I work with a few different X12 standard EDI transactions (270/271, 276/277.) I thought I'd check to see if anyone knew of an existing syntax highlighting profile for these for Notepad++ before I start to work on my own.
I ran into the same problem, and ended up creating my own based on schema I had for 4010 & 5010 270/271, 276/277/278 message types.
Copy the code below into a file called X12.xml or something, then use the user defined language import feature in Notepad++ to import that xml file.
User defined dialogue... button (lightning bolt button)
Import button
May have to restart NP++ after import, but afterwards the new language will appear in your Language drop down menu.
<UserLang name="X12" ext="">
<Global caseIgnored="no" />
<TreatAsSymbol comment="no" commentLine="no" />
<Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" />
<Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder+"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder-"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Operators">* : ^ ~ +</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Comment"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words1">ISA GS ST SE GE IEA </Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words3">LS LE</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words4"></Keywords>
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="800000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="00FF00" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="FF00FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" />
I really liked Phaxmohdem solution, so I added a bit more to it. I hope others continue to improve this. =)
<UserLang name="X12" ext="">
<Global caseIgnored="no" />
<TreatAsSymbol comment="no" commentLine="no" />
<Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" />
<Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder+"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder-"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Operators">* : ^ ~ +</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Comment"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words1">ISA IEA GS GE ST SE</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words3">LS LE</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words4">00 000 0007 001 0010 0019 002 0022 003 004 00401 004010 004010X061 004010X061A1 004010X091 004010X091A1 004010X092 004010X092A1 004010X093 004010X093A1 004010X094 004010X094A1 004010X095 004010X095A1 004010X096 004010X096A1 004010X098 004010X098A1 005 00501 005010 005010X212 005010X217 005010X218 005010X220 005010X220A1 005010X221 005010X221A1 005010X222 005010X222A1 005010X223 005010X223A1 005010X223A2 005010X224 005010X224A1 005010X224A2 005010X230 005010X231 005010X279 005010X279A1 006 007 0078 008 009 01 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 02 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 03 030 031 032 035 036 04 05 050 06 07 08 09 090 091 096 097 0B 0F 0K 102 119 139 150 151 152 18 193 194 196 198 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1G 1H 1I 1J 1K 1L 1O 1P 1Q 1R 1S 1T 1U 1V 1W 1X 1Y 1Z 200 232 233 270 271 276 277 278 286 290 291 292 295 296 297 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2I 2J 2K 2L 2P 2Q 2S 2U 2Z 30 300 301 303 304 307 31 314 318 330 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 356 357 36 360 361 374 382 383 385 386 388 393 394 3A 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3I 3J 3K 3L 3M 3N 3O 3P 3Q 3R 3S 3T 3U 3V 3W 3X 3Y 3Z 40 405 41 417 431 434 435 438 439 441 442 444 446 45 452 453 454 455 456 458 46 461 463 471 472 473 474 480 481 484 492 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J 4K 4L 4M 4N 4O 4P 4Q 4R 4S 4U 4V 4W 4X 4Y 4Z 539 540 543 573 580 581 582 598 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G 5H 5I 5J 5K 5L 5M 5N 5O 5P 5Q 5R 5S 5T 5U 5V 5W 5X 5Y 5Z 607 636 695 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 6G 6H 6I 6J 6K 6L 6M 6N 6O 6P 6Q 6R 6S 6U 6V 6W 6X 6Y 70 71 72 738 739 74 77 771 7C 82 820 831 834 835 837 85 850 866 87 8H 8U 8W 938 997 999 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 9H 9J 9K 9V 9X A0 A1 A172 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AAE AAG AAH AAJ AB ABB ABC ABF ABJ ABK ABN AC ACH AD ADD ADM AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL ALC ALG ALS AM AN AO AP APC APR AQ AR AS AT AU AV AX AY AZ B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 B680 B7 B9 BA BB BBQ BBR BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BK BL BLT BM BN BO BOP BP BPD BQ BR BS BT BTD BU BV BW BX BY BZ C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CAD CB CC CCP CD CE CER CF CG CH CHD CHK CI CJ CK CL CLI CLM01 CM CN CNJ CO CON CP CQ CR CS CT CV CW CX CY CZ D2 D3 D8 D9 D940 DA DB DCP DD DEN DEP DG DGN DH DI DJ DK DM DME DN DO DP DQ DR DS DT DX DY E1 E1D E2 E2D E3 E3D E5D E6D E7 E7D E8 E8D E9 E9D EA EAF EBA ECH ED EI EJ EL EM EMP EN ENT01 EO EP EPO ER ES ESP ET EV EW EX EXS EY F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 FA FAC FAM FB FC FD FE FF FH FI FJ FK FL FM FO FS FT FWT FX FY G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G740 G8 G9 GB GD GF GH GI GJ GK GM GN GO GP GR GW GT GY H1 H6 HC HE HF HH HJ HLT HM HMO HN HO HP HPI HR HS HT I10 I11 I12 I13 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 IA IAT IC ID IE IF IG IH II IJ IK IL IN IND IP IR IS IV J1 J3 J6 JD JP KG KH KW L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 LA LB LC LD LI LM LOI LR LT LU LTC LTD M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 MA MB MC MD ME MED MH MI MJ ML MM MN MO MOD MP MR MRC MS MSC MT N5 N6 N7 N8 NA ND NE NF NH NI NM109 NL NN NON NQ NR NS NT NTR NU OA OB OC OD ODT OE OF OG OL ON OP OR OT OU OX OZ P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 PA PB PC PD PDG PE PI PID PL PN PO POS PP PPO PQ PR PRA PRP PS PT PU PV PW PXC PY PZ Q4 QA QB QC QD QE QH QK QL QM QN QO QQ QR QS QV QY R1 R2 R3 R4 RA RB RC RD8 RE REC RET RF RGA RHB RLH RM RN RNH RP RR RT RU RW RX S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 SA SB SC SD SEP SET SFM SG SJ SK SL SP SPC SPO SPT SS STD SU SV SWT SX SY SZ T1 T10 T11 T12 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 TC TD TE TF TJ TL TM TN TNJ TO TPO TQ TR TRN02 TS TT TTP TU TV TWO TZ UC UH UI UK UN UP UPI UR UT V1 V5 VA VER VIS VN VO VS VV VY W1 WA WC WK WO WP WR WU WW X12 X3 X4 X5 X9 XM XN XP XT XV XX XX1 XX2 XZ Y2 Y4 YR YT YY Z6 ZB ZH ZK ZL ZM ZN ZO ZV ZX ZZ</Keywords>
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="800000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="00FF00" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="8000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="FF00FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
Don't reinvent the wheel. Here's a free tool for you that I think you'll love:
It's called EDI Notepad. It has syntax validation, editing, HTML and Hex modes.
Notepad++ and UltraEdit are both great for looking at text files, but this tool does a better job with EDI.
If you are just looking to make segments easier to find a simple find/replace of the segment identifier plus a newline should help a lot.
Search: ~
Replace: ~\r\n
Depending on your newline setting of course.
Also if you are primarily working with internally generated X12's that follow a standard for identifiers then a user defined language would work.
It would be so great to create "EDIFACT/X12" plug-in(s) for Notepad++. For now, I am not aware of any existing ones.
Regarding EDI Notepad vs. Notepad++, the difference is crystal clear: one is a commercial product and the other is open source.
How display each line in array with previous iteration result?
Like this example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,A,B,C,D,E,F,J,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F ....etc
Please help!
My code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
STRINGS=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z )
more() {
echo $str;
# run again each()
each() {
for i in "${STRINGS[#]}"
echo $i
here you go...
