Limitation of Mathematica optimization module - wolfram-mathematica

I have a question regarding Mathematica's global optimization capability. I came across this text related to the NAG toolbox (kind of white paper).
Now I tried to solve the test case from the paper. As expected Mathematica was pretty fast in solving it.
fun[x_,y_]:=10 n+(x-2)^2-10Cos[2 Pi(x-2)]+(y-2)^2-10 Cos[2 Pi(y-2)];
NMinimize[{fun[x,y],-5<= x<= 5&&-5<= y<= 5},{x,y},Method->{"RandomSearch","SearchPoints"->13}]//AbsoluteTiming
Output was
One can see the points visited by the optimization routine.
{sol, pts}=Reap[NMinimize[{fun[x,y],-5<= x<= 5&&-5<= y<= 5},{x,y},Method->`{"RandomSearch","SearchPoints"->13},EvaluationMonitor:>Sow[{x,y}]]];Show[ContourPlot[fun[x,y],{x,-5.5,5.5},{y,-5.5,5.5},ColorFunction->"TemperatureMap",Contours->Function[{min,max},Range[min,max,5]],ContourLines->True,PlotRange-> All],ListPlot[pts,Frame-> True,Axes-> False,PlotRange-> All,PlotStyle-> Directive[Red,Opacity[.5],PointSize[Large]]],Graphics[Map[{Black,Opacity[.7],Arrowheads[.026],Arrow[#]}&,Partition[pts//First,2,1]],PlotRange-> {{-5.5,5.5},{-5.5,5.5}}]]`
Now I thought of solving the same problem on higher dimension. For problems of five variables mathematica started to fall in the traps of local minimum even when large number of search points are allowed.
i=Table[ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]],{j,1,n}];symval=10 n+Sum[(i[[k]]-2)^2-10Cos[2Pi(i[[k]]-2)],{k,1,n}];rule=MapThread[(#1-> #2)&,{i,x}];symval/.rule]val=Table[RandomReal[{-5,5}],{i,1,n}];vars=Table[ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]],{j,1,n}];cons=Table[-5<=ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]]<= 5,{j,1,n}]/.List-> And;NMinimize[{funList[vars],cons},vars,Method->{"RandomSearch","SearchPoints"->4013}]//AbsoluteTiming
Output was not what we wold have liked to see. Took 49 sec in my core2duo machine and still it is a local minimum.
Then tried SimulatedAnealing with 100000 iterations.
Output was still not agreeable.
Now Mathematica has an exact optimization algorithm called Minimize. Which as expected must fail on practicality but it fails very fast as the problem size increases.
n=3;funList[x_?ListQ]:=Block[{i,symval,rule},i=Table[ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]],{j,1,n}];symval=10 n+Sum[(i[[k]]-2)^2-10Cos[2 Pi(i[[k]]-2)],{k,1,n}];rule=MapThread[(#1-> #2)&,{i,x}];symval/.rule]val=Table[RandomReal[{-5,5}],{i,1,n}];vars=Table[ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]],{j,1,n}];cons=Table[-5<=ToExpression["x$"<>ToString[j]]<= 5,{j,1,n}]/.List-> And;Minimize[{funList[vars],cons},vars]//AbsoluteTiming
output is perfectly all right.
But if one changes the problem size one step further with n=4 you see the result. Solution does not appear for long time in my notebook.
Now the question simple does anybody here think there is a way to numerically solve this problem efficiently in Mathematica for higher dimensional cases? Lets share our ideas and experience. However one should remember that it is a benchmark nonlinear global optimization problem. Most numerical root-finding/minimization algorithms usually searches the local minimum.

Increasing initial points allows me to get to the global minimum:
n = 5;
funList[x_?ListQ] := Total[10 + (x - 2)^2 - 10 Cos[2 Pi (x - 2)]]
val = Table[RandomReal[{-5, 5}], {i, 1, n}];
vars = Array[Symbol["x$" <> ToString[#]] &, n];
cons = Apply[And, Thread[-5 <= vars <= 5]];
These are the calls. The timing may not be too efficient though, but with randomized algorithms, one has to have enough initial samples, or a good feel for the function.
In[27]:= NMinimize[{funList[vars], cons}, vars,
Method -> {"DifferentialEvolution",
"SearchPoints" -> 5^5}] // AbsoluteTiming
Out[27]= {177.7857768, {0., {x$1 -> 2., x$2 -> 2., x$3 -> 2.,
x$4 -> 2., x$5 -> 2.}}}
In[29]:= NMinimize[{funList[vars], cons}, vars,
Method -> {"RandomSearch", "SearchPoints" -> 7^5}] // AbsoluteTiming
Out[29]= {609.3419281, {0., {x$1 -> 2., x$2 -> 2., x$3 -> 2.,
x$4 -> 2., x$5 -> 2.}}}

Have you seen this page of the documentation? It goes over the methods supported by NMinimize, with examples for each. One of the SimulatedAnnealing examples is Rastgrin's function (or one very similar), and the docs suggest that you need to increase the perturbation size to get good results.


