Read issue in MongoDB asynchronous replication - mongodb-java

I'm new to MongoDB. I created a Java app using MongoDB as database.
I configured 3 servers in a replica set.
my pseudo code:
Here createUser creates the user successfully but getUser fails to return that user in somtimes.
when I analysed it is due to the data replication latency.
How can I overcome this issue?
is there anyway to replicate data immediately when it is created?
is there any other way to get user without fail?
Thx in advance!

If you are certain that the issue is due to replication latency, one thing you can do is make sure your writes are safe and using the w flag. That way, MongoDB will wait until data is replicated to at least n nodes before returning. You can do this from the client driver as well.
MongoDB getLastError
Are you reading with slaveOk=True ? If you read from the ReplicaSet Primary, this shouldn't be an issue either.

The slaveOk property is now known as ReadPreference (.SECONDARY in this case) in newer Mongo Java driver versions. This can be set at the Mongo/DB/Collection level. Note that when you set ReadPreference at these levels, it applies for all callers (i.e. these objects are shared across threads).
Another approach is to try the ReadPreference.SECONDARY and if it fails, try without it and go to the master. This logic can be isolated to your repository layer, so the service layer doesn't have to deal with it. If you are doing this, you may want to set the ReadPreference at the DBQuery object, which is on a per-use basis.

I am not familiar with Java driver, but there are w and j options.
The w option confirms that write operations have replicated to the specified number of replica set members, including the primary.
The j will confirm the write operation only after it has written the operation to the journal.
It looks like you need to use WriteConcern.


Is this Redis Race Condition Scenario Possible?

I'm debugging an issue in an application and I'm running into a scneario where I'm out of ideas, but I suspect a race condition might be in play.
Essentially, I have two API routes - let's call them A and B. Route A generates some data and Route B is used to poll for that data.
Route A first creates an entry in the redis cache under a given key, then starts a background process to generate some data. The route immediately returns a polling ID to the caller, while the background data thread continues to run. When the background data is fully generated, we write it to the cache using the same cache key. Essentially, an overwrite.
Route B is a polling route. We simply query the cache using that same cache key - we expect one of 3 scenarios in this case:
The object is in the cache but contains no data - this indicates that the data is still being generated by the background thread and isn't ready yet.
The object is in the cache and contains data - this means that the process has finished and we can return the result.
The object is not in the cache - we assume that this means you are trying to poll for an ID that never existed in the first place.
For the most part, this works as intended. However, every now and then we see scenario 3 being hit, where an error is being thrown because the object wasn't in the cache. Because we add the placeholder object to the cache before the creation route ever returns, we should be able to safely assume this scenario is impossible. But that's clearly not the case.
Is it possible that there is some delay between when a Redis write operation returns and when the data is actually available for querying? That is, is it possible that even though the call to add the cache entry has completed but the data would briefly not be returned by queries? It seems the be the only thing that can explain the behavior we are seeing.
If that is a possibility, how can I avoid this scenario? Is there some way to force Redis to wait until the data is available for query before returning?
Is it possible that there is some delay between when a Redis write operation returns and when the data is actually available for querying?
Yes and it may depend on your Redis topology and on your network configuration. Only standalone Redis servers provides strong consistency, albeit with some considerations - see below.
Redis replication
While using replication in Redis, the writes which happen in a master need some time to propagate to its replica(s) and the whole process is asynchronous. Your client may happen to issue read-only commands to replicas, a common approach used to distribute the load among the available nodes of your topology. If that is the case, you may want to lower the chance of an inconsistent read by:
directing your read queries to the master node; and/or,
issuing a WAIT command right after the write operation, and ensure all the replicas acknowledged it: while the replication process would happen to be synchronous from the client standpoint, this option should be used only if absolutely needed because of its bad performance.
There would still be the (tiny) possibility of an inconsistent read if, during a failover, the replication process promotes a replica which did not receive the write operation.
Standalone Redis server
With a standalone Redis server, there is no need to synchronize data with replicas and, on top of that, your read-only commands would be always handled by the same server which processed the write commands. This is the only strongly consistent option, provided you are also persisting your data accordingly: in fact, you may end up having a server restart between your write and read operations.
Redis supports several different persistence options; in your scenario, you may want to configure your server so that it
logs to disk every write operation (AOF) and
fsync every query.
Of course, every configuration setting is a trade off between performance and durability.