$ echo {0..9} {A..Z} {1..9}{A..Z}
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y
Z 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H 1I 1J 1K 1L 1M 1N 1O 1P 1Q 1R 1S 1T 1U 1V 1W
1X 1Y 1Z 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 2I 2J 2K 2L 2M 2N 2O 2P 2Q 2R 2S 2T
2U 2V 2W 2X 2Y 2Z 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3I 3J 3K 3L 3M 3N 3O 3P 3Q
3R 3S 3T 3U 3V 3W 3X 3Y 3Z 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J 4K 4L 4M 4N
4O 4P 4Q 4R 4S 4T 4U 4V 4W 4X 4Y 4Z 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G 5H 5I 5J 5K
5L 5M 5N 5O 5P 5Q 5R 5S 5T 5U 5V 5W 5X 5Y 5Z 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 6G 6H
6I 6J 6K 6L 6M 6N 6O 6P 6Q 6R 6S 6T 6U 6V 6W 6X 6Y 6Z 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E
7F 7G 7H 7I 7J 7K 7L 7M 7N 7O 7P 7Q 7R 7S 7T 7U 7V 7W 7X 7Y 7Z 8A 8B
8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 8I 8J 8K 8L 8M 8N 8O 8P 8Q 8R 8S 8T 8U 8V 8W 8X 8Y
8Z 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 9G 9H 9I 9J 9K 9L 9M 9N 9O 9P 9Q 9R 9S 9T 9U 9V
9W 9X 9Y 9Z
if you want comma separated pipe into tr ' ' ','
I'm using simplepush.php to send Apple Push Notification to my phone. Everything works fine on localhost and my phone gets the push notification successfully. However, when i try the same thing on my AWS EC2 instance (AmazonAMI) the push notification doesn't arrive.
Both development (localhost) and production (aws) environment produces the output below:
php simplepush.php testing...
message pushed: testing...
Connected to APNS
Message successfully delivered
The simplepush.php code is below:
// Put your device token here (without spaces):
$deviceToken = '[something]';
// Put your private key's passphrase here:
$passphrase = '[something]';
// Put your alert message here:
$message = 'Hi Simon!';
echo 'message pushed: '.$message."\n";
$ctx = stream_context_create();
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', '[something]');
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $passphrase);
// Open a connection to the APNS server
$fp = stream_socket_client(
'ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195', $err,
if (!$fp)
exit("Failed to connect: $err $errstr" . PHP_EOL);
echo 'Connected to APNS' . PHP_EOL;
// Create the payload body
$body['aps'] = array(
'alert' => $message,
'sound' => 'default'
// Encode the payload as JSON
$payload = json_encode($body);
// Build the binary notification
$msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $deviceToken) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload;
// Send it to the server
$result = fwrite($fp, $msg, strlen($msg));
if (!$result)
echo 'Message not delivered' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Message successfully delivered' . PHP_EOL;
// Close the connection to the server
So basically my problem is that i can't think of a way to identify what when wrong.
i've run
# openssl s_client -connect gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195 -cert push.pem -key push.pem
Enter pass phrase for push.pem:
depth=2 O = Entrust.net, OU = www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU = (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN = Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = "Entrust, Inc.", OU = www.entrust.net/rpa is incorporated by reference, OU = "(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc.", CN = Entrust Certification Authority - L1C
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Cupertino, O = Apple Inc., CN = gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Cupertino/O=Apple Inc./CN=gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com
i:/C=US/O=Entrust, Inc./OU=www.entrust.net/rpa is incorporated by reference/OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc./CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C
1 s:/C=US/O=Entrust, Inc./OU=www.entrust.net/rpa is incorporated by reference/OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc./CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C
i:/O=Entrust.net/OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)/OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited/CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
Server certificate
subject=/C=US/ST=California/L=Cupertino/O=Apple Inc./CN=gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com
issuer=/C=US/O=Entrust, Inc./OU=www.entrust.net/rpa is incorporated by reference/OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc./CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C
Acceptable client certificate CA names
/C=US/O=Apple Inc./OU=Apple Certification Authority/CN=Apple Root CA
/C=US/O=Apple Inc./OU=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations/CN=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
/C=US/O=Apple Inc./OU=Apple Certification Authority/CN=Apple Application Integration Certification Authority
Server Temp Key: DH, 1024 bits
SSL handshake has read 5290 bytes and written 2130 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol : TLSv1
Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Session-ID: 961A8FAC722856E00BCEC063D1C0C118C3499445A965E9113959654610FA9F5D
Master-Key: B5721BD09F3A151DFAA18C5F14241EEB5CF0C926D03A51C2529F0D483C8F64260C5AE143D54B63F59AB868D685671D49
Key-Arg : None
Krb5 Principal: None
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
TLS session ticket:
0000 - 0f 4a 6e e0 82 49 3f 6f-16 aa 2a 4a 0a 59 ec 53 .Jn..I?o..*J.Y.S
0010 - bb db 8b 56 73 64 02 6d-1e 72 fb ca 59 ca 61 44 ...Vsd.m.r..Y.aD
0020 - 4d 5b 85 d7 0f 8f b6 67-ff ec 90 e2 46 80 a0 64 M[.....g....F..d
0030 - 3d f5 ad 89 f0 e3 b7 1b-72 7e e5 6b f0 26 03 8a =.......r~.k.&..
0040 - 5c ec ef 9a 0f 46 08 6f-96 a7 e9 b4 2e a5 3a be \....F.o......:.
0050 - 2e 90 32 d2 42 f3 3e 38-6b 49 2b 63 4f c1 41 34 ..2.B.>8kI+cO.A4
0060 - ff ed 05 b3 e4 9d d1 61-62 89 e8 59 88 4f c6 c8 .......ab..Y.O..
0070 - a1 8e 4a 6b 97 bd 6d 78-15 c1 a0 86 88 22 7f d2 ..Jk..mx....."..
0080 - f7 6b d9 38 8a 67 b1 d4-41 b8 f9 ad b5 ac e0 fb .k.8.g..A.......
0090 - cf bb 89 69 7c 33 18 2e-78 06 23 6d a8 e0 d9 fb ...i|3..x.#m....
00a0 - d1 f1 9e f5 6c 4b 02 cf-ad 4e 99 7b 99 32 45 72 ....lK...N.{.2Er
00b0 - fc 40 49 42 4f b8 a5 a7-00 2c 5e 1f 92 8d 89 2c .#IBO....,^....,
00c0 - eb fb 17 e2 db 93 83 d9-b3 79 7f bc 3c f2 2b f1 .........y..<.+.
00d0 - b6 25 0e 36 b4 fa c9 10-99 ec 87 64 a8 95 27 b7 .%.6.......d..'.
00e0 - 42 f5 72 70 fa 3e 59 89-99 df 0f 44 05 41 3c 0e B.rp.>Y....D.A<.
00f0 - ae cd 79 5b 67 9e c9 df-eb 75 33 a9 f2 d2 8e 9e ..y[g....u3.....
0100 - 5f 1c 65 6f c8 33 6a e8-e8 77 e5 a3 05 6e 1b 52 _.eo.3j..w...n.R
0110 - 2a 66 32 2b 82 c0 62 52-6c d9 f4 4d 65 54 bc bf *f2+..bRl..MeT..
0120 - b7 5b c6 f0 dd cf d3 49-f5 3a a5 ab dc 74 44 88 .[.....I.:...tD.
0130 - b4 7c 8c 35 ae b7 36 78-8b 5d 60 4f 93 7c 81 c7 .|.5..6x.]`O.|..
0140 - a2 81 a9 e7 3b 94 37 11-c4 62 08 f8 5e 03 f9 8c ....;.7..b..^...