Plotting a random walk using Mathematica

This is my first time posting here. I would really appreciate some help with a question from my mathematica study guide. My question is:
Suppose that a drunk randomly steps either forward, backward, left, or right one unit many times. Create a list of coordinates {{x,y}..} representing his path and then display that path as a set of line segments for each step. [Hint: use NestList to create a list of coordinates, Partition to form a list of segments, map Line onto the segment list, and Show[Graphics[list]] to display the path.]
I have managed to successfully create the function:
Clear[x, n]
Randomwalk[n_] :=
NestList[(# + (-1)^Table[Random[Integer, {0, 1}], {2}]) &, Table[0, {2}], n];
I, however, need help with the second part, where I need to graph it. MY attempt at the second part is as follows:
and although it gives me a graph, it does not seem to be correct. I would really appreciate some help with this.
You could try the following function
where n is the number of steps to take. Plotting works as you wrote
However, plotting with colour shows how the walk progressed, as in
Graphics[MapIndexed[{Hue[#2[[1]]/(n + 10)], Line[#]} &,
Partition[RandomWalk[n], 2, 1]]]]
Instead of using [[RandomInteger[{1,4},n]]] to pick out the directions, you could use RandomChoice which is designed expressly for this type of operation:
RandomWalk[n_] := Accumulate[RandomChoice[{{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}}, n]]
This gives about the same (maybe slightly faster) speed as the approach using Part and RandomInteger. But if you are working with large walks (n > 10^6, say), then you might want to squeeze some speed out by forcing the list of directions to be a packed array:
NSEWPacked = Developer`ToPackedArray[{{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}}]
Then use the packed array:
RandomWalkPacked[n_] := Accumulate[RandomChoice[NSEWPacked, n]]
You should see about an order of magnitude speedup with this:
For details on packed arrays, see Developer/ref/ToPackedArray or chapter 12 on optimizing Mathematica programs in Programming with Mathematica: An Introduction.

On PackedArray, looking for advice for using them

I have not used PackedArray before, but just started looking at using them from reading some discussion on them here today.
What I have is lots of large size 1D and 2D matrices of all reals, and no symbolic (it is a finite difference PDE solver), and so I thought that I should take advantage of using PackedArray.
I have an initialization function where I allocate all the data/grids needed. So I went and used ToPackedArray on them. It seems a bit faster, but I need to do more performance testing to better compare speed before and after and also compare RAM usage.
But while I was looking at this, I noticed that some operations in M automatically return lists in PackedArray already, and some do not.
For example, this does not return packed array
a = Table[RandomReal[], {5}, {5}];
But this does
a = RandomReal[1, {5, 5}];
and this does
a = Table[0, {5}, {5}];
b = ListConvolve[ {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 4, 1}, {0, 1, 1}}, a, 1];
and also matrix multiplication does return result in packed array
a = Table[0, {5}, {5}];
b = a.a;
But element wise multiplication does not
b = a*a;
My question : Is there a list somewhere which documents which M commands return PackedArray vs. not? (assuming data meets the requirements, such as Real, not mixed, no symbolic, etc..)
Also, a minor question, do you think it will be better to check first if a list/matrix created is already packed before calling calling ToPackedArray on it? I would think calling ToPackedArray on list already packed will not cost anything, as the call will return right away.
update (1)
Just wanted to mention, that just found that PackedArray symbols not allowed in a demo CDF as I got an error uploading one with one. So, had to remove all my packing code out. Since I mainly write demos, now this topic is just of an academic interest for me. But wanted to thank everyone for time and good answers.
There isn't a comprehensive list. To point out a few things:
Basic operations with packed arrays will tend to remain packed:
In[66]:= a = RandomReal[1, {5, 5}];
In[67]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ /# {a, a.a, a*a}
Out[67]= {True, True, True}
Note above that that my version (8.0.4) doesn't unpack for element-wise multiplication.
Whether a Table will result in a packed array depends on the number of elements:
In[71]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ[Table[RandomReal[], {24}, {10}]]
Out[71]= False
In[72]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ[Table[RandomReal[], {24}, {11}]]
Out[72]= True
In[73]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ[Table[RandomReal[], {25}, {10}]]
Out[73]= True
On["Packing"] will turn on messages to let you know when things unpack:
In[77]:= On["Packing"]
In[78]:= a = RandomReal[1, 10];
In[79]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ[a]
Out[79]= True
In[80]:= a[[1]] = 0 (* force unpacking due to type mismatch *)
Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack1: Unpacking array with dimensions {10}. >>
Out[80]= 0
Operations that do per-element inspection will usually unpack the array,
In[81]:= a = RandomReal[1, 10];
In[82]:= Position[a, Max[a]]
Developer`FromPackedArray::unpack: Unpacking array in call to Position. >>
Out[82]= {{4}}
There penalty for calling ToPackedArray on an already packed list is small enough that I wouldn't worry about it too much:
In[90]:= a = RandomReal[1, 10^7];
In[91]:= Timing[Do[Identity[a], {10^5}];]
Out[91]= {0.028089, Null}
In[92]:= Timing[Do[Developer`ToPackedArray[a], {10^5}];]
Out[92]= {0.043788, Null}
The frontend prefers packed to unpacked arrays, which can show up when dealing with Dynamic and Manipulate:
In[97]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ[{1}]
Out[97]= False
In[98]:= Dynamic[Developer`PackedArrayQ[{1}]]
Out[98]= True
When looking into performance, focus on cases where large lists are getting unpacked, rather than the small ones. Unless the small ones are in big loops.
