mod_rewrite issue - mod-rewrite

I have some old files that need to point to new files - the old files are indexed from Google like this: old%20file%20here.pdf - because the last people doing the site left spaces in file names - but in my Rewrites they just aren't matching the old file to send to the new - does anyone know how to ignore the %20 and redirect right?
My rewrite code here:
RewriteRule ^downloads/old%file%20here.pdf$ [R=301,L]
Its working fine for rest of redirects which are pages with normal URLs.

found the answer, this is it
[space]name (so should be \ name) instead of what i was doing which was \%20name
hope this helps any one else!


Multiple URLs for magento store?

Quick question-
Noticed a problem on my Magento 1.7. Consider the site This site has a sub-store that's /magento/gearlocker/. The two should be isolated - if you go to /magento/gearlocker/, you shouldn't interact with the generic store at /magento/ at all.
Here's the problem: the store's base URL is set explicitly to When users navigate to (no www), they get redirected to
My question is this: if a user navigates to the gearlocker site without www, is there a way to set a second store URL to prevent a redirect? Or would it be easier to control that redirect back to /magento/gearlocker/, instead of /magento/? Any thoughts, solutions, or references would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
See my comments above. Thanks #CodeMoose
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule (.*) http://$1 [R=301,L]
If I remember correctly I believe duplicate urls across multiple stores are not possible without one of the urls being auto incremented with a -1 -2 etc. Please try modifying one of the url keys and let me know what happens.

Multiple index files in different folders?

I just figured out that if I have multiple folders in my website such as logout and login I can then have a log out/in page within the folders called index.php
Now when someone goes to it will load up the index.php file in that folder and the url will look nice.
Is there any problem in doing this?
As Candy Pointed out it is better to do this with url rewrite rather heeps of folders and index files. I went and looked it up and you can do a lot of cool things.
for the basics:
Instead of creating many folders which would make the site confusing (for the developer) and having numerous index.php files which would also get confusing if you were editing more than one at a time, you can use the apache mod_rewrite module which lets you transparently (the url in the address bar stays the same) redirect one URL to another. You could use this to clean up messy url's and have /login/ instead of /login/login.php or /user/1335591/ or even /user/'username'/ rather than an ugly url which is hard to remember like the following: /user/user.php?user=1335591
to start first put RewriteEngine on in your .htaccess file to turn it on
redirects are then written in the .htaccess file in sequence
Below is an example:
RewriteRule ^products/([0-9][0-9])$ /products/$1/ [R]
RewriteRule ^products/([0-9][0-9])/$ /productinfo.php?prodID=$1
If the user types in products/12 the first rule will append a trailing slash to it. The second rule will transparently redirect this URL to productinfo.php?prodID=12

Wrong redirection to old site after Magento's duplication

I’ve got this problem: Magento redirection problem after moving
I changed local xml, deleted cache, changed secure and unsecure link, everything… It doesnt’ work. The only difference is that I duplicated my installation on the same server and I changed subdirectory’s name for the second installation. But I tried also on another server and is almost the same, except for the fact that it keeps linking me back to Google, and not to old domain.
I noticed that if, on the other server, I don’t change subdirectory’s name everything works (and I don’t understand why) but I want on the same server 2 identical installation with 2 identical databases. How can I? What’s the problem? How can I avoid this wrong redirect?
Magento relies heavily on caching. I've noticed in the past I've had to clear my browser internet cache before the redirects updated.
Also if you cloned/duplicated the code & database, its likely you will have the old URL's in the rewrite module. Have you tried reloading all the indexes after moving and changing the URL's in the magento configuration?
Worst case you may have to change the URL in the core_config_data table in the database.
There is no reindex required for base_url to be taken in account.
Only cleaning cache is required. Are you sure you did it well ?
What cache system are you using ?
What did you changed in your local.xml for this ?
Are you sure you didn't left old information in a local.bak.xml for example ? Magento reads every xml file in /app/etc
I have encountered this when moving, and it ended up being that my .htaccess file still had an old rewrite rule pointing to the old domain. In case someone else has this issue for which the other suggestions to not apply, look for something like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.localhost\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
and make sure obviously that the matches your domain (the above simply redirects with a 301 permanent redirect rewrite any request that does not begin with to (such as the non-www