0150 - eb 62 68 d2 1e 37 44 48-1a 94 7a 2c 23 16 39 c4 .bh..7DH..z,#.9.
0160 - a5 bb 29 9c de a6 54 dd-06 f1 28 76 72 13 f6 56 ..)...T...(vr..V
0170 - cd 6d c7 14 8f 7c 2c 33-4c 5f bf 44 3e 3b ff 7d .m...|,3L_.D>;.}
0180 - 59 a6 a9 61 61 e2 bc d9-09 75 20 30 b3 b7 d0 84 Y..aa....u 0....
0190 - 2e 46 c8 a2 77 49 db fb-d7 90 4a e5 97 38 6c 0c .F..wI....J..8l.
01a0 - 57 52 99 35 aa f7 ef 8d-3d 40 cf 08 cc 32 79 c3 WR.5....=#...2y.
01b0 - f7 7a f1 d9 aa 8e 81 7e-2b ec 15 32 a6 1f cf a1 .z.....~+..2....
01c0 - 6c 06 7c b5 46 8c c6 97-4e 05 3e 4e 78 0c 5e 5a l.|.F...N.>Nx.^Z
01d0 - 91 b6 58 cf 83 9f 87 2d-81 05 0e 41 ba e9 ca 9e ..X....-...A....
01e0 - 65 ac 95 85 41 e1 26 a0-fd 22 10 2a a5 f4 d7 f6 e...A.&..".*....
01f0 - 17 14 05 d5 7a 0a e8 35-37 a7 08 88 80 c8 e2 4d ....z..57......M
0200 - 5b a7 3b bf b1 97 26 78-1c 39 b3 22 8d 7f 8a 5c [.;...&x.9."...\
0210 - 16 f3 0d f5 7b 34 57 78-9e 71 95 53 33 4e 45 ce ....{4Wx.q.S3NE.
0220 - a4 3d ee 13 51 5b 79 72-fd b3 a6 86 af b3 da ba .=..Q[yr........
0230 - d2 f9 87 de 9e 25 aa 14-fa 3c fb 1b fd 5a a9 70 .....%...<...Z.p
0240 - 02 9f f6 f8 f7 27 aa 56-12 8e 11 94 82 8d cf 0c .....'.V........
0250 - cc 16 d7 53 2c 57 9d c9-b3 c7 15 dc b6 59 9c 49 ...S,W.......Y.I
0260 - af 38 70 d5 d0 53 60 2e-a5 a7 aa 05 92 2e 5f 74 .8p..S`......._t
0270 - 42 bb f2 9a 91 41 a2 f1-4f 8f 8f 9a bf 07 68 cd B....A..O.....h.
0280 - 42 95 5b 7a 92 76 ac ed-31 b7 aa 8f 2d a8 c9 f9 B.[z.v..1...-...
0290 - 2c cd fa 8e 6d 16 10 6c-24 c2 94 57 d8 1d 0c bb ,...m..l$..W....
02a0 - 0f c5 d4 ad 5a 71 ba 41-85 33 2c bd 60 ae 84 2f ....Zq.A.3,.`../
02b0 - 6e 35 54 54 f3 85 c3 8e-31 52 0a 9e c1 2c 43 dd n5TT....1R...,C.
02c0 - 1a 17 86 ef ed c2 bd 90-0e 54 5c ea 97 2b f1 9d .........T\..+..
02d0 - 83 9a dd 08 f8 c3 e1 42-36 d8 1b ef 39 1f 10 25 .......B6...9..%
02e0 - b4 12 29 fa 93 2a 4d 09-84 27 ff 24 86 b9 af fb ..)..*M..'.$....
02f0 - 62 90 20 a1 b1 a1 bc 3a-d4 f7 b1 fa ca 67 b0 3c b. ....:.....g.<
0300 - 0b 11 8b c2 4c d4 72 bb-75 9b 53 0a 45 98 ed 63 ....L.r.u.S.E..c
0310 - 57 e9 7b e0 88 01 20 05-f8 a2 37 71 76 c0 5a d7 W.{... ...7qv.Z.
0320 - 2c 75 e3 74 24 c9 3d 9f-00 a5 ce 0a 21 69 f1 61 ,u.t$.=.....!i.a
0330 - 2a 2d d4 ed fa 97 ea cd-ce 02 c8 b7 a0 99 d6 b8 *-..............
0340 - 33 bf c8 bc a0 c6 96 e2-b8 5b 5f b1 b7 e3 52 d7 3........[_...R.
0350 - 4f 28 6a 27 4c 65 9a a1-a9 47 8c cf 7f fd a1 a6 O(j'Le...G......
0360 - b5 d7 4f 36 6c 8d 99 62-05 b5 fb 60 13 1f a1 29 ..O6l..b...`...)
0370 - 03 4c 4b 63 d5 d4 cd cc-bd 90 ee 38 75 bb d5 1c .LKc.......8u...
0380 - d2 1b 49 de 3d c0 a4 f9-cc 36 65 e7 9f d7 c8 db ..I.=....6e.....
0390 - bc 1f 9e 35 d7 12 17 cd-75 e9 06 68 fb 5c 82 a2 ...5....u..h.\..
03a0 - 6b d6 ed c1 c4 93 6c cc-b5 16 7e 30 8b 27 08 4e k.....l...~0.'.N
03b0 - 86 09 a4 95 e8 c3 ae b1-e4 1e af 28 d9 96 2b e9 ...........(..+.
03c0 - 79 b4 82 46 f6 e6 bc 13-f8 98 1d 3f c3 ec b5 d7 y..F.......?....
03d0 - 0a 91 5d 61 b1 e1 0f 21-d3 18 68 48 70 6c 18 df ..]a...!..hHpl..
03e0 - 29 53 46 e2 0b 55 b5 19-e4 c8 d3 5b 5f c1 3b 3c )SF..U.....[_.;<
03f0 - 40 75 0b 82 75 c6 be 23-4a e4 57 ac e4 5a 8b d9 #u..u..#J.W..Z..
0400 - 3a d9 d6 fa 35 8b 17 be-e4 18 7a 32 50 c7 cc 82 :...5.....z2P...
0410 - 4e 7d cc c3 67 7e 14 5a-5b 79 cb af c0 48 2e b8 N}..g~.Z[y...H..
0420 - ea 3b ad 0e 5d 11 c3 3b-f6 3b 6f e8 bf 28 02 07 .;..]..;.;o..(..
0430 - d6 ea 3e 98 96 6b 03 c2-86 6e a9 81 0b 10 8c 38 ..>..k...n.....8
0440 - b3 21 37 a5 67 0e 9a 41-4e c5 7a 1b c9 fe 99 02 .!7.g..AN.z.....
0450 - 77 91 01 ec 81 d3 46 46-9a 0b 9f 23 85 a4 32 88 w.....FF...#..2.
0460 - b9 10 e3 26 9a a1 17 95-4c b8 5d f0 ce d4 e2 52 ...&....L.]....R
0470 - b3 93 29 6b 1c 1c 54 59-4b 41 34 b6 f1 0e 64 5f ..)k..TYKA4...d_
0480 - bd ed af ef c1 a2 b9 f2-58 a8 ce 06 29 22 09 3e ........X...)".>
0490 - 35 21 24 bc 87 86 bc 7d-02 ec 4e 4e df af b3 be 5!$....}..NN....
04a0 - cb cc 56 0c 19 ea 83 96-c4 4d 39 a9 af 29 0b 4f ..V......M9..).O
04b0 - 4b 59 fc 53 85 ce c1 64-79 2d 00 04 e6 1d 5b 30 KY.S...dy-....[0
04c0 - 1f 17 89 e1 4f f5 e7 dd-02 9f cd 84 79 62 d0 f3 ....O.......yb..
