cassandra massive write perfomance problem - performance

I have server with 4 GB RAM and 2x 4 cores CPU. When I start perform massive writes in Cassandra all works fine initially, but after a couple hours with 10K inserts per second database grows up to 25+ GB, and performance go down to 500 insert per seconds!
I find out this because compacting operations is very slow but I don't understand why? I set 8 concurrent compacting threads but Cassandra don't use 8 threads; only 2 cores are loaded.
Appreciate any help.

We've seen similar problems with Cassandra out-the-box, see:
One solution to these sort of performance degradation issues (but by no means the only) is to consider a different storage engine, like Castle, used in the above blog post - its opensource (GPL v2), has much better performance and degrades much more gracefully. The code is here (I've just pushed up a branch for Cassandra 0.8 support):
And instructions on how to get started are here:
(Full disclosure: I work for Acunu, so may be a little biased ;-)


Apache Nifi slow cluster issue

I am using a Apache nifi for one of my clickstream projects to do some ETL.
I am getting traffic around 300 messages per second currently with the following infra:
RAM - 16 GB
Swap - 6 GB
CPU - 16 cores
Disk - 100GB (Persistance not required)
Cluster - 6 nodes
The entire cluster UI has become extremely slow with the following issues
Processors giving back pressure when some failure happens, which consumes lot of threads
Provenance writing becomes very slow
Heartbeat across nodes becomes slow
Cluster Heart beat
I have the following questions on the setup
Is RPG use recommended, as it is a HTTP call, which i using to spread
across all the nodes, as there is an existing issue with EMQTT
process for consumer group.
What is the recommended value of thread count that should be allotted
per core?
What are the guidelines for infrastructure sizing
What are the tuning parameters for a large cluster with high incoming requests and lot of heavy JSON parsing for transformation
A couple of suggestions
Yes RPG usage is recommended, at least from what I've experienced, RPG seems to offer better distribution. Take a look at [3] below
Some processors are CPU intensive then others so there's no clear cut answer for what value can be set for Concurrent Tasks. This is more of trial and error or testing and fine tuning approach that you'd have to master. One suggestion is, if you set too many Concurrent Tasks for a CPU intensive processor, it will have serious impact on the nodes.
Hortonworks have made a detailed guide regarding this. I've provided the link below. [1]
Some best practices and handy guides:

What's a sensible basic OLTP configuration for Postgres?

We're just starting to investigate using Postgres as the backend for our system which will be used with an OLTP-type workload: > 95% (possibly >99%) of the transactions will be inserting 1 row into 4 separate tables, or updating 1 row. Our test machine is running 9.5.6 (using out-of-the-box config options) on a modest cloud-hosted Windows VM with a 4-core i7 processor, with a conventional 7200 RPM disk. This is much, much slower than our targeted production hardware, but useful right now for finding bottlenecks in our basic design.
Our initial tests have been pretty discouraging. Although the insert statements themselves run fairly quickly (combined execution time is around 2ms), the overall transaction time is around 40ms, due to the commit statement taking 38 ms. Furthermore, during a simple 3-minute load test (5000 transactions), we're only seeing about 30 transactions per second, with pgbadger reporting 3 minutes spent in "commit" (38 ms avg.), and the next highest statements being the inserts at 10 (2ms) and 3 (0.6 ms) respectively. During this test, the cpu on the postgres instance is pegged at 100%
The fact that the time spent in commit is equal to the elapsed time of the test tells me the that not only is commit serialized (unsurprising, given the relatively slow disk on this system), but that it is consuming a cpu during that duration, which surprises me. I would have assumed before the fact that if we were i/o bound, we would be seeing very low cpu usage, not high usage.
In doing a bit of reading, it would appear that using Asynchronous Commits would solve a lot of these issues, but with the caveat of data loss on crashes/immediate shutdown. Similarly, grouping transactions together into a single begin/commit block, or using multi-row insert syntax improves throughput as well.
All of these options are possible for us to employ, but in a traditional OLTP application, none of them would be (you need to have fast, atomic, synchronous transactions). 35 transactions per second on a 4-core box would have unacceptable 20 years ago on other RDBMs running on much slower hardware than this test machine, which makes me think that we're doing this wrong, as I'm sure Postgres is capable of handling much higher workloads.
I've looked around but can't find some common-sense config options that would serve as starting points for tuning a Postgres instance. Any suggestions?
If COMMIT is your time hog, that probably means:
Your system honors the FlushFileBuffers system call, which is as it should be.
Your I/O is miserably slow.
You can test this by setting fsync = off in postgresql.conf – but don't ever do this on a production system. If that improves performance a lot, you know that your I/O system is very slow when it actually has to write data to disk.
There is nothing that PostgreSQL (or any other reliable database) can improve here without sacrificing data durability.
Although it would be interesting to see some good starting configs for OLTP workloads, we've solved our mystery of the unreasonably high CPU during the commits. Turns out it wasn't Postgres at all, it was Windows Defender constantly scanning the Postgres data files. The team that set up our VM that was hosting the test server didn't understand that we needed a backend configuration as opposed to a user configuration.