This is just an addendum to Brett's answer:
will give you the lengths being used for which a function will return a packed array. So if you did need to pack a small list, as an alternative to using Developer`ToPackedArray you could temporarily set a smaller number for one of the compile options. e.g.
SetSystemOptions["CompileOptions" -> {"TableCompileLength" -> 20}]
Note also some difference between functions which to me at least doesn't seem intuitive so I generally have to test these kind of things whenever I use them rather than instinctively knowing what will work best:
f = # + 1 &;
g[x_] := x + 1;
data = RandomReal[1, 10^6];
Timing[Developer`PackedArrayQ[f /# data]]
{0.131565, True}
Timing[Developer`PackedArrayQ[g /# data]]
Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack1: Unpacking array with dimensions {1000000}.
{1.95083, False}
Another addition to Brett's answer: If a list is a packed array then a ToPackedArray is very fast since this checked quite early. Also you might find this valuable:
In general for numerics stuff look for talks from Rob Knapp and/or Mark Sofroniou.
When I develop numerics codes, I write the function and then use On["Packing"] to make sure that everything is packed that needs to be packed.
Concerning Mike's answer, the threshold has been introduced since for small stuff there is overhead. Where the threshold is is hardware dependent. It might be an idea to write a function that sets these threshold based on measurements done on the computer.

Algorithm for picking pattern free downvalues from a sparse definition list

I have the following problem.
I am developing a stochastic simulator which samples configurations of the system at random and stores the statistics of how many times each configuration has been visited at certain time instances. Roughly the code works like this
f[_Integer][{_Integer..}] :=0
someplace later in the code, e.g.,
index = get index;
c = get random configuration (i.e. a tuple of integers, say a pair {n1, n2});
f[index][c] = f[index][c] + 1;
which tags that configuration c has occurred once more in the simulation at time instance index.
Once the code has finished there is a list of definitions for f that looks something like this (I typed it by hand just to emphasize the most important parts)
f[1][{1, 2}] = 112
f[1][{3, 4}] = 114
f[2][{1, 6}] = 216
f[2][{2, 7}] = 227
f[index][someconfiguration] = some value
f[_Integer][{_Integer..}] :=0
Please note that pattern free definitions that come first can be rather sparse. Also one cannot know which values and configurations will be picked.
The problem is to efficiently extract down values for a desired index, for example issue something like
result = ExtractConfigurationsAndOccurences[f, 2]
which should give a list with the structure
result = {list1, list2}
list1 = {{1, 6}, {2, 7}} (* the list of configurations that occurred during the simulation*)
list2 = {216, 227} (* how many times each of them occurred *)
The problem is that ExtractConfigurationsAndOccurences should be very fast. The only solution I could come up with was to use SubValues[f] (which gives the full list) and filter it with Cases statement. I realize that this procedure should be avoided at any cost since there will be exponentially many configurations (definitions) to test, which slows down the code considerably.
Is there a natural way in Mathematica to do this in a fast way?
I was hoping that Mathematica would see f[2] as a single head with many down values but using DownValues[f[2]] gives nothing. Also using SubValues[f[2]] results in an error.
This is a complete rewrite of my previous answer. It turns out that in my previous attempts, I overlooked a much simpler method based on a combination of packed arrays and sparse arrays, that is much faster and more memory - efficient than all previous methods (at least in the range of sample sizes where I tested it), while only minimally changing the original SubValues - based approach. Since the question was asked about the most efficient method, I will remove the other ones from the answer (given that they are quite a bit more complex and take a lot of space. Those who would like to see them can inspect past revisions of this answer).
The original SubValues - based approach
We start by introducing a function to generate the test samples of configurations for us. Here it is:
generateConfigurations[maxIndex_Integer, maxConfX_Integer, maxConfY_Integer,
nconfs_Integer] :=
RandomInteger[{1, maxIndex}, nconfs],
RandomInteger[{1, maxConfX}, nconfs],
RandomInteger[{1, maxConfY}, nconfs]
We can generate a small sample to illustrate:
In[3]:= sample = generateConfigurations[2,2,2,10]
Out[3]= {{2,{2,1}},{2,{1,1}},{1,{2,1}},{1,{1,2}},{1,{1,2}},
We have here only 2 indices, and configurations where both "x" and "y" numbers vary from 1 to 2 only - 10 such configurations.