04d0 - 17 2d 44 04 d1 e0 cd bb-07 14 8f fc 78 b1 a9 32 .-D.........x..2
04e0 - 41 6a 4c 9b d7 b5 0a 24-99 fd b3 63 f3 6e 72 f3 AjL....$...c.nr.
04f0 - 33 4d ba 19 ba 56 11 67-18 0f 19 4f ef 95 d2 ce 3M...V.g...O....
0500 - a0 7d d6 74 1e 61 11 76-02 10 f2 c8 d1 ee 50 f1 .}.t.a.v......P.
0510 - f6 7f 18 75 dd d9 af 6f-b1 a2 46 dd f2 26 08 6b ...u...o..F..&.k
0520 - d3 1c 65 9b 10 8b e6 32-5e ca 05 82 42 b4 42 49 ..e....2^...B.BI
0530 - a1 2e 73 fd 0d 03 37 65-8c 50 c0 d7 e3 30 01 bd ..s...7e.P...0..
0540 - e6 4e b2 71 4b bd 96 40-e0 40 6a 62 83 a0 fe e0 .N.qK..#.#jb....
0550 - e6 66 42 ec 84 f3 04 60-ba 8d 5b d5 fc 22 40 4f .fB....`..[.."#O
0560 - 22 1f ca 3c 6b 6b bb e1-c8 ba 96 55 a3 63 2e fa "..<kk.....U.c..
0570 - c1 17 42 3c 25 68 4c 9a-45 19 13 40 7a f9 6e 4b ..B<%hL.E..#z.nK
0580 - 71 75 d1 c2 d4 81 76 23-88 31 ec d1 ca 69 99 f0 qu....v#.1...i..
0590 - a5 e4 cb 7f f2 2e 95 19-e5 7a 05 60 d7 d4 b1 31 .........z.`...1
05a0 - 55 53 1b 93 dd 1a 33 3b-70 5a ca 76 f9 71 04 35 US....3;pZ.v.q.5
05b0 - ce 6b 44 bf bd 9e db 5d-e0 31 ed 5e 6f b4 94 4b .kD....].1.^o..K
05c0 - 11 99 c0 b5 b9 a9 09 ca-e4 67 9e 05 7d c4 ba ed .........g..}...
05d0 - 24 1e 27 b9 59 7a b8 d9-63 ec 6a e4 c0 10 30 09 $.'.Yz..c.j...0.
05e0 - 17 b3 05 ff 08 60 24 73-28 ad 36 fe 3a c0 23 39 .....`$s(.6.:.#9
05f0 - a7 ce 51 9d 5c 21 f0 14-5c de 7c f9 4e c3 eb 98 ..Q.\!..\.|.N...
0600 - 44 46 67 ec 2d 31 2b cd-07 c9 60 59 ee 4d da c2 DFg.-1+...`Y.M..
0610 - 66 ec fa 9b ec e6 35 dc-b3 04 2d 6b 1d 32 14 ba f.....5...-k.2..
0620 - c0 23 bf 10 7c 30 dc e4-18 f2 4a 57 90 e3 05 0e .#..|0....JW....
Start Time: 1424168427
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
I've already opened port 2195 and 2196 on my ec2 security group inbound traffic. also listened for both ports on my LBS.
1) Check that port 2195 TCP port is open. AWS instances have a very locked down security policy. You can see this in the EC2 console.
2) Check your certificate.
3) Check that the device token is issued for the right certificate & app IDA.
4) Consider using one of the numerous PHP APNS libraries. Your code won't scale.
Ok i've solved the problem after spent a day at it.
The problem is with the way we provision the certs. We deleted everything and started all over again. the main difference this time round was that we generated a separate CSR for development and production instead of sharing the same CSR.
So the steps to proper cert generation are as follows:
1) Use Keychain Access to generate csr
2) Upload csr to apple developer and download the .cer
3) Convert .cer to .pem using terminal
4) Download.p12 from keychain
5) Convert .p12 to .pem using terminal
6) Combine the .cer.pem and .p12.pem into one file
for detailed steps follow:
Do this 6 steps separately for developer and then for production.
I think you should re-check SSL on 2915 and 2916. If it still does not work, you need to generate provision file again. You have to log error messages returned by Apple server. I hope that you can resolve this issue.
Would someone please explain why this script sometime return only 15 bytes in hex string representation?
for i in {1..10}; do
API_IV=`openssl rand 16`; API_IV_HEX=`echo -n "$API_IV" | od -vt x1 -w16 | awk '{$1="";print}'`; echo $API_IV_HEX;
like this:
c2 2a 09 0f 9a cd 64 02 28 06 43 f8 13 80 a5 04
fa c4 ac b1 95 23 7c 36 95 2d 5e 0e bf 05 fe f4
38 55 d3 b4 32 bb 61 f4 fd 17 92 67 e2 9b b4 04
6d a7 f8 46 e9 99 bd 89 87 f9 7f 2b 15 5a 17 8a
11 c8 89 f4 8f 66 93 f1 6d b9 2b 64 7e 01 61 68
93 e3 9d 28 95 e1 c8 92 e5 62 d9 bf 20 b3 1c dd
37 64 ef b0 2f da c7 60 1c c8 20 b8 28 9d f9
29 f0 5a e9 cc 36 66 de 02 82 fc 8e 36 bf 5d d1
b2 57 d8 79 21 df 73 1c af 07 e9 80 0a 67 c6 15
ba 77 cb 92 39 42 39 f9 a4 57 c8 c4 be 62 19 54
If pipe the "openssl rand 16" directly to the od command then it works fine, but I need the binary value. Thanks for your help.
echo, like various other standard commands, considers \x00 as an end-of-string marker. So stop displaying after it.
Maybe you are looking to the -hex option of openssl rand:
sh$ openssl rand 16 -hex
Given that option is available on your system, your example could be rewritten:
sh$ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
sh$ for i in {1..10}; do
openssl rand 16 -hex | sed -e 's|..|& |g' -e 's| $||'
20 cb 6b 7a 85 2d 0b fe 9e c7 d0 4b 91 88 1b bb
5d 74 99 5e 05 c9 7d 9d 37 dd 02 f3 23 bb c5 b7
51 e9 0f dc 58 04 5e 30 e3 6b 9f 63 aa fc 95 05
fc 6b b8 cb 05 82 53 85 78 0e 59 13 3b e7 c1 4b
cf fa fc d9 1a 25 df e0 f8 59 71 a6 2c 64 c5 87
93 1a 29 b4 5a 52 77 bb 3f bb 1d 0a 46 5d c8 b4
0c bb c2 b2 b4 89 d4 37 1c 86 0a 7a 58 b8 64 e2
ee fc a7 ec 6c f8 7f 51 04 43 d6 00 d8 79 65 43
b9 73 9e cc 4b 42 9e 64 9d 5b 21 6a 20 b7 c3 16
06 8a 15 22 6a d5 ae ab 9a d2 9f 60 f1 a9 26 bd
If you need to later convert from hex to bytes use this perl one-liner:
perl -ne 's/([0-9a-f]{2})/print chr hex $1/gie' |
(from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1604770/2363712)
Please note I pipe to the client program and o not use a shell variable here, as I think it cannot properly handle the \x00.
