Named pipes vs. UDP for IPC on Windows - windows

Why Named Pipes are preferable for IPC (Inter Process Comunication) on local Windows machine over UDP? Or UDP sometimes might be somewhere better?

UDP packets even on localhost can be lost. Also, as UDP is datagram-based and has no guaranteed delivery, it's hard to transfer larger data blocks. Finally, UDP on localhost is sometimes blocked by browsers. In general, UDP is usually not even considered for single-computer IPC.
On Windows I recommend memory-mapped files + synchronization primitives as the fastest and probably the easiest method. Named pipes usually work well when you manage them to work, but I see lots of questions here regarding how to make the named pipes work at all (and I have yet to see a single complaint regarding MMFs).
We have a product, MsgConnect, which provides socket-, UDP- and MMF-based transports, suitable for IPC locally or across network, so I have practical experience with this topic. Named pipes were considered for support but then the idea was discarded in favor of other mechanisms.


What is the zmq underlying transport on linux?

When ZeroMQ is used with inproc:// or ipc:// transport on linux, what exactly is the underlying implementation or operating system construct does it use ? Is it Unix Domain Sockets ? or (named) pipes ? anything else ?
The inproc:// Transport-class, where both Access-Points of the Scalable Formal Communication Pattern archetype are within the same process (address-space), there is no "underlying" transport needed at all. It uses just a zero-copy (pointer-based) memory-address pointing, instead of any byte-moving. This is why this Transport-class (if no other is used) does not even require having a Context()-instance (no engine, no high-level queuing buffers, we can imagine it to work just by passing pointers to a new message to the opposite side)
The ipc Transport-class uses UNIX domain sockets ( that is why it cannot be used on O/S-es, that do not provide UNIX domain sockets. Some bindings yet may circumvent this fact by emulating TCP-based proxy-transport and shuffle the "outer" ipc:-declared Transport-class services "under the hood" by such a proxy-transport locally available inside such O/S, if all of the counterparties "externally"-claimed to be using ipc: Transport-class do communicate using this same emulated-service trick )

Is libpcap faster than reading a socket for inter-process communication on localhost?

I have a (legacy) specialized packet sniffing application which sniffs the Ethernet using libpcap and analyzes the received data. "The analyzer"
I'm adding another process which reads "data" from a PCI card and I'd like to feed that data into the analyzer. "The sender".
Both the sender and analyzer are on the same host running in different processes.
On the sender side, its easy enough to read the PCI card and send the data over a socket. However, on the receiving side I could either
a) modify the existing libpcap code and set an appropriate filter, or
b) just open and read a socket
Speed and performance is the important parameter. There are several pairs of sender/receiver processes running and the total across all of them is about 1 Gb/s.
Any insight on which method would be faster, more efficient, or "better" ?
Modifying the libpcap receiver code would be pretty messy, but reading other posts, pcap should be using lots of tricks to improve performance (mmap, etc).
(But wouldn't reading a local socket use those same tricks?)
(system environment is Centos 3.16 kernel)

How slow are TCP sockets compared to named pipes on Windows for localhost IPC?

I am developing a TCP Proxy to be put in front of a TCP service that should handle between 500 and 1000 active connections from the wild Internet.
The proxy is running on the same machine as the service, and is mostly-transparent. The service is for the most part unaware of the proxy, the only exception being the notification of the real remote IP address of the clients.
This means that, for every inbound open TCP socket, there are two more sockets on the server: the secondth of the pair in the Proxy, and the one on the real service behind the proxy.
The send and recv window sizes on the two Proxy sockets are set to 1024 bytes.
What are the performance implications on this? How slow is this configuration? Should I put some effort on changing the service to use Named Pipes (or other IPC mechanism), or a localhost TCP socket is for the most part an efficient IPC?
The merge of the two apps is not an option. Right now we are stuck with the two process configuration.
EDIT: The reason for having two separate process on the same hardware is 100% economics. We have one server only, and we are not planning on getting more (no money).
The TCP service is a legacy software in Visual Basic 6 which grew beyond our expectations. The proxy is C++. We don't have the time, money nor manpower to rewrite and migrate the VB6 code to a modern programming environment.
The proxy is our attempt to mitigate a specific performance issue on the service, a DDoS attack we are getting from time to time.
The proxy is open source, and here is the project source code.
It will be the same (or at least not measurably different). Winsock is smart enough to know if it's talking to a socket on the same host and, in that case, it will short-circuit pretty much everything below IP and copy data directly buffer-to-buffer. In terms of named pipes vs. sockets, if you need to potentially be able to communicate to different machines ever in the future, choose sockets. If you know for a fact that you'll never need to do that, pick whichever one your developers are most familiar or most comfortable with.
For anyone that comes to read this later, I want to add some findings that answer the original question.
For a utility we are developing we have a networking class that can use named pipes, or TCP with the same calls.
Here is a typical loop back file transfer on our test system:
TCP/IP Transfer time: 2.5 Seconds
Named Pipes Transfer time: 3.1 Seconds
Now, if you go outside the machine and connect to a remote computer on your network the performance for named pipes is much worse:
TCP/IP Transfer time: 12 Seconds
Named Pipes Transfer time: 2.5 Minutes (Yes Minutes!)
I realize that this is just one system (Windows 7) But I think it is a good indicator of how slow named pipes can be...and it seems like TCP is the way to go.
I know this topic is very old, but it was still relevant for me, and maybe others will look at this in the future as well.
I implemented IPC between Excel (VBA) and another process on the same machine, both via a TCP connection as well as via Named Pipes.
In a quick performance test, I submitted a message than consisted of 26 bytes from client (Excel) to server (not Excel), and waited for the reply message from the other process (which consisted of 12 bytes in the example).
I executed this a ton of times in a loop and measured the average execution time.
With TCP on localhost (Windows 7, no fastpath), one "conversation" (request+reply) took around 300-350 microseconds. Especially sending data was quite slow (sending the 26 bytes took around 200microseconds via TCP).
With Named Pipes, one conversation took around 60 microseconds on average - so a LOT faster.
I'm not entirely sure why the difference was so large. The corporate environment I tested this in has a strict firewall, package inspections and what not, so I THINK this may have been caused as even the localhost-based TCP connection went through security measures significantly slowing it down, while named pipe ones likely did not.
TL:DR: In my case, Named Pipes were around 5-6 times faster than TCP for small packages (have not tested with bigger ones yet)
Let me sum it up for you. If you are worried about performance then use TCP/IP. But if you have a really fast network and your not worried about performance then Named Pipes would be "neat" in that it might save you some code.
Not to mention, if you stick to TCP then you will have something that can be scaled, and even load balanced when the time comes.
In the scenario you describe, the local TCP connections are very unlikely to be a bottleneck. It will introduce some overhead, of course, but this should be negligible unless your CPU is already running hot.
At a guess, if your server's CPU usage is normally below 50% or so (with the proxy in place) it isn't worth worrying about minimizing the overhead associated with the local TCP connections.
If CPU usage is regularly above 80% you should probably be doing some profiling. I'd start by comparing the CPU load (or, better still, the performance, if you can measure it meaningfully) when the proxy is in place to when it isn't. Unless the proxy is doing some complicated processing, the overhead associated with the extra TCP connections is probably a significant fraction of the total overhead introduced by the proxy, so that should give you at least an order-of-magnitude estimate of how much you'd gain by using a more efficient form of IPC.
What is the reason to have a proxy on the SAME machine, just curious?
There are several methods for IPC, TCP/IP, named Pipes are comparable in speed and complexity. If you really want something that scales well and has almost no overhead: use shared memory. Best used in combination with a lock free algorithm for advancing the pointers (or use one buffer for each reader (the proxy/the service) and writer(the service/the proxy)).

