CodeIgniter Model Call to Model - codeigniter

Im using CodeIgniter 2.0.2 and I noticed while calling a Model from within a Model, you dont need to load it.
For instance, in a Controller you need to write
But in a Model it can load just like this
Should i avoid writing my code like this, or is this safe?

I would avoid writing my code like this, but for a different reason.
Models are generally loaded from controllers, so it seems strange that you would need one model to call another one. Are you sure that there is not a better way to structure your code, such as having a model base class or using a helper for common functionality?


Loading a model inside a module from API in codeigniter

I have one module Foo in my codeigniter HMVC. Also I have an api controller inside my application/controllers. I want to load a model inside application/module/foo/models from application/controllers/testapi
I have tested it by autoload as
$autoload['model'] = array('foo/Foo_model');
and called from testapi
But its not working
from your controller.
then call model's function like this
save model in application/modules/foo/models/Foo_model.php
CodeIgniter loads all possible models from application/models, I would suggest you modify the path of your models to something like application/models/modules with this you can load your model using
If you do want to retain your folder structure, I suggest you look at the constant paths of CodeIgniter and start modifying them to your will (although this is not really recommended).

is it better to have different controller and different model in MVC

I'm new at the MVC model. Im still learning on how to use codeigniter framework.
So, i have some questions, is it better to have different controller and different model to perform some functions or is it better to combine all into one controller and one model?
It is all up to you. But consideration seems like having particular controller for one object like User or Article etc. Depending on controller you would like to have appropriate model for manipulating consisting data User_model.php or Article_m.php.
If you have some generic methods and code that you want to pull out from DB from many controllers, you might have something like Generic_m.php.
If you have some other functions related to some area you can make your own library and use those.
For simple functions that don'e belong to any specific set you can create your own helpers.

Basic on Codeigniter controller

I am new in codeigniter framework.I have some question.When we write some controller class then we call constructor.I am loading some library and some helper.I want to know what is the perfect way for loading this helper and library under construct class or under other functions.If i load everything in construct class then what is the disadvantages for it?if i use more controller class for one project then it is good or bad.Like i want to use some controller class for ajax functionalities,some for form submission,some for other sector.My english is not so good.Please help me.
For common libraries and helpers used by all functions of your controller try to load it in constructor or autoload. Except that for specific libraries e.g. payment gateway load inside the function.
How you use or how many controllers you are using depends upon your needs. But I would suggest you to build separate controllers for separate functions. Like admin for admin functions, users for user related functions, and so on. It build a user friendly URL too.
Well! everything depends on your requirements.
If you need any library , model or helper globally you can autoload it autoload.php.
It means the loading will be done on each request.
if you need any library , model or helper throughout your controller methods you can load them in constructor.
It means loading will be done on each method of controller.
if you need any library , model or helper for specific method you can load them in method.
It means loading will be done in method only.
For example let suppose you nees session and database library throughout your application so you can autoload it.
For a specific controller you need priviliges library so load it in constructor.
For email you need to send load email library in function.
These are only examples. You can explore SO to find more.
Loading takes time and performance. Not noticeable time by human standards, but time regardless. In order to cut of some slack to your server in the future, you do it a favor by only loading whatever is it you require for each page/controller method.
Used (almost) always
You can use application/config/autoload.php for things you almost always use. I usually include the helper url here.
Used (almost) always inside specific controller
Load it inside controller __construct. Don't forget to include parent::__construct();.
Used inside specific page
Load it inside method/function.
Used inside specific function
Load it at beginning or inside if-statement in function. You can load it numerous of times, it will only execute first time.

yii writing a resuable code for cascade dropDownMenu

I wrote a three cascade dropDownLists that its listData are generated from the database models.
The lists are generated with an Ajax call to action in the controller based.
I want to reuse this code and to share it with more pages.
I tried to do the following:
Write it as a Custom Widget.
currently i use 'createurl' function that calls a function in the matching controller.
I cant write JavaScript since i want to use the existing db models.
In this case i need to write the action functions in an independent file - so should i write a controller? where should i place it?
Write it as a part of a module - but it seems overkill.
any suggestions, i am sure that there is a right and simple way to do it.
You could create it as a helper. A helper is just a class in the components which has no direct action in the M->C->V action flow but can be used in any controller, model, view, component, module, etc...
I would write a helper method to call it from the controller.
Another suggestion could be to extend CController to your own base controller and have your actual controllers, extend from your custom base controller. That way you can make it easily available in every controller, and then you just set some members that contain the models to use which you set in the actual controller.
If you need more help on this, find me on freenode #yii

CodeIgniter $this->load->vars($array)

CodeIgniter has a method $this->load->vars($array) that is ideally used in the parent Controller to provide global access to system variables directly in the view. For example:
$this->data['username'] = "john";
Then in the view, you can easily access john by echoing $username.
My question is, is it possible to use $this->load->vars($array) from within a Model instead of a Controller? This will allow me to abstract away some details from my Controller, making it cleaner. What changes would I have to make to get this working? Would you recommend it; do you think it breaks MVC?
Also, I'm using Datamapper ORM, so my models actually extend the Datamapper object and not the Model object.
Is it possible to use $this->load->vars($array) from within a Model instead of a Controller?
As mentioned, yes you can do this, you can even load a view from a Model, or even run $this->load->vars() in a view and load yet another view.
This will allow me to abstract away some details from my Controller, making it cleaner.
This is like sweeping the dirt under the rug, it didn't go away - it just went somewhere else where you are bound to deal with it later.
Would you recommend it; do you think it breaks MVC?
It's not going to "break" anything, but it implies that maybe your concept of MVC is somewhat broken. If it has nothing do do with the data layer and everything to do with the view layer, it doesn't belong in the Model. There's a good chance there may be some other stuff that doesn't quite belong there as well...
I'm using Datamapper ORM, so my models actually extend the Datamapper object and not the Model object.
You may need to call get_instance() and assign it to a variable or class property for use in DM models, so you can access the Codeigniter object.
Example: $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->vars();
Return the data from the Model in the simplest, most reusable form possible, and then assign it to the view variables in the Controller. If I'm hunting down the source of some variables in a view file, the last place I'd look for them is in the Model. You may end up revisiting this project in the future, so try to be consistent as much as you can, and stick to the suggested, expected practices.