As the bash cannot properly deal with binary strings containing \x00 your best bet if you absolutely want to stick with shell programming is to use an intermediate file to store binary data. And not a variable:
This is the idea. Feel free to adapt to your needs:
for i in {1..10}; do
openssl rand 16 > api_iv_$i # better use `mktemp` here
API_IV_HEX=`od -vt x1 -w16 < api_iv_$i | awk '{$1="";print}'`
echo $API_IV_HEX;
sh$ bash t.sh
cf 06 ab ab 86 fd ef 22 1a 2c bd 7f 8c 45 27 e5
2a 01 9c 7a fa 15 d3 ea 40 89 8b 26 d5 4f 97 08
55 2e c9 d3 cd 0d 3a 6f 1b a0 fe 38 6d 0e 20 07
fe 60 35 62 17 80 f2 db 64 7a af da 81 ff f7 e0
74 9a 5c 39 0e 1a 6b 89 a3 21 65 01 a3 de c4 1c
c3 11 45 e3 e0 dc 66 a3 e8 fb 5b 8a bd d0 7d 43
a4 ee 80 f8 c8 8b 4e 50 5c dd 21 00 3b d0 bc cf
e2 d5 11 d4 7d 98 08 a7 16 7b 8c 56 44 ba 6d 53
ad 63 65 fd bf 3f 1f 4a a1 c5 d0 58 23 ae d1 47
80 74 f1 d0 b9 00 e5 1d 50 74 53 96 4b ce 59 50
sh$ hexdump -C ./api_iv_10
00000000 80 74 f1 d0 b9 00 e5 1d 50 74 53 96 4b ce 59 50 |.t......PtS.K.YP|
As a personal opinion, if you really have a lot of binary data processing, I would recommend to switch to some other language more data oriented (Python, ...)
Because the missing byte was an ASCII NUL '\0' '\x00'. The echo command stops printing its argument(s) when it comes across a null byte in each argument.
Trying to configure Kerberos auth via the login form. I was able to send the TGT and after that DummyUserDetailsService is executed but at the end I still get status 500.
Below I attach logs and configuration
09:14:13,316 DEBUG FilterChainProxy:176 - Converted URL to lowercase, from: '/j_spring_security_check'; to: '/j_spring_security_check'
09:14:13,317 DEBUG FilterChainProxy:183 - Candidate is: '/j_spring_security_check'; pattern is /**; matched=true
09:14:13,318 DEBUG FilterChainProxy:351 - /j_spring_security_check at position 1 of 9 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter#1e5b739'
09:14:13,318 DEBUG HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository:145 - HttpSession returned null object for SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT
09:14:13,319 DEBUG HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository:91 - No SecurityContext was available from the HttpSession: weblogic.servlet.internal.session.MemorySessionData#1d28f13. A new one will be created.
09:14:13,319 DEBUG FilterChainProxy:351 - /j_spring_security_check at position 2 of 9 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'org.springframework.security.web.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProcessingFilter#6016b9'
09:14:13,319 DEBUG UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProcessingFilter:194 - Request is to process authentication
09:14:13,320 DEBUG ProviderManager:124 - Authentication attempt using org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.KerberosAuthenticationProvider
09:14:13,321 DEBUG SunJaasKerberosClient:55 - Trying to authenticate Login with Kerberos
09:14:13,453 DEBUG SunJaasKerberosClient:63 - Kerberos authenticated user: Subject:
Principal: Login#CORPO.DOMAIN.COM
Private Credential: Ticket (hex) =
0000: 61 82 07 29 30 82 07 25 A0 03 02 01 05 A1 13 1B a..)0..%........
0010: 11 43 4F 52 50 4F 2E 54 2D 4D 4F 42 49 4C 45 2E .CORPO.DOMAIN.COM.
0020: 50 4C A2 26 30 24 A0 03 02 01 02 A1 1D 30 1B 1B ..&0$.......0..
0030: 06 6B 72 62 74 67 74 1B 11 43 4F 52 50 4F 2E 54 .krbtgt..CORPO.
0040: 2D 4D 4F 42 49 4C 45 2E 50 4C A3 82 06 DF 30 82 .DOMAIN.COM....0.
0050: 06 DB A0 03 02 01 12 A1 03 02 01 02 A2 82 06 CD ................
0060: 04 82 06 C9 22 60 2B 12 13 B8 B5 AB 60 90 52 25 ...."`+.....`.R%
0070: 3F C8 9A D4 A7 19 C7 8D BF ED 97 A8 7D ED 94 33 ?..............3
0080: D7 9F 89 83 34 A0 49 24 80 06 04 F6 32 06 84 A5 ....4.I$....2...
0090: 72 AF 8C 05 7E 8C 55 1A C6 52 A9 97 46 4A A9 D0 r.....U..R..FJ..
00A0: E7 52 5E 37 64 B9 0E E4 32 18 1D 38 90 43 1A B8 .R^7d...2..8.C..
00B0: 88 CF BC 89 0B 08 2D 49 4B 04 91 27 97 8A C7 71 ......-IK..'...q
00C0: 27 FD 7E CA E0 19 E0 F8 42 50 E4 14 93 95 A2 96 '.......BP......
00D0: A5 90 E2 90 90 52 EB B0 EE C4 1F D5 78 19 C7 2A .....R......x..*
00E0: A1 F0 0F D8 A8 A2 84 A7 7D DB 20 DA 47 04 52 1D .......... .G.R.
00F0: B8 B7 A8 96 C7 11 7C 95 16 30 19 10 68 81 EC 2C .........0..h..,
0100: 16 BE 73 58 62 AA BF 85 55 B0 97 75 99 12 2F B8 ..sXb...U..u../.
0110: 87 53 A3 D1 17 A7 A0 16 9B FF 98 2F 15 2B DF 95 .S........./.+..
0120: 25 A5 07 0A D0 67 A1 49 E2 CE 3C 28 23 B5 48 0C %....g.I..<(#.H.
0130: 01 F2 5F 24 89 30 21 2B B0 84 E1 E3 0A 79 F4 2B .._$.0!+.....y.+
0140: 2D 36 AF B3 02 AA 56 69 19 45 57 84 14 8A AF 7F -6....Vi.EW.....
0150: B9 D1 F2 9E ED 1A 30 F4 5B E1 3A AA FE DB 2F 4D ......0.[.:.../M
0160: 4B 6C 7A B1 62 F6 7D E4 C4 43 75 CA 81 8E A6 2F Klz.b....Cu..../
0170: 88 34 60 D1 EA C6 0C FB 29 C0 7E 67 C2 1B 1E F1 .4`.....)..g....
0180: 4B 1C F2 B0 9E 8B E8 9D 8D C5 21 B5 B7 21 81 A9 K.........!..!..
0190: 80 F1 75 A4 53 5D E7 CC 20 97 48 04 F2 18 75 C8 ..u.S].. .H...u.
01A0: 91 93 FF 6D 44 8D E1 DF 10 D0 E2 6E E5 7F C7 E2 ...mD......n....
01B0: 48 1B 3A C5 AA 4C 68 99 10 F5 49 00 84 A2 48 82 H.:..Lh...I...H.
01C0: 48 A6 B0 FF 46 91 9C CD 25 1D 64 B2 73 51 0A C3 H...F...%.d.sQ..
01D0: 82 E1 F9 E9 56 FC 45 73 51 C8 08 91 42 97 08 2D ....V.EsQ...B..-
01E0: 89 38 66 96 48 EA 5F A3 1A B2 13 CF BA 7B C6 33 .8f.H._........3
01F0: E0 F6 E2 0F 18 EB 44 96 44 9F A2 F9 D6 BE 9C A9 ......D.D.......
0200: 7D 10 F2 98 E8 5E 3A 39 BC EA C2 7F 8D F0 75 EF .....^:9......u.
0210: 0D 25 2C 08 C4 7F 92 12 80 08 F1 1F 06 62 FA C4 .%,..........b..
0220: CC E4 A4 A8 BC A1 A9 7E 49 32 09 15 6A 8A 1B 89 ........I2..j...