Many-to-many messaging on local machine without broker

I'm looking for a mechanism to use to create a simple many-to-many messaging system to allow Windows applications to communicate on a single machine but across sessions and desktops.
I have the following hard requirements:
Must work across all Windows sessions on a single machine.
Must work on Windows XP and later.
No global configuration required.
No central coordinator/broker/server.
Must not require elevated privileges from the applications.
I do not require guaranteed delivery of messages.
I have looked at many, many options. This is my last-ditch request for ideas.
The following have been rejected for violating one or more of the above requirements:
ZeroMQ: In order to do many-to-many messaging a central broker is required.
Named pipes: Requires a central server to receive messages and forward them on.
Multicast sockets: Requires a properly configured network card with a valid IP address, i.e. a global configuration.
Shared Memory Queue: To create shared memory in the global namespace requires elevated privileges.
Multicast sockets so nearly works. What else can anyone suggest? I'd consider anything from pre-packaged libraries to bare-metal Windows API functionality.
(Edit 27 September) A bit more context:
By 'central coordinator/broker/server', I mean a separate process that must be running at the time that an application tries to send a message. The problem I see with this is that it is impossible to guarantee that this process really will be running when it is needed. Typically a Windows service would be used, but there is no way to guarantee that a particular service will always be started before any user has logged in, or to guarantee that it has not been stopped for some reason. Run on demand introduces a delay when the first message is sent while the service starts, and raises issues with privileges.
Multicast sockets nearly worked because it manages to avoid completely the need for a central coordinator process and does not require elevated privileges from the applications sending or receiving multicast packets. But you have to have a configured IP address - you can't do multicast on the loopback interface (even though multicast with TTL=0 on a configured NIC behaves as one would expect of loopback multicast) - and that is the deal-breaker.
Maybe I am completely misunderstanding the problem, especially the "no central broker", but have you considered something based on tuple spaces?
After the comments exchange, please consider the following as my "definitive" answer, then:
Use a file-based solution, and host the directory tree on a Ramdisk to insure good performance.
I'd also suggest to have a look at the following StackOverflow discussion (even if it's Java based) for possible pointers to how to manage locking and transactions on the filesystem.
This one (.NET based) may be of help, too.
How about UDP broadcasting?
Couldn't you use a localhost socket ?
In the end I decided that one of the hard requirements had to go, as the problem could not be solved in any reasonable way as originally stated.
My final solution is a Windows service running a named pipe server. Any application or service can connect to an instance of the pipe and send messages. Any message received by the server is echoed to all pipe instances.
I really liked p.marino's answer, but in the end it looked like a lot of complexity for what is really a very basic piece of functionality.
The other possibility that appealed to me, though again it fell on the complexity hurdle, was to write a kernel driver to manage the multicasting. There would have been several mechanisms possible in this case, but the overhead of writing a bug-free kernel driver was just too high.

How many TCP connections can Ruby deal with?

I have a general ubuntu server, and I want to use Ruby to deal with many TCP requests, I want to know how many connections it can handle.
A single Ruby process can handle as many connections as the machine/ubuntu will allow the ruby process. This is a process limitation that is managed by the linux kernel. Use ulimit to increase file descriptors and you can have more socket connections. You will also need memory to handle a large number of connections and you may need to tune tcp settings.
Ruby is merely a language. Do you mean a web server running Ruby code? Then that really depends on the environment it's on, it's configuration, etc.
