Publishing Custom List Items to a Separate Calendar List? - visual-studio-2010

I have built a Custom Sharepoint 2010 List (List A) which forms part of a workflow process. The List has a number of date fields associated with it. There is an entirely different Sharepoint site within the same site collection that has a Calendar List. When an item in List A has a certain date field entered I want an instance of the List to appear in the Calendar List. I am thinking I would add do this in an Event Receiver but I am not entirely sure how I would go about this. Can anyone give me some pointers on this please?

So you just want to create a SPListItem within a calender depending on a field within another SPListItem.
There are different approaches how you could achieve this
You could build a workflow for this scenario
You could write a simple EventHandler
I think worklfow is fine and you could use SharePoint Designer to build it. So you don't have to write any code.


Adding multiple entities to one main form

I am in the process of modifying forms to account for V9 of Dynamics which is being rolled out currently.
Our environment is using Dialogs but these are being deprecated with V9 which means we have to prepare the forms to be used instead of these Dialogs.
Due to how fragmented our solution is the data is all over the place in different entities and can all be written too at different times.
Is it possible to have multiple entities/records on the same form which are all editable? This way I can run rules to hide and show as people edit specific fields.
From what I can identify, there is no "true" way to achieve this. However, if there are entities which are linked via a relationship within the solution, it is possible to add the "Party List" type field to the form and this will act as the link between the two entities. When you go to search for an existing record within the related entity, there is a new button which allows you too create a new record of that entity which directly associated with the form you were working on initially.
We do have editable subgrids. Add the subgrids of related entities & allow users to edit the related records in main record form at one shot.

How can I get userdefined fields on Microsoft Outlook Tasks to be shared exactly as they are on my screen?

I am trying to create a to do list for my team of what all is needing to be done and so that they can assign themselves to each particular task. I am doing all this as a task in microsoft outlook. In order to do this I had to create two additional columns for that were user defined to have them type stuff in. However, when I go to share the to do list with my team the only thing that is showing are the original column fields not the user defined column fields that I created that are editable. How can I get the user definied columns to show up on the peoples tasks list I am sharing this with? Thanks
You need to modify the folder view to show these columns.

OpenERP Report over multiple purchase orders using openoffice / libreoffice

I was able to add a report record for object purchase.order. It shows up when I select and open a specific PO.
How do I print a report over multiple purchase orders, or multiple stock moves, or multiple sales orders etc.?
What do I specify in "object" (model) for the report record and where would this print menu show up?
(I am using aeroo reports engine and I was able to specify a
<for each..> ... </for>
loop but it only prints one record (which is the currently selected PO).
at report template level you have two variables o and objects. the 1st one is present if you have only one item. the second one should be always available and must contains all the selected objects (or the objects that has been filtered trough a custom parser).
TIP: when you have doubt on how to do things... just look at how other modules do.
I. Create your report as it was intended for one object only.
<for each="o in objects"></for> as you define
II. On your OpenERP, go to Settings->Customization->Aeroo Reports->Reports and open the report you've previously created. On the report, click the Advanced tab and enable Process separately then save.
Hope this help to you.

CRM 2011 - How to update Marketing List Member Type options to reflect entity display name changes?

Is there a way of updating the Option Set options for the Marketing List Member Type to reflect an entity display name change? i.e. if the account entity has been renamed to organisation, is there a supported way of reflecting this in the displayed options? I have been able to achieve this using javascript, but wondered if there was a better way of achieving this? At the moment I am unable to change the descriptions of the current options: Account, Contact or Lead.
Simple solution..
Create a Solution in your crm org. Add Marketing list to it.
Export the translations from the solution and when you open the translation excel file you will see all 3 picklist values.
from there you can change the values.
If you have to rename an existing entity, you should also rename its 'messages'.
You will find them in the customization area. Open the entity account. There you will find 'messages'. These are the strings which are used for the entity.
For a complete renaming, you have to replace the term 'account' in these messages.
It's just a normal Option Set on the Marketing List entity called "createdfromcode" which has three options (Account, Contact, Lead) and the underlying values match the entity type codes (1,2,4).
You can't edit this option set directly, but you could set up your own with appropriate values and the labels you want to use, add that option set to the form and use javascript to copy the selected value into the existing field (which you keep on the form but not visible).

Sharepoint Designer 2007 Workflows

In Sharepoint designer 2007, I am creating a workflow where I am trying to use 'collect data from a user' for multiple users. In my document library, I have a list name field. That list name field ties to a list which has between 1-15 users in the associated list. I only need to collect data from user for those users in the list that are not null/empty. I would also like to collect data from the users at the same time (parallel).
It appears you can only use parallel within one workflow step. Within one workflow step, it doesn't appear that you can set multiple conditions/actions.
What I need to do is this:
Condition 1: If variable:reviewer1 is not empty
Action 1: Collect Document Review from variable:reviewer1 (output to ...)
Condition 2: If variable:reviewer2 is not empty
Action 2: Collect Document Review from variable:reviewer2 (output to...)
Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?
It'll be tedious, but I'd suggest creating N steps (where N = the number of parallel tasks you want)
Each step will generally do the following:
Check if the current reviewer field is empty (if so, skip to the next step)
Create a new "Task" item in a (task) List
Send an email to the person you assigned the task to
Then you'll need to somehow stop your workflow until all of the tasks have been completed. This part gets a bit trickier, but do some searches on creating a State Machine workflow in SharePoint Designer and you'll be on the right track.
Really though, this sounds like a workflow that's too complex for SPD. Use Visual Studio or some 3rd-party workflow solution if at all possible.