Can't serialize due to concurrent operations: memgraph

I am performing mix of queries(reads/write/updates/deletes) to a single memgraph instance.
To do the same I am using Java client by Neo4j, all the APIs I am currently using are sync APIs from the driver.
Nature of queries in my case is such that I can execute them concurrently with no side effects. For better performance I am firing the queries in parallel. The error I am getting is for a CREATE operation where I am creating an edge between two nodes. This is consistent as I tried running this same setup multiple times and every time, all queries go through except it crashes when it comes to this create edge stage.
Query for reference:
OPTIONAL MATCH (node1) WHERE id(node1) = $nodeId1
OPTIONAL MATCH (node2) WHERE id(node2) = $nodeId2
CREATE (node1)-[:KNOWS]-> (node2)
I am not able to find any documentation around any such error. Please point me to some document like this or any workaround using which I can ask memgraph to put the query on hold if same objects are being operated by some other query.
One approach I am thinking is just implement retry for any such failed queries, but I am looking for a cleaner approach.
P.S. I was running the same setup on Neo4j earlier and did not encounter any problems with it.
Yep, in the case of this error, the code should retry the query. I think an equivalent issue can happen in Neo4j, but since Memgraph is more optimistic about locking, sometimes the error might happen more often. In general, the correct approach is to have error handling for this case implemented.

Spring Boot 2 clustering with one database instance

I'm new to the Spring Eco System and I was wondering, if there is anything that should be done if you wanna scale the application layer horizontally and preserve only one database instance (in this case Postgresql).
Speaking of, should I worry about inconsistency because of a default second or third level cache in the applications or any other things?
Based on your setup I could see 2 things
You want to scale horizontally at application level but with just single DB. Which might turn out to be the Single Point of Failure. You can run your DB in a cluster as well.
Multiple instances connected to the same Database. So there may be a case where Multiple reads at the same time will not be a problem but multiple writes to the same table work differently so watch out for that.
You can read more about Postgresql blocking here.
Regarding your concern on the inconsistency
There may be some inconsistency at some point of time but its effect would not be noticeable, just add few ms overheads.
You haven't mentioned how are you planning to scale at application level generait's its done using LoadBalancer (eg: Nginx)