Exclude a directory from a rewriterule using ISAPI rewrite 3

Basically I've recently added the below rule in my httpd.conf for ISAPI rewrite on an IIS server to make sure that it always defaults to lower-case file and directory names.
RewriteRule ^(.*[A-Z].*)$ $1 [CL,R=301,L]
This is all fine and dandy for every part of the site except for one directory which we can call /MisbehavingDir, the code in this particular directory is filled with mixed-case filenames and lots of server- and client-side scripting that would have to be rewritten to use all lower-case in order to work properly (with the RewriteRule above it seems to hit a couple of 301s in the wrong places which causes that part of the site to function poorly to say the least).
Since I'm not in the mood for rewriting that part of the site I'd love to find a good way to modify the above regex so that it matches everything except paths starting with MisbehavingDir and since my regex-fu isn't really good enough I figured I'd ask here.
Is there a simple "beautiful" solution to this that anyone wants to share or should I just set aside several days to rewrite the app, then test it and go through that whole dance?
Well, apparently the trick was to add a rewritecond statement that looks something like RewriteCond %{URL} ^(?!/MisbehavingDir/.*$) to make ISAPI rewrite skip the next rule.

Friendly urls not working - modrewrite enabled. what gives?

I'm trying to install SilverStripe and during the installation, it returns an error saying that friendly links aren't working. However mod_rewrite is enabled and AllowOverride is set to All. I'm using CentOS Linux on a dedicated server with Webmin as the cp (yes, I know.. not my choice).
The installer should have set things up as best it can, even if you receive that error message.
This question is a little tricky to answer because the problem could lie in a number of different places, but I've tried to put together a troubleshooting guide below.
Note: Many of the links below have been deliberately broken because Stack Overflow think I might be a spammer. ;-)
Assuming that your site is at http:/, try visiting http:/ - you should see a page with a heading "Environment Builder (formerly db/build)". If that works, then you have no problems with rewrite, and the installer gave you that message in error.
If that gives you a 404, try http:/ - this will visit the same feature, but bypasses mod_rewrite. If that gives you the heading "Environment Builder (formerly db/build)" and the previous URL didn't, then you have a problem with mod_rewrite and not some other problem.
Check the content of your .htaccess file. It should look something like this but may have RewriteBase line.
Try putting some junk text - e.g. 'asdfsahjadsfasdf' - into the .htaccess file and saving. Open your site. Does it give you a 500 error? If not, then your AllowOverride All setting isn't working. Check that you have set it in the right place. Remember - it needs to be in your Apache config file, and not the .htaccess. If you don't have access to the relevant config files you might need to ask your ISP to help you answer this question.
If that doesn't uncover the issue, we'll have to tinker with the rewrite rules to see if we can explore what's going on. Try changing this line:
RewriteRule .* sapphire/main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
To this (it will turn the rewrite rules into redirection rules):
RewriteRule .* sapphire/main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L,R]
Visit http:/ again Did it redirect anywhere? If not, then mod_rewrite isn't working. It should be redirecting to http:/ Is it redirecting somewhere else? For example, has extra junk been inserted into the ?url= parameter? This can sometimes happen if you are running SilverStripe in a subdirectory. In this case, check that the RewriteBase setting is set that subdirectory. Something like RewriteBase /mysubdir.
If you're still unable to get friendly URLs working, then congratulations - you've found a really nasty edge-case! Post the details of what you discovered following the steps above to the SilverStripe IRC channel or Forum on
Step 1. Put some garbage in your .htaccess file and see if the web server gives you an error.
The point here being to find out - assuming the server is running Apache - whether the .htaccess file the SS installer generated is actually being read. If you've still problems, try asking on the SS IRC channel.
