Magento ACP Category Manager Broken? - magento

I'm having a strange issue in the ACP where the manage categories page looks like this: I'd really appreciate any insight you guys may be able to provide.
I've looked around for a couple days and am pulling my hair out.
Displays a “New Root Category” form but you are unable to click a category to modify it.
Firefox & Safari:
Seems to return the proper data via ajax from the server, though it displays the information without parsing(?)
Looking at the source in firebug, it looks like data that isn’t being parsed correctly within the otherwise correct <div id="category-edit-container" class="category-content">
Source reference:
I’d appreciate any suggestion on how to potentially move forward and get this fixed up. Thanks!

After going two day crazy with this issue in our case the solution was on the most unexpected location: It was the index.php that was corrupted the culprit. After removing some spurious code that seemed that was injected or by some way modified all is working as expected.

If there is content before the doctype header you will get this error. Check for that.


Endless spinning wheel at Woocommerce checkout

I am in the process of building a shop on wordpress using woocommerce. All is well except that at checkout there is an endless spinning wheel blocking the payment processing.
I have checked the error logs - which show no errors
I have disabled all plug ins - which makes no difference
I have reverted to the default woocommerce shopfront theme - which has the same result.
The console shows no errors.
I have also followed the instructions here which assumes its a memory limit issue. This did not work.
So, after a bit of digging I found some reference here and here
Referring to these two pages I have been able to see that the json response from /?wc-ajax=checkout is just returning HTML which I would imagine is where the issue is.
However I am running an Apache server rather than Nginx as has been mentioned in some threads and articles. Assuming there is a server misconfiguration of the server or something that needs changing what might that be? Bearing in mind that I do not have direct access to this, so will need to be asking someone else to sort it out for me.
And finally if there is something else I can try what might that be?
Thank you to #plushyObject for generating the spark for this one.
The issue turned out that I had a legacy static html holding page in place as the site's homepage rather than having one set up with wordpress. Simply removing the .html page and letting wordpress's homepage take over solves the problem.
The moral of the story create your holding page in wordpress.
Go to Google Developer Tools, then Go to the Network tab. Click the button and make the request and let that bad boy spin out.
You mentioned the response is returning HTML. Click on the request that goes out that appears to be taking forever (/?wc-ajax=checkout) and then click on the Preview tab to display that HTML. I bet it shows an error or a clue, anyway.
In my case the checkout was working fine on Desktop but not on Mobile. After many search on internet I read the solution of #UntitledGraphic.
I had set a redirect in ht-access. The redirect was showing a different home page for mobile. When I removed it, the error gone. I checked back & forth and was sure the ht-access redirect was the problem.
If you have set any redirect in the Htaccess then remove it. This will solve your issue in this case.
I also checked the redirect code on function.php instead of htaccess again the problem appeared. So finally removed the redirection.
In my own case the redirection was the issue. So I had to delete the redirect I created via Cpanel.

how to achieve the effect

I am looking for a way of replicating what the site in the title of this question does. That is, via ajax, changing a part of the page. But, I could not figure out how to change the URL as these things happen.
So, please, help me achieve the effect of url changing on ajax page/change.
Thank you.
(edit ** question rewritten as is appears it was not written well enough, sorry)
What you are looking for is AJAX basically updating only parts of a HTML page. Please google for AJAX tutorials. Here is a simple one
Something like Jquery Tabs also do this.
It seems like you want the URL to change. This is the basic trick to have history for ajax pages

ie8 and firefox posting incorrectly (works in other browsers)

I am doing an ajax POST request with jQuery, and this works except I get blank parameters from Firefox 4 and ie8.
I'm not sure how to debug this and can't find this issue being a problem for anybody else, can anyone suggest the cause?
I don't think this is related to the "cross-domain" issue as it happens on several servers (clones) and there is no alternative domain used in the process.
It seems the problem was caused by a second DOM object with the same id, just in case anyone has a similiar problem :).
I was renaming ids in javascript, once it tried to change the id to an existing one, it failed, which screwed up later processing.

Changing a web page's skin using AJAX

I've got a cookie set up to store the user's theme preference, etc., but I've never used AJAX before, so I could use a little help.
I found this simple little AJAX tutorial, which is enough to get me started, but I'm not sure if I'd be better off having the server send pretty much the entire web page all over again, with the updated theme, or -- if it is possible -- having the server send a script that would modify the page, keeping the content intact, but changing the div, etc. properties in order to achieve the new look.
Thoughts? Comments? "You're doing it wrong, moron"?
Thanks in advance!
If changing theme means only change the classes of your divs and the elemtes of the structure of your page you must do it simply changing the class="" atribute of the html elemts involved. Ej: You can change postions, and floats, colors etc etc.. This would appen only in client without asking to the server again the page (0% traffic from server, nice!)
But, if changing theme means to get other html structure and hierarchy complety different: You dont have other way that ask to the server the page again with the new html...
Conclusion: Think about all those things, if you can get other theme only changin css you can/must use jquery to change the css properties. But, if not, you need to load the new html from the server...
I hope this help you
pd: sorry for my englisgh grammar if its not correct at all!

Facebook Connect XFBML not working

I'm making a website using Facebook Connect and decided to use Facebook's XFBML tags like "fb:profile-pic" since they are so easy to use.
I haven't been able to make them work no matter how hard I look online but then I noticed that it worked on all the browser's instead of Firefox.
I also realized that even on Facebook's own "The Run Around" sample app they don't work!! You can check it out here:
If you log in with Firefox your picture is not shown, but if you use another browser it is shown. This happens with the fb:profile-pic tag or any other tag like fb:name.
I haven't found any information online so I'm asking other people that have worked with this: Are these tags simply not compatible with Firefox ? Do they have outages or something like that ? Has this happened to anyone before ? Any ideas on how to resolve this ?
I guess they do have "outages". I've spent the whole weekend trying to resolve this and now they post they had a problem and have resolved it.
From the Platform Live Status website:
We are experiencing a possible config
problem with
If you are including Connect JS
library through,
all API requests through JavaScript
would fail. This affects rendering of
XFBML tags (such as fb:name and
fb:profile-pic) as well. While we are
fixing this issue, you can work around
the problem by changing
It's also safe to keep url change
permanently because is just an alias
I wish they had updated that sooner, now I'm looking for a place to find out about this stuff before I spend days working on something before realizing it's not a problem with my code!
Open up Firefox > Preferences > Privacy and make sure "Accept third party cookies" is checked. This is needed for Facebook Connect to work. Also, when using Connect, make sure all your tags are fully closed, i.e. <fb:profile-pic></fb:profile-pic> and not <fb:profile-pic/>. From the docs:
The user's browser must be set to
accept 3rd Party Cookies in order for
it to stay connected between clicks.
FWIW, I wouldn't use "the run around" as a sample app. That thing has been the same since they introduced Connect and is pretty hacky.
do check in connect section under the canvas option.
there should be a link of your physical file.