The following function will help us imitate the accumulation of frequencies for configurations, as we increment SubValues-based counters for repeatedly occurring ones:
testAccumulate[ff_Symbol, data_] :=
ff[_][_] = 0;
ff[#1][#2]++ & ## elem;
, {elem, data}]];
The doSomeStuff and doSomeMoreStaff symbols are here to represent some code that might preclude or follow the counting code. The data parameter is supposed to be a list of the form produced by generateConfigurations. For example:
Out[7]= {HoldPattern[ff[1][{1,2}]]:>2,HoldPattern[ff[1][{2,1}]]:>3,
The following function will extract the resulting data (indices, configurations and their frequencies) from the list of SubValues:
getResultingData[f_Symbol] :=
Transpose[{#[[All, 1, 1, 0, 1]], #[[All, 1, 1, 1]], #[[All, 2]]}] &#
Most#SubValues[f, Sort -> False];
For example:
In[10]:= result = getResultingData[ff]
Out[10]= {{2,{2,1},1},{2,{1,1},1},{1,{2,1},3},{1,{1,2},2},{2,{1,2},1},
To finish with the data-processing cycle, here is a straightforward function to extract data for a fixed index, based on Select:
getResultsForFixedIndex[data_, index_] :=
If[# === {}, {}, Transpose[#]] &[
Select[data, First## == index &][[All, {2, 3}]]];
For our test example,
In[13]:= getResultsForFixedIndex[result,1]
Out[13]= {{{2,1},{1,2},{2,2}},{3,2,1}}
This is presumably close to what #zorank tried, in code.
A faster solution based on packed arrays and sparse arrays
As #zorank noted, this becomes slow for larger sample with more indices and configurations. We will now generate a large sample to illustrate that (note! This requires about 4-5 Gb of RAM, so you may want to reduce the number of configurations if this exceeds the available RAM):
largeSample = generateConfigurations[20,500,500,5000000];
Out[15]= {31.89,Null}
We will now extract the full data from the SubValues of ff:
In[16]:= (largeres = getResultingData[ff]); // Timing
Out[16]= {10.844, Null}
This takes some time, but one has to do this only once. But when we start extracting data for a fixed index, we see that it is quite slow:
In[24]:= getResultsForFixedIndex[largeres,10]//Short//Timing
Out[24]= {2.687,{{{196,26},{53,36},{360,43},{104,144},<<157674>>,{31,305},{240,291},
The main idea we will use here to speed it up is to pack individual lists inside the largeres, those for indices, combinations and frequencies. While the full list can not be packed, those parts individually can:
In[18]:= Timing[
subIndicesPacked = Developer`ToPackedArray[largeres[[All,1]]];
subCombsPacked = Developer`ToPackedArray[largeres[[All,2]]];
subFreqsPacked = Developer`ToPackedArray[largeres[[All,3]]];
Out[18]= {1.672,Null}
This also takes some time, but it is a one-time operation again.
The following functions will then be used to extract the results for a fixed index much more efficiently:
extractPositionFromSparseArray[HoldPattern[SparseArray[u___]]] := {u}[[4, 2, 2]]
getCombinationsAndFrequenciesForIndex[packedIndices_, packedCombs_,
packedFreqs_, index_Integer] :=
With[{positions =
SparseArray[1 - Unitize[packedIndices - index]]]},
{Extract[packedCombs, positions],Extract[packedFreqs, positions]}];
Now, we have:
Out[25]= {0.094,{{{196,26},{53,36},{360,43},{104,144},<<157674>>,{31,305},{240,291},
We get a 30 times speed-up w.r.t. the naive Select approach.
Some notes on complexity
Note that the second solution is faster because it uses optimized data structures, but its complexity is the same as that of Select- based one, which is, linear in the length of total list of unique combinations for all indices. Therefore, in theory, the previously - discussed solutions based on nested hash-table etc may be asymptotically better. The problem is, that in practice we will probably hit the memory limitations long before that. For the 10 million configurations sample, the above code was still 2-3 times faster than the fastest solution I posted before.
The following modification:
getCombinationsAndFrequenciesForIndex[packedIndices_, packedCombs_,
packedFreqs_, index_Integer] :=
With[{positions =
SparseArray[Unitize[packedIndices - index], Automatic, 1]]},
{Extract[packedCombs, positions], Extract[packedFreqs, positions]}];
makes the code twice faster still. Moreover, for more sparse indices (say, calling the sample-generation function with parameters like generateConfigurations[2000, 500, 500, 5000000] ), the speed-up with respect to the Select- based function is about 100 times.
I'd probably use SparseArrays here (see update below), but if you insist on using functions and *Values to store and retrieve values an approach would be to have the first part (f[2] etc.) replaced by a symbol you create on the fly like:
Table[Symbol["f" <> IntegerString[i, 10, 3]], {i, 11}]
(* ==> {f001, f002, f003, f004, f005, f006, f007, f008, f009, f010, f011} *)
Symbol["f" <> IntegerString[56, 10, 3]]
(* ==> f056 *)
Symbol["f" <> IntegerString[56, 10, 3]][{3, 4}] = 12;
Symbol["f" <> IntegerString[56, 10, 3]][{23, 18}] = 12;
Symbol["f" <> IntegerString[56, 10, 3]] // Evaluate // DownValues
(* ==> {HoldPattern[f056[{3, 4}]] :> 12, HoldPattern[f056[{23, 18}]] :> 12} *)
f056 // DownValues
(* ==> {HoldPattern[f056[{3, 4}]] :> 12, HoldPattern[f056[{23, 18}]] :> 12} *)
Personally I prefer Leonid's solution, as it's much more elegant but YMMV.
