How to manually uninstall a Visual Studio 2010 extension? - visual-studio-2010

So I got prompted to download the latest NuGet Package Manager in VS2010.
All previous updates (including this) has failed with:
VSIXInstaller.SignatureMismatchException: The installed version of 'NuGet Package Manager' is signed, but the update version has an invalid signature. Therefore, Extension Manager cannot install the update.
Which, in itself has been going on for some time now, and they still haven't fixed it (look in Q&A).
Ok, fine, previously I could simply uninstall the NuGet extension and install the latest. However, this time, both the Disable and Uninstall buttons are disabled.
So I can't uninstall and I can't upgrade.
How can I manually remove the NuGet extension from Visual Studio?
What files/folders/reg entries do I have to kill to get rid of NuGet?

To uninstall NuGet, you must first run Visual Studio as Administrator, then you will see the Uninstall option available.
Restart VS, but this time run it as your normal account. When you install NuGet going forward, you should be able to update to future versions without running as Administrator.
I believe this issue occurs due to NuGet being installed with MVC 3. I hope in the future we no longer bundle NuGet with other software.

Maybe this is fixed now. There is a very new release.
When viewing the logs, you might see a mention of a SignatureMismatchException.
To prevent this from occurring, there is a Visual Studio 2010 SP1 hotfix you can install. Alternatively, the workaround is to simply uninstall NuGet and then install it from the VS Extension Gallery. See for more information.

If you want to delete/uninstall Nuget package which is applied to multiple projects in your solutions then go to:
Tools-> Nuget Package Manager -> Manage Nuget Packages for Solution
In the left column where is 'Installed packages' select 'All', so you'll
see a list of installed packages and Manage button across them.
Select Manage button and you'll get a pop out, deselect the checkbox across project name and Ok it
The rest of the work Package Manager will do it for you.


Error while adding NuGet Package

I am getting the following exception while adding NuGet package to project. I am using the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 Pro.
try going to VS settings -> NuGet settings -> clear the NuGet cache, close Visual Studio, and delete all obj and bin folders in solutions .
Error while adding NuGet Package
AFAIK, It seems an issue which needs to be fixed from Xamarin team and someone already reported it:
You can track this thread to get future updates for this issue.
Here are some of the workarounds already mentioned in that thread:
Update the packages with the option -IgnoreDependencies in the Package Manager Console (It works for me):
Update-Package -IgnoreDependencies
Update Visual Studio to latest version and running as Administrator
Some of the files in the packages folder were set to read-only. Try to cleare the read-only flag from all files in the packages folder.
Hope this helps.
I tried a lot of ways to solve this problem. But unfortunately cleaning the cache, project, rebuilding didn't help. The only thing I didn't try is to re-install Visual Studio or Windows.
I've got to launch project in Visual Studio for Mac and update/add all the necessary Nuget packages from there. On the Mac, the process was successful. I know this might not be an option if you don't have device, but it definitely works.

Even with Nuget.exe 4.1.0 - Serilog already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp'

I know there's an answer for this question from 2016 but it's not working today. I have VS2013 with the latest CU installed.
My Nuget package source settings:
I want to install the nu-get package "Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer". First, I ensure nuget is up to date by navigating to the ".nuget" folder of the solution's folder and running "nuget update -self":
Unfortunately, I still get the error when trying to add the package:
If I try to update nuget from the "Extensions and Updates" page of VS then I get a 403 error as shown below:
The 403 does suggest a proxy issue but other packages can be installed to the same dev box ok. I just installed "Apache log4net" from the Manage NuGet Packages window - no problem
Any ideas of a work-around for this please?
This might be related to the fact that you now (with the new NuGet CLI tool version) need to use the new NuGet API.
NuGet feed v3 (VS 2015 and later / NuGet v3.x and above):
NuGet feed v2 (VS 2013 and earlier / NuGet 2.x):
You can check (and edit) your NuGet Package Sources under Tools, Options, NuGet Package Manager, Package Sources.
#Rob Bowman, in response to your comment and looking at the screenshot of your Available package sources, try edit your default to or add a new source and make sure they're both enabled. Maybe that'll do the trick.
Update: maybe manually updating the NuGet Package Manager (since updating it through Extensions and Updates is not working) solves the problem. NuGet Package Manager for Visual Studio 2013.
Going to Visual Studio menu Help, About should display the currently installed version of this extension (and others).
To fix this I had to:
logon to a PC not connected to the corporate proxy
download the latest version of the nuget package manager (VSIX) for VS2013 from
copy the VSIX to my corporate dev VM and install

