I am doing work on Opengl-es 2.0 in ubuntu 10.10 with pvrsdk .
In my code i am taking the vertices of triangle to render but when i have to use the Attribute parameter in vertex shader . how does it change
I see that in examples they are using myVertex . what is meant by that.
like this:
const char* pszVertShader = "\
attribute highp vec4 myVertex;\
uniform mediump mat4 projmatrix;\
invariant gl_Position;\
void main(void)\
gl_Position = projmatrix * myVertex;\
glBindAttribLocation(uiProgramObject, VERTEX_ARRAY, "myVertex");
So i just wanna know that I am taking vertices from text file will it affect the myVertex attribute.
if you need another information I can provide you and I have already posted my whole code in previous question here
OpenGL 3/OpenGL-ES 2 are abandoned the concept of predefined vertex attributes "position", "normal", "texcoord", …, that are supplied through glVertexPointer, glNormalPointer, glTexCoordPointer, …
Instead in your shaders you introduce custom varyings/in attribute identifiers. Those identifiers are referred to by a so called attribute location, a numeric index. glBindAttribLocation allows one to assign attribute identifiers to specific locations. In the case of above code fragment there seems to exists a global constant VERTEX_ARRAY – introduced by the program code(!), i.e. not predefined by OpenGL or something like that – that is universally used for the myVertex varying/in attribute in the shader.
So that particular vertex attribute can be supplied with data by glVertexAttribPointer through a common token VERTEX_ARRAY in a statement similar to this:
glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 0, isVBO ? (char*)vertex.offset : (char*)vertex.data + vertex.offset);
Of course the exact semantics of the glVertexAttribPointer calls depends on the particular program that does them.
Instead of a (global) constant VERTEX_ARRAY you could as well use a variable shader.attrib.vertex, which you set per shader using
shader.attrib.vertex = glGetAttribLocation(shader.program_object, "myVertex");
and use that variable in the calls to glVertexAttribPointer
glVertexAttribPointer(shader.attrib.vertex, …)
As I'm learning more about WebGL2, I've come across this new syntax within shaders where you set location inside of shaders via: layout (location=0) in vec4 a_Position;. How does this compare to getting the attribute location with the traditional gl.getAttribLocation('a_Position');. I assume it's faster? Any other reasons? Also, is it better to set locations to integers or would you be able to use strings as well?
There are 2 ideas conflated here
Manually assigning locations to attributes
Assigning attribute locations in GLSL vs JavaScript
Why would you want to assign locations?
You don't have to look up the location then since you already know it
You want to make sure 2 or more shader programs use the same locations so that they can use the same attributes. This also means a single vertex array can be used with both shaders. If you don't assign the attribute location then the shaders may use different attributes for the same data. In other words shaderprogram1 might use attribute 3 for position and shaderprogram2 might use attribute 1 for position.
Why would you want to assign locations in GLSL vs doing it in JavaScript?
You can assign a location like this in GLSL ES 3.0 (not GLSL ES 1.0)
layout (location=0) in vec4 a_Position;
You can also assign a location in JavaScript like this
// **BEFORE** calling gl.linkProgram
gl.bindAttribLocation(program, 0, "a_Position");
Off the top of my head it seems like doing it in JavaScript is more DRY (Don't repeat yourself). In fact if you use consistent naming then you can likely set all locations for all shaders by just binding locations for your common names before calling gl.linkProgram. One other minor advantage to doing it in JavaScript is it's compatible with GLSL ES 1.0 and WebGL1.
I have a feeling though it's more common to do it in GLSL. That seems bad to me because if you ever ran into a conflict you might have to edit 10s or 100s of shaders. For example you start with
layout (location=0) in vec4 a_Position;
layout (location=1) in vec2 a_Texcoord;
Later in another shader that doesn't have texcoord but has normals you do this
layout (location=0) in vec4 a_Position;
layout (location=1) in vec3 a_Normal;
Then sometime much later you add a shader that needs all 3
layout (location=0) in vec4 a_Position;
layout (location=1) in vec2 a_Texcoord;
layout (location=2) in vec3 a_Normal;
If you want to be able to use all 3 shaders with the same data you'd have to go edit the first 2 shaders. If you'd used the JavaScript way you wouldn't have to edit any shaders.
Of course another way would be to generate your shaders which is common. You could then either inject the locations
const someShader = `
layout (location=$POSITION_LOC) in vec4 a_Position;
layout (location=$NORMAL_LOC) in vec2 a_Texcoord;
layout (location=$TEXCOORD_LOC) in vec3 a_Normal;
const substitutions = {
const subRE = /\$([A-Z0-9_]+)/ig;
function replaceStuff(subs, str) {
return str.replace(subRE, (match, group0) => {
return subs[group0];
gl.shaderSource(prog, replaceStuff(substitutions, someShader));
or inject preprocessor macros to define them.
const commonHeader = `
#define A_POSITION_LOC 0
#define A_NORMAL_LOC 1
#define A_TEXCOORD_LOC 2
const someShader = `
layout (location=A_POSITION_LOC) in vec4 a_Position;
layout (location=A_NORMAL_LOC) in vec2 a_Texcoord;
layout (location=A_TEXCOORD_LOC) in vec3 a_Normal;
gl.shaderSource(prog, commonHeader + someShader);
Is it faster? Yes but probably not much, not calling gl.getAttribLocation is faster than calling it but you should generally only be calling gl.getAttribLocation at init time so it won't affect rendering speed and you generally only use the locations at init time when setting up vertex arrays.
is it better to set locations to integers or would you be able to use strings as well?