On OP's request, about using SparseArrays:
Large SparseArrays take up a fraction of the size of standard nested lists. We can make f to be a large (100,000 entires) sparse array of sparse arrays:
f = SparseArray[{_} -> 0, 100000];
f // ByteCount
(* ==> 672 *)
(* initialize f with sparse arrays, takes a few seconds with f this large *)
Do[ f[[i]] = SparseArray[{_} -> 0, {100, 110}], {i,100000}] // Timing//First
(* ==> 18.923 *)
(* this takes about 2.5% of the memory that a normal array would take: *)
f // ByteCount
(* ==> 108000040 *)
ConstantArray[0, {100000, 100, 100}] // ByteCount
(* ==> 4000000176 *)
(* counting phase *)
f[[1]][[1, 2]]++;
f[[1]][[1, 2]]++;
f[[1]][[42, 64]]++;
f[[2]][[100, 11]]++;
(* reporting phase *)
f[[1]] // ArrayRules
f[[2]] // ArrayRules
f // ArrayRules
==>{{1, 2} -> 2, {42, 64} -> 1, {_, _} -> 0}
==>{{100, 11} -> 1, {_, _} -> 0}
==>{{1, 1, 2} -> 2, {1, 42, 64} -> 1, {2, 100, 11} -> 1, {_, _, _} -> 0}
As you can see, ArrayRules makes a nice list with contributions and counts. This can be done for each f[i] separately or the whole bunch together (last line).
In some scenarios (depending upon the performance needed to generate the values), the following easy solution using an auxiliary list (f[i,0]) may be useful:
f[_Integer][{_Integer ..}] := 0;
f[_Integer, 0] := Sequence ## {};
r = RandomInteger[1000, 2];
f[h = RandomInteger[100000]][r] = RandomInteger[10];
f[h, 0] = Union[f[h, 0], {r}];
, {i, 10^6}];
ExtractConfigurationsAndOccurences[f_, i_] := {f[i, 0], f[i][#] & /# f[i, 0]};
Timing#ExtractConfigurationsAndOccurences[f, 10]
Out[252]= {4.05231*10^-15, {{{172, 244}, {206, 115}, {277, 861}, {299,
862}, {316, 194}, {361, 164}, {362, 830}, {451, 306}, {614,
769}, {882, 159}}, {5, 2, 1, 5, 4, 10, 4, 4, 1, 8}}}
Many thanks for everyone on the help provided. I've been thinking a lot about everybody's input and I believe that in the simulation setup the following is the optimal solution:
SetAttributes[linkedList, HoldAllComplete];
temporarySymbols = linkedList[];
SetAttributes[bookmarkSymbol, Listable];
With[{old = temporarySymbols}, temporarySymbols= linkedList[old,symbol]];
cs = linkedList[],
(* remember the symbols we generate so we can remove them later *)
getCs[index] := List ## Flatten[cs, Infinity, linkedList];
getCsAndFreqs[index] := {getCs[index],accumulator /# getCs[index]};
With[{oldCs=cs}, cs = linkedList[oldCs, c]];
pattern = Verbatim[RuleDelayed][Verbatim[HoldPattern][HoldPattern[registerConfiguration [_Integer]]],_];
clearSimulationData :=
symbols = List ## Flatten[temporarySymbols, Infinity, linkedList];
(*Print["symbols to purge: ", symbols];*)
ClearAll /# symbols;
temporarySymbols = linkedList[];
It is based on Leonid's solution from one of previous posts, appended with belsairus' suggestion to include extra indexing for configurations that have been processed. Previous approaches are adapted so that configurations can be naturally registered and extracted using the same code more or less. This is hitting two flies at once since bookkeeping and retrieval and strongly interrelated.
This approach will work better in the situation when one wants to add simulation data incrementally (all curves are normally noisy so one has to add runs incrementally to obtain good plots). The sparse array approach will work better when data are generated in one go and then analyzed, but I do not remember being personally in such a situation where I had to do that.
Also, I was rather naive thinking that the data extraction and generation could be treated separately. In this particular case it seems one should have both perspectives in mind. I profoundly apologise for bluntly dismissing any previous suggestions in this direction (there were few implicit ones).
There are some open/minor problems that I do not know how to handle, e.g. when clearing the symbols I cannot clear headers like accumulator$164, I can only clean subvalues associated with it. Have not clue why. Also, if With[{oldCs=cs}, cs = linkedList[oldCs, c]]; is changed into something like cs = linkedList[cs, c]]; configurations are not stored. Have no clue either why the second option does not work. But these minor problems are well defined satellite issues that one can address in the future. By and large the problem seems solved by the generous help from all involved.
Many thanks again for all the help.
p.s. There are some timings, but to understand what is going on I will append the code that is used for benchmarking. In brief, idea is to generate lists of configurations and just Map through them by invoking registerConfiguration. This essentially simulates data generation process. Here is the code used for testing:
fillSimulationData[sampleArg_] :=MapIndexed[registerConfiguration[#2[[1]]][#1]&, sampleArg,{2}];
min = Max[1,Floor[(9/10)maxSamplesPerIndex]];
max = maxSamplesPerIndex;
nsamples = RandomInteger[{min, max}];
generateSample :=
Table[sampleForIndex[index],{index, 1, nindexes}];
measureGetCsTime :=((First # Timing[getCs[#]])& /# Range[1, nindexes]) // Max
measureGetCsAndFreqsTime:=((First # Timing[getCsAndFreqs[#]])& /# Range[1, nindexes]) // Max
reportSampleLength[sampleArg_] := StringForm["Total number of confs = ``, smallest accumulator length ``, largest accumulator length = ``", Sequence## {Total[#],Min[#],Max[#]}& [Length /# sampleArg]]
The first example is relatively modest:
nindexes=100;maxSamplesPerIndex = 1000; ntypes = 2;
largeSample1 = generateSample;
Total number of confs = 94891, smallest accumulator length 900, largest accumulator length = 1000;
First # Timing # fillSimulationData[largeSample1]
gives 1.375 secs which is fast I think.
