I don't want spaces when I tab in visual studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

Whenever I add a tab in VS 2010, it puts spaces instead. I know you could fix this problem by going in the VS 2008 options, but I can't figure out how to fix this in VS 2010.

Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Tabs > enable "Keep Tabs".
You can also adjust this setting on a per-language basis.

Regarding the first anwser ...
"Keep Tabs" will only work until you start using linq queries.
When visual studio formats linq queries adds some spaces for paddind.
There are no built-in support in vs2010 for strict indentation using tabs.


ReSharper / VS 2010: How to disable HTML closing tag insertion

ReSharper Full Edition v6.0.2202.688
Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1
As an example, when I type <div and hit space or close the start tag ReSharper inserts the closing </div> tag. I don't want it to do this. I know there is a corresponding Visual Studio setting which does the same thing, which I have already disabled but makes no difference as ReSharper seems to do it in its own way.
VS setting:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Formatting > "Auto insert close tag"
I have scoured the web for answers and the closest thing I can find is that there may be a bug in some versions of ReSharper which causes this, but I have been unable to properly confirm that.
This was fixed to respect VS option in 6.1. Please upgrade.

How to disable Visual Studio "smart" way to replace IDs in markup

From the hundreds of Visual Studio options, is there one to disable the way VS replace the IDs in markup when copy&paste from other control?
Almost always only need to change a few characters but VS thinks he is being smart replacing all the ID
Go into Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Miscellaneous and uncheck "Auto ID elements on paste in Source view"
How do you customize the copy/paste behavior in Visual Studio 2008?
but in 2010 it is the same

How can we disable VS 2010 Intellisense

My Visual Studio 2010 is too slow most of the time. So I decided to disable the vs2010 Intellisense. Can any one help me?
For C/C++: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable IntelliSense.
Update: This also works with VS2012.
Microsoft doesn’t provide any way to disable Intellisense. This wouldn’t be a problem, except Intellisense can and does crash.
To disable Intellisense, close Visual Studio and navigate to your vcpackages folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages
Rename the file feacp.dll to something like foulup.dll. Now Visual Studio won’t be able to load Intellisense, but rather than crash it will just quietly drop its features.
Also have look to this solutions : how to disable intellisense...
Ctrl + J.
In case you are using ReSharper the way to disable IntelliSense is as following: ReSharper > Options... > Environment > IntelliSense > Autopopup > Enable Automatic IntelliSense Popup > Uncheck > Save > Profit.
This also works in Visual Studio 2012 for C#.
Simplest way I can think of: change the file extension association so that *.cs files open in a plaintext document window, not the C# editor. Repeat for other extensions as desired.
It's actually easy for most languages:
Select Tools/Options on the menu. On the Options dialog box, select Text Editor, then select the language you use, then select "General". Uncheck "Auto list members" and "Parameter completion".
Works on VS 2012, 2010, and others, and seems to be available for most languages including C#, Basic, and C/C++.
Change the file extension to ".txt "
Edit without intellisense.
Change file extension back to what it was.

Visual Studio addin; to highlight all words which match selected word?

While using NotePad++, and select a certain word, it automatically highlights all matched words?
Does anyone know if there is a Visual Studio addin that can do this? or are there any hidden environment setting that can do this?
Check following addins
Productivity Power Tools addin
The background colour of the highlight in Productivity Power Tools is found under Tools->Options->Productivity Power Tools->Enhanced Scroll Bar->Words Matching The Caret Location Color In The Editor.
Use Highlight selected word addin.
I believe Visual Assist can do that. This can be switched on in Settings -> Refactoring -> Automatically highlight references to symbol under cursor.
This is something that is automatically done by VS 2010 though if you are using an older version of VS you can get that functionality with third-party addins. For example I used to use an add-in called RockScroll that could highlight usages in a source file (By double clicking on the word) http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingRockScroll.aspx.
Also ReSharper has that functionality built into it with Cntl + Shft + F7

Highlight all occurrences of a selected object with ReSharper

I was used to use RockScroll (or MetalScroll), but when I started to use ReSharper my RockScroll start to show some bugs. Well, this is scope to another discussion https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089493/is-rockscroll-compatible-with-resharper.
But my problem is related, because now without MetalScroll I can't highlight all occurrences, what I consider very useful in many situations.
Someone have another plugin for VS2010 or for ReSharper that do the same or better?
I think you are looking for "Highlight usages in file" This can be access via Shift+Alt+F11 or Ctrl+Shift+F7 depending if you are using VS key bindings or InteliJ bindings. Use either Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down or Ctrl+Alt+PageUp/PageDown to go to next and previous highlights.
You can also use the Ctrl+Alt+G combo to bring up a menu of what to jump to. This can be used to move the cursor to the next occurrence.
You should try Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2010. There are other versions, at least one for Visual Studio 2013 and another one for Visual Studio 2015.
It plays nicely with ReSharper and has this selected text matches highlighting both in the editor and the scrollbars among many other features.
Try the visual studio extension RockMargin which highlight the occurrences on double click (like most IDEs). Works fine with VS 2015 and ReSharper.