Eventual consistency - how to avoid phantoms

I am new to the topic. Having read a handful of articles on it, and asked a couple of persons, I still do not understand what you people do in regard to one problem.
There are UI clients making requests to several backend instances (for now it's irrelevant whether sessions are sticky or not), and those instances are connected to some highly available DB cluster (may it be Cassandra or something else of even Elasticsearch). Say the backend instance is not specifically tied to one or cluster's machines, and instead its every request to DB may be served by a different machine.
One client creates some record, it's synchronously of asynchronously stored to one of cluster's machines then eventually gets replicated to the rest of DB machines. Then another client requests the list or records, the request ends up served by a distant machine not yet received the replicated changes, and so the client does not see the record. Well, that's bad but not yet ugly.
Consider however that the second client hits the machine which has the record, displays it in a list, then refreshes the list and this time hits the distant machine and again does not see the record. That's very weird behavior to observe, isn't it? It might even get worse: the client successfully requests the record, starts some editing on it, then tries to store the updates to DB and this time hits the distant machine which says "I know nothing about this record you are trying to update". That's an error which the user will see while doing something completely legitimate.
So what's the common practice to guard against this?
So far, I only see three solutions.
1) Not actually a solution but rather a policy: ignore the problem and instead speed up the cluster hard enough to guarantee that 99.999% of changes will be replicated on the whole cluster in, say, 0.5 secord (it's hard to imagine some user will try to make several consecutive requests to one record in that time; he can of course issue several reading requests, but in that case he'll probably not notice inconsistency between results). And even if sometimes something goes wrong and the user faces the problem, well, we just embrace that. If the loser gets unhappy and writes a complaint to us (which will happen maybe once a week or once an hour), we just apologize and go on.
2) Introduce an affinity between user's session and a specific DB machine. This helps, but needs explicit support from the DB, and also hurts load-balancing, and invites complications when the DB machine goes down and the session needs to be re-bound to another machine (however with proper support from DB I think that's possible; say Elasticsearch can accept routing key, and I believe if the target shard goes down it will just switch the affinity link to another shard - though I am not entirely sure; but even if re-binding happens, the other machine may contain older data :) ).
3) Rely on monotonic consistency, i.e. some method to be sure that the next request from a client will get results no older than the previous one. But, as I understand it, this approach also requires explicit support from DB, like being able so pass some "global version timestamp" to a cluster's balancer, which it will compare with it's latest data on all machines' timestamps to determine which machines can serve the request.
Are there other good options? Or are those three considered good enough to use?
P.S. My specific problem right now is with Elasticsearch; AFAIK there is no support for monotonic reads there, though looks like option #2 may be available.
Apache Ignite has primary partition for a key and backup partitions. Unless you have readFromBackup option set, you will always be reading from primary partition whose contents is expected to be reliable.
If a node goes away, a transaction (or operation) should be either propagated by remaining nodes or rolled back.
Note that Apache Ignite doesn't do Eventual Consistency but instead Strong Consistency. It means that you can observe delays during node loss, but will not observe inconsistent data.
In Cassandra if using at least quorum consistency for both reads and writes you will get monotonic reads. This was not the case pre 1.0 but thats a long time ago. There are some gotchas if using server timestamps but thats not by default so likely wont be an issue if using C* 2.1+.
What can get funny is since C* uses timestamps is things that occur at "same time". Since Cassandra is Last Write Wins the times and clock drift do matter. But concurrent updates to records will always have race conditions so if you require strong read before write guarantees you can use light weight transactions (essentially CAS operations using paxos) to ensure no one else updates between your read to update, these are slow though so I would avoid it unless critical.
In a true distributed system, it does not matter where your record is stored in remote cluster as long as your clients are connected to that remote cluster. In Hazelcast, a record is always stored in a partition and one partition is owned by one of the servers in the cluster. There could be X number of partitions in the cluster (by default 271) and all those partitions are equally distributed across the cluster. So a 3 members cluster will have a partition distribution like 91-90-90.
Now when a client sends a record to store in Hazelcast cluster, it already knows which partition does the record belong to by using consistent hashing algorithm. And with that, it also knows which server is the owner of that partition. Hence, the client sends its operation directly to that server. This approach applies on all client operations - put or get. So in your case, you may have several UI clients connected to the cluster but your record for a particular user is stored on one server in the cluster and all your UI clients will be approaching that server for their operations related to that record.
As for consistency, Hazelcast by default is strongly consistent distributed cache, which implies that all your updates to a particular record happen synchronously, in the same thread and the application waits until it has received acknowledgement from the owner server (and the backup server if backups are enabled) in the cluster.
When you connect a DB layer (this could be one or many different types of DBs running in parallel) to the cluster then Hazelcast cluster returns data even if its not currently present in the cluster by reading it from DB. So you never get a null value. On updating, you configure the cluster to send the updates downstream synchronously or asynchronously.
Ah-ha, after some even more thorough study of ES discussions I found this:
Note how they specifically highlight the "custom value" case, recommending to use it exactly to solve my problem.
So, given that's their official recommendation, we can summarise it like this.
To fight volatile reads, we are supposed to use "preference",
with "custom" or some other approach.
To also get "read your
writes" consistency, we can have all clients use
"preference=_primary", because primary shard is first to get all
writes. This however will probably have worse performance than
"custom" mode due to no distribution. And that's quite similar to what other people here said about Ignite and Hazelcast.
Of course that's a solution specifically for ES. Reverting to my initial question which is a bit more generic, turns out that options #2 and #3 are really considered good enough for many distributed systems, with #3 being possible to achieve with #2 (even without immediate support for #3 by DB).

