Maven - <server/> in settings.xml - maven

I use tomcat-maven-plugin to deploy my war to a server. What I have to do is configure it like this in my pom.xml:
But then I obviously want to keep this settings in a different place since I work on my computer but then there's a staging and a live server as well where the settings of the server are different.
So let's use the .m2/settings.xml:
Now change the pom.xml:
But where to put the URL of the server? There's no place for that in the settings.xml under the server tag! Maybe like this?
..and use the ${tomcat.url} property.
But then the question is, why use the server tag in settings.xml at all? Why not use properties for the username and password as well? Or is there a place for the URL as well in the settings URL so I don't have to use properties?

First off let me say, profiles are one of the most powerful features of Maven.
First make a profile in your pom.xml that looks like this:
Then in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file add servers entries like this:
The configure your build plugin like this:
<!-- enable deploying to tomcat -->
This will enabled your tomcat-localhost profile by default and allow you to deploy to it with a simple mvn clean package tomcat:deploy.
To deploy to other targets, set up a new <server/> entry in settings.xml with the appropriate credentials. Add a new profile but leave off the <activation/> stanza and configure it to point to the appropriate details.
Then to use it do mvn clean package tomcat:deploy -P [profile id] where the [profile id] is the new profile.
The reason that credentials is set in the settings.xml is because your username and password should be secret in most cases, and there is no reason to deviate from the standard way of setting up server credentials that people will have to adapt to.

Put settings.xml to
c:/Users/user-name/.m2/settings.xml (for Windows),
~/.m2/settings.xml (for Linux). can be any identifier, but it should be the same in settings.xml and pom.xml.
This works for Maven 3.


How to use server with SAML authentication?

I have server that use saml access
I want to write java application that get dependencies from this server.
I created settings.xml
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
when I tried to run mvn clean install I got error from mvn because the SAML.
The error because it the mvn didn't succeed to download the relevant dependencies.
The error from MVN "no checkssum avaliable", when I tried to open the file that was download I got html error of SAML
Does MVN support SMAL access ?

Hide password in settings.xml in jenkins for profiles

First we had a settings.xml like this:
The username and password are in plain text.
Than we used the credentials plugin inside our global settings.xml so we could hide the username and password of our server.
It's now like this:
It's pointing to the ID test. This works well.
But how can we hide the passwords we have inside our profile section. Between the flyway tags?

Maven FTP Deployment: Unable to create directory

For the past couple of hours, I have been unable to solve this issue. Note that I have tried looking for solutions with no avail.
Anyway, my issue is that I am unable to create a directory with the Maven Wagon plugin. Here is an snip of the error for reference.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project spigotsite:
Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact be.maximvdw:spigotsite:jar:0.0.12-20160523.053812-1 from/to public (ftp://***.***.***.***): Unable to create directory be -> [Help 1]
Snip of pom.xml
Snip of settings.xml
I have verified that I am able to log onto the FTP and create a directory. I gave the FTP user full write permission to the folder as well as tested writing to the folder itself. I seem to be overlooking something and I appreciate if anyone could point out my mistake. Thank you in advance.
It worked for me:
<!-- Enabling the use of FTP -->
<url>ftp://...myhost.../srv/ftp/</url> <!-- repository location -->

How to deploy a maven web application in ftp?

I am building a web project using spring framework and maven. I want to deploy it using ftp.
For this I have included the apache weagon :
and I have also created a file settings.xml
But when I execute mvn deploy I get the following error:
Authentication failed, Password not specified for the repository ftp-repository.
Is this the correct way to deploy an app?
What else should I do to deploy it successfully?
For completeness sake, I have had this issue when i tried to connect to an sftp server using the default ftp 'wagon'. When I changed the artefactId to wagon-ssh (also see this link) the messages started to make more sense.
In other words; the error message is not very helpful in this particiular case.

Using profiles in maven

I have added below profile to my pom.xml :
I have added to settings.xml :
To add the project to the Nexus repo I use mvn deploy
Do I need to use a profile in this case ?
If I want to deploy to nexusid2 does this mean I need to add a new server entry to settings.xml even if the username/password for nexusid1 & nexusid2 are the same ?
According to this page, there is a -DaltDeploymentRepository argument for mvn:deploy. But imho, profiles would be the more elegant solution here, cause you don't need to remember the server id but the profile name.
And yes, you need to add a new server to the settings.xml, even if username and password are equal.
Note besides: Password encryption for server management