0230: 82 53 E2 64 A4 E9 85 2A CE AC 99 0E A2 29 6F C4 .S.d...*.....)o.
0240: 04 14 A4 96 67 F9 FE 46 CC 2B F4 B7 76 43 6F 18 ....g..F.+..vCo.
0250: CA 92 89 77 31 AB CD 73 CD F6 1D FB 40 DF 38 DF ...w1..s....#.8.
0260: B4 78 98 5A 1B 48 26 EA D5 93 0C 04 B6 AD 18 B4 .x.Z.H&.........
0270: 4E B2 B5 17 E8 D2 1F E7 E8 C7 89 36 FC B3 95 5E N..........6...^
0280: A4 4E D1 F2 56 79 9D 92 37 F5 03 94 06 62 68 C2 .N..Vy..7....bh.
0290: 56 1D 68 4B 87 21 17 4F 02 86 33 D1 E5 A9 F4 8D V.hK.!.O..3.....
02A0: 45 4E FB FC 7C F6 BA 28 7A F2 F8 50 0E 8A 34 20 EN.....(z..P..4
02B0: A1 5C 92 F2 3F 61 32 E4 15 27 04 B3 8C 7E C1 25 .\..?a2..'.....%
02C0: 54 14 66 BF BA 52 8C D8 4D 47 BB B7 37 61 10 B9 T.f..R..MG..7a..
02D0: 4A EC BE D1 2F 08 8B B4 54 34 71 39 6D 47 A4 0C J.../...T4q9mG..
02E0: C0 68 55 5B B5 2B 9E 6D 22 30 76 BF 78 65 9B A1 .hU[.+.m"0v.xe..
02F0: 03 D0 6E 45 38 A9 22 A9 44 43 20 DA 6D B6 C1 61 ..nE8.".DC .m..a
0300: 0B 04 B0 72 D9 FC 23 FE D1 6F 30 EC 51 34 70 38 ...r..#..o0.Q4p8
0310: 1A 60 FA F8 FE 58 A2 06 A2 83 5E 38 36 7B 2C 38 .`...X....^86.,8
0320: D0 AF 7F 24 96 8D EB F9 90 DE EE 32 EA 3D 57 3D ...$.......2.=W=
0330: 07 3E FE 8D 0C 96 F3 2E FB E2 09 D8 32 2C EF 65 .>..........2,.e
0340: EC 53 1B 08 F6 D2 37 63 45 AB FB 04 B3 79 1C 03 .S....7cE....y..
0350: 1B 21 3B 67 F7 C3 21 2D 58 BB D6 AF D4 6A FD 30 .!;g..!-X....j.0
0360: 60 7D AF 3E 1F 13 A7 8B C6 25 D0 8E CE FD 8C FA `..>.....%......
0370: 09 D4 47 F5 60 19 B2 2F E1 D6 D4 B5 F5 0B 98 5F ..G.`../......._
0380: 08 F4 5B E8 F4 F3 91 A5 E3 5D DA 7C 43 69 30 58 ..[......]..Ci0X
0390: 9E 33 68 B9 A9 2B 89 8C F5 12 42 D9 2C 0F 46 11 .3h..+....B.,.F.
03A0: 6B 96 14 AE 28 0B 2E 72 3A 12 CE A8 C4 C2 8C B9 k...(..r:.......
03B0: 41 FD 69 33 C4 2B 70 B9 C8 E8 02 B6 EF F9 84 B8 A.i3.+p.........
03C0: 45 28 0D CB 61 7C 4B 08 32 22 D8 E6 D6 45 3D 67 E(..a.K.2"...E=g
03D0: 85 4D CD 49 79 C7 10 61 BC 79 B8 30 D0 46 2B A0 .M.Iy..a.y.0.F+.
03E0: BB 56 77 48 13 E8 66 30 A0 09 F3 C0 45 0E CE 0E .VwH..f0....E...
03F0: C6 BB B4 3C 19 E6 CF 5B 84 FF D8 92 5B 13 5D FC ...<...[....[.].
0400: B8 E3 24 09 C7 37 AA E7 3B AE 8C 31 3E 0F 5A 3A ..$..7..;..1>.Z:
0410: D8 C5 08 7E 05 C8 B6 3A 60 24 38 61 B1 00 2D 25 .......:`$8a..-%
0420: 1F 37 22 65 28 ED C1 7E 33 02 DE 3F 5F 2E D9 CF .7"e(...3..?_...
0430: 10 D3 33 CE E1 C8 FF 64 83 10 FC 92 9A 35 C5 13 ..3....d.....5..
0440: 7B B6 52 DC 48 EC 06 2D F7 52 53 93 6F D8 63 E9 ..R.H..-.RS.o.c.
0450: 82 AC 77 B3 2B B0 FB DA 04 FF D6 BA C6 1F 8C AC ..w.+...........
0460: EE AD 2F AD 32 C9 EE 06 0E 0D EF F9 DC C1 CE 0A ../.2...........
0470: 70 6C 49 94 D3 8D F9 B9 27 5A 15 34 50 51 EC 0B plI.....'Z.4PQ..
0480: 80 99 70 31 96 3E C4 D8 E8 AD 07 A6 FE 6D B4 7E ..p1.>.......m..
0490: 44 B4 61 2A 68 2D 74 FF 0C B7 98 65 D0 EF 31 A0 D.a*h-t....e..1.
04A0: 61 9B 3D 89 2C B0 DA 7E 15 1A 0B 0D 50 3C B5 E4 a.=.,.......P<..
04B0: 13 80 9C 27 2A B4 4F 95 A3 96 A9 5C D4 A0 B4 1B ...'*.O....\....
04C0: 42 EB 52 33 1C C5 FD 53 21 DC 42 9C 2B 83 6B 5D B.R3...S!.B.+.k]
04D0: B2 E4 E7 F4 16 46 7A 84 41 2C 27 3F D6 6C 5D B5 .....Fz.A,'?.l].
04E0: 54 E5 CA 7F FD 6C 68 97 B9 E2 8C 47 BF 90 A0 51 T....lh....G...Q
04F0: A1 11 C5 CC 75 AC 1B 18 78 18 46 79 88 16 FA F0 ....u...x.Fy....
0500: 7E 63 59 13 BF 8A 98 83 72 57 60 47 EA E0 0A AA .cY.....rW`G....
0510: 5F 33 AA F3 7F 05 EC FB 85 47 15 0B 7C 69 AD 02 _3.......G...i..
0520: D6 83 2C A0 01 EB 17 3B BA B9 24 25 78 4F 20 D0 ..,....;..$%xO .
0530: 96 82 83 3E 97 F8 6E 60 71 CA 1C 00 14 59 1B 7F ...>..n`q....Y..
0540: F3 46 A6 95 69 0E 52 B9 E9 8E 2A 58 D8 48 65 9D .F..i.R...*X.He.
0550: 7E 5D 4D DE 7B DC FD 5E 41 ED 0E 4F 15 95 D7 4C .]M....^A..O...L
0560: A1 A3 B2 12 5A 7D AC 68 FD 98 2D BF 42 AE 29 84 ....Z..h..-.B.).
0570: EB 27 65 92 EC 92 73 7C 5D B2 6B 79 7D 73 E6 51 .'e...s.].ky.s.Q
0580: E7 CF 76 5E 8B 66 D6 D3 9A B8 6C C7 FD FD F3 05 ..v^.f....l.....
0590: 31 66 4E 5F FD B3 F1 40 A4 89 2D 9A 99 F2 4A 87 1fN_...#..-...J.
05A0: 77 C7 29 94 AF 4D 09 2D C4 3C 5B CC 22 27 63 97 w.)..M.-.<[."'c.
