify things.

How to handle dependencies from recursive Makefile invocations?

I have a C project that consists of a fairly large number of source files, and to make some sense of them, I have put them into subdirectories (with subdirectories). The whole project results in only one executable file, however.
In order to build this project, then, I am using recursive Makefiles, where the Makefile in each non-toplevel directory links all the object files produced in that directory into a concatenated lib.o file (using ld -r, that is). I do have a Makefile system that can build this and works rather fine for what it is, but it cannot support parallel make, which I would like to fix.
The problem is that I cannot figure out a proper way to both force make to descend into each directory's subdirectories, but also have the local lib.o target depend on that without being forced to rebuild even when nothing has changed.
This is how it works, somewhat abbreviated (leaving out CFLAGS and whatnot):
default: build
SUBOBJECTS = $(patsubst %,%/lib.o,$(SUBDIRS))
#$(MAKE) -C $#
build: $(SUBDIRS) lib.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r -o $# $^
This is from a Makefile.common which all other Makefiles include. Every other Makefile would also define their own SUBDIRS and OBJECTS. It might look like this, for instance:
SUBDIRS = dir1 dir2
OBJECTS = object1.o object2.o
include ../Makefile.common # Or ../../Makefile.common, &c.
As you can see from this, the main target is really the build target, which depends on the subdirectories and lib.o. If I invoke parallel make on this, it won't know that lib.o cannot be built until make has already run recursively on the subdirectories and will sometimes attempt that, causing errors. However, if I make lib.o depend on the subdirectories, then lib.o will always be unnecessarily rebuilt on each invocation, in each directory.
Is there a way to solve this? I've wrecked my brains on this for quite a while now without being able to find a way out. I'm only using GNU make, so don't worry too much about being POSIX-compatible.

Makefile doesn't rebuild the obj's when the CFLAGS are modified?

As we know that the binary depends on the obj's, and the obj's depends on the .c files ( assuming a C Project). Let's say, I have a file. This file has a flag like 'export NO_DISPLAY=YES'. In the main Makefile, I have the following.
ifeq ($(NO_DISPLAY),YES)
Obviously, is included in the main make file. whenever, I change the flag value 'NO_DISPLAY'. The makefile never rebuilts the executable again. However, the same works fine when the .o files are deleted. I understand that the reason behind it as it depends on the .c,.h files. The .c .h files are not modified, therefore makefile ignores to rebuild it. But, I would like makefile to rebuild the code if the CFLAGS value is changed. How can I do it? Please note, I don't want to delete the objs and rebuild it.
target_dbg: $(patsubst ./src/%.c,./obj_dbg/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c))
#echo "Target main rule__dbg $(NPROCS)"
$(CC) $(patsubst ./src/%.c,./obj_dbg/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c)) $(LIBS) -o gif_dbg
./obj_dbg/%.o: ./src/%.c ./include/*.h
#echo "I am called first..dbg"
#mkdir -p ./obj_dbg
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -DDEBUG -c $< -o $#
Any help will be appreciated.
Make simply works by examining timestamps on files. You hardly want every build artefact to depend on your Makefile (at least not while actively developing it) but if you seriously want Make to handle this dependency, you could put the CFLAGS definition in a secondary file, include it from the main Makefile, and make all object files depend on
I hardly think anybody would actually do this in practice, though. There will always be situations where the only way to be sure you get a clean build is to flush everything and start over. Make sure you have good and up-to-date realclean and/or distclean targets, and make sure you remember to use them when you make fundamental changes to your build infrastructure. Having a nightly build job (or similar) which starts the build from a completely clean slate -- e.g. by checking out a new copy into a temporary directory -- is also obviously a good idea.
Alternatively, or additionally, include a copy of the build flags as a static string in each object file, so you can verify them later, perhaps using a --help option or similar.
You could use make's -B option to force a rebuild each time you change your CFLAGS. See this answer.

Makefile trickery using VPATH and include

I'm playing around with make files and the VPATH variable. Basically, I'm grabbing source files from a few different places (specified by the VPATH), and compile them into the current directory using simply a list of .o-files that I want.
So far so good, now I'm generating dependency information into a file called '.depend' and including that. Gnumake will attempt to use the rules defined so far to create the included file if it doesn't exist, so that's ok. Basically, my makefile looks like this.
objects=first.o second.o third.o
executable: $(objects)
.depend: $(objects:.o=.c)
$(CC) -MM $^ > $#
include .depend
Now for the real question, can I suppress the generation of the .depend file in any way? I'm currently working in a clearcase environment -> sloooow, so I'd prefer to have it a bit more under control when to update the dependency information.
It's more or less an academic exercise as I could just wrap the thing in a script which is touching the .depend file before executing make (thus making it more recent than any source file), but it'd interesting to know if I can somehow suppress it using 'pure' make.
I cannot remove the dependency to the source files (i.e. using simply .depend:), as I'm depending on the $^ variable to do the VPATH resolution for me.
If there'd be any way to only update dependencies as a result of updated #include directives, that'd be even better of course.. But I'm not holding my breath for that one.. :)
If you don't want to remake .depend every time, you mustn't have a rule for it. Note that whenever you really need to remake the dependencies file, you must also remake an object file (this is not my insight, it comes from Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation, and it took me some time to grasp it). So construct .depend in the linking rule, using a PHONY target:
DEPEND_FILE = .depend
# put this command in the executable rule
DEPENDENCIES: $(objects:.o=.c)
$(CC) -MM $^ > $(DEPEND_FILE)
-include $(DEPEND_FILE)
You can make things more efficient by having seperate depend files, one for each object, so that when one changes you don't have to recalculate the dependencies of all the objects:
# put this command in the %.o rule
$(CC) -MM $< > $*.d
-include *.d
(EDIT: just corrected a dumb mistake.)
