Tx NameSpace in spring? - spring

I have seen everywhere using tx namespace in springconfig.xml.Can we use tx1 instead of tx? i mean is it kind of hardcoded when xml is processed during parsing?

Since Spring configuration files are just XML files and the parsing of them happens at the infoset level (where it should happen, of course) you can indeed change the prefix to anything you want with an appropriate xmlns:… declaration. What you can't change is the namespace URI that the arbitrary prefix is bound to; that must be correct.
But I suggest using tx if at all possible: it makes it easier for other people (or yourself in a few months time) to come to your config file and read it quickly. No point in making things deliberately obscure after all, since Spring is complex enough without.

If you want to use a xml namespace prefix, you have to define it. The first element of an spring appliction context file has often this attribute:
This means that all elements having the tx prefix belong to the http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx namespace. If you want to use another prefix you have to change the above attribute:
Now every element starting with tx1: belongs to the mentioned namespace.
This is not specific to spring but belongs to the XML schema definition language (xsd).


Can not get number of xml nodes from document using spring integration

I am attempting to get the count of the //Root/Record elements using spring integrations int-xml:xpath-header-enricher. It comes back zero regardless of the document passed in.
You have to configure your XPath expression like this:
<int-xml:xpath-expression id="countExpression" expression="count(//ns:Ephemeris/ns:Record)"
And have it as a reference from the <int-xml:header> instead.
The problem is that your root element in the XML comes with the xmlns="http://www.sandia.gov/pgmm/Ephemeris", so, there is no other way unless we honor namespaces in your source XML. For this purpose we introduce artificial prefix, even if your source XML does have then. We need that in XPath to properly distinguish elements based on some namespace.
I think default DocumentBuilderFactory just doesn't honor namespaces making your possible XPath expressions much horrible when it comes to several namespaces support.

Constants class or propeties file for declaring url mappings?

Is there any strong reasons to choose one over the other when declaring the mappings for url resources?
I understand that property files can be modified after deployment, and that might be a reason to keep it in properties if you want it to be changed easily, right? But also I think changing them easily could be undesirable. So for those with experience, which do you prefer, and why? I think a constants file might be easier to refactor, like if I wanted to change the name of a resource I would only have to refactor inside the constants class vs if I refactored properties I would have to refactor in the properties file and everywhere that uses the mapping (Im using eclipse and as far as I know it doesnt have property name refactoring like that). Or maybe a third option of neither and declaring them all as literals inside the controllers?
It all depends on your use case. If you need the change URIs without recompilation, property files is the way to go. Otherwise, constants provide type safety and ease of unit testing that SPEL doesn't. If you're not gonna change or reuse them (for example, same URI for GET and POST is very common), I don't see any need for constants at all.

Converting Java DSL to Spring XML equivalent

So this may be a more general question, but I feel it needs to be asked.
Time and time again I come across examples on Camel's documentation pages where I say "that's exactly what I want!... but it's in Java not Spring. How the heck do I convert it properly?"
So my question is: What is the rule of thumb for converting things?
Is there some conversion guide out there?
For example, I wanted to append a \n to the end of each line as the data comes through a socket into a file using the Netty4 component.
I see an example such as .transform().body(append("\n"))
How would I interpret that as Spring, to put in my Spring-based route?
Maybe this is just a thing that a person new to Camel struggles with and once you get the hang of it you can see the obvious answer. But I feel like I can't be the only one who's thinking this about the examples out there.
It seems like a lot of Java -> Spring conversion can be done in a 1 to 1 ratio, but that's not all the time.
Well, the mapping isn't straightforward and there isn't a 1-to-1 mapping available - generally, a Java DSL method invocation will in most cases translate to a tag in Spring XML DSL but the position of that tag is not always the same - in some cases Java DSL method invocation chains translate to tags being placed on the same level, sometimes (e.g. idempotent consumer) the chain translates to child tags of the first invocation.
I guess that the mapping was done this way because XML and Java are two very different languages and making the mapping 1-1 would have crippled the expressiveness of at least one, if not both, DSLs.
My advice would be to always import the XML schema and rely on your IDE's auto-completion and the documentations from the schema itself and Camel's online documentation.
You can run your camel context via mvn camel:run goal and then use a JMX client to connect to that process. There is an mbean in camel which provides a method called dumpRoutesAsXML or similar. Invoking that one will give u the xml equivalent of your context. But keep in mind that it only prints the routes and all stuff out of routes is discarded.
Hope that helps,

How to define templates for Spring Batch jobs?

I'm using Spring Batch 2.1.5. I have many jobs that are very similar between each other and I'm looking for a way to have an smaller XML acting as a job template.
The things that are shared among jobs are readers, processors, writers and one tasklet. Also some of the parameters for each of these beans are the same. For instance they all use the same data source.
I thought about 4 approaches and 3 of them don't work...
1 - Using a postprocessor to add the common beans and attributes as default values is not possible, because the Spring Batch class JobParserJobFactoryBean is not a public class.
2 - To add an XML extension seems to be a wrong thing, because I'm not adding any custom tags to the XML file.
3 - Using a PropertyOverrideConfigurer I can put default values into properties, but I have to define those values for each bean. So I'll have many repeated values and I'll only move the problem to properties.
4 - Using some kind of custom factory bean. These seems to be the only choice, but I don't know exactly how to plug it into the existing code.
Did anybody try to do this? Can somebody give tips or recommend resources on how to do it?
Spring Batch provides the ability to define Abstract Jobs (and steps, etc.) to inherit from. Take a look at the reference manual for more information. Using this you should be able to accomplish exactly what you are looking for.

How do I include two different headers that contain two different classes that have the same name?

I'm making some changes to an old MFC application. The header "stdafx.h" includes another header "mfcextensions.h" which defines a class "CMemDC". In another header I need to include "afxtoolbar.h" so that I can use the class "CMFCToolBar". The problem is, "afxtoolbar.h" will eventually include "memdc.h" which defines a class "CmemDC". The result is that understandably get compile error 2011.
Now I do have control over our existing code which defines "CMemDC" but this is used in a lot of places so I would rather not change it too much.
What is the best strategy for over coming this? I'm guessing that I could somehow use namespaces, or the other alternative is to rename our existing class "CMemDC" but this is more avoiding the problem rather than solving it for good.
Using namespaces is the proper route but you probably also want to look at why CMemDC is declared throughout the whole app. Unless you really need your CMemDC declared everywhere you might be able to get away with removing the include from the stdafx.h and just including in the cpp files that really need it.
C++ namespaces might help you. Put at least one of the CMemDC classes in a suitable namespace, and use their fully qualified names where you want to use each one.
You can avoid using the fully qualified names, and make the namespace usage global in the current scope with
using namespace yournamespacename;
However, this is less explicit (in terms of not being able to directly see which CMemDC are you using at one point in the code) and in case you use both classes in the same scope this won't work.
If you have 2 classes with the same name your best option is to use namespaces. Also you can rename your class as well. But all of that is in your post already. So you have answered question yourself. There is no magic which can help you because you have stuck with the usual problem of the name clashing and namespaces were introduced to resolve this kind of problems.