With[{times = Table[measureGetCsTime, {50}]},
ListPlot[times, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {0, Max[times]}]]
gives times around 0.016 secs, and
With[{times = Table[measureGetCsAndFreqsTime, {50}]},
ListPlot[times, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {0, Max[times]}]]
gives same times. Now the real killer
nindexes = 10; maxSamplesPerIndex = 100000; ntypes = 10;
largeSample3 = generateSample;
largeSample3 // Short
reported as
Total number of confs = 933590, smallest accumulator length 90760, largest accumulator length = 96876
gives generation times of ca 1.969 - 2.016 secs which is unbeliavably fast. I mean this is like going through the gigantic list of ca one million elements and applying a function to each element.
The extraction times for configs and {configs, freqs} are roughly 0.015 and 0.03 secs respectivelly.
To me this is a mind blowing speed I would never expect from Mathematica!

How can I reference a specific point of my function inside NDSolve?

The problem:
I am trying to solve this diffrential equation:
K[x_, x1_] := 1;
NDSolve[{A''[x] == Integrate[K[x, x1] A[x1], {x1, 0, 1}],
A[0] == 0, A'[1] == 1}, A[x], x]
and I'm getting errors (Function::slotn and NDSolve::ndnum)
(it should return a numeric function that is equal to 3/16 x^2 + 5/8 x)
I am looking for a way to solve this differential equation: Is there a way to write it in a better form, such that NDSolve will understand it? Is there another function or package that can help?
Note 1: In my full problem, K[x, x1] is not 1 -- it depends (in a complex way) on x and x1.
Note 2: Naively deriving the two sides of the equation with respect to x won't work, because the integral limits are definite.
My first impression:
It seems that Mathematica doesn't like me referencing a point in A[x] -- the same errors occur when I'm doing this simplified version:
NDSolve[{A''[x] == A[0.5], A[0] == 0, A'[1] == 1}, A[x], x]
(it should return a numeric function that is equal to 2/11 x^2 + 7/11 x)
In this case one can avoid this problem by analytically solving A''[x] == c, and then finding c, but in my first problem it seems to not work -- it only transform the differential equation to an integral one, which (N)DSolve doesn't solve afterwards.
I can suggest a way to reduce your equation to an integral equation, which can be solved numerically by approximating its kernel with a matrix, thereby reducing the integration to matrix multiplication.
First, it is clear that the equation can be integrated twice over x, first from 1 to x, and then from 0 to x, so that:
We can now discretize this equation, putting it on a equidistant grid:
Here, the A[x] becomes a vector, and the integrated kernel iniIntK becomes a matrix, while integration is replaced by a matrix multiplication. The problem is then reduced to a system of linear equations.
The easiest case (that I will consider here) is when the kernel iniIntK can be derived analytically - in this case this method will be quite fast. Here is the function to produce the integrated kernel as a pure function:
computeDoubleIntK[kernelF_] :=
Block[{x, x1},
Integrate[kernelF[y, x1], {y, 1, x}] /. x -> y, {y, 0, x}] /.
{x -> #1, x1 -> #2}]]];
In our case:
In[99]:= K[x_,x1_]:=1;
In[100]:= kernel = computeDoubleIntK[K]
Out[100]= -#1+#1^2/2&
Here is the function to produce the kernel matrix and the r.h,s vector:
computeDiscreteKernelMatrixAndRHS[intkernel_, a0_, aprime1_ ,
delta_, interval : {_, _}] :=
Module[{grid, rhs, matrix},
grid = Range[Sequence ## interval, delta];
rhs = a0 + aprime1*grid; (* constant plus a linear term *)
matrix =
IdentityMatrix[Length[grid]] - delta*Outer[intkernel, grid, grid];
{matrix, rhs}]
To give a very rough idea how this may look like (I use here delta = 1/2):
In[101]:= computeDiscreteKernelMatrixAndRHS[kernel,0,1,1/2,{0,1}]
Out[101]= {{{1,0,0},{3/16,19/16,3/16},{1/4,1/4,5/4}},{0,1/2,1}}
We now need to solve the linear equation, and interpolate the result, which is done by the following function:
computeSolution[intkernel_, a0_, aprime1_ , delta_, interval : {_, _}] :=
With[{grid = Range[Sequence ## interval, delta]},
LinearSolve ##
computeDiscreteKernelMatrixAndRHS[intkernel, a0, aprime1, delta,interval]
Here I will call it with a delta = 0.1:
In[90]:= solA = computeSolution[kernel,0,1,0.1,{0,1}]
Out[90]= InterpolatingFunction[{{0.,1.}},<>]
We now plot the result vs. the exact analytical solution found by #Sasha, as well as the error:
I intentionally chose delta large enough so the errors are visible. If you chose delta say 0.01, the plots will be visually identical. Of course, the price of taking smaller delta is the need to produce and solve larger matrices.
