Visual FoxPro driver for 64 bit Windows 7 - windows-7

I've installed Visual FoxPro driver from this link on my 64 Bit Windows 7 Home Premium OS and tried to register vfpoledb.dll using REGSVR32. I could able to register this dll but when run my application which accesses VFP database is throwing the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The 'VFPOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine.
The same application is working fine in 32 bit Windows 7 Home Premium OS without any issues. I have googled for 64 bit VFP driver and found out that there are no VFP drivers for 64 bit OS from this link. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

I have found out that there is no 64 bit VFP Driver for 64 bit OS. All we have to do is to change the build option in project properties and set the Platform Target to X86 instead of Any CPU. Build the application for X86. Please refer to this for more details.

It's a bit late, but may help somebody else:) You can use Advantage OLE DB Provider for Windows 64-bit, which works like VFPOLEDB. Example in python:
conn = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
dsn = 'Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source=%s; ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER; TableType=ADS_VFP;' % folder
cmd.CommandText = 'ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN area NOT NULL'

A blog post by Eric Selje, of Salty Dog Solutions, describes how to run the 32-bit drivers on 64-bit Windows. (You must set them up in the 32-bit ODBC Administrator.)
Visual FoxPro, a 32-bit application, runs just fine on 64-bit machines.
Visual FoxPro cannot use 64-bit ODBC drivers however.
You can use 32-bit ODBC drivers on 64-bit Windows, but you must set them up in the 32-bit ODBC Administrator. This is not the one that’s
going to come up if you go through Control Panel. To invoke it, run
C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe and add your DSNs there.
Do not just Start, Run, ODBCAd32.exe, as it will not bring up the right one.
The 32-bit drivers for SQL Server come with Windows 7 x64, so you don’t have to download them.


Setting up snowflake odbc on windows arm?

I am trying to use odbc snowflake to pull excel queries in windows arm. The only office (excel) that I can download is 32 bit. When I download the 32 bit snowflake odbc driver odbc 32 manager will not see it. I also noticed that when I open the 32 bit odbc manager it says 64 bit on the top. Naturally I tried downloading the 64 bit snowflake driver I can see it in the odbc manager but it won’t work. Anyone successfully set up odbc in windows arm?
It definitely sounds like you are in the 64-bit Windows driver manager as least from the observations you noted. I don't know ARM at all, but does the OS have a 32-bit Windows driver manager? Here is my location for it by default in Windows 10:

Including sql server compact in desktop install for win 7 32bit and 64bit

I have a desktop app created in vs10 and am using clickonce install. I must include a database with critical info for the program as part of the install. I am compiling for all versions of windows (32 and 64). But as I understand it, if I include the 32 bit sqlce as part of the installation, it will not work on 64 bit installs. Must I include a 32 bit and 64 bit version of the db and test for windows version before accessing the data? Or is there a simpler solution that I am missing?
You can just include all the required files as content with your app, and it will run for any user and on both x86 and x64 platforms. Just follow the instructions here:

Using Oracle DB from C#-VS2005

Oracle installed on the server is Enterprise Edition 64bit (10g).
ODAC is showing version as is on a Windows 2008 x64 machine.
Error I run into when I run my app in my test environment in above machine is
The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception.
I tried using .Net Oracle namespace and I get this using a version from
Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed.
Anyone run into such an issue?
Also what is the right Oracle Client/ODAC to use on Windows 2008 x64 machine? Anyonen have a link?
You seem to have installed the 32 bits Oracle client, or you must have a 32 dll masking your 64bits client. You need to install the 64bits client so that 64 bits dll can be accessed by your app. Look for an oci*.dll in your path.
Also look into the registry under hklm\software\oracle to see how many 'homes' you have.
Finally if you have toad on that client look at the home selector in the connection dialog box. It will show incomplete or inoperative homes in red.

Virtual PC (Program Developed on XP Runs on W7 Problem)

I have a developed a C++ application using 32 bit and it create a executable file. This project has uses some external library like window socket 32bit, Qt GUI and boost library. The dll is located at same directory with the executable.
I wonder how can i run this application on window 7.
MY window 7 version is Home Premium 64 bit. Therefore, i cannot install the XP mode from Virtual PC but some one them reported that using Sun virtual box is functional.
I have try to troubleshoot the executable file using program compatibility but the problem doesn't solve.
Any program that can check external dependencies and identified the issues of running my program on window 7 ?
Please help.
64 bit editions of windows can run 32 bit applications fine. You just need to install the 32 bit versions of the needed libraries and it will work.

System.Data.OracleClient on Windows 7 64

I'm trying to access an Oracle Database from a program I'm writing on Windows 7 64bit. Whenever it initializes the client, i get a BadImageFormatException complaining that I'm trying to use a 32bit client in a 64bit environment. I've tried to compile the program in any way (Any CPU, 32, 64 bit), but it did not solve the problem. Any help?
I would guess that the error message is correct. You have a 32 bit Oracle DLL that you use from a 64 process. The Oracle DLL probably does some interop's with native code, that may require it to be processor specific.
There are several ways to solve this.
Option 1: Get the 64 bit Oracle DLLs.
Option 2: Make sure that your process is 32 bit.
.NET exe files marked for AnyCPU will start a 64 bit process on a 64 bit operating system. But if you mark your EXE file for x86 then it should work. For Web applications you have to set a 32 bit flag somewhere in IIS.
You need to configure your Project to target the .NET 4 Framework, by going to Project-Designer -> Target Framework.
Then you need to delete the old Oracle dll, and use the new 64-Bit-Version of the Oracle dll that is included in the .NET 4 Framework.