05B0: 2E 4C 38 BF 19 BB 0D 28 3B 9E 06 5D 30 C0 7B FC .L8....(;..]0...
05C0: CF E7 85 AE 73 4D 46 35 55 58 0E D3 D0 AC CE 76 ....sMF5UX.....v
05D0: 83 87 0B 7D C5 6A 18 57 EB 37 D1 B4 33 05 BA C9 .....j.W.7..3...
05E0: 1E 4C C8 71 68 6E 0A 4B DD CE DC 85 96 FD C3 30 .L.qhn.K.......0
05F0: 15 42 1F 0A C0 F4 3E 7E 5C 44 4E 45 62 F3 F6 5F .B....>.\DNEb.._
0600: 07 25 4E 98 C7 22 60 C5 3D 72 6A 56 87 8A 70 2D .%N.."`.=rjV..p-
0610: C1 95 BE 09 4D 0B F6 2B FD B0 E0 27 31 C4 2D 45 ....M..+...'1.-E
0620: 0C C0 D7 F2 BB 82 E9 F5 38 05 ED 04 F2 00 C0 37 ........8......7
0630: EF 6E 9C BE 17 CA FA A9 4C A6 56 65 03 37 D0 6B .n......L.Ve.7.k
0640: 7C D8 25 07 42 49 1F 6E 7E CA E6 DE 6D A1 E6 32 ..%.BI.n....m..2
0650: 4D 25 2A 95 13 4B 31 01 33 91 BD FF 51 20 42 C7 M%*..K1.3...Q B.
0660: E7 A0 EA 8D 6F 5A 5A 57 2F 63 5E 5B 98 6B D5 64 ....oZZW/c^[.k.d
0670: A6 0A F1 26 07 7F 2F B9 57 CD F5 E9 CB D8 6D FA ...&../.W.....m.
0680: FC 4F F4 28 F9 51 2D 83 25 AE ED 66 57 52 4B 1F .O.(.Q-.%..fWRK.
0690: 73 DC C7 4D 0F 90 4F 5F 77 B4 2C 45 89 97 64 47 s..M..O_w.,E..dG
06A0: 62 3D A4 C5 C9 76 D7 34 37 2C B2 12 EF 5D C0 5A b=...v.47,...].Z
06B0: 2E 44 FE D4 96 F1 60 58 6C 11 CE EF 09 C8 29 E9 .D....`Xl.....).
06C0: 2E 98 36 80 BD 21 5A 41 E8 35 29 02 DF A0 90 D5 ..6..!ZA.5).....
06D0: BE 47 8B BA D8 46 D7 26 00 14 98 F8 4C B0 9D 03 .G...F.&....L...
06E0: 06 58 17 87 D3 3D BD D3 1F 1F C7 E6 9D 5D CC 11 .X...=.......]..
06F0: F8 68 C9 39 E8 72 7C 6B 1A 59 95 77 69 CC 6D 5F .h.9.r.k.Y.wi.m_
0700: F4 1A C4 32 4C F7 8A EC C2 9A 69 2E 0B 48 34 C2 ...2L.....i..H4.
0710: 49 A1 77 B8 4D 93 18 2A AE 73 50 FE 27 6F 47 CA I.w.M..*.sP.'oG.
0720: D5 1A BA D3 94 E9 57 A8 2F AB 16 33 38 ......W./..38
Client Principal = Login#CORPO.DOMAIN.COM
Session Key = EncryptionKey: keyType=23 keyBytes (hex dump)=
0000: B2 BE 18 1F BB 83 62 CE C9 A2 D9 C5 96 20 18 DB ......b...... ..
Forwardable Ticket false
Forwarded Ticket false
Proxiable Ticket false
Proxy Ticket false
Postdated Ticket false
Renewable Ticket false
Initial Ticket false
Auth Time = Thu Jul 24 09:14:13 CEST 2014
Start Time = Thu Jul 24 09:14:13 CEST 2014
End Time = Thu Jul 24 19:14:13 CEST 2014
Renew Till = null
Client Addresses Null
Private Credential: Kerberos Principal Login#CORPO.DOMAIN.COMKey Version 0key EncryptionKey: keyType=23 keyBytes (hex dump)=
0000: 2F B2 A5 13 00 0C BF E8 9E 37 4A D9 B0 60 2D 54 /........7J..`-T
Private Credential: Kerberos Principal Login#CORPO.DOMAIN.COMKey Version 0key EncryptionKey: keyType=17 keyBytes (hex dump)=
0000: 50 F5 48 E9 99 D1 78 B0 27 A4 E4 10 C5 5B D5 DA P.H...x.'....[..
09:14:13,455 INFO DummyUserDetailsService:20 - DummyUserDetailsService !!!! EXECUTE
09:14:13,456 DEBUG SecurityContextPersistenceFilter:90 - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed
Spring Security Conf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sec="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-3.0.xsd">
<sec:http entry-point-ref="spnegoEntryPoint" auto-config="false">
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/login*" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" />
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/j_spring_security_check*" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" />
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER" />
<sec:custom-filter ref="spnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter" position="BASIC_PROCESSING_FILTER" />
<sec:form-login login-page="/login" default-target-url="/source/hello" always-use-default-target="true"/>
<bean id="spnegoEntryPoint" class="org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.web.SpnegoEntryPoint" />
<bean id="spnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter" class="org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.web.SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter">
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
<!-- LDAP Authentication provider -->
<sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<sec:authentication-provider ref="kerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider" />
<sec:authentication-provider ref="kerberosAuthenticationProvider"/>
<bean id="kerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider"
<property name="ticketValidator">
<property name="servicePrincipal"
value="HTTP/webappserver.linux.domain.com#CORPO.DOMAIN.COM" />
<property name="keyTabLocation" value="file:/apps/bin/krb5/test.keytab" />
<property name="debug" value="true" />
<property name="userDetailsService" ref="dummyUserDetailsServices" />
<bean id="kerberosAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.KerberosAuthenticationProvider">
<property name="kerberosClient">
<bean class="org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.SunJaasKerberosClient">
<property name="debug" value="true" />
<property name="userDetailsService" ref="dummyUserDetailsService" />
<property name="debug" value="true" />
<property name="krbConfLocation" value="/apps/bin/krb5/krb5.conf" />
<bean id="dummyUserDetailsService" class="com.web.skorpion.ldap.DummyUserDetailsService" />
Now configuration work.
I have changed BASIC_PROCESSING_FILTER to BASIC_AUTH_FILTER but first i had changed version of spring securito. to 3.2.4.RELEASE.
The following is a bash file I wrote to convert all C++ style(//) comments in a C file to C style(/**/).
lang=`echo $LANG`
# It's necessary to change the local setting. I don't know why.
export LANG=C
# Can comment the following statement if there is not dos2unix command.
dos2unix -q $1
sed -i -e 's;^\([[:blank:]]*\)//\(.*\);\1/* \2 */;' $1
export LANG=$lang
It works. But I found a problem I cannot explain. In default, my local setting is en_US.UTF-8. And in my C code, there are comments written in Chinese, such as
// some english 一些中文注释
If I don't change the local setting, i.e., do not run the statement export LANG=C, I'll get
/* some english */一些中文注释
instead of
/* some english 一些中文注释*/
I don't know why. I just find a solution by try and error.
After read Jonathan Leffler's answer, I think I've make some mistake leading to some misunderstand. In the question, those Chinese words were inputed in Google Chrome and were not the actual words in my C file. 一些中文注释 just means some Chinese comments.