For kernels that can be obtained analytically, the main bottleneck will be in the LinearSolve, but in practice it is pretty fast (for matrices not too large). When kernels can not be integrated analytically, the main bottleneck will be in computing the kernel in many points (matrix creation. The matrix inverse has a larger asymptotic complexity, but this will start play a role for really large matrices - which are not necessary in this approach, since it can be combined with an iterative one - see below). You will typically define:
intK[x_?NumericQ, x1_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[K[y, x1], {y, 1, x}]
intIntK[x_?NumericQ, x1_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[intK[z, x1], {z, 0, x}]
As a way to speed it up in such cases, you can precompute the kernel intK on a grid and then interpolate, and the same for intIntK. This will however introduce additional errors, which you'll have to estimate (account for).
The grid itself needs not be equidistant (I just used it for simplicity), but may (and probably should) be adaptive, and generally non-uniform.
As a final illustration, consider an equation with a non-trivial but symbolically integrable kernel:
In[146]:= sinkern = computeDoubleIntK[50*Sin[Pi/2*(#1-#2)]&]
Out[146]= (100 (2 Sin[1/2 \[Pi] (-#1+#2)]+Sin[(\[Pi] #2)/2]
(-2+\[Pi] #1)))/\[Pi]^2&
In[157]:= solSin = computeSolution[sinkern,0,1,0.01,{0,1}]
Out[157]= InterpolatingFunction[{{0.,1.}},<>]
Here are some checks:
In[163]:= Chop[{solSin[0],solSin'[1]}]
Out[163]= {0,1.}
solSin''[x] - NIntegrate[50*Sin[Pi/2*(#1-#2)]&[x,x1]*solSin[x1],{x1,0,1}];
In[162]:= diff/#Range[0,1,0.1]
Out[162]= {-0.0675775,-0.0654974,-0.0632056,-0.0593575,-0.0540479,-0.0474074,
To conclude, I just want to stress that one has to perform a careful error - estimation analysis for this method, which I did not do.
You can also use this method to get the initial approximate solution, and then iteratively improve it using FixedPoint or other means - in this way you will have a relatively fast convergence and will be able to reach the required precision without the need to construct and solve huge matrices.
This is complementary to Leonid Shifrin's approach. We start with a linear function that interpolates the value and first derivative at the starting point. We use that in the integration with the given kernel function. We can then iterate, using each previous approximation in the integrated kernel that is used to make the next approximation.
I show an example below, using a more complicated kernel than just a constant function. I'll take it through two iterations and show tables of discrepancies.
kernel[x_, y_] := Sqrt[x]/(y^2 + 1/5)*Sin[x^2 + y]
intkern[x_?NumericQ, aa_] :=
NIntegrate[kernel[x, y]*aa[y], {y, 0, 1}, MinRecursion -> 2,
AccuracyGoal -> 3]
a0 = 0;
a1 = 1;
a[0][x_] := a0 + a1*x
soln1 = a[1][x] /.
First[NDSolve[{(a[1]^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x] == intkern[x, a[0], y],
a[1][0] == a0, a[1][1] == a1}, a[1][x], {x, 0, 1}]];
a[1][x_] = soln1;
In[283]:= Table[a[1]''[x] - intkern[x, a[1]], {x, 0., 1, .1}]
Out[283]= {4.336808689942018*10^-19, 0.01145100326794241, \
0.01721655945379122, 0.02313249302884235, 0.02990900241909161, \
0.03778448183557359, 0.04676409320217928, 0.05657128568058478, \
0.06665818935524814, 0.07624149919589895, 0.08412643746245929}
soln2 = a[2][x] /.
First[NDSolve[{(a[2]^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x] == intkern[x, a[1]],
a[2][0] == a0, a[2][1] == a1}, a[2][x], {x, 0, 1}]];
a[2][x_] = soln2;
In[287]:= Table[a[2]''[x] - intkern[x, a[2]], {x, 0., 1, .1}]
Out[287]= {-2.168404344971009*10^-19, -0.001009606971360516, \
-0.00152476679745811, -0.002045817184941901, -0.002645356229312557, \
-0.003343218015068372, -0.004121109614310836, -0.004977453722712966, \
-0.005846840469889258, -0.006731367269472544, -0.007404971586975062}
So we have errors of less than .01 at this stage. Not too bad. One drawback is that it was fairly slow to get the second approximation. There may be ways to tune NDSolve to improve on that.
This is complementary to Leonid's method for two reasons.
(1) If this did not converge well because the initial linear approximation was not sufficiently close to the true result, one might instead begin with an approximation found by a finite differencing scheme. That would be akin to what he did.
(2) He pretty much indicated this himself, as a method that might follow his and produce refinements.