How to restore NuGet packages for vs2015 project

I just built a new PC, installed my dev tools, connected to TFS and downloaded my project. Now most of my references are broken to EF, jQuery, etc.
The packages folder is missing all the .dlls, if I try to use NuGet restore nothing happens. If I use NuGet manager for Solution there is no "force" reinstall option.
NuGet seems to be more a hindrance than a help.
You can run "Update-Package -reinstall" command from Package Manager Console in VS to force reinstall all the packages.
Package authors often need to reinstall the same version of package
they are developing to test the behavior. The command Install-Package
does not provide ‘-force’ option, that could forcefully reinstall a
package. So, Update-Package -reinstall is added to meet that
I've had that same issue plenty of times when I need to re-download code after getting a new PC. Here's what worked for me:
Download the project from TFS (or in your case SVN).
Delete the "packages" folder
Make sure the "Package Manager Console" is enabled (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console)
Open the solution file.
At the right side of the "Package Manager Console," a "Restore" button should appear. Click on the "Restore" button.
Hope that helps you.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to share the link if I already answered a similar question or just answer again, so I'm doing both. Here's the link to the same answer from a different asker.
If after you complete the above steps you are still getting syntax errors from missing references, right-click on References in the Solution Explorer and then just hit OK. That fixed the problem with the references for me.

NuGet Package Manager not seeing one package as already updated

I want to know how I can debug a NuGet package not properly showing as updated. In my specific case the package for jQuery.Validation is (the only one left) in the "Update" list, but hitting the update button does nothing. Here's the dialog for Managing NuGet Packages for my solution:
Hitting the "Update" button will give an additional popup:
As you can see everything seems slightly grayed out (what does that mean?). Hitting "Ok" just brings me back to the other dialog.
The main problem is that I don't know how to debug this sort of problem. I've tried doing the following:
Opening the Package Manager Console to see if it logs any trouble. No dice.
Checking the jquery.validate.min.js file, which mentions version 1.13.1, which is in fact the one mentioned in the dialog as the newest version.
Checking the packages.config file, which also mentions my solution includes version 1.13.1.
Restarting Visual Studio. No dice.
Remove the package. Re-add the package. No dice (not even after restarting Visual Studio again).
Is this just a bug in the Package Manager or the package? How can I further debug the root cause of this problem?
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, have updated the product as well as all extensions (including the NuGet package manager). The solution was originally based on an MVC 2 template, and has been updated for each major MVC release (currently up to MVC 5). Only this particular package is giving trouble, I've succesfully updated 10+ other packages just before this one.
This can happen if you have an old NuGet package left in the packages directory.
When managing packages for the solution the NuGet dialog will show updates for all packages that are in the packages directory even if they are not installed into any projects. If you manage the packages for the project on its own the NuGet dialog would not show any package updates as being available.
So the workaround is to remove the unwanted NuGet package from the packages directory.

Visual Studio + nuget + TFS: checking in nuget packages?

I'm working on a TFS project with a small team. This project has a bunch of nuget packages installed, but it's for a 4.0 project, and the nuget package manager GUI doesn't even offer the older versions of the packages any longer since their 4.5 equivalents are now being used. In order to allow other team members to compile the project, they need to have the exact versions of the packages. I'd like to check in the entire "packages" folder used by nuget. Is this a good idea? If so, how does one check in the "packages" folder and all its contents since it exists at the solution level? There is no "Include in Solution" option in Visual Studio as there is when you right-click an assembly.
in the past I have also checked in the NuGet packages into version control. With this some problems appeared:
Some packages where not checked into version control when committing from Visual Studio into TFS.
Updating packages became a real problem.
For the first problem I had used the TFS Power Tools. The problem with this solution is that every developer needed to install the Power Tools.
A better solution came up with NuGet 2.7. It introduced package restore. With package restore there's no need to check-in the packages folder. They will be restored during build.
We use an on-prem TFS install with no internet access so we have to check in our package folders or our builds fail. The biggest issue is that VS does not behave consistently when it comes to adding the pending changes for new package files, often times it will ignore the .dll files in the pending changes window, sometimes it adds everything fine.