Now I inputed // some english 一些中文注释 in Visual C++ 6.0 in Windows XP, and copied the c file to Debian. Then I just run sed -i -e 's;^([[:blank:]])//(.);\1/ \2 /;' $1 and got
/* some english 一些 */中文注释
I think it's different character coding(GB18030, GBK, UTF-8?) cause the different results.
The following is my results gotten on Debian
~/sandbox$ uname -a
Linux xyt-dev 2.6.30-1-686 #1 SMP Sat Aug 15 19:11:58 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
~/sandbox$ echo $LANG
~/sandbox$ cat tt.c | od -c -t x1
0000000 / / s o m e e n g l i s h
2f 2f 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 65 6e 67 6c 69 73 68 20
0000020 322 273 320 251 326 320 316 304 327 242 312 315
d2 bb d0 a9 d6 d0 ce c4 d7 a2 ca cd
~/sandbox$ ./convert_comment_style_cpp2c.sh tt.c
~/sandbox$ cat tt.c | od -c -t x1
0000000 / * s o m e e n g l i s h
2f 2a 20 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 65 6e 67 6c 69 73 68
0000020 322 273 320 251 * / 326 320 316 304 327 242 312 315
20 d2 bb d0 a9 20 2a 2f d6 d0 ce c4 d7 a2 ca cd
I think these Chinese Character encoding with 2 byte(Unicode).
There are another example:
~/sandbox$ cat tt.c | od -c -t x1
0000000 / / I n W i n d o w : 250 250 ?
2f 2f 20 49 6e 57 69 6e 64 6f 77 3a 20 a8 a8 3f
0000020 1 ?
31 3f
~/sandbox$ ./convert_comment_style_cpp2c.sh tt.c
~/sandbox$ cat tt.c | od -c -t x1
0000000 / * I n W i n d o w : *
2f 2a 20 20 49 6e 57 69 6e 64 6f 77 3a 20 20 2a
0000020 / 250 250 ? 1 ?
2f a8 a8 3f 31 3f
Which platform are you working on? Your sed script works fine on MacOS X without changing locale. The Linux terminal was less happy with the Chinese characters, but it is not setup to use UTF-8. Moreover, a hex dump of the string that it did get contained a zero byte 0x00 where the Chinese started, which might lead to the confusion. (I note that your regex adds a space before the comment text if it starts // with a space.)
MacOS X (10.6.8)
The 'odx' command use is a hex-dump program.
$ echo "// some english 一些中文注释" > x3.utf8
$ odx x3.utf8
0x0000: 2F 2F 20 73 6F 6D 65 20 65 6E 67 6C 69 73 68 20 // some english
0x0010: E4 B8 80 E4 BA 9B E4 B8 AD E6 96 87 E6 B3 A8 E9 ................
0x0020: 87 8A 0A ...
$ utf8-unicode x3.utf8
0x2F = U+002F
0x2F = U+002F
0x20 = U+0020
0x73 = U+0073
0x6F = U+006F
0x6D = U+006D
0x65 = U+0065
0x20 = U+0020
0x65 = U+0065
0x6E = U+006E
0x67 = U+0067
0x6C = U+006C
0x69 = U+0069
0x73 = U+0073
0x68 = U+0068
0x20 = U+0020
0xE4 0xB8 0x80 = U+4E00
0xE4 0xBA 0x9B = U+4E9B
0xE4 0xB8 0xAD = U+4E2D
0xE6 0x96 0x87 = U+6587
0xE6 0xB3 0xA8 = U+6CE8
0xE9 0x87 0x8A = U+91CA
0x0A = U+000A
$ sed 's;^\([[:blank:]]*\)//\(.*\);\1/* \2 */;' x3.utf8
/* some english 一些中文注释 */
All of which looks clean and tidy.
Linux (RHEL 5)
I copied the x3.utf8 file to a Linux box, and dumped it. Then I ran the sed script on it, and all seemed OK:
$ odx x3.utf8
0x0000: 2F 2F 20 73 6F 6D 65 20 65 6E 67 6C 69 73 68 20 // some english
0x0010: E4 B8 80 E4 BA 9B E4 B8 AD E6 96 87 E6 B3 A8 E9 ................
0x0020: 87 8A 0A ...
$ sed 's;^\([[:blank:]]*\)//\(.*\);\1/* \2 */;' x3.utf8 | odx
0x0000: 2F 2A 20 20 73 6F 6D 65 20 65 6E 67 6C 69 73 68 /* some english
0x0010: 20 E4 B8 80 E4 BA 9B E4 B8 AD E6 96 87 E6 B3 A8 ...............
0x0020: E9 87 8A 20 2A 2F 0A ... */.
So far, so good. I also tried:
$ echo $LANG
$ echo $LC_CTYPE
$ env | grep LC_
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ cat x3.utf8
// some english 一些中文注释
$ echo $(<x3.utf8)
// some english 一些中文注释
$ sed 's;^\([[:blank:]]*\)//\(.*\);\1/* \2 */;' x3.utf8
/* some english 一些中文注释 */
So, the terminal is nominally working in UTF-8 after all, and it certainly seems display the data OK.
However, if I echo the string at the terminal, it gets into a tizzy. When I cut'n'pasted the string to the Linux terminal, it said:
$ echo "// some english d8d^G:
> "
// some english d8d:
and beeped.
$ echo "// some english d8d^G:
> " | odx
0x0000: 2F 2F 20 73 6F 6D 65 20 65 6E 67 6C 69 73 68 20 // some english
0x0010: 64 38 64 07 3A 0A 0A d8d.:..
I'm not quite sure what to make of that. I think it means that something in the input side of bash is having some problems, but I'm not quite sure. I also am getting slightly inconsistent results. The first time I tried it, I got:
$ cat > xxx
's;^\([[:blank:]]*\)//\(.*\);\1/* \2 */;'
// some english d8^#d:^[d8-f^Gf3(i^G
$ odx xxx
0x0000: 27 73 3B 5E 5C 28 5B 5B 3A 62 6C 61 6E 6B 3A 5D 's;^\([[:blank:]
0x0010: 5D 2A 5C 29 2F 2F 5C 28 2E 2A 5C 29 3B 5C 31 2F ]*\)//\(.*\);\1/
0x0020: 2A 20 5C 32 20 2A 2F 3B 27 0A 2F 2F 20 73 6F 6D * \2 */;'.// som
0x0030: 65 20 65 6E 67 6C 69 73 68 20 64 38 00 64 3A 1B e english d8.d:.
0x0040: 64 38 2D 66 07 66 33 28 69 07 0A 0A d8-f.f3(i...
And in that hex dump, you can see a 0x00 byte (offset 0x003C). That appears at the position where you got the end comment, and a null there could confuse sed; but the whole input is such a mess it is hard to know what to make of it.
Okay, here's the correct answer...
The GNU regular expression library (regex) doesn't match everything when you put a . in your expression. Yup, I know how braindead that sounds.
The problem comes from the word "character", now reasonable people will say that everything that's in the input file for sed is characters. And even in your case they are perfectly correct. But regex has been programmed to required that the input be perfectly correctly formatted characters of the current locale character set (UTF-8) if they're correctly formatted characters for the Windows character set (UTF-16) they're not "characters".
So as . only matches "characters" it doesn't match your characters.
If you used the regex //.*$, ie: pinned it to the end of the line it wouldn't match at all because there's something that's not a "character" between the // and the end of the line.
And no you can't do anything like //\(.\|[^.]\)*$, it's just impossible to match those characters without switching to the C locale.
This will also, sometimes, destroy 8-bit transparency; ie: a binary piped through sed will get corrupted even if no changes are made.
Fortunately the C locale still uses the reasonable interpretation so anything that's not a perfectly correctly formatted ASCII-68 character is still a "character".