Cassandra integration with hadoop for read performance

I am using Apache Cassandra for storing around 100 million records. There is one single node with the following specifications-
RAM-32GB, HDD-2TB, Intel quad core processor.
With cassandra there is a read performance problem. For some queries it takes around 40mins for giving the output. After searching for how to improve the read performance i came to know about the following factors-
Compaction strategy,compression techniques, key cache, increase the heap space, turning off the swap space for cassandra.
After doing these optimizations, the performance remains the same. After seraching, I came around for integrating Hadoop with cassandra.Is it the correct way to do the queries in cassandra or any other factors I am missing here??
It looks like you data model could be improved. 40 minutes is something impossible. I download all data from 6 million records (around 10gb) within few minutes. And think it because I convert data in the process of download and store them. Trivial selects must take milliseconds.
Did you build it on the base of queries that you must do ?

Performance issue for batch insertion into marklogic

I have the requirement to insert 10,000 docs into marklogic in less than 10 seconds.
I tested in one single-node marklogic server in the following way:
use xdmp:spawn to pass the doc insertion task to task server;
use xdmp:document-insert without specify forest explicitly;
the task server has 8 theads to process tasks;
We have enabled CPF.
The performance is very bad: it took 2 minutes to finish the 10,000 doc creation.
I'm sure the performance will be better if I tested it in a cluster environment, but I'm not sure whether it can finish in less than 10 seconds.
Please advise the way of improving the performance.
I would start by gathering more information. What version of MarkLogic is this? What OS is it running on? What's the CPU? RAM? What's the storage subsystem? How many forests are attached to the database?
Then gather OS-level metrics, to see if one of the subsystems is an obvious bottleneck. For now I won't speculate beyond that.
If you need a fast load, I wouldn't use xdmp:spawn for each individual document, nor use CPF. But 2 minutes for 10k docs doesn't necessarily sound slow. On the other hand, I have reached up to 3k/sec, but without range indexes, transforms, whatsoever. And a very fast disk (e.g. ssd)..
Assuming 2 socket server, 128GB-256GB of ram, fast IO (400-800MB/sec sustained)
Appropriate number of forests (12 primary or 6 primary/6 secondary)
More than 8 threads assuming enough cores
CPF off
Turn on perf history, look in metrics, and you will see where the bottleneck is.
SSD is not required - just IO throughput...which multiple spinning disks provide without issue.

memcached limitations

Has anyone experienced memcached limitations in terms of:
of objects in cache store - is there a point where it loses performance?
Amount of allocated memory - what are the basic numbers to work with?
I can give you some metrics for our environment. We run memcached for Win32 on 12 boxes (as cache for a very database heavy ASP.NET web site). These boxes each have their own other responsibilities; we just spread the memcached nodes across all machines with memory to spare. Each node had max 512MB allocated by memcached.
Our nodes have on average 500 - 1000 connections open. A typical node has 60.000 items in cache and handles 1000 requests per second (!). All of this runs fairly stable and requires little maintenance.
We have run into 2 kinds of limitations:
1. CPU use on the client machines. We use .NET serialization to store and retrieve objects in memcached. Works seamless, but CPU use can get very high with our loads. We found that some object can better be first converted to strings (or HTML fragments) and then cached.
2. We have had some problems with memcached boxes running out of TCP/IP connections. Spreading across more boxes helped.
We run memcached 1.2.6 and use the .NET client from
I can't vouch for the accuracy of this claim, but at a linux/developer meetup a few months ago an engineer talked about how his company scaled memcache back to using 2GB chunks, 3-4 per memcache box. They found that throughput was fine, but with very large memcache daemons that they were getting 4% more misses. He said they couldn't figure out why there was a difference but decided to just go with what works.