Daniel Lichtblau
The way your equation is currently written A''[x] == const, and than constant is independent of x. Hence the solution always has the form of quadratic polynomial. Your problem then reduces to a solving for indeterminate coefficients:
In[13]:= A[x_] := a2 x^2 + a1 x + a0;
In[14]:= K[x_, x1_] := 1;
In[16]:= Solve[{A''[x] == Integrate[K[x, x1] A[x1], {x1, 0, 1}],
A[0] == 0, A'[1] == 1}, {a2, a1, a0}]
Out[16]= {{a2 -> 3/16, a1 -> 5/8, a0 -> 0}}
In[17]:= A[x] /. First[%]
Out[17]= (5 x)/8 + (3 x^2)/16

Continuous Fourier transform on discrete data using Mathematica?

I have some periodic data, but the amount of data is not a multiple of
the period. How can I Fourier analyze this data? Example:
% Let's create some data for testing:
data = Table[N[753+919*Sin[x/623-125]], {x,1,25000}]
% I now receive this data, but have no idea that it came from the
formula above. I'm trying to reconstruct the formula just from 'data'.
% Looking at the first few non-constant terms of the Fourier series:
ListPlot[Table[Abs[Fourier[data]][[x]], {x,2,20}], PlotJoined->True,
shows an expected spike at 6 (since the number of periods is really
25000/(623*2*Pi) or about 6.38663, though we don't know this).
% Now, how do I get back 6.38663? One way is to "convolve" the data with
arbitrary multiples of Cos[x].
convolve[n_] := Sum[data[[x]]*Cos[n*x], {x,1,25000}]
% And graph the "convolution" near n=6:
Plot[convolve[n],{n,5,7}, PlotRange->All]
we see a spike roughly where expected.
% We try FindMaximum:
but the result is useless and inaccurate:
Machine precision is insufficient to achieve the requested accuracy or
Out[119]= {98.9285, {n -> 5.17881}}
because the function is very wiggly.
% By refining our interval (using visual analysis on the plots), we
finally find an interval where convolve[] doesn't wiggle too much:
Plot[convolve[n],{n,6.2831,6.2833}, PlotRange->All]
and FindMaximum works:
FindMaximum[convolve[n],{n,6.2831,6.2833}] // FortranForm
% However, this process is ugly, requires human intervention, and
computing convolve[] is REALLY slow. Is there a better way to do this?
% Looking at the Fourier series of the data, can I somehow divine the
"true" number of periods is 6.38663? Of course, the actual result
would be 6.283185, since my data fits that better (because I'm only
sampling at a finite number of points).
Based on Mathematica help for the Fourier function / Applications / Frequency Identification:
Checked on version 7
n = 25000;
data = Table[N[753 + 919*Sin[x/623 - 125]], {x, 1, n}];
pdata = data - Total[data]/Length[data];
f = Abs[Fourier[pdata]];
pos = Ordering[-f, 1][[1]]; (*the position of the first Maximal value*)
fr = Abs[Fourier[pdata Exp[2 Pi I (pos - 2) N[Range[0, n - 1]]/n],
FourierParameters -> {0, 2/n}]];
frpos = Ordering[-fr, 1][[1]];
N[(pos - 2 + 2 (frpos - 1)/n)]
returns 6.37072
Look for the period length using autocorrelation to get an estimate:
autocorrelate[data_, d_] :=
Plus ## (Drop[data, d]*Drop[data, -d])/(Length[data] - d)
ListPlot[Table[{d, autocorrelate[data, d]}, {d, 0, 5000, 100}]]
A smart search for the first maximum away from d=0 may be the best estimate you can get form the available data?
(* the data *)
data = Table[N[753+919*Sin[x/623-125]], {x,1,25000}];
(* Find the position of the largest Fourier coefficient, after
removing the last half of the list (which is redundant) and the
constant term; the [[1]] is necessary because Ordering returns a list *)
f2 = Ordering[Abs[Take[Fourier[data], {2,Round[Length[data]/2+1]}]],-1][[1]]
(* Result: 6 *)
(* Directly find the least squares difference between all functions of
the form a+b*Sin[c*n-d], with intelligent starting values *)
sol = FindMinimum[Sum[((a+b*Sin[c*n-d]) - data[[n]])^2, {n,1,Length[data]}],
(* Result (using //InputForm):
The step size in the search has become less than the tolerance prescribed by
the PrecisionGoal option, but the gradient is larger than the tolerance
specified by the AccuracyGoal option. There is a possibility that the method
has stalled at a point that is not a local minimum.
{2.1375902350021628*^-19, {a -> 753., b -> -919., c -> 0.0016051364365971107,
d -> 2.477886509998064}}
(* Create a table of values for the resulting function to compare to 'data' *)
tab = Table[a+b*Sin[c*x-d], {x,1,Length[data]}] /. sol[[2]];
(* The maximal difference is effectively 0 *)
Max[Abs[data-tab]] // InputForm
(* Result: 7.73070496506989*^-12 *)
Although the above doesn't necessarily fully answer my question, I found it
somewhat remarkable.
Earlier, I'd tried using FindFit[] with Method -> NMinimize (which is
supposed to give a better global fit), but that didn't work well,
possibly because you can't give FindFit[] intelligent starting values.
The error I get bugs me but appears to be irrelevant.