Locations are integers. You're manually choosing which attribute index to use. As above you can use substitutions, shader generation, preprocessor macros, etc... to convert some type of string into an integer but they need to be integers ultimately and they need to be in range of the number of attributes your GPU supports. You can't pick an arbitrary integer like 9127. Only 0 to N - 1 where N is the value returned by gl.getParameter(MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS). Note N will always be >= 16 in WebGL2
The following attribute seems fine:
attribute vec4 coord;
The following attribute complains that an attribute "cannot be bool or int":
attribute int ty;
The following attribute complains of a "syntax error":
attribute uint ty;
These results seem quite arbitrary. I can't find a list of the valid types for vertex shader attributes. What are the rules for whether an attribute type is valid in WebGL?
OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.00 specification, page 36, section 4.3.3: "Attribute":
The attribute qualifier is used to declare variables that are passed to a vertex shader from OpenGL ES on a per-vertex basis. It is an error to declare an attribute variable in any type of shader other than a vertex shader. Attribute variables are read-only as far as the vertex shader is concerned. Values for attribute variables are passed to a vertex shader through the OpenGL ES vertex API or as part of a vertex array. They convey vertex attributes to the vertex shader and are expected to change on every vertex shader run. The attribute qualifier can be used only with the data types float, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, and mat4. Attribute variables cannot be declared as arrays or structures.
What does float4 position [[position]]; do in the following snippet?
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct Vertex
float4 position [[position]];
float4 color;
vertex Vertex vertex_main(device Vertex *vertices [[buffer(0)]], uint vid [[vertex_id]])
return vertices[vid];
I am confused by the [[position]] part and similar usage in the function definition especially.
The Metal Shading Language is documented at https://developer.apple.com/metal/metal-shading-language-specification.pdf
In particular look at "Table 9" on page 68 of that document. There [[position]] is identified as an attribute qualifier for the return type of a Vertex Function. I assume that means that when your vertex shader returns the caller will use the values in that part of the struct to determine the positions of the vertices the shader would like to modify.
I don't have enough reputation to respond to your comment regarding the name of the brackets, but the [[]] brackets are attribute syntax taken from C++11.
Metal is based on C++ and the this is just the syntax of attributes in C++11. See this for more details about the grammar.
In my fragment shader, I have the line
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, destinationTextureCoordinate) * destinationColor;
Where texture is a uniform of type sampler2D. In my code , I always set this to the value '0'.
glUniform1i(_uniformTexture, 0);
Is it possible to skip the call to glUniform1i and just hardcore 0 in the fragment shader? I tried just replacing texture with 0 and it complained about not being a valid type.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve, but here are some thoughts:
sampler2D needs to sample a 2D texture, as the name indicates. It is a special GLSL variable, so the compiler is right to complain about 0 not being a valid type when fed into the first parameter of texture2D.
Unless you are using multiple textures, the second parameter to glUniform1i should always be 0 (default). You can skip this call if you are only using a single texture, but it's good practice to leave it in.
Why do you need a call to texture2D if you just want to pass the value 0? Surely you can just do gl_FragColor = destinationColor. This will color your fragment based on the vertex shader output from gl_Position. I'm not sure why you are implementing a texture if you don't plan on using it (or so it seems).
EDIT: Code to send two textures to the fragment shader correctly.
// Attach Texture 0
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture0);
glUniform1i(_uSampler0, 0);
// Attach Texture 1
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture1);
glUniform1i(_uSampler1, 1);
You need a layout, like this:
#version 420
//#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack: enable Use for GLSL versions before 420.
layout(binding=0) uniform sampler2D diffuseTex;
In that way you are getting a binding to the sampler uniform 0. I think that is what you want. But keep in mind that when you are binding uniforms they got incremental values from zero, so be sure what you want to bind. The idea to bind uniform variables via the glUniform1i() function is to ensure the correctness of your code.
Source: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Sampler#Version_4.20_binding
From section 5.8 of The OpenGL® ES Shading Language (v1.00, r17) [PDF] (emphasis mine):
The assignment operator stores the value of the rvalue-expression into the l-value and returns an r-value with the type and precision of the lvalue-expression. The lvalue-expression and rvalue-expression must have the same type. All desired type-conversions must be specified explicitly via a constructor.
So it sounds like doing something like this would not be legal:
vec3 my_vec3 = vec3(1, 2, 3);
vec4 my_vec4 = my_vec3;
And to make it legal the second line would have to be something like:
vec4 my_vec4 = vec4(my_vec3, 1); // add 4th component
I assumed that glVertexAttribPointer had similar requirements. That is, if you were assigning to a vec4 that the size parameter would have to be equal to 4.
Then I came across the GLES20TriangleRenderer sample for Android. Some relevant snippets:
attribute vec4 aPosition;
maPositionHandle = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(mProgram, "aPosition");
GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(maPositionHandle, 3, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false,
So aPosition is a vec4, but the call to glVertexAttribPointer that's used to set it has a size of 3. Is this code correct, is GLES20TriangleRenderer relying on unspecified behavior, or is there something else I'm missing?
The size of the attribute data passed to the shader does not have to match the size of the attribute in that shader. You can pass 2 values (from glVertexAttribPointer) to an attribute defined as a vec4; the leftover two values are zero, except for the W component which is 1. And similarly, you can pass 4 values to a vec2 attribute; the extra values are discarded.
So you can mix and match vertex attributes with uploaded values all you want.