Queueing mechanism and Elasticsearch 1.4.0

I have a RabbitMQ broker, on which I post different messages that will end up as documents in Elasticsearch. There are multiple consumers from the broker, which are actually different threads in a task executor assigned to an amqp inbound gateway (using spring integration and spring amqp here).
Think at the following scenario: I have created a doc in ES with the structure
"field1" : "value1",
"field2" : "value2"
Afterwards I send two update requests, both updating the same field, let's say field1. If I send this messages one right after another(common use case in production), my consumer threads will fetch the messages in the right order(amqp allows this), but the processing could happen in the wrong order and the later updated value could be overwritten by the first one. I will end up having wring data.
How can I make sure my data won't get corrupted? =>Having 1 single consumer thread is not enough, because if I want to scale out by adding more machines with my consuming app, I will still end up having multiple consumers. I might need ordering of messages, but having multiple machines I will probably need to create some sort of a cluster aware component, I am using SI, so this seems really hard to do in my opinion.
In pre 1.2 versions of ES, we used an external version, like a timestamp, and ES would have thrown VersionConflictException in my scenario:first update would have had version 10000 let's say, the second 10001 and if the first would have been processed first, ES would reject the request with version 10000 as it's lower than the existing one. But from the latest versions, ES guys have removed this functionality for update operations.
One solution might be to use multiple queues and have a single consumer on each queue; use a hash function to always route updates to the same document to the same queue see the RabbitMQ Tutorials for the various options.
You can scale out by adding more queues (and changing your hash function).
For resiliency, consider running your consumers in Spring XD. You can have a single instance of each rabbit source (for each queue) and XD will take care of failing it over to another container node if it goes down.
Otherwise you could roll your own by having a warm standby - inbound adapters configured with auto-startup="false" and have something monitor and use a <control-bus/> to start a new instance if the active one goes down.
In response to the fourth comment below.
As I said above, to scale out, you would have to change the hash function. So adding consumers automatically while running would be tricky.
You don't have to hard-code the queue names in the jar, you can use a property placeholder and fill it from properties, system properties, or an environment variable.
This solution is the simplest but does have these limitations.
You could, however, build a management app that could scale it out - stop the producer, wait for all queues to quiesce, reconfigure the consumers and restart the producer - Spring Integration provides a <control-bus/> to start/stop adapters; you can also do it via JMX.
Alternative solutions are possible but will generally require maintaining some shared state across a cluster (perhaps using zookeeper etc), so are much more complex; and you still have to deal with race conditions (where the second update might arrive at some consumer before the first).
You can use the default mechanism for consistency checks. Basically you want to verify that you have the latest version of whatever you are updating.
So for that you need to fetch the _version with the object. In queries you can do this by setting version=true on the toplevel. That will cause the _version to be returned along with your query results. Then when doing an update, you simply set the version parameter in the url to the value you have and it will generate a version conflict if it doesn't match.
Nicer is to handle updates using closures. Basically this works as follows: have an update method that fetches the object by id, applies a closure (parameter to the update function) that encapsulate the modifications you want to make, and then stores modified object. If you trap the still possible version conflict, you can simply get the object again and re-apply the closure to the object. We do this and added a random sleep before the retry as well, this vastly reduces the chance of multiple updates failing and is a nice design pattern. Keeping the read and write together minimizes the chance of a conflict and then retrying with a sleep before that minimizes it further. You could add multiple retries to further reduce the risk